Alexis Perrotta

Alexis Francesca Perrotta

Lecturer Doc Sch

Marxe School of Public and International Affairs

Department: Public Affairs

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Alexis Perrotta is a Lecturer Doctoral Schedule at Austin W. Marxe School of Public and International Affairs, Baruch College, City University of New York. Her research is focused on the intersection of urban transportation policy, planning and welfare. Using qualitative methods, her doctoral research provides a novel exploration of equity and access as it relates to public transportation planning. Ms. Perrotta earned a doctorate in Urban Planning from the Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (2015). She has a Master’s degree in Public Administration from the Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs (2002) and a Bachelor of Arts with a concentration in Interdisciplinary Studies from Wheaton College (1996). Ms. Perrotta has over 10 years of professional experience in affordable housing development, homelessness advocacy, and city- and state-level policy analysis in the fields of congestion pricing, transportation finance, housing, and property taxes. She is a founding board member of Housing Plus Solutions, a nonprofit organization providing residential alternatives to incarceration for women in New York City.


Ph.D., Urban Planning, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, Columbia University

MPhil, Urban Planning, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Columbia University

M.P.A., Public Administration, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University

B.A., Interdisciplinary Studies, Wheaton College Illinois

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2024PAF9270Data Collection and Descriptio
Fall 2024PAF9270Data Collection and Descriptio
Fall 2024PAF9198Public Affairs Workshop
Fall 2024PAF9195Public Affairs Internship
Fall 2024PAF9270Data Collection and Descriptio
Summer 2024PAF9195Public Affairs Internship
Summer 2024PAF9198Public Affairs Workshop
Spring 2024PAF9134Urban Transportation Policy
Spring 2024PAF9198Public Affairs Workshop
Spring 2024PAF9270Data Collection and Descriptio
Spring 2024PAF9195Public Affairs Internship
Fall 2023PAF3375Housing & Commun Dev
Fall 2023PAF9141Community Develpment
Fall 2023PAF9142Housing Policy
Fall 2023PAF9195Public Affairs Internship
Fall 2023PAF9195Public Affairs Internship
Fall 2023PAF9198Public Affairs Workshop
Fall 2023PAF9270Data Collection and Descriptio
Summer 2023PAF9198Public Affairs Workshop
Summer 2023PAF9195Public Affairs Internship
Spring 2023PAF9172Research and Analysis II
Spring 2023PAF9195Public Affairs Internship
Spring 2023PAF9198Public Affairs Workshop
Spring 2023PAF9270Data Collection and Descriptio
Spring 2023PAF9270Data Collection and Descriptio
Spring 2023PAF9134Urban Transportation Policy
Fall 2022PAF9141Community Develpment
Fall 2022PAF9270Data Collection and Descriptio
Fall 2022PAF9172Research and Analysis II
Fall 2022PAF9270Data Collection and Descriptio
Summer 2022PAF9172Research and Analysis II
Spring 2022PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Spring 2022PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Spring 2022PAF9134Urban Transportation Policy
Spring 2022PAF3015Qualitative Studies of Comm
Spring 2022PAF9198Public Affairs Workshop
Fall 2021PAF3015Qualitative Studies of Comm
Fall 2021PAF3375Housing & Commun Dev
Fall 2021PAF9141Community Develpment
Fall 2021PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Fall 2021PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Fall 2021PAF9198Public Affairs Workshop
Spring 2021PAF9141Community Develpment
Spring 2021PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Spring 2021PAF9172Research and Analysis II
Spring 2021PAF3015Qualitative Studies of Comm
Spring 2021PAF9172Research and Analysis II
Fall 2020PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Fall 2020PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Fall 2020PAF9141Community Develpment
Fall 2020PAF9172Research and Analysis II
Summer 2020PAF9199Selected Topics In PAF
Spring 2020PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Spring 2020PAF9172Research and Analysis II
Spring 2020PAF9699Topics Public Policy
Spring 2020PAF9141Community Develpment
Fall 2019PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Fall 2019PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Fall 2019PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Fall 2019PAF9141Community Develpment
Spring 2019PAF9141Community Develpment
Spring 2019PAF9172Research and Analysis II
Spring 2019PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Spring 2019PAF9141Community Develpment
Spring 2019PAF3015Qualitative Studies of Comm
Fall 2018PAF3015Qualitative Studies of Comm
Fall 2018PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Fall 2018PAF9141Community Develpment
Fall 2018PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Summer 2018PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Summer 2018PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Spring 2018PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Spring 2018PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Spring 2018PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Spring 2018PAF9141Community Develpment
Fall 2017PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Fall 2017PAF9141Community Develpment
Fall 2017PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Fall 2017PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Fall 2017PAF6002HHonors Thesis
Summer 2017PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Spring 2017PAF9141Community Develpment
Spring 2017IDC3001HHonors - People of New York
Spring 2017PAF6001HHonors Thesis
Spring 2017PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Spring 2017PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Fall 2016PAF9172Research and Analysis II
Fall 2016PAF3015Qualitative Studies of Comm
Fall 2016PAF9141Community Develpment
Summer 2016PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Spring 2016PAF9141Community Develpment
Spring 2016PAF9141Community Develpment
Spring 2016PAF4199Selected Topics
Spring 2016PAF9699Topics Public Policy
Fall 2015PAF3015Qualitative Studies of Comm
Fall 2015PAF9170Research and Analysis I

Journal Articles

Perrotta, A. F. (2017). Transit Fare Affordability: Findings from a Qualitative Study. Public Works Management & Policy, 22(3). 226-252.

