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Every student must have a program record, ACAD_PROG, the layout of which appears below.  


Another field of interest is the ADM_APPL_NBR. If this ACAD_PROG record was created through the application process (Admissions), this field will have a value. It allows the an user to return to the application to find data captured there, such as the ADMIT_TYPE.

ACAD_PROG Record/Table

Field NameDescription/Notes
EMPLID   Empl ID (key)
ACAD_CAREER  Academic Career (key)
STDNT_CAR_NBR  Student Career Nbr (key)
EFFDT   Effective Date (key; the current record is the maximum effective date, less than or equal to today, for the EMPLID, ACAD_CAREER and STDNT_CAR_NBR) 
EFFSEQ   Effective Sequence (key; this field allows multiple transactions for the EFFDT. The current record is the maximum effective sequence for the EFFDT.) 
INSTITUTION  Academic Institution (this is not a key but should be considered one because there are multiple institutions in CUNYfirst. Always delimit your selection by INSTITUTION.) 
ACAD_PROG  Academic Program (the student's program  MPA, MA, MBA, UGRD, etc.)

Academic Program Status ('AC' active – a student MUST be active to be term activated; 'CM' completed – the student has graduated; 'CN'  cancelled; 'DC'  discontinued; 'DM'  dismissed.

This field is derived from PROG_ACTION.) 

PROG_ACTION Program Action (what is happening, such as MATR matriculation, DATA  data change, DISC  discontinuation, etc.)
ACTION_DT  Action Date (the date of the action, always defaults to today's date)
PROG_REASON Action Reason (why the action is taking place)
ADMIT_TERM Admit Term (the term when the student started)
EXP_GRAD_TERM Expected Graduation Term (the term when the student should graduate)
REQ_TERM  Requirement Term (the term which governs the rules for graduation.) 
ACAD_LOAD_APPR Approved Academic Load 
CAMPUS  Campus 
DEGR_CHKOUT_STAT Degree Checkout Status (if a student has applied for graduation, or has graduated; 'AG' applied, 'AW' awarded, etc.) 
COMPLETION_TERM Completion Term (the term in which the student graduated)
ACAD_PROG_DUAL Dual Academic Program 
JOINT_PROG_APPR Joint Program Approved 
ADM_APPL_NBR Application Nbr (if this student came through the Admissions process, this number can be used to retrieve the application.)
APPL_PROG_NBR Application Program Nbr 
DATA_FROM_ADM_APPL Data from Admissions Appl 
SSR_RS_CANDIT_NBR Candidate Number 
SSR_YR_OF_PROG Year of Program 
SSR_SHIFT Academic Shift 
SCC_ROW_ADD_OPRID Created By (the user who added the record.)
SCC_ROW_ADD_DTTM Created (when the record was added.)
SCC_ROW_UPD_OPRID Updated By (the user who change the record last.)
SCC_ROW_UPD_DTTM Last Update Date/Time (when the record was changed last.)


A student may have multiple plans but one is required.

ACAD_PLAN Record/Table

Field NameDescription/Notes
EMPLID    Empl ID (key; must be the same as the owning ACAD_PROG.)
ACAD_CAREER   Academic Career (key; must be the same as the owning ACAD_PROG.)
STDNT_CAR_NBR   Student Career Nbr (key; must be the same as the owning ACAD_PROG.)
 EFFDT    Effective Date (key; must be the same as the owning ACAD_PROG.)
 EFFSEQ    Effective Sequence (key; must be the same as the owning ACAD_PROG.)
 ACAD_PLAN   Academic Plan (the student's major or minor.)
 DECLARE_DT   Declare Date 
 PLAN_SEQUENCE   Plan Sequence 
 REQ_TERM    Requirement Term 
 COMPLETION_TERM   Completion Term 
 STDNT_DEGR   Student Degree Nbr 
 DEGR_CHKOUT_STAT  Degree Checkout Status 
 ADVIS_STATUS   Advisement Status 
 SSR_YR_OF_PROG   Year of Program 
 SCC_ROW_UPD_DTTM  Last Update Date/Time


Basically, ACAD_PROG owns STDNT_CAR_TERM and that should be considered in any query writing.


