This class is designed to introduce students to thinking critically and applying it to problem solving. It will review the necessary basic skills while examining problems in financial management, statistical reasoning, basic notions in probability, and applications in the arts, politics and business. (MTH 2140 is not recommended for students whose major requires a statistics course or another math course. It does not meet the BBA base curriculum math requirement.)This course is not open to students who completed any other mathematics course numbered 2000 or higher. MTH 2140 and MTH 2160 may substitute for each other in the F-replacement policy. The policy on repeating courses covers MTH 2140 and MTH 2160, e.g., one course taken three times, each course taken once, or a one-and-two combination. All combinations will be treated identically as three attempts.
Prerequisite: Placement in M100 or Placement via Baruch Mathematics Placement Exam of CSTM 0120 or MTH 2140. Not open to students who have completed a 2000 Level Math course.