Arie Harel

Assc Professor

Zicklin School of Business

Department: Paul Chook Dept InfoSys & Stat

Areas of expertise:

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Ph.D., Management Science, Graduate School of Business, Columbia University

MPhil, Management Science, Graduate School of Business, Columbia University

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2024OPR3450Quant Decis Making I
Fall 2024OPR9721Intro To Quantv Mdl
Spring 2024STA9794Special Topics in Statistical
Spring 2024OPR3450Quant Decis Making I
Spring 2024OPR9721Intro To Quantv Mdl
Fall 2023OPR3450Quant Decis Making I
Fall 2023OPR9721Intro To Quantv Mdl
Fall 2022OPR5000Independent Study OPR I
Fall 2022OPR3450Quant Decis Making I
Fall 2022OPR9721Intro To Quantv Mdl
Spring 2022OPR3450Quant Decis Making I
Spring 2022OPR9730Simul Model & Analy
Fall 2021OPR3450Quant Decis Making I
Fall 2021OPR9721Intro To Quantv Mdl
Spring 2021STA9783Stochastic Process Bus Appl I
Spring 2021OPR3450Quant Decis Making I
Spring 2021OPR9783Stoch Proc Bus Appli
Fall 2020OPR9721Intro To Quantv Mdl
Fall 2020OPR3450Quant Decis Making I
Spring 2019OPR3300Quantitative Methods for Acctg
Fall 2018STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2018STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2018STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2017STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2017STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2017OPR9783Stoch Proc Bus Appli
Spring 2017STA9783Stochastic Process Bus Appl I
Spring 2017STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2016STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2016STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2016STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2016OPR9783Stoch Proc Bus Appli
Spring 2016STA9783Stochastic Process Bus Appl I
Fall 2015STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2015STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2015STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2014STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2014STA2000HHonors - Business Statistics
Spring 2014STA9783Stochastic Process Bus Appl I
Spring 2014STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2014OPR9783Stoch Proc Bus Appli
Fall 2013STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2013STA9783Stochastic Process Bus Appl I
Spring 2013STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2012STA2000HHonors - Business Statistics
Fall 2012STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2012STA9783Stochastic Process Bus Appl I
Spring 2012STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2012OPR9783Stoch Proc Bus Appli
Fall 2011STA2000HHonors - Business Statistics
Fall 2011STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2011OPR9783Stoch Proc Bus Appli
Spring 2011STA9783Stochastic Process Bus Appl I
Spring 2011OPR9773Spec Topics In Opr
Spring 2011STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2010STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2010STA9715Applied Probability
Spring 2010OPR9783Stoch Proc Bus Appli
Spring 2010STA9783Stochastic Process Bus Appl I
Spring 2010STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2008OPR3300Quantitative Methods for Acctg
Fall 2008OPR9773Spec Topics In Opr
Spring 2008OPR9783Stoch Proc Bus Appli
Spring 2008OPR3300Quantitative Methods for Acctg
Spring 2008STA4370Spec Topic Appld Sta
Spring 2008STA9783Stochastic Process Bus Appl I
Fall 2007OPR3300Quantitative Methods for Acctg
Spring 2007OPR3300Quantitative Methods for Acctg
Spring 2007STA9783Stochastic Process Bus Appl I
Spring 2007OPR9783Stoch Proc Bus Appli
Fall 2006OPR3300Quantitative Methods for Acctg
Spring 2006STA9783Stochastic Process Bus Appl I
Spring 2006OPR9783Stoch Proc Bus Appli
Spring 2006OPR3300Quantitative Methods for Acctg
Fall 2005OPR3300Quantitative Methods for Acctg
Fall 2005STA9772Spec Top Stat Anal
Spring 2005OPR9783Stoch Proc Bus Appli
Spring 2005STA9783Stochastic Process Bus Appl I
Fall 2004OPR3300Quantitative Methods for Acctg
Spring 2004STA9783Stochastic Process Bus Appl I
Spring 2004OPR9783Stoch Proc Bus Appli
Spring 2004OPR3300Quantitative Methods for Acctg
Fall 2003OPR9721Intro To Quantv Mdl
Fall 2003OPR3300Quantitative Methods for Acctg
Spring 2003OPR9723Probabilistic Models
Spring 2003STA9783Stochastic Process Bus Appl I
Spring 2003OPR3300Quantitative Methods for Acctg
Fall 2002STA9715Applied Probability
Fall 2002OPR3300Quantitative Methods for Acctg
Fall 2002STA3551Theory Stat Prob Dis
Spring 2002OPR3300Quantitative Methods for Acctg
Spring 2002OPR3300Quantitative Methods for Acctg