Field NameDescription/Notes
EMPLID    Empl ID (key; must equal that of ACAD_PROG.)
ACAD_CAREER   Academic Career (key; must equal that of ACAD_PROG.)
INSTITUTION   Academic Institution (key; must equal that of ACAD_PROG.) 
STRM    Term (key)
REG_CARD_DATE   Registration Card Date 
WITHDRAW_CODE   Withdrawal \ Cancel 
WITHDRAW_REASON  Withdrawal \ Cancel Reason 
WITHDRAW_DATE   Withdrawal \ Cancel Date 
LAST_DATE_ATTENDED  Last Date of Attendance 
STDNT_CAR_NBR   Student Career Nbr (NOT a key; must equal that of ACAD_PROG.)
ACAD_PROG_PRIMARY  Primary Academic Program 
ACAD_LOAD_APPR   Approved Academic Load 
ACADEMIC_LOAD   Academic Load 
FA_LOAD    Financial Aid Load 
ACAD_LEVEL_PROJ   Academic Level - Projected
ACAD_LEVEL_BOT   Academic Level - Term Start
ACAD_LEVEL_EOT   Academic Level - Term End
OVRD_ACAD_LVL_PROJ  Override Projected Level 
OVRD_ACAD_LVL_ALL  Override All Academic Levels 
ELIG_TO_ENROLL   Eligible to Enroll 
OVRD_MAX_UNITS   Override Maximum Units 
MAX_TOTAL_UNIT   Max Total Units 
MAX_AUDIT_UNIT   Max Audit Units 
MAX_WAIT_UNIT   Max Wait List Units 
MIN_TOTAL_UNIT   Min Total Units 
OVRD_BILL_UNITS   Override Billing Units 
PROJ_BILL_UNT   Projected Bill Units 
UNT_TAKEN_PRGRSS  Units Taken for Progress (if the student is enrolled in credit bearing courses, this number will be greater than zero.) 
UNT_PASSD_PRGRSS  Units Passed for Progress (*** any field starting with UNT is a term total.)
UNT_TAKEN_GPA   Units Taken Toward GPA 
UNT_PASSD_GPA   Units Passed Toward GPA 
UNT_TAKEN_NOGPA  Units Taken Not Toward GPA 
UNT_PASSD_NOGPA  Units Passed Not Toward GPA 
UNT_INPROG_GPA   Units In Progress - GPA
UNT_INPROG_NOGPA  Unit In Progress - Not for GPA 
GRADE_POINTS   Grade Points 
UNT_AUDIT   Units Audited 
UNT_TRNSFR   Units Transferred 
TRF_TAKEN_GPA   Transfer Taken for GPA 
TRF_TAKEN_NOGPA  Transfer Taken Not for GPA 
TRF_PASSED_GPA   Transfer Passed for GPA 
TRF_PASSED_NOGPA  Transfer Passed Not for GPA 
TRF_GRADE_POINTS  Transfer Grade Points 
UNT_TEST_CREDIT  Units from Test Credit 
UNT_OTHER   Units from Other Credit 
UNT_TAKEN_FA   Fin Aid Progress Units Taken 
UNT_PASSD_FA   Fin Aid Progress Units Passed 
UNT_TAKEN_FA_GPA  FA Units Taken Toward GPA 
GRADE_POINTS_FA  Financial Aid Grade Points 
UNT_TERM_TOT   Total Term Units 
RESET_CUM_STATS  Reset Cum Stats at Term Start 
TOT_TAKEN_PRGRSS  Total Taken for Progress (*** any field starting with TOT is a career total.)
TOT_PASSD_PRGRSS  Total Passed for Progress 
TOT_TAKEN_GPA   Total Taken Toward GPA 
TOT_PASSD_GPA   Total Passed Toward GPA 
TOT_TAKEN_NOGPA  Total Taken Not Toward GPA 
