Arash Asadpour Rahimabadi

Assc Professor

Zicklin School of Business

Department: N. P. Loomba Dept of Mgt

Areas of expertise:

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Born in 1984, Iran.


Ph.D., Operations Research, Stanford University Stanford CA

BSc, Computer Engineering, Sharif University of Technology Tehran Iran

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Spring 2024OPM9500Decision Models and Analytics
Spring 2024BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2023BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2023BUS89500Independent Study
Fall 2023OPM9500Decision Models and Analytics
Spring 2023OPM9500Decision Models and Analytics
Spring 2023BUS89500Independent Study
Fall 2022OPM9500Decision Models and Analytics
Fall 2022ODA74200Advanced Discrete Optimization
Spring 2022MGT88000Special Topics in Business
Spring 2022OPM9500Decision Models and Analytics
Spring 2022BUS89500Independent Study
Fall 2021MGT9500Management Science
Spring 2021MGT9500Management Science
Spring 2021MGT9500Management Science
Fall 2020MGT9500Management Science

Journal Articles

Asadpour, A., Lobel, I., & van Ryzin, G. (2023). Minimum Earnings Standards and the Stability of Marketplaces. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 25(1). 254-265.

Asadpour, A., Niazadeh, R., Shameli, A., & Saberi, A. (2022). Sequential Submodular Maximization and Applications to Ranking an Assortment of Products. Operations Research, (Articles in Advance).

Abdallah, T., Asadpour, A., & Reed, J. (2021). Large-Scale Bundle Size Pricing: A Theoretical Analysis. Operations Research, 69(4). 1015-1348.

Asadpour, A., Wang, X., & Zhang, J. (2020). Online Resource Allocation with Limited Flexibility. Management Science, 66(2). 642-666.

Asadpour, A., Bateni, M., Bhawalkar, K., & Mirrokni, V. (2019). Concise Bid Optimization Strategies with Multiple Budget Constraints. Management Science, 65(12). 5785-5812.

Asadpour, A., Goemans, M., Madry, A., Oveis Gharan, S., & Saberi, A. (2017). An O(log n/log log n)-Approximation Algorithm for the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem. Operations Research, 65(4). 1043-1061.

Asadpour, A., & Nazerzadeh, H. (2016). Maximizing Stochastic Monotone Submodular Functions. Management Science, 62(8). 2374-2391.

Asadpour, A., Feige, U., & Saberi, A. (2012). Santa Claus Meets Hypergraph Matchings. ACM (Transactions on Algorithms), 8(3). 24:1-24:9.

Asadpour, A., & Saberi, A. (2010). An Approximation Algorithm for Max-Min Fair Allocation of Indivisible Goods. SIAM Journal on Computing, 39(7). 2970-2989.


Asadpour Rahimabadi, A. (2024, June 27). Sequential Submodular Maximization andApplications to Ranking an Assortment of Products. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (2022). Munich: INFORMS.

Asadpour, A., Lobel, I., & van Ryzin, G. (2020, November 30). Minimum Earnings Standards and the Stability of Marketplaces. 2020 INFORMS Annual Conference. (virtual): INFORMS.

Asadpour, A., Lobel, I., & van Ryzin, G. (2020, July 31). Minimum Earnings Standards and the Stability of Marketplaces. 21st ACM Conference on Economics and Computation. (virtual): ACM.

Asadpour, A., Jehl, T., & Freund, D. (2020, November 30). Shared Rides Sustainability. 2020 INFORMS Annual Meeting. (virtual): INFORMS.

Asadpour, A., Lobel, I., & van Ryzin, G. (2019, September 30). Minimum Earnings Standards and the Stability of Marketplaces. INSEAD Operations Management Seminar. Fontainebleau, France: INSEAD.

Asadpour, A., Lobel, I., & van Ryzin, G. (2019, October 31). Minimum Earnings Standards and the Stability of Marketplaces. LBS Operations Management Seminar. London, UK: London Business School.

Asadpour, A., Lobel, I., & van Ryzin, G. (2019, October 31). Minimum Earnings Standards and the Stability of Marketplaces. 2019 INFORMS Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA: INFORMS.

Asadpour, A., Lobel, I., & van Ryzin, G. (2019, December 31). Minimum Earnings Standards and the Stability of Marketplaces. Zicklin Operations Management Seminar. New York, NY: CUNY Zicklin School of Business.

Asadpour, A., Lobel, I., & van Ryzin, G. (2019, November 30). Minimum Earnings Standards and the Stability of Marketplaces. UCL Operations Management Seminar. London, UK: University College London.

Abdallah, T., Asadpour, A., & Reed, J. (2018, November 30). Revenue Management with Bundles. 2018 INFORMS Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ: INFORMS.