Journal Articles

(2024). Why stock analysts may make wrong predictions?. Economics Letters, 244.

(2022). Predicting Security Returns in the Presence of Upper Price Limits. Theoretical Economics Letters, 12(5). 1280-1287.

Harel, A., & Harpaz, G. (2021). "Forecasting stock prices". International Review of Economics and Finance, 73(May). 249-256.

Harel, A., & Harpaz, G. (2020). "Forecasting the S&P 500 Index with Circuit Breakers". Theoretical Economics Letters, 10(6). 1205-1212.

Harel, A., Francis, J. C., & Harpaz, G. (2018). "Alternative Utility Functions: Review, Analysis and Comparison". Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 51(3). 785-811.

Harel, A., Harpaz, G., & Francis, J. C. (2016). "Market Efficiency: Is it Possible?". The International Journal of Finance, 28(1). 1-13.

Harel, A., Harpaz, G., & Francis, J. (2014). "Optimal Executive Compensation Schemes" . The International Journal of Finance , 26(1). 1-7.

(2011). "Analysis of Efficient Markets". Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 36(2). 287-296..

Harel, A. (2011). "Convexity Results for the Erlang Delay and Loss Formulae When the Server Utilization Is Held Constant". Operations Research, 59(6). 1420-1426.

Harel, A. (2010). "Sharp and simple bounds for the Erlang delay and loss formulae". Queueing Systems, 64(2). 119-143.

Francis, J. C., Harel, A., & Harpaz, G. (2010). "Actuarially Fair Premia for Deductible Insurance Policies". American Economist, 55(2). 83-91.

Harel, A., Harpaz, G., & Yagil, J. (2010). "A New Paradigm for Forecasting Security Returns in a Market Regulated by Price Limits". Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 35(1). 113-121.

(2009). "Exchange Mergers and Electronic Trading". The Journal of Trading, 4(1). 35-43.

Francis, J. C., Harel, A., & Harpaz, G. (2009). “Exchange Mergers and Electronic Trading”. The Journal of Trading, 4(1). 35-43.

Harel, A., Harpaz, G., & Francis, J. C. (2007). "Pricing Securities with Exchange-Imposed Price Limits Via Risk Neutral Valuation". International Journal of Theoretical & Applied Finance, 10(3). 399-406.

Harel, A., & Harpaz, G. (2007). "Fair Actuarial Values for Deductible Insurance Policies in the Presence of Parameter Uncertainty". International Journal of Theoretical & Applied Finance, 10(2). 389-397.

(2007). "Pricing Futures on Geometric Indexes: A Discrete Time Approach". Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 28(3). 227-240.

(2006). "Security Markets with Price Limit: A Bayesian Approach". International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, 9(3). 359-372.

(2006). "Forecasting Demand for Perishable Commodities and Services Under Capacity Constraint". Forecasting Letters, 1(1). 10-16.

(2005). "The Determinant of the Bank Loan Loss Ratios". Risk Letters, 1(2). 1-4.

(2005). "The Pricing of the CME$INDEX Futures Contracts". Risk Letters, 1(1). 1-5.

(2005). "Premium Computation for Deductible Insurance Policies: A Bayesian Approach". Finance Letters, 3(6). 1-7.

(2005). "Forecasting Futures Returns in the Presence of Price Limits". Journal of Futures Markets, 25(2). 199-210.

