Versions Compared


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EMPLID                                         - Empl ID (key)
ACAD_CAREER                           - Academic Career (key)
STDNT_CAR_NBR                       - Student Career Nbr (key)
EFFDT                                          - Effective Date (key; the current record is the maximum effective date, less than or equal to today, for the EMPLID, ACAD_CAREER and STDNT_CAR_NBR) 
EFFSEQ                                       - Effective Sequence (key; this field allows multiple transactions for the EFFDT.  The current record is the maximum effective sequence for the EFFDT.) 
INSTITUTION                               - Academic Institution (This is not a key but should be considered one because there are multiple institutions in CUNYfirst.  Always delimit your selection by INSTITUTION.)  
ACAD_PROG                               - Academic Program
PROG_STATUS                           - Academic Program Status
PROG_ACTION                           - Program Action
ACTION_DT                                 - Action Date
PROG_REASON                          - Action Reason
ADMIT_TERM                              - Admit Term
EXP_GRAD_TERM                      -  Expected Graduation Term
REQ_TERM                                  - Requirement Term
ACAD_LOAD_APPR                    - Approved Academic Load
CAMPUS                                      - Campus
DEGR_CHKOUT_STAT               - Degree Checkout Status
COMPLETION_TERM                 - Completion Term
ACAD_PROG_DUAL                   - Dual Academic Program
JOINT_PROG_APPR                  - Joint Program Approved
ADM_APPL_NBR                        - Application Nbr
APPL_PROG_NBR                     - Application Program Nbr
DATA_FROM_ADM_APPL          - Data from Admissions Appl
SSR_RS_CANDIT_NBR             - Candidate Number
SSR_APT_INSTANCE                - APT Instance
SSR_YR_OF_PROG                  - Year of Program
SSR_SHIFT                                - Academic Shift
SSR_COHORT_ID                     - Cohort Tag
SCC_ROW_ADD_OPRID          - Created By
SCC_ROW_ADD_DTTM           - Created
SCC_ROW_UPD_OPRID          - Updated By
SCC_ROW_UPD_DTTM           - Last Update Date/Time