Asadpour, A. (2017, November 30). Concise Bid Optimization. Chicago Booth Operations Seminar. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

Asadpour, A., Bateni, M., Bhawalkar, K., & Mirrokni, V. (2017, November 30). Concise Bid Optimization. Rutgers Business School MSIS Seminar. Newark, NJ: Rutgers Business School.

Asadpour, A., Bateni, M., Bhawalkar, K., & Mirrokni, V. (2017, November 30). Concise Bid Optimization Strategies with Multiple Budget Constraints. The International Symposia on Mathematical Programming (ISMP) 2018. Bordeaux, France

Asadpour, A., Bateni, M., Bhawalkar, K., & Mirrokni, V. (2017, October 31). Concise Bid Optimization. Princeton University Operations Research and Financial Engineering Seminar. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University.

Asadpour, A., Bateni, M., Bhawalkar, K., & Mirrokni, V. (2017, September 30). Concise Bid Optimization. Yale School of Management. New Haven, CT: Yale University.

Asadpour, A., Bateni, M., Bhawalkar, K., & Mirrokni, V. (2017, November 30). Concise Bid Optimization. Columbia Business School DRO Seminar. New York, NY: Columbia Business School.

Asadpour, A., Bateni, M., Bhawalkar, K., & Mirrokni, V. (2017, November 30). Concise Bid Optimization. Kellogg Operations Management Seminar. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management.

Asadpour, A., Wang, X., & Zhang, J. (2016, April 30). Online Resource Allocation with Limited Flexibility. Duke Decision Sciences Seminar. Durham, NC: Duke University's Fuqua School of Business.

Asadpour, A., Wang, X., & Zhang, J. (2016, April 30). Online Resource Allocation with Limited Flexibility. Columbia Business School DRO Seminar. New York, NY: Columbia University.

Asadpour, A., Wang, X., & Zhang, J. (2016, April 30). Online Resource Allocation with Limited Flexibility. 2016 INFORMS Annual Meeting. Nashville, TN: Duke University's Fuqua School of Business.

Asadpour Rahimabadi, A., & Nazerzadeh, H. (2015, November 30). Maximizing Stochastic Monotone Submodular Functions. 2015 INFORMS Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA: INFORMS.

Asadpour, A., Bateni, M., Bhawalkar, K., & Mirrokni, V. (2014, July 31). Concise Bid Optimization Strategies with Multiple Budget Constraints. The 10th Conference on Web and Internet Economics. Beijing, China: Springer.

Asadpour Rahimabadi, A., & Nazerzadeh, H. (2013, April 30). Maximizing Stochastic Monotone Submodular Functions. MIT Sloan Operations Management Seminar. Cambridge, MA: Sloan.

Asadpour, A., Goemans, M., Madry, A., Oveis Gharan, S., & Saberi, A. (2010, January 31). An O(log n/log log n)-Approximation Algorithm for the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem,. 21st ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms. Austin, TX: ACM and SIAM.

Asadpour, A. (2009, October 31). Stochastic Submodular Optimization. INFORMS Annual Meeting 2009 San Diego. San Diego, CA: INFORMS.

Asadpour, A., & Saberi, A. (2009, December 31). The Ineffciency Ratio of Stable Equilibria in Congestion Games. 5th Conference on Web and Internet Economics. Rome, Italy: Springer.

Asadpour, A. (2008, May 31). An Approximation Algorithm for Max-min Fair Allocation of Indivisible Goods. IBM Almaden Theory Seminar. San Jose, CA: IBM.

Asadpour, A. (2008, October 31). Random Matchings in Forests with Given Marginals. INFORMS Annual Meeting 2008 Washington. Washington, DC: INFORMS.

Asadpour, A., Nazerzadeh, H., & Saberi, A. (2008, December 31). Stochastic Submodular Optimization. 4th Conference on Web and Internet Economics. Shanghai, China

Asadpour, A., Feige, U., & Saberi, A. (2008, August 31). Santa Claus Meets Hypergraph Matchings. 11th Conference on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization [APPROX]. Cambridge, MA

Asadpour, A. (2007, June 30). An Approximation Algorithm for Max-min Fair Allocation of Indivisible Goods. The ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2007). San Diego, CA: ACM.

Asadpour, A. (2007, March 31). . Microsoft Research Redmond Theory Seminar. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Research.

Research Currently in Progess

Asadpour, A., Freund, D., & Ryzin, G. v.(n.d.). Escrow Payments: A Smoother Driver Pay Mechanism. In Progress.

