Faculty Information
The City University of New York rules and regulations require that students be given the opportunity to evaluate the quality of instruction provided in each of their courses. The purpose of the Student Course and Faculty Evaluation is to provide a survey instrument for the collection of student feedback on the quality of instruction. This feedback is used as one of several methods of assessing teaching effectiveness when making personnel decisions regarding promotion, tenure, and merit pay.
The Student Course and Faculty Evaluation survey has several characteristics, which make it a useful assessment. First, it is applicable to a wide variety of instructional settings and focuses on dimensions of teaching performance that are generally acknowledged as being important. Second, the content of the questionnaire and certain aspects of the administration are standardized. Third, an instructor’s scores on a global question can be compared with those of others teaching similar courses.
Faculty Evaluation Information Memos
Every semester, the Office of Testing and Evaluation sends course instructors a memo which includes information on when their sections are scheduled to be evaluated and information on how the administration process happens.
Below you can access online versions of these Faculty Evaluation Information Memos.
Student Course and Faculty Evaluation Schedule
Each semester’s Student Course and Faculty Evaluation schedule can be found on the Schedule of Evaluations page.
Accessing the Student Course and Faculty Evaluation System
Faculty members can use the button below to access the Online Student Course and Faculty Evaluation System.
Login to the Student Course and Faculty Evaluation System
Your username and password to login to the Online Student Course and Faculty Evaluation System is your Baruch College Username and Password. (These are the same credentials that you use to access your Baruch staff email accounts, computers and Wi-Fi on campus. Do not use your CUNYFirst credentials.
Username Assistance
Password Assistance
The Your Input Matters! Student Course and Faculty Evaluations Flyer is available as a PDF file.
Download Your Input Matters! Student Course and Faculty Evaluation Flyer
Using the Student Course and Faculty Evaluation System
Once a faculty member is logged into to the system they will be presented with the myEvalCenter which contains all of the courses they have available on the evaluation system. Faculty members can view the course evaluation period start and end dates, students’ response rates (in real time) and access their completed reports.
Viewing Reports
Instructions on using the Online Student Course and Faculty Evaluation system to access reports can be found in the Faculty Quick Guide.
Evaluations Administered Prior to Spring 2014
Evaluations administered prior to Spring 2014 were conducted via a paper evaluation instrument. Faculty members can request copies of their quantitative data by submitting a request via the Your Input Matters! Support Tool.