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This bulletin is the official Baruch College Graduate Bulletin that all students should reference – do not reference the bulletin listed on the website of CUNY’s University Registrar. For curriculum questions, please contact the Dean’s Office of the applicable school.

Joint JD / MBA Program (external)

The Zicklin School of business has partnered with Brooklyn Law School and New York Law School to offer a joint JD/MBA program. The Joint JD/MBA program provides a more in-depth study of both law and business subjects, which may position students for unique opportunities within a law or business practice. Students can enroll at either Brooklyn or New York Law School while taking Evening MBA courses to complete both degrees faster.

Credits Required:

  • 48 Evening MBA Credits (9 JD transfer credits count toward MBA electives)
  • 86 JD Credits (9 MBA transfer credits count toward JD electives)

Program Structure

You begin with taking courses at either Zicklin or one of the law schools. You generally spend one year at one institution and the next year at the other institution. You can divide your remaining time between the two institutions. Program coordinators at each school will help you accommodate enrollment and registration at their respective institutions. Students must meet the separate academic, residency and financial requirements at each school.

The JD and MBA degrees are conferred after degree requirements at both institutions have been satisfied. Students who elect to complete one degree before (or instead of) the other degree must complete the conventional requirements for the degree that is being sought.

MBA Program Requirements

The Evening MBA degree program requires 48 credits:

  • Foundational skills: 18 credits
  • Functional skills: 9 credits
  • Capstone Business Consulting Project: 3 credits (business consulting)
  • Electives: 18 credits (9 JD transfer credits count toward MBA electives)

Law Program Requirements

All law courses must be completed at Brooklyn Law School or New York Law School. Students should consult Brooklyn Law School and The New York Law School directly for curriculum information.

Financial Aid Options

Students should reach out to the financial aid offices at both Baruch and the appropriate Law school for information. Students cannot apply for financial aid through more than one school for the same period of enrollment.


Brooklyn Law School Office of Admissions:
Phone: (718) 780-7906
Fax: (718) 780-0395



New York Law School Office of Admissions:

Phone: (212) 431-2888




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