Dynamic pricing is a frequently used tool to match supply and demand in the gig economy. The comparatively fast-paced dynamics of supply and demand have also led to dynamic pricing featuring prominently in the recent operations research literature.In practice, ridesharing platforms like Lyft and Uber no longer employ the strictly proportional commission. Further, beyond the driver’s expected pay, the volatility in prices affects drivers’ decision-making. We discuss a mechanism to smooth the driver’s dynamic pay and analyze its properties in a stylized stochastic setting. We demonstrate both numerically and analytically the characteristics of the mechanism and discuss its potential benefits.

Asadpour, A., Saeedi, M., & Shourideh, A.(n.d.). Regulating Gig Economy. In Progress.

We study the design of Pareto-efficient regulations for two-sided platforms of gig economy connecting supply and demand. We study the effect of endogenous differentiations on the design of optimal regulations.

Asadpour, A., Freund, D., & Jehl, T.(n.d.). Shared Rides Sustainability. In Progress.

E-hailing companies offer classic rides as a fast mode of transportation and shared ride as an economy option. Unlike private riders, shared riders may experience a match and share their ride with someone else. A match makes the trip longer as this typically generates a detour to pickup and/or drop off the second passenger. Since the companies pay their driver by time and distance regardless of the number of riders in the vehicle, it is possible to reduce the cost of serving a shared ride by matching it. As shared demand increases, more matches can be made and the variable cost of serving shared rides decreases. The goal of this research is to provide a quantitative insight on the conditions for the existence of a profitable equilibrium with both shared and classic rides in a given region.

Asadpour, A., Abdallah, T., & Reed, J.(n.d.). Extreme Value Theory and The Single Item Dynamic Pricing Problem.

We consider the single item dynamic pricing problem in an asymptotic regime where the selling horizon tends to infinity. In this regime, the firm is not under pressure to immediately sell its remaining inventory and instead may shift the focus of its pricing strategy on customers whose item valuations lie in the right tail of the item valuation distribution. The statistical theory of extreme values plays a central role in this setting and consequently we refer to this regime as the extreme value regime. Our main results provide the asymptotics of the optimal expected revenue, selling price and purchasing probability in the extreme value regime. These results depend on which of the three extreme value domains of attraction that the item valuation distribution lies in. However, in all three cases it is shown that the optimal policy is of a generalized run out rate form.
In order to gain further managerial insights into the optimal dynamic pricing policy in the extreme value regime, we also compare the performance of the optimal pricing policy against an upper bound provided by the deterministic version of the problem as in Gallego and van Ryzin (1994) and we provide easy to implement pricing policies that are shown to be asymptotically optimal. Finally, through extensive numerical simulations we demonstrate that when expected demand is high relative to inventory levels our proposed extreme value regime pricing policies are capable of outperforming other commonly used policies designed for the traditional fluid regime.

Asadpour Rahimabadi, A., & Zhang, Y.(n.d.). Patience vs. Skill in Labor Markets. In Progress.

Asadpour Rahimabadi, A.(n.d.). Multi-stay in Hotel Reservation. In Progress.

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
How to Regulate Ridesharing Industry?PSC CUNY 5207/01/202106/30/202304/15/20213500Completed
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Best Paper Award, 21st ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), 2010 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)2010Our paper won the best paper award given annually to the top paper in discrete optimization.
1st Rank, Iran’s National Graduate Entrance Exam in Computer EngineeringIran Ministry of Higher Educations2004Ranked first among 5,000+ undergraduate students.
Silver Medal, 10th Iranian National Olympiad in InformaticsMinistry of Education2000Silver medal in national informatics olympiad.
Silver Medal, 9th Iranian National Olympiad in InformaticsMinistry of Education1999Silver medal in national informatics olympiad.


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
PhD Executive CommitteeCommittee Member9/1/2021Present


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Graduate Committee on Academic Standing (GCAS)Committee MemberPresent
PhD Executive CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
PhD Second Exam CommitteeCommittee Member4/16/2021


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
INFORMS Journals (MS, OR, MOR, MSOM, ...)Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer9/1/2005Present
Seventh annual New York Computer Science and Economics DayProgram OrganizerNew YorkUnited States12/7/2014PresentInternational
INFORMSSession Chair10/15/2023PresentInternational
INFORMSSession Chair10/20/2019PresentInternational
INFORMS (MSOM)Session Chair6/26/2022PresentInternational
INFORMSSession Chair10/22/2017PresentInternational
INFORMSSession Chair11/13/2016PresentInternational
INFORMSSession Chair11/9/2014PresentInternational
INFORMSSession Chair10/6/2013PresentInternational
INFORMSSession Chair11/4/2018PresentInternational


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Paper ReviewerReferee8/1/2020PresentInternational