Department of History
History majors are required to take at least eight history courses (24 credits) numbered 3000 and above. They are encouraged to take courses in at least three of the six different geographical areas of our curriculum; these areas are Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, The United States, and Global, Comparative, or Transnational History. Majors are required to take the Capstone Course (History 4900). Students may take six credits toward their majors in other departments, if the courses are related to their program of study; prior consultation with a history department advisor is required.
Requirements for the Major
Program Prerequisite
Complete one of the following courses:
Themes in American History
3 credits
Themes in Global History to 1500 C.E.
3 credits
Themes in Global History Since 1500 C.E.
3 credits
Modern American History
3 credits
Required Course
Capstone Course: In Search of History
3 credits
Survey of African History ( BLS 3061 )
3 credits
Women in African History ( BLS 3062 )
3 credits
History of the African Diaspora (
BLS 3063 )
3 credits
The History and Archaeology of Ancient Egypt
3 credits
History of African Religions ( REL 3815 )
3 credits
A Survey of Asian History ( AAS 3080 )
3 credits
Women and Gender in the Middle East
3 credits
The Historical Search for the Prophet Mohammed ( REL 3084 )
3 credits
The Islamic Middle East and North Africa: 622-1789
3 credits
The Modern Middle East and North Africa ( POL 3086 )
3 credits
The Israel-Palestine Conflict
3 credits
The Rise of Asia in World Affairs (
AAS 3346 ), (
POL 3346 )
3 credits
Vietnam at War (
AAS 3780 )
3 credits
History of Modern Southeast Asia (
AAS 3781 )
3 credits
History of Chinese Religion (
AAS 3820 ), (
REL 3820 )
3 credits
Ancient India
3 credits
The Making of Modern India (
AAS 3842 ,
POL 3842 )
3 credits
The Heritage of Chinese Civilization (
AAS 3851 )
3 credits
The Emergence of Modern Japan (
AAS 3853 )
3 credits
China in Revolution (
AAS 3854 )
3 credits
Ancient Greece
3 credits
The Ancient World: Rome
3 credits
Europe in the Age of the Renaissance
3 credits
Jesus—A Historical and Critical Approach (
REL 3100 )
3 credits
European Thought in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
3 credits
European Intellectual History in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
3 credits
The Third Republic in France
3 credits
Women in Europe: Ancient to Modern
3 credits
Russia Under the Tsars
3 credits
The Russian Revolution
3 credits
Revolutionary Film: Interwar Europe through Cinema
3 credits
Topics in European History
3 credits
The Holocaust in History and Memory (
JWS 3538 )
3 credits
Latin America and the Caribbean
Afro-Brazilian History (
LACS 3020 )
3 credits
Race, Class, and Gender in Brazil (
LTS 3025 )
3 credits
History of Colonial Latin America (
LACS 3071 ), (
LTS 3071 )
3 credits
History of Modern Latin America
3 credits
History of U.S.-Latin American Relations (
LACS 3073 ), (
LTS 3073 )
3 credits
From Silver to Cocaine: An Economic History of Latin America (
LTS 3074 )
3 credits
History of Caribbean Civilizations
3 credits
The United States
Social Welfare Policy
POL 3005 )
3 credits
Religion and Politics in the United States (
POL 3008 ), (
REL 3008 )
3 credits
Colonial America
3 credits
The Civil War and Reconstruction: 1850-1880
3 credits
The Emergence of Modern America (formerly HIS 2050 Modern America, 1880-1945)
3 credits
American History 1945-Present (formerly HIS 2053 Recent America, 1945 to the Present)
3 credits
The Sixties in America (
BLS 3055 ), (
LTS 3055 )
3 credits
The Civil Rights Movement (
BLS 3056 ), (
LTS 3056 )
3 credits
African American History (
BLS 3060 )
3 credits
American Conservatism: Origins, Development and Contemporary Controversies (
POL 3102 )
3 credits
Asian American History (
AAS 3345 )
3 credits
City and Suburb in Twentieth-Century America
3 credits
History of American Business Enterprise
3 credits
U.S. Economic History
3 credits
History of American Medicine
3 credits
Science and Technology in American Life
3 credits
American Intellectual History
3 credits
Topics in American History
3 credits
American Urban History
3 credits
The Immigrant in American History
3 credits
History of the People of the City of New York
3 credits
The Great Depression, 1929-1940
3 credits
History of the Jewish People in America
3 credits
HIS 3570
LGBTQ+ U.S. History (BLS 3570), (LTS 3570), (WSM 3570)
Women in America
3 credits
Global, Comparative, or Transnational History
Topics in the History of Globalization
3 credits
Food History
3 credits
Modern Imperialism
3 credits
Comparative Revolutions
3 credits
Naval Battles and Society: A Global History
3 credits
American Foreign Relations in the Twentieth Century
3 credits
World War II: A Global History
3 credits
History of the Cold War
3 credits
Topics in African, Asian, or Latin American History
3 credits
Encounters in Global Ancient Empires
3 credits
Special Topics in Global History
Hands-On History
3 credits
Colloquium in History
3 credits
Introduction to Digital History
3 credits
Independent Research and Reading in History
3 credits
History Internship
3 credits
History Honors, I, II, and III
3 credits
Students are expected to complete the major requirements in place at the time they are officially accepted into their programs. Please review the College Bulletin for the relevant academic year.
Honors Program in History
History majors and other interested students will be admitted to the program in their junior or senior year. All students will be required to have had at least 12 hours of history courses with B+ average in history and a general average of B. Students falling short of these requirements may be admitted to the program upon the recommendation of two history faculty members.
The honors program may consist of two tutorials taken consecutively and devoted to reading and researching an area of the students choice. For College requirements for honors, see the Honors Programs section of this bulletin.
Department of History
Department Chair: Mark Rice