Uniquely NYC
Stoopball Games
Stoopball is a game loosely based around baseball. It originated in
Brooklyn and other inner cities. "Stoop" in Dutch means steps or front
steps. New York's first European settlers were the Dutch. The term is a
remnant of New York's Dutch origins. Stoopball reached its peak
popularity after the World War II, when children played the game on the
steps in front of residential buildings.
Stoopball is played by throwing a ball against a stoop (a small
staircase or a porch in front of a building). In its simplest form,
stoopball is played by one or more players, who stand about 10-15 feet
from the stoop and throw the ball at it. When the ball returns, you have
to catch it on one bounce worth 5 points or on a fly worth 10 points.
The most certain way to win the game is to catch a few pointers worth
100 points each. A pointer is a ball that hits the edge of the step. It
retains most of its original force and shoots back like a bullet or
flies over your head. If you catch one on a fly, you get 100 points. The
winning score is usually 1,000 points, but it can be any arbitrary total
agreed upon.
Another scoring system was based on baseball. If the ball bounced once,
it was a single; twice, it was a double, and so on. The players kept the
base positions and scores in their heads. The fielders had to catch the
ball on the fly to record an out. Timeout was called for passing cars.
Rules differed by neighborhoods.