TOT_PASSD_NOGPA  Total Passed Not Toward GPA 
TOT_INPROG_GPA  Total In Progress - GPA
TOT_INPROG_NOGPA  Total In Progress - Not for GPA
TOT_AUDIT   Total Audited 
TOT_TRNSFR   Total Transferred 
TOT_TEST_CREDIT  Total From Test Credit 
TOT_OTHER   Total from Other Credit 
TOT_CUMULATIVE  Total Cumulative Units 
TOT_GRADE_POINTS  Total Grade Points 
TOT_TAKEN_FA   Total Fin Aid Units Taken 
TOT_PASSD_FA   Total Fin Aid Units Passed 
TOT_TAKEN_FA_GPA  Total Fin Aid Taken Toward GPA 
TOT_GRD_POINTS_FA  Total Fin Aid Grade Points 
FORM_OF_STUDY   Form of Study 
TERM_TYPE   Term Unit Type 
CLASS_RANK_NBR  Class Rank Nbr 
CLASS_RANK_TOT  Class Rank Total 
SEL_GROUP   Tuition Group 
TUIT_CALC_REQ   Tuition Calc Required 
TUIT_CALC_DTTM   Tuit Calc Date Time 
FA_STATS_CALC_REQ  FA Stats Calculation Required 
FA_STATS_CALC_DTTM  FA Stats Calc Date Time 
FA_ELIGIBILITY   Program Eligibility Flag 
BILLING_CAREER   Billing Career 
UNIT_MULTIPLIER   Unit Multiplier 
ACAD_YEAR   Academic Year 
ACAD_GROUP_ADVIS  Academic Group of Advisor 
CUR_RESIDENT_TERMS  Current In Residence Terms 
TRF_RESIDENT_TERMS  Transfer In Residence Terms 
CUM_RESIDENT_TERMS  Cumulative In Residence Terms 
REFUND_PCT   Refund Percentage 
REFUND_SCHEME  Refund Scheme 
PRO_RATA_ELIGIBLE  Pro Rata Eligible
FULLY_ENRL_DT   Fully Enrolled Date 
ENRL_ON_TRANS_DT  Show Enrollment on Transcript 
STATS_ON_TRANS_DT  Show Statistics on Transcript 
FULLY_GRADED_DT  Fully Graded Date 
EXT_ORG_ID   External Org ID 
COUNTRY   Country 
STUDY_AGREEMENT  Study Agreement 
START_DATE   Start Date for Gen Standing PO 
END_DATE   End Date 
MAX_CRSE_COUNT  Max Total Courses 
CUR_GPA   Current GPA (term GPA, after grades are posted.)
CUM_GPA   Cumulative GPA 
REGISTERED   Registered 
OVRD_TUIT_GROUP  Override Tuition Group 
OVRD_WDRW_SCHED  Override Withdrawal Schedule 
TUITION_RES_TERMS  Tuition Residency 
OVRD_INIT_ADD_FEE  Override Initial Add Fees 
OVRD_INIT_ENR_FEE  Override Initial Enroll Fee 
TC_UNITS_ADJUST  TC Units Adjustment 
LOCK_IN_AMT   Lock In Amount 
LOCK_IN_DT   Lock In Date 
ACAD_CAREER_FIRST  First Time in Career 
ACADEMIC_LOAD_DT  Academic Load Change Date 
UNTPRG_CHG_NSLC_DT  Unit Progrss Changed Date NSC 
SSR_ACTIVATION_DT  Term Activation Date 
SSR_TRF_CUR_GPA  Transfer Credit Current GPA 
SSR_COMB_CUR_GPA  Combined Current GPA 
SSR_CUM_EN_GPA  Enrollment Cumulative GPA 
SSR_TOT_EN_GRDPTS  Enrollment Grade Points 
SSR_TOT_EN_TKNGPA  Units Taken Toward GPA 
SSR_CUM_TR_GPA  Transfer Credit Cumulative GPA 
SSR_TOT_TR_GRDPTS  Transfer Credit Grade Points 
SSR_TOT_TR_TKNGPA  Units Taken Toward GPA


