Versions Compared


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A) STDNT_ENRL is created when a student enrolls in a class or is waitlisted for that class.  Even if the student subsequently drops the class, the record remains, but the status changes.  STDNT_ENRL is owned by STDNT_CAR_TERM.  The layout is below.


Field                                               Description



                                        - Empl ID

 ACAD_CAREER                           - Academic Career

 INSTITUTION                               - Academic Institution 

STRM                                            - Term
CLASS_NBR                                - Class Nbr
CRSE_CAREER                          - Course Career
SESSION_CODE                         -  Session
SESSN_ENRL_CNTL                  - Enrollment Control Session
STDNT_ENRL_STATUS              - Student Enrollment Status
ENRL_STATUS_REASON           - Enrollment Status Reason
ENRL_ACTION_LAST                 - Last Enrollment Action
ENRL_ACTN_RSN_LAST           - Last Enrl Action Reason
ENRL_ACTN_PRC_LAST           - Last Enrollment Action Process
STATUS_DT                                - Status Date
ENRL_ADD_DT                           - Enrollment Add Date
ENRL_DROP_DT                        - Enrollment Drop Date
UNT_TAKEN                                - Units Taken
UNT_PRGRSS                            - Units Taken-Academic Progress
UNT_PRGRSS_FA                     - Units Taken-Fin Aid Progress
UNT_BILLING                            - Billing Units
CRSE_COUNT                           - Course Count
GRADING_BASIS_ENRL          - Grading Basis
GRADING_BASIS_DT               - Grading Basis Date
OVRD_GRADING_BASIS         - Override Grading Basis
CRSE_GRADE_OFF                 - Official Grade
CRSE_GRADE_INPUT             - Grade Input
GRADE_DT                               - Grade Date
REPEAT_CODE                        - Repeat Code
REPEAT_DT                             - Repeat Date
CLASS_PRMSN_NBR             - Class Permission Nbr
ASSOCIATED_CLASS            - Associated Class
STDNT_POSITIN                    - Student Position
AUDIT_GRADE_BASIS          - Audit Grading Basis
EARN_CREDIT                       - Earn Credit
INCLUDE_IN_GPA                  - Include in GPA
UNITS_ATTEMPTED               - Units Attempted
GRADE_POINTS                      - Grade Points
GRADE_POINTS_FA               - Financial Aid Grade Points
GRD_PTS_PER_UNIT            - Grade Points Per Unit
MANDATORY_GRD_BAS       - Mandatory Grading Basis
RSRV_CAP_NBR                   - Reserve Capacity Sequence
RQMNT_DESIGNTN              - Requirement Designation
RQMNT_DESIGNTN_OPT     - Requirement Designation Option
RQMNT_DESIGNTN_GRD     - Requirement Designation Grade
INSTRUCTOR_ID                   - Instructor ID
DROP_CLASS_IF_ENRL        - Drop This Class if Enrolled
ASSOCIATION_99                  - Association 99
OPRID                                     - User ID
TSCRPT_NOTE_ID                - Transcript Note ID
TSCRPT_NOTE_EXISTS       - Transcript Note Exists Flag
NOTIFY_STDNT_CHNG        - Notify Student of Change
REPEAT_CANDIDATE           - Repeat Candidate Flag
VALID_ATTEMPT                   - Valid Attempted Grade
GRADE_CATEGORY             - Grade Category
SEL_GROUP                         - Tuition Group
DYN_CLASS_NBR                - Dynamic Class Nbr
UNT_EARNED                      - Units Earned
LAST_UPD_DT_STMP         - Last Update Date Stamp
LAST_UPD_TM_STMP         - Last Update Time Stamp
LAST_ENRL_DT_STMP        - Last Enrollment Date Stamp
LAST_ENRL_TM_STMP        - Last Enrollment Time Stamp
LAST_DROP_DT_STMP       - Last Drop Date Stamp
LAST_DROP_TM_STMP      - Last Drop Time Stamp
ENRL_REQ_SOURCE         - Enrollment Request Source
LAST_UPD_ENREQ_SRC   - Enrollment Request Source
GRADING_SCHEME_ENR  - Field is not active yet
RELATE_CLASS_NBR_1    - Field is not active yet
RELATE_CLASS_NBR_2    - Field is not active yet
ACAD_PROG                      - Academic Program

     For For each class, a student will have one of these records. This does not mean that the student is enrolled. For that, the field STDNT_ENRL_STATUS must be checked. If a student is enrolled, the status will be 'E'; if a student is waitlisted for a class, the status will be 'W'; if the student was enrolled and subsequently dropped the class, the status would be 'D'. Therefore, you must check the STDNT_ENRL_STATUS for 'E' to determine in which classes a student is enrolled or even if this is an enrolled student for the term.

STDNT_ENRL does not contain much class information, such as subject, catalog number or description. For this detail, you must join STDNT_ENRL to CLASS_TBL, which contains class information. Or, instead of using STDNT_ENRL, use the view CLASS_TBL_SE_VW, which joins STDNT_ENRL to CLASS_TBL for you.