(2005). "Project Valuation with Time-Varying Cash Flows: A Bayesian Approach". Engineering Economist, 50(4). 337-359.

(2004). "A Bayesian Estimator for Time Varying Betas". Finance Letters, 2(3). 10-15.

(2004). "A Bayesian Estimator for Time Varying Betas". Finance Letters, 2(3). 10-15.

(2004). "The Valuation of Indexed Bonds". Finance Letters, 2(6). 1-7.

Harel, A., Namn, S., & Sturm, J. (1999). "Simple Bounds for Closed Queueing Networks". Queueing Systems, 31(1). 125-135.

Harel, A., Namn, S., & Sturm, J. (1999). "Migration of Zeros for Successive Derivatives of Entire Function". Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 127(2). 563-567.

Harel, A., & Chen, H. (1997). "Order Statistics Applications to Queueing and Scheduling Problems". Queueing Systems, 27(3,4). 325-350.

Harel, A., & Stulman, A. (1995). "Polling, Greedy and Horizon Servers on a Circle". Operations Research, 43(1). 177-186.

Harel, A. (1993). "Random Walk and the Area Below its Path". Mathematics of Operations Research, 18(3). 566-577.

Harel, A., & Stulman, A. (1991). "Phasing Out Inventory for a Continuously Demanded Commodity". Information Systems and Operational Research, 29(1). 38-43.

Harel, A. (1990). "Convexity Results for Single Server Queues and for Multiserver Queues with Constant Service Times". Journal of Applied Probability, 27(2). 465-468.

Harel, A. (1990). "Convexity properties of the Erlang Loss Formula". Operations Research, 38(3). 499-505.

Harel, A. (1990). "On Honest Bernoulli Excursions". Journal of Applied Probability, 27(2). 475-476.

Harel, A. (1988). "Sharp Bounds and Simple Approximations for the Erlang Delay and Loss Formulas". Management Science, 34(8). 959-972.

Harel, A. (1988). "Errantum to: Sharp Bounds and Simple Approximations for the Erlang Delay and Loss Formulas". Management Science, 34(10). 1277.

Harel, A., & Zipkin, P. (1987). "The Convexity of a General Performance measure for the Multi-Server Queues". Journal of Applied Probability, 24(3). 725-736.

Harel, A., & Zipkin, P. (1987). "Strong Convexity Results for Queueing Systems". Operations Research, 35(3). 405-418.

Other Scholarly Works

Harel, A. (2006). "Sequence A122525 in the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences".

Harel, A. (2006). "Sequence A121922 in the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences".

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
Convexity results for the analytic continuation of the classical Erlang delay and loss formulaePSC-CUNY 4407/01/201306/30/201404/15/20135990Completed
Convexity Result for the Erlang Delay Formula and the Optimal Number of ServersPSC-CUNY 4107/01/201006/30/20113990Completed
Bounds, Optimization and Approximation Results for the Erlang Delay and Loss FormulaePSC-CUNY 3807/01/200706/30/20084095Completed
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Faculty Research & Creative Activities award for contributing to knowledge created in 2018. Baruch College, April 11, 2019. Baruch College2019
Research award for publishing in premier journalsZicklin School of Business 2015$6,500 for publishing in premier journals.
Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement AwardBaruch College2012
Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement AwardBaruch College2011Recipient of award recognizing outstanding academic contributions by members of the Baruch College faculty during the year 2010.
Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement AwardBaruch College2010Recipient of award recognizing outstanding academic contributions by members of the Baruch College faculty during the year 2009.
Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement AwardBaruch College2008Recipient of award recognizing outstanding academic contributions by members of the Baruch College faculty during the year 2007.
Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement AwardBaruch College2007Recipient of award recognizing outstanding academic contributions by members of the Baruch College faculty during the year 2006.
Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement AwardBaruch College2006Recipient of award recognizing outstanding academic contributions by members of the Baruch College faculty during the year 2005.
Merit AwardsRutgers University1991
Merit AwardsRutgers University1990
Horace J. DePodwin Award Rutgers University1988
Merit AwardsRutgers University1988
Beta Gamma SigmaColumbia University1985
Summa Cum LaudeBen Gurion University1976


