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Other important fields in this table record are: ACAD_PROG (i.e., UGRD, MBA, etc.), ADMIT_TERM, DEGR_CHKOUT_STAT and PROG_STATUS.  Another  

Another field of interest is the ADM_APPL_NBR. If this ACAD_PROG record was created through the application process (Admissions), this field will have a value. It allows the user to return to the application to find data captured there, such as the ADMIT_TYPE.

ACAD_PROG Record/Table

Field NameDescription/Notes
EMPLID   Empl ID (key)
ACAD_CAREER  Academic Career (key)
STDNT_CAR_NBR  Student Career Nbr (key)
EFFDT   Effective Date (key; the current record is the maximum effective date, less than or equal to today, for the EMPLID, ACAD_CAREER and STDNT_CAR_NBR) 
EFFSEQ   Effective Sequence (key; this field allows multiple transactions for the EFFDT. The current record is the maximum effective sequence for the EFFDT.) 
INSTITUTION  Academic Institution (this is not a key but should be considered one because there are multiple institutions in CUNYfirst. Always delimit your selection by INSTITUTION.) 
ACAD_PROG  Academic Program (the student's program  MPA, MA, MBA, UGRD, etc.)

Academic Program Status ('AC' active – a student MUST be active to be term activated; 'CM' completed – the student has graduated; 'CN'  cancelled; 'DC'  discontinued; 'DM'  dismissed.

This field is derived from PROG_ACTION.) 

PROG_ACTION Program Action (what is happening, such as MATR matriculation, DATA  data change, DISC  discontinuation, etc.)
ACTION_DT  Action Date (the date of the action, always defaults to today's date)
PROG_REASON Action Reason (why the action is taking place)
ADMIT_TERM Admit Term (the term when the student started)
EXP_GRAD_TERM Expected Graduation Term (the term when the student should graduate)
REQ_TERM  Requirement Term (the term which governs the rules for graduation.) 
ACAD_LOAD_APPR Approved Academic Load 
CAMPUS  Campus 
DEGR_CHKOUT_STAT Degree Checkout Status (if a student has applied for graduation, or has graduated; 'AG' applied, 'AW' awarded, etc.) 
COMPLETION_TERM Completion Term (the term in which the student graduated)
ACAD_PROG_DUAL Dual Academic Program 
JOINT_PROG_APPR Joint Program Approved 
ADM_APPL_NBR Application Nbr (if this student came through the Admissions process, this number can be used to retrieve the application.)
APPL_PROG_NBR Application Program Nbr 
DATA_FROM_ADM_APPL Data from Admissions Appl 
SSR_RS_CANDIT_NBR Candidate Number 
SSR_YR_OF_PROG Year of Program 
SSR_SHIFT Academic Shift 
SCC_ROW_ADD_OPRID Created By (the user who added the record.)
SCC_ROW_ADD_DTTM Created (when the record was added.)
SCC_ROW_UPD_OPRID Updated By (the user who change the record last.)
SCC_ROW_UPD_DTTM Last Update Date/Time (when the record was changed last.)