Media Contributions

(2015). .


Williams, D., Perrotta, A., Calabrese, T., & Pathak, R. (2021, October 1). A Conceptual Model of Participatory Budgeting from the Point of View of Budgeting. Annual Meeting of the Association for Budgeting and Financial Management. Washington, DC: Association for Budgeting and Financial Management.

Perrotta, A. (2016, October 21). Civil Rights and Environmental Justice in Regional Transportation Planning: A Path to Regional Equity. Cooper-Walsh Colloquium. Fordham University, NY: Fordham University Law School.

Perrotta, A. (2014, September 16). Transit Fare Policy and the Welfare State: Initial Findings. Lecture in Planning Series. New York, NY: Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation,.

Perrotta, A. (2014, November 1). Transit Fare Policy and the Welfare State: Findings from New York City. Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning 54th Annual Conference. Philadelphia, PA

Perrotta, A. (2014, March 20). Access to Everything: Accessibility Metrics Reconsidered from Within the Central City. Urban Affairs Association 44th Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX

Perrotta, A. (2013, June 8). Contested Goals of Public Transit. Beyond Resilience: Actions for a Just Metropolis conference. New York, NY

Perrotta, A. (2013, April 9). Can social fares improve NYCT?. Short Talks, Big Ideas series. New York University: Rudin Center for Transportation Policy and Management, Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service.

Perrotta, A. (2012, March 8). The potential for low income public transit fare discounts. Krueckeberg Doctoral Conference in Planning and Public Policy. Rutgers University, New Brunswick: Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy.

Perrotta, A. (2006, August 3). Transportation Capacity Expansion in an Age of Debt. International Conference on Funding Transportation Infrastructure. Banff, AB

Other Scholarly Works

Perrotta, A. (2019). The Financial Health of Child Welfare Nonprofits in New York State.

Perrotta, A. (2016). More Affordable Transit Fares.

Perrotta, A. (2013). Fare collection and fare policy.

Perrotta, A. (2008). One City One Future: A Blueprint for Growth for All New Yorkers.

Perrotta, A., & Zupan, J. (2007). Congestion Charging and Technology: A Resource Paper for New York City.

Perrotta, A. (2007). Proceed with Caution: Ground Rules for a Public-Private Partnership in New Jersey.

Perrotta, A., & Braconi, F. (2006). Balanced Housing for a Smart Region.

Perrotta, A., & Jones, C. (2006). Comprehensive Property Tax Reform for New Jersey.

Perrotta, A. (2006). The Dynamic among Community Land Trusts, Local Taxes, and Affordable Housing Incentives.

Jones, C., & Perrotta, A. (2006). Fundamental Property Tax Reform II: A Guide for Evaluating Proposals.

Perrotta, A. (2005). Putting the Trust Back in the New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund.

Perrotta, A. (2005). Reform, Revenue, Results: How to Save New Jersey’s Transportation System.

Perrotta, A., & Jones, C. (2004). An Assessment of the 2005-2009 Capital Needs of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority.

Perrotta, A. (2004). Out of Balance: The Housing Crisis from a Regional Perspective.

Perrotta, A. (2004). Financing Options for the MTA Capital Program.

Zupan, J., & Perrotta, A. (2003). An Exploration of Motor Vehicle Congestion Pricing in New York.

Research Currently in Progess

Perrotta, A., & Williams, D.(n.d.). Conceptual Model of Participatory Budgeting. In Progress.

Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Nomination for the Presidential Excellence Award for Distinguished TeachingBaruch College2020Nominated in 2020 and 2021<br><br>
Solving Urbanization Challenges by DesignNational Science Foundation2010Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship
Research Fellowship in Planning and DevelopmentLincoln Institute of Land Policy2006


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Faculty Student Disciplinary CommitteeCommittee ChairPresent
NYC Community Planning FellowshipLiaison to the Fund for the City of NYPresent
Committee on Academic Standing - MarxeCommittee ChairPresent
iGNITE at Baruch PanelPanel moderatorPresent
Admissions CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Curriculum Committee Committee MemberPresent
Joint Committee on Academic StandingCommittee MemberPresent
Honors Applications ReviewRead and rate applications12/1/2021
Degree Completion Program, BSPAI designed the curriculum for an accelerated, fully-online version of PAF 30157/31/2021
Search Committee, Quantitative Student Support positionCommittee Member3/31/2020
Nonprofit Faculty CommitteeAttendee, Meeting3/31/2020
National Urban Fellows SemifinalsPanelist / Judge6/30/2019
Inclusive PedagogyAttendee, Meeting5/31/2017
AssessmentStudied potential for using capstones to assess learning goals1/30/2017
Creative Inquiry DayJudge5/19/2016
Public Affairs WeekModerator, “The Future of Settlement Houses”3/8/2016
MPA Open HousePanelist2/23/2016
Capstone Presentations, Partnership for Afterschool EducationPanelist2/5/2016


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Housing PlusBoard of Directors of a CompanyNew York6/1/2001Present
Collective of Critical Transport ScholarsMember1/1/201312/31/2018
Numeracy Conference, hosted by Barnard College, Columbia UniversityAttendee, Meeting11/1/201711/30/2017
Palgrave Macmillan publishers11/2/201511/2/2015
New York City Center for Economic Opportunity9/18/20159/18/2015
Roosevelt Institute Summer Academy ExpoPanelist7/31/20157/31/2015


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Zoning Board of AppealsCommittee MemberNew YorkUnited States9/1/2021PresentLocal