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Evaluation of OPR courses for the Study Abroad ProgramPresent
Weissman School of Arts & SciencesRepresentativePresent
Alumni ReceptionPresent
Committee on Financial AidCommittee MemberPresent
Flex-Time MBA/MS & APT OrientationPresent
Flex-Time orientation for new MBA/MSPresent
Orientation for undergraduate studentsPresent
Zicklin ConversationPresent
Coordinator, Operations Research/Quantitative Methods AreaFaculty AdvisorPresent
Beta Gamma Sigma Honors and Recognition CeremonyPresent
MBA/MS Program Orientation Faculty AdvisorPresent
Information Sessions with MBA & MS studentsFaculty AdvisorPresent
Committee on Research and Professional DevelopmentCommittee MemberPresent
Executive CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Graduate Curriculum CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Academic Advising for the graduate students in Quantitative Methods and Modeling.Faculty AdvisorPresent
Classroom Observation for colleaguesFaculty MentorPresent
Evaluation of the foreign transfer creditsPresent
Chair of the search committee for a Lecturer in Statistics, Fall 2023. Committee Chair5/1/2023
Academic Advising for MBA students majoring in Decision SciencesFaculty Advisor9/30/2018
Business Ethics Steering CommitteeCommittee Member8/1/2017
Secretary of the Faculty12/31/2016
Committee on LibraryCommittee Member9/30/2016
Honors Program Admission CommitteeCommittee Member2/28/2015
Review of candidates for the Macaulay Honors College1/31/2015
Interim Secretary of the Faculty8/28/2014
Committee on Collegiate Athletic ActivitiesCommittee Member8/31/2012
Secretary of the Faculty8/28/2010
Committee on Research and Professional DevelopmentCommittee Chair9/30/2009
Chair, Committee on Collegiate Athletic ActivitiesCommittee Chair8/31/2009
Committee on Academic StandingCommittee Member12/31/2008
Advisory Committee for the BCTCCommittee Member9/30/2008
Acting Coordinator, Quantitative Methods AreaActing Coordinator1/31/2007


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
CUNY Research FoundationPresent
CUNY Select Faculty Committee Teaching Panel4/1/2010Present
Committee on Financial AidCommittee Member8/28/2024Present
Taught Ph.D. students from the Graduate Center Present
Senator to the University Faculty SenateSenator9/1/2022Present
Senator to the University Faculty Senate9/1/20196/30/2022
Senator to the University Faculty Senate9/1/20166/30/2019
Senator to the University Faculty Senate9/1/20136/30/2016
Alternate Senator to the University Faculty Senate9/1/20096/30/2013


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Queueing Models and Service Management (QMSM)Editor, Associate Editor1/1/2016PresentInternational
International Journal of Tomography and Simulation (IJTS)Editor, Associate Editor1/2/2006PresentInternational
Telecommunication Systems Journal (Springer)Editor, Associate Editor6/1/2006PresentInternational
ORSA/TIMS National Meeting, Anaheim, CASession ChairCaliforniaUnited States11/1/199111/30/1991International
ORSA/TIMS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PASession ChairPennsylvaniaUnited States10/1/199010/31/1990International
ORSA/TIMS National Meeting, New York, New YorkSession ChairNew YorkUnited States10/1/198910/31/1989International
ORSA/TIMS National Meeting, Denver, ColoradoSession ChairColoradoUnited States10/1/198810/31/1988International
ORSA/TIMS National Meeting, St. Louis, MissouriSession ChairMissouriUnited States10/1/198710/31/1987International
ORSA/TIMS National Meeting, New Orleans, LouisianaSession ChairLouisianaUnited States5/1/19875/31/1987International
ORSA/TIMS National Meeting, Los Angeles, CASession ChairCaliforniaUnited States4/1/19864/30/1986International