For each class, a student will have one of these records. This does not mean that the student is enrolled. For that, the field STDNT_ENRL_STATUS must be checked. If a student is enrolled, the status will be 'E'; if a student is waitlisted for a class, the status will be 'W'; if the student was enrolled and subsequently dropped the class, the status would be 'D'. Therefore, you must check the STDNT_ENRL_STATUS for 'E' to determine in which classes a student is enrolled or even if this is an enrolled student for the term.  

STDNT_ENRL is missing some class information, such as subject, catalog number and description. For this detail, you must join STDNT_ENRL to CLASS_TBL, which contains that class information. Or, instead of using STDNT_ENRL, use the


view CLASS_TBL_SE_VW, which joins STDNT_ENRL to CLASS_TBL for you.

STDNT_ENRL Record/Table

Field NameDescription/Notes
EMPLID    Empl ID (key)
 ACAD_CAREER   Academic Career (key)
INSTITUTION   Academic Institution (key) 
STRM    Term (key)
CLASS_NBR   Class Nbr (key)
CRSE_CAREER   Course Career 
SESSN_ENRL_CNTL   Enrollment Control Session 
STDNT_ENRL_STATUS  Student Enrollment Status 
ENRL_STATUS_REASON  Enrollment Status Reason ('E' for enrolled, 'W' for waitlisted, 'D' for dropped.)
ENRL_ACTION_LAST   Last Enrollment Action 
ENRL_ACTN_RSN_LAST  Last Enrl Action Reason 
ENRL_ACTN_PRC_LAST  Last Enrollment Action Process 
STATUS_DT   Status Date 
ENRL_ADD_DT   Enrollment Add Date 
ENRL_DROP_DT   Enrollment Drop Date 
UNT_TAKEN   Units Taken 
UNT_PRGRSS   Units Taken - Academic Progress
UNT_PRGRSS_FA   Units Taken - Fin Aid Progress
UNT_BILLING   Billing Units 
CRSE_COUNT   Course Count 
GRADING_BASIS_DT  Grading Basis Date 
OVRD_GRADING_BASIS  Override Grading Basis 
CRSE_GRADE_OFF   Official Grade 
GRADE_DT   Grade Date 
REPEAT_CODE   Repeat Code 
REPEAT_DT   Repeat Date 
CLASS_PRMSN_NBR  Class Permission Nbr 
ASSOCIATED_CLASS  Associated Class 
STDNT_POSITIN   Student Position 
AUDIT_GRADE_BASIS  Audit Grading Basis 
EARN_CREDIT   Earn Credit 
INCLUDE_IN_GPA   Include in GPA 
UNITS_ATTEMPTED  Units Attempted 
GRADE_POINTS   Grade Points 
GRADE_POINTS_FA  Financial Aid Grade Points 
GRD_PTS_PER_UNIT  Grade Points Per Unit 
MANDATORY_GRD_BAS  Mandatory Grading Basis 
RSRV_CAP_NBR   Reserve Capacity Sequence 
RQMNT_DESIGNTN  Requirement Designation 
RQMNT_DESIGNTN_OPT  Requirement Designation Option 
RQMNT_DESIGNTN_GRD  Requirement Designation Grade 
INSTRUCTOR_ID   Instructor ID 
DROP_CLASS_IF_ENRL  Drop This Class if Enrolled 
ASSOCIATION_99   Association 99 
OPRID    User ID 
TSCRPT_NOTE_ID  Transcript Note ID 
TSCRPT_NOTE_EXISTS  Transcript Note Exists Flag 
NOTIFY_STDNT_CHNG  Notify Student of Change 
REPEAT_CANDIDATE  Repeat Candidate Flag 
VALID_ATTEMPT   Valid Attempted Grade 
GRADE_CATEGORY  Grade Category 
SEL_GROUP   Tuition Group 
DYN_CLASS_NBR  Dynamic Class Nbr 
UNT_EARNED   Units Earned 
LAST_UPD_DT_STMP  Last Update Date Stamp 
LAST_UPD_TM_STMP  Last Update Time Stamp 
LAST_ENRL_DT_STMP  Last Enrollment Date Stamp 
LAST_ENRL_TM_STMP  Last Enrollment Time Stamp 
LAST_DROP_DT_STMP  Last Drop Date Stamp 
LAST_DROP_TM_STMP  Last Drop Time Stamp 
ENRL_REQ_SOURCE  Enrollment Request Source 
LAST_UPD_ENREQ_SRC  Enrollment Request Source 
GRADING_SCHEME_ENR  Field is not active yet 
RELATE_CLASS_NBR_1  Field is not active yet 
RELATE_CLASS_NBR_2  Field is not active yet 
ACAD_PROG   Academic Program
