Benedetto Fontana
Weissman School of Arts and Sciences
Department: Political Science
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Ph.D., Political Science, City University of NY
Political Science, City University of NY
B.A., Political Science, Brooklyn College
Semester | Course Prefix | Course Number | Course Name |
Fall 2024 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Spring 2024 | PSC | 72100 | American Political Thought |
Spring 2024 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2023 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Spring 2023 | PSC | 72100 | American Political Thought |
Spring 2023 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2022 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2022 | POL | 4900 | Political Science Capstone Sem |
Fall 2021 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2021 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2021 | PSC | 70100 | Ancient/Medieval Pol Thought |
Spring 2021 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Spring 2021 | POL | 6002H | Honors - Political Science II |
Fall 2020 | POL | 6001H | Honors - Political Science I |
Fall 2020 | POL | 4900 | Political Science Capstone Sem |
Fall 2020 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Spring 2020 | PSC | 71906 | ST: Political Theory |
Spring 2020 | POL | 5000 | Independent Study POL I |
Fall 2019 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2019 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2019 | POL | 2332 | American Political Thought |
Spring 2019 | POL | 3335 | Early Political Theory |
Spring 2019 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Spring 2019 | POL | 5000 | Independent Study POL I |
Fall 2018 | PSC | 79000 | Master's Thesis Tutorial |
Fall 2018 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2018 | PSC | 71908 | ST: Political Theory |
Spring 2018 | PSC | 71000 | Ancient&Medieval Polit Thought |
Spring 2018 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2017 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2017 | POL | 3336 | Modern Political Theory |
Spring 2017 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2016 | POL | 3335 | Early Political Theory |
Fall 2016 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Spring 2016 | PSC | 72001 | Machiavelli |
Fall 2015 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2015 | PSC | 72100 | American Political Thought |
Spring 2015 | POL | 5000 | Independent Study POL I |
Spring 2015 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2014 | POL | 5000 | Independent Study POL I |
Fall 2014 | PSC | 72100 | American Political Thought |
Fall 2014 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2014 | POL | 2332 | American Political Thought |
Fall 2013 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2013 | PSC | 70100 | Ancient/Medieval Pol Thought |
Spring 2013 | POL | 5000 | Independent Study POL I |
Spring 2013 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Spring 2013 | POL | 3335 | Early Political Theory |
Fall 2012 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Spring 2012 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Spring 2012 | POL | 2332 | American Political Thought |
Fall 2011 | POL | 3336 | Modern Political Theory |
Fall 2011 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2011 | POL | 2332 | American Political Thought |
Fall 2011 | POL | 5000 | Independent Study POL I |
Spring 2011 | POL | 3335 | Early Political Theory |
Spring 2011 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2010 | POL | 3336 | Modern Political Theory |
Fall 2010 | POL | 2332 | American Political Thought |
Spring 2010 | POL | 2332 | American Political Thought |
Spring 2010 | POL | 3335 | Early Political Theory |
Fall 2009 | POL | 3336 | Modern Political Theory |
Fall 2009 | POL | 2332 | American Political Thought |
Spring 2009 | POL | 3335 | Early Political Theory |
Spring 2009 | POL | 3335 | Early Political Theory |
Spring 2009 | IDC | 4050H | Hon Feit Hum Sem I |
