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Class Attendance

All students are required to attend every session of their courses. If a freshman or sophomore is absent in excess of twice the number of class sessions per week, the instructor must give the student a WU grade, which counts as an F. The instructor may give a junior or senior a WU grade (the equivalent of an F) for excessive absences. The WU grade may be given by the instructor at any time.

Policy on Religious Holidays

No person shall be expelled from or be refused admission as a student at Baruch College for the reason of inability to attend classes because of religious beliefs or to participate in any examination, study, or work requirements on a particular day or days.

Any Baruch student who is unable, because of religious beliefs, to attend classes on a particular day or days shall, because of such absence on the particular day or days, be excused from any examination or any study or work requirements.

It shall be the responsibility of the faculty and of the administrative officials of the College to make available to all students who are absent from school because of religious beliefs an equivalent opportunity to make up any examination, study, or work requirements that they may have missed because of such absence on any particular day or days. No fees of any kind shall be charged by the institution for making available to these students such equivalent opportunity.

If classes, examinations, study, or work requirements are held on Friday after 4 pm or on Saturday, similar or makeup classes, examinations, study, or work requirements shall be made available on other days, where it is possible and practicable to do so. No special fees shall be charged to students for these classes, examinations, study, or work requirements held on other days.

In effectuating the provisions of this section, it shall be the duty of the faculty and of the administrative officials of the College to exercise the fullest measure of good faith. No adverse or prejudicial effects shall result to any students because of availing themselves of the provisions of this section.

Students who are aggrieved by the alleged failure of any faculty or administrative officials to comply in good faith with the provisions of this section shall be entitled to maintain an action or proceeding in the Supreme Court of New York County for the enforcement of their rights under this section.

Maintaining an Acceptable Grade Point Average

The cumulative grade point average (GPA) is the numerical equivalent of a letter grade (A, B, C, etc.). In order to meet the College’s scholarship requirements, a student must achieve a stipulated GPA according to the table below. The GPA is also used to determine scholarship eligibility. It is the student’s responsibility to keep track of his or her GPA. Baruch students may verify their grades and GPA by accessing their transcript through CUNYfirst self service.

Credits CompletedMinimum Acceptable GPA
30 or more2.00

It should be noted that there are different GPA requirements for eligibility for financial aid programs (state and federal) and for retention within the College. See the financial aid section of this bulletin, the Schedule of Classes, or the Financial Aid Office for the minimum standards for eligibility for financial aid awards.

Computing the Grade Point Average

Grade point averages are computed by multiplying the credits attempted by the grade point equivalent. The grade point average is then computed by dividing the total grade points (GPs) by the total credits attempted. Below is an example of computing a GPA on a five-course, 16-credit semester program load.

CourseGradeCredits GPE GPs
MTH 2001F3.0x0.0=0.0
BIO 1003D4.0x1.0=4.0
HIS 1001B-3.0x2.7=8.1
COM 1010C+3.0x2.3=6.9
ENG 2100A3.0x4.0=12.0
TOTALSTotal Credits: 16.0 Total GP: 31.0
Total Grade Points31.0=1.9 Grade Point Average (GPA)
Total Credits16.0

Changing a Grade/Extra Credit 

No change of final grade for a completed course will be made without the approval of the instructor’s dean. Deans will consider the grade change upon the receipt of the instructor’s written explanation. No grade will be changed after the degree is awarded. Extra work may not be submitted for a higher grade after the final grade has been assigned.

Repeating Courses

Your GPA and Credits Earned at Another College

Grades never transfer from one institution to another; only courses and credits transfer from institutions outside of CUNY.

Grades received for work completed at another college are only computed in a student’s index in determination of graduation honors or are used to calculate the pre-business GPA
for eligibility to the Zicklin School of Business; these grades are calculated according to Baruch’s Academic Policies.

Academic Probation

Students will be placed on academic probation at the end of the fall/spring semester if their cumulative GPA falls below the minimum level indicated previously. Students will have one semester in which to raise their cumulative GPA.  Failure to maintain a GPA of better than C (i.e. 2.01) during the semester will result in academic dismissal.

While on academic probation, a student will be restricted to no more than four courses (13 equated credits) each semester.

The following is a list of violations of probation:

  • Grades, in any course, of FIN, WN, WU, or F that have not been removed from the cumulative GPA by the repetition of the course with a grade of C or better
  • Holding office in student government or on publications, sitting on College committees, or engaging in varsity sports (club activities should also be limited)

Violations of GPA probation will result in automatic dismissal at the end of the semester. Registration for subsequent semesters will be withheld. Students who are dismissed must remain separated from the College for a minimum period of one semester. The deadline for submitting appeals to the appropriate committee on academic standing for reinstatement for the fall semester is April 1; for the spring semester, November 1. Students must also file a reentry application with the Office of the Registrar.

All applications for reinstatement should be submitted to the appropriate committee on academic standing based on the student’s official major. Students admitted as new freshmen in the fall 2001 semester or later are admitted to the College and not to a specific school. Until they have been admitted to a specific school, they must file their appeals with the Joint Committee on Academic Standing through the Center for Academic Advisement. Each application should include documentation that supports the student’s appeal for reinstatement. It is recommended that students meet with an advisor in the Center for Academic Advisement prior to filing the appeal for reinstatement.

