Department : Paul Chook Dept InfoSys & Stat

Barry J Platzman

Adj Lecturer

Zicklin School of Business

Todd S Rosen

Adj Lecturer

Zicklin School of Business

Ronald Sabban

Adj Lecturer

Zicklin School of Business

Arnold Schron

Adj Lecturer

Zicklin School of Business

Sumukh P Shah

Adj Lecturer

Zicklin School of Business

Glova Smith

Adj Lecturer

Zicklin School of Business

Yedidiah Solowiejczyk

Adj Lecturer

Zicklin School of Business

Robert Stinerock

Prof Pgms Adj Professor

Zicklin School of Business

Mary C. Tedeschi

Adj Asst Professor

Zicklin School of Business

Moshe Teller

Adj Lecturer

Zicklin School of Business