Fall 2007 | POL | 3336 | Modern Political Theory |
Fall 2007 | POL | 6002 | Honors |
Spring 2007 | POL | 2332 | American Political Thought |
Spring 2007 | POL | 3336 | Modern Political Theory |
Spring 2007 | POL | 5000 | Independent Study POL I |
Spring 2007 | POL | 6001 | Honors |
Fall 2006 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2006 | POL | 2332 | American Political Thought |
Fall 2006 | POL | 3335 | Early Political Theory |
Fall 2006 | POL | 5000 | Independent Study POL I |
Spring 2006 | POL | 2332 | American Political Thought |
Spring 2006 | POL | 2332 | American Political Thought |
Spring 2006 | POL | 1101 | Amer Govt Pract & Values |
Fall 2005 | POL | 3336 | Modern Political Theory |
Fall 2005 | POL | 2332 | American Political Thought |
Fall 2005 | POL | 5000 | Independent Study POL I |
Fall 2005 | POL | 2332 | American Political Thought |
Spring 2005 | POL | 2332 | American Political Thought |
Spring 2005 | POL | 5000 | Independent Study POL I |
Fall 2004 | POL | 3335 | Early Political Theory |
Fall 2004 | POL | 3335 | Early Political Theory |
Fall 2004 | POL | 2332 | American Political Thought |
Summer 2004 | POL | 5001 | Independent Study POL II |
Spring 2004 | IDC | 6002 | Idc Honors Thesis II |
Spring 2004 | POL | 5000 | Independent Study POL I |
Spring 2004 | POL | 6002 | Honors |
Fall 2003 | IDC | 6001 | Idc Honors Thesis I |
Fall 2003 | POL | 5000 | Independent Study POL I |
Spring 2003 | POL | 2332 | American Political Thought |
Spring 2003 | POL | 3336 | Modern Political Theory |
Fall 2002 | POL | 5000 | Independent Study POL I |
Fall 2002 | POL | 5000 | Independent Study POL I |
Fall 2002 | POL | 2332 | American Political Thought |
Fall 2002 | POL | 2332 | American Political Thought |
Fall 2002 | POL | 3335 | Early Political Theory |
Spring 2002 | POL | 5000 | Independent Study POL I |
Spring 2002 | POL | 2336 | Modern Political Theory |
Spring 2002 | POL | 2332 | American Political Thought |
Fall 2001 | POL | 2335 | Early Political Theory |
Fall 2001 | POL | 2332 | American Political Thought |
Fall 2001 | POL | 2332 | American Political Thought |
Fontana, B., Nederman, C. J., & Remer, G. (2004). Talking Democracy: Historical Perspectives on Rhetoric and Democracy. (p. viii, 360). University Park, PA, USA, Pennsylvania State University Press.
Fontana, B. (1993). Hegemony and Power: On the Relation Between Gramsci and Machiavelli. (p. viii, 226). Minneapolis, London, USA, UK, University of Minnesota Press [Revised edition published in Turkish translation by Kalkedon Yayinlari as "Hegemonya ve Iktidar: Gramsci ve Machiavelli Arasindaki iliski Uzerine" (2013)].
Journal Articles
Fontana, B. (2020). Machiavelli and the Ciompi: Class Conflict and Republican Politics. Storia del pensiero politico, 8(3). 41.
Fontana, B. (2017). "Philosophy and Rhetoric in Vico's Thought". Italian Culture, 35(2). 82-100.
Fontana, B. (2017). "Bia and Logos: Power and Rhetoric in Antiquity". History of Political Thought, 38(1). 1-19.
Novello, N. (Ed.). Fontana, B. (2016). "Appunti su Gramsci e lo Stato" ("Notes on Gramsci and the State"). Rivista di studi italiani (Also to be published in Neil Novello, ed., Envoi Gramsci: Cultura, Filosofia, Umanesimo, Udine, Italy, Campanotto Editore, 2017) , 144-158.
Fontana, B. (2013). "Capax imperii: Tacitus and the politics of Machiavelli". Storia del pensiero politico, 11(2). 207-232.
Fontana, B. (2012). "The compound republic and popular politics". Journal of Political Power [Routledge], 5(3). 499-505 [Review essay].
Fontana, B. (2011). "Politics and History in Gramsci". Journal of Modern Italian Studies [Routledge], 16(2). 225-238.
Fontana, B. (2010). "Political Space and Hegemonic Power in Gramsci". Journal of Political Power [Routledge], 3(3). 341-363.
Fontana, B. (2009). "Rhetoric and Power in Machiavelli". European Journal of Political Theory [Sage], 8(2). 263-274 [Review essay].
(2006). "Reason and Politics: Philosophy Confronts the People". boundary 2, 33(1). 7-35.
(2006). "Liberty and Domination: Civil Society in Gramsci". boundary 2, 33(2). 51-74.
