Department of Communication Studies
The corporate communication specialization prepares students for careers as communications specialists in business, industry, government, and non-profit organizations in such fields as media relations, investor relations, corporate advertising, and employee communication.
Strategic Communication is also offered at the graduate level.
Requirements of the Major
Program Prerequisites (15 credits)
BUS 2000 (formerly BUS 1011)
Business Fundamentals: The Contemporary Business Landscape
*Student who previously completed BUS 1000 may use this course.
3 credits
Introduction to Information Systems and Technologies
Course Prerequisites: (BUS 1000 , BUS 1011 , or BUS 2000) and MTH 1023 or placement in precalculus or calculus
Note: MTH 1030 may be taken as a co-requisite
3 credits
Fundamentals of Management
3 credits
Marketing Foundations
3 credits
Choose one of the following:
Business Statistics I
3 credits
Statistics for Social Science (formerly STA 2100)
3 credits
3 credits
3 credits
Current Economic Problems
3 credits
Interdisciplinary Core (12 credits)
Business Communication
Business Communication
3 credits
Marketing/Advertising Choose one course:
Advertising and Marketing Communications
3 credits
Marketing Research
(Students must complete STA 2000 as a course prerequisite)
3 credits
Consumer Behavior
3 credits
Management Choose one course:
Management: A Behavioral Approach
3 credits
Management and Society
3 credits
Ethics and Critical Thinking
3 credits
Required Courses (9 credits)
Managerial Communication Within Organizations
3 credits
Communication for Executives
3 credits
Internship in Business and Public Communication
3 credits
Electives (9 credits)
Advocacy Communication
3 credits
Communication Law and Free Speech
3 credits
Introduction to Digital Communication and Culture
3 credits
The Ethics of Image Making: Film, Television, and Digital Media
3 credits
Video Communication and Production
3 credits
Media Analysis and Criticism
3 credits
Studies in Electronic Media
3 credits
Classical Rhetoric
3 credits
American Public Address
3 credits
Rhetorical Theory and Criticism
3 credits
American Television Programming
3 credits
Intercultural Communication
3 credits
3 credits
Argumentation and Debate
3 credits
Elements of Legal Argumentation
3 credits
Interpersonal and Group Communication
3 credits
International Communication
3 credits
Interpersonal Communication
3 credits
Group Communication
3 credits
Gender, Ethnicity, and Race in Communication
3 credits
Virtual Teamwork
3 credits
Organizations in International Development
3 credits
Gender Communication
3 credits
Communication in Intercultural and International Conflicts
3 credits
Memory, Reconciliation, and Peace
3 credits
Nonverbal Communication
3 credits
Facework Communication: Impression Management
3 credits
Intercultural Training, Coaching, and Consulting
3 credits
Contemporary Issues in Digital Media
3 credits
Markets, Media, and Meaning
3 credits
Platforms, Power, and Publics
3 credits
Rhetoric of Science
3 credits
Visual Rhetoric
3 credits
Communication and Migration
3 credits
Principles of Public Relations
3 credits
Corporate Communication
3 credits
Public Relations Writing
3 credits
Public Relations Campaigns
3 credits
Advanced Video Communication and Production
Note: This is a non-liberal arts course
3 credits
Contemporary Issues in Intercultural Communication
3 credits
Selected Topics
Topics in Communication Studies
3 credits
Conflict Resolution
3 credits
International Business and Organizational Communication
3 credits
Language and Social Interaction
3 credits
Communication Research Strategies
3 credits
Work-Life Communication
3 credits
Students are expected to complete the major requirements in place at the time they are officially accepted into their programs. Please review the College Bulletin for the relevant academic year.
Interested students should contact the Department of Communication Studies at 646-312-3720.