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Query has many purposes. Users may want to write a quick, one-time report, which may be discarded after its initial purpose is served. Other times, the users may wish to create a query which they could use again in the future, or which they may want to share with another user at the institution or a colleague at another institution. If the selection delimiter, created via the ‘Criteria’ tab in Query, is hardcoded (i.e., INSTITUTION = ‘BAR01’, STRM = ‘1156’, etc.), then the Query would have to be modified for the new institution or a new term during a future use. Instead of hardcoding the selection criteria, prompts may be used.


What is a Prompt:

A prompt is a way of entering selection criteria every time the query is run. Prompts allow users to create a report for multiple users or multiple purposes. Often a prompt value is needed in order for another prompt to work properly. So creating a prompt on the INSTITUTION field allows the query to be shared with other CUNY institution; creating a prompt on STRM (term) allows the query to be used over time (semester); creating a prompt on ACAD_PROG (Program) or ACAD_PLAN (plan) allows users to select data for a particular program or plan.






Warning: programs and plans are defined for one particular institution, so an INSTITUTION prompt must be created before creating a prompt for ACAD_PROG, ACAD_PLAN or any other field which is defined to an institution. For Example, if an user wants to find Baruch Collage Plan and Program, it is necessary to enter institution, 'BAR01', first.  Only then will the prompts for plan or program work.  Plans and programs may or may not be the same at other CUNY colleges, but they are always defined to a particular institution.

The following demonstrates the creation of a prompt. A new prompt can be built using the Criteria tab or the Prompts tab.

  1. Prompts via ‘Criteria’ tab:

    • Select the Criteria tab.
    • Press the Add Criteria button.
    • In the Expression 1 Type: box, select Field or Expression – the default is Field.
    • In the Expression 1: box, (if Field is chosen), search for the field that the query should delimit (i.e., INSTITUTION).
    • Choose the Condition Type:. Press the selection dropdown for options.
    • In the Expression 2 Type: box, select ‘Prompt’, which is not the default.
    • In the Expression 2: box, select the ‘New Prompt’ link.
    • When the Prompt definition page opens, select the Field name or use the value which Query populates.
    • Change the Heading Type:, ‘*Type:’ or ‘*Format’ fields, as desired.
    • Change the Heading Text: to what the prompt should read. This is what the user will see when running the query.
    • Change the Edit Type: to reflect the editing for the query.  The other three options require a value in the prompt field for the query to run.

      NOTE that: No Edit Table allows the query to run if the prompt field is blank (important for optional prompts)
    • In the Prompt Table:, select a table which will validate the value in the prompt field. This is available only if the Edit Type: is No Edit Table or Prompt Table
    • Select the yellow OK button, which returns you to the ‘Criteria’ build page.
    • Select the yellow OK button, which returns you to all the criteria page
    • Run the query to test the prompt.






     2.Prompts via ‘Prompts’ tab:

    • Select the Prompts tab.
    • Select the yellow Add Prompt button.
    • Under Field Name, click on the search icon.
    • Enter the full or partial name of the field and click on the yellow Search button.
    • One or more options may appear. Select the Field that you want.
    • Edit the prompt properties.
    • Change the Heading Type:, ‘Type:’ or Format’ fields, as desired.
    • Change the Heading Text: to what the prompt should read. This is what the query runner will see.
    • Change the Edit Type: to reflect the editing for the query. The other three options require a value in the prompt field for the query to run.


      No Edit Table allows the query to run if the prompt field is blank (important for optional prompts).

    • In the Prompt Table:, select a table which will validate the value in the prompt field. This is available only if the Edit Type: is No Edit Table or Prompt Table
    • Select the yellow OK button, which returns you to the ‘Prompts’ build page.
    • Hit the yellow Save button.
    • Use the new prompt is the Criteria tab.