Be advised that all recipients of financial assistance must be making satisfactory pursuit and progress toward a degree. There are different formulas used to make this determination, one for federal aid programs and one for TAP. The GPA requirements for financial assistance differ from the College’s scholarship requirements. Please consult the Financial Aid Office for Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements for state and federal financial aid programs.

Rate-of-Progress Probation and Dismissal Policies

The following courses are required for any bachelor’s degree: ENG 2100, ENG 2150, COM 1010, PSY 1001, and,minimally, a 2000-level MATH course (and/or an H or T version of these courses). Failure to complete one or more of these courses after three registrations will result in dismissal from the College. Students who take, but do not pass, one of the aforementioned courses for the second time will be placed on rate-of-progress probation and should see an academic advisor as soon as possible. Failure to complete the course(s) in question by the end of the third attempt will result in dismissal. While on rate-of-progress probation, a student will be restricted to no more than four courses (13 equated credits) each semester.

Registration for the subsequent semester after the third attempt will be withheld. Students who are dismissed may not continue at Baruch College.

Repeating Failed Courses 

Undergraduate students may replace a maximum of 16 credits of failing grades if the same courses are repeated with a minimum grade of C. It will not retroactively effect the pre-existing academic status. The cumulative GPA will be recomputed to reflect only the passing grade.  The following points should be noted:

  • A maximum of 16 credits of failing grades (F, FIN, WN, WU) may be deleted from the calculation of the cumulative GPA during an undergraduate’s enrollment in CUNY. Whether students remain at a single college or transfer from one CUNY college to another, no more than 16 credits of failing grades can be replaced in the calculation of the cumulative GPA. Should the 16-credit limit be reached at a college other than Baruch, a student will not be permitted to replace failing credits at Baruch.
  • The course(s) used to replace failing grades must have been taken in the fall 1990 semester or later.
  • If a course for which a student wants the failing grade to be replaced by a grade of C or better was taken prior to September 1, 1984, the student must receive the approval of the appropriate committee on academic standing.
  • For a grade of C or better to replace a grade of F in the calculation of the cumulative GPA, the failing grade cannot have been received at another college. The repetition of the course must take place at Baruch; it may not be taken on permit to another institution.
  • A failing grade may not be partially replaced. If a student has replaced 14 credits of failing grades and subsequently receives a grade of C or better in another 3-credit course previously failed, the failing grade cannot be replaced.
  • If a student has received more than one failing grade for the same course and subsequently earns a grade of C or better in the course, the failing grades will be deleted from the calculation of the GPA, subject to the 16-credit limit.
  • If a student fails a course that was taken on a pass/fail basis and subsequently retakes the course, a grade of C or better must be earned in order for the failing grade to be replaced.
  • If the course number or title of a course was changed in the period between the receipt of the failing grade and the repetition of the course but the content remained the same, the failing grade will be replaced if a grade of C or better was received in the repeated course.
  • If the content of the course was changed in the period between the receipt of the failing grade and the repetition of the course, or when a student has been allowed to substitute one course for another, the declaration of course equivalency for the purpose of deleting the failing grade from the calculation of the cumulative GPA will be at the discretion of the appropriate committee on academic standing.
  • The cumulative GPA calculated on the basis of this policy is to be used for purposes of retention and graduation from the College and the admission to and continuance in a major or specialization. It will not be used to calculate graduation honors, the Dean’s List, or departmental honors at graduation.

Any student who does not want a repeated course to replace a previously recorded failing grade should notify the registrar so that the replacement does not take place. This request may be made at any time after the second enrollment, provided the student is enrolled in the College.


Courses dropped during the first three weeks of classes of the fall or spring semester, or during the first two weeks of summer session, do not appear on the student’s transcript. New students who drop all their courses (withdraw from the College) during the first three weeks of the semester must apply again for admission prior to future registrations. Consult the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Other students who withdraw from the College during the first three weeks must apply for reentry.

Students may withdraw from the College during the first ten weeks of the semester. After the third week, however, they will receive W grades. Except in extraordinary circumstances, a student may not withdraw from a course after the tenth week. Appeal to drop a course after the deadline must be made to the Committee on Academic Standing.

The following courses may not be dropped without approval of the Center for Academic Advisement:

  • ENG 0132 (all students)
  • ENG 2100 and 2150 (BA students only)

Students who have received permission to carry a credit overload may not drop any course.

Once students have officially dropped a course they may not attend or audit the course.

Students who are SEEK, International or on academic probation and wish to withdraw completely or fall below full-time status must get the approval of the appropriate office.

The Committees on Academic Standing

Each school has a committee on academic standing. These committees adjudicate students’ appeals in academic matters. Each committee is composed of faculty, students, and administrators. Information and appeal forms can be obtained in the Center for Academic Advisement and on the Web. These are some of the appeals handled by the committee:

  • Request for W in a course or total resignation after the deadline (10th week of the term)
  • Request for reinstatement if dismissed
  • Curricular adjustments or waivers of academic rules
  • Change of grade that is initiated by the instructor

All requests should be documented with supporting evidence: medical notes, military papers, etc.

The filing of an appeal does not guarantee a favorable decision; the committee weighs all the information presented by the student and arrives at a conclusion based upon the application of College policies and the appropriateness of the request. 

The student is informed in writing of the committee’s decision. Students do not appear before the committee.

Committees on Academic Standing


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