Fontana, B. (2005). "The Democratic Philosopher: Hegemony as Rhetoric in Gramsci". Italian Culture, 23(1). 97-124 [Reprinted in Italian as "Il filosofo democratico: la retorica come egemonia". In Giuseppe Vacca and Giancarlo Schirru (Ed.), Studi gramsciani nel mondo (pp. 241-272). Bologna: Il Mulino (2007)].
(2003). "Sallust and the Politics of Machiavelli". Historical of Political Thought, 24(1). 86-108.
(2002). "Gramsci on Politics and State". Journal of Classical Sociology , 2(2). 157-178.
(2000). "Notes on Carl Schmitt and Marxism". Cardozo Law Review, 21(5-6). 1515-1523.
(2000). "Logos and Kratos: Gramsci and the Ancients on Hegemony". Journal of the History of Ideas, 61(2). 305-326.
(1999). "Love of Country and Love of God: The Political Uses of Religion in Machiavelli". Journal of the History of Ideas, 60(4). 639-658.
Fontana, B. (1998). Politics, Philosophy, and Modernity in Gramsci. The Philosophical Forum, 29(3-4). 104-118.
(1998). "What is Truth?: Hegemony and Modernity in Gramsci". Rivista di studi italiani , 16(1). 22-38.
Fontana, B. (1998). Introduction [to Antonio Gramsci: Philosophy, Politics, and Culture]. The Philosophical Forum, 29(3-4). 91-92.
(1997). "Modernidad y hegemonia en Gramsci" . Memoria: Revista Mensual de Politica y Cultura , 105. 32-39.
Fontana, B. (1996). "The Concept of Nature in Gramsci". The Philosophical Forum, 27(3). 220-243 [Reprinted in In Michael Ekers, Gillin Hart, Stefan Kipfer, Alex Loftus (Ed.), Gramscian Geographies: Space, Ecology, Politics. Oxford: Blackwell (2012); Reprinted in James Martin (ed.), Antonio Gramsci: Critical Assessments of Leading Political Philosophers (vol. 2, pp.62-84), London: Routledge (2001).].
(1993). "Tacitus on Empire and Republic". History of Political Thought, 14(1). 27-40.
Book Chapters
(2023). Machiavelli's Representation of the People in the Ciompi Revolt. Rethinking Medieval and Renaissance Polirtical Thought (pp. 145-164). New York, NY. Routledge.
Fontana, B. (2017). "Machiavelli and the Gracchi: Republican Liberty and Class Conflict". In Urbinati, N., Johnston, D., & Vergara, C. (Eds.), Machiavelli on Liberty and Conflict (pp. 235-256). Chicago, IL,USA. University of Chicago Press.
Fontana, B. (2015). "Intellectuals and Masses: Agency and Knowledge in Gramsci". In McNally, M. (Ed.), Antonio Gramsci (pp. 55-75). London,United Kingdom. Palgrave Macmillan.
Fontana, B. (2013). "Gramsci'yi ve Machiavelli'yi Okumak" ("Gramsci Reading Machiavelli"). Hegemonya ve Iktidar: Gramsci ve Machiavelli Arasindaki iliski Uzerine (Turkish translation of Hegemony and Power: On the Relation Between Gramsci and Machiavelli) (pp. 11-26). Istanbul,Turkey. Kalkedon Yayinlari.
Fontana, B. (2009). "Power and Democracy: Gramsci in America". In Francese, J. (Ed.), Perspectives on Gramsci: Gramsci in America (pp. 80-96). New York, NY,USA. Routledge.
Fontana, B. (2009). "Ancient Roman Historians and Early Modern Political Theory". In Feldherr, A. (Ed.), The Cambridge Companion to the Roman Historians (pp. 362-379). Cambridge,UK. Cambridge University Press.
Fontana, B. (2009). "Egemonia e pluralismo: Usi ed abusi di Gramsci negli Stati Uniti. In Schirru, G. (Ed.), Gramsci, le culture, ll mondo (pp. 163-179). Rome,Italy. Viella.
Fontana, B. (2006). "State and Society: The Concept of Hegemony in Gramsci". In Haugaard, M., & Lentner, H. H. (Eds.), Hegemony and Power: Consent and Coercion in Contemporary Politics (pp. 23-44). Lanham, MD,USA. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc. [Reprinted as "Hegemony and Power in Gramsci" in Kylie Smith (ed.), Hegemony: Studies in Consciousness and Coercion, (pp. 80-106), New York: Routledge (2008).].
Fontana, B. (2005). "Hegemony". In Horowitz, M. C. (Ed.), New Dictionary of the History of Ideas (pp. 977-980). New York, NY. Charles Scribner's Sons.
Fontana, B. (2005). Democracy. In Horowitz, M. C. (Ed.), New Dictionary of the History of Ideas (pp. 551-556). New York, NY. Charles Scribner's Sons.
Fontana, B. (2004). "The Concept of Caesarism in Gramsci". In Baehr , P., & Richter, M. (Eds.), Dictatorship in History and Theory: Bonapartism, Caesarism, and Totalitarianism (pp. 175-195). Cambridge. Cambridge University Press.
Fontana, B. (2004). "Rhetoric and the Roots of Democratic Politics". In Fontana, B., Nederman, C. J., & Remer, G. (Eds.), Talking Democracy: Historical Perspectives on Rhetoric and Democracy (pp. 27-56). University Park, PA. Pennsylvania State University Press.
Fontana, B., Nederman, C. J., & Remer, G. (2004). "Introduction: Deliberative Democracy and the Rhetorical Turn". In Fontana, B., Nederman, C., & Remer, G. (Eds.), Talking Democracy: Historical Perspectives on Rhetoric and Democracy (pp. 1-26). University Park, PA,USA. Pennsylvania State University Press.
Fontana, B. (2004). "Conflicto y consenso: sociedad civil en Gramsci". In Kanoussi, D. (Ed.), Poder y hegemonia hoy: Gramsci en la era global (pp. 41-56). Mexico City. BUAP-IGS.
Fontana, B. (2004). "Egemonia y el Nuevo Orden Mundial". In Kanoussi, D. (Ed.), Gramsci en Rio (pp. 115-140). Mexico City,Mexico. BUAP-IGS.
Fontana, B. (2003). "Hegemonia e nova ordem mundial". In Countinho, C. N., & Teixeira, A. d. (Eds.), Ler Gramsci: entender a realidade (pp. 113-125). Rio de Janeiro,Brazil. Civilizacao Brasilleira.
Fontana, B. (2002). "Hegemony and Rhetoric: Political Education in Gramsci" Gramsci and Education. In Borg, C., Buttigieg, J. A., & Mayo, P. (Eds.), Gramsci and Education (pp. 25-40). Lanham, MD,USA. Rowman and Littlefield [Reprinted in Turkish as "Hegemonya ve Retorik: Gramsci' de Siyasal Egitim". In Carmel Borg, Joseph Buttigieg, Peter Mayo (Ed.), Gramsci ve Egitim (pp. 45-65). Istanbul: Kalkedon Yayinlari (2010); Reprinted in Catalan as ""Hegemonia i retorica: l'educacio critica en Gramsci". In Carmel Borg, Joseph Buttigieg and Peter Mayo (Ed.), Gramsci i l'educacio (pp. 43-58). Xativa: Edicions del CREC (2012); Reprinted in Spanish as "La educacion critica en Gramsci". In Carmel Borg, Joseph Buttigieg, peter Mayo (Ed.), Gramsci y la educacion (pp. 45-62). Valencia: Ediciones del CREC (2012)].
Fontana, B. (2001). "Anotaciones en torno a Carl Schmitt y el Marxismo". In Medina, G., & Mallorquin, C. (Eds.), Hacia Carl Schmitt: ir-resuelto (pp. 112-123). Puebla,Mexico. Universidad Autonoma de Puebla.
Fontana, B. (2001). "Gramsci y el Estado". In Kanoussi, D. (Ed.), Hegemonia, Estado y Sociedad Civil en la Globalizacion (pp. 15-37). Mexico City,Mexico. Plaza y Valdes Editores.
Fontana, B. (2000). "El Intelectual Cosmopolita: Gramsci sobre Croce". In Kanoussi, D. (Ed.), Gramsci en America (pp. 281-304). Mexico City,Mexico. Plaza y Valdes Editores.
Fontana, B. (1999). "Che cos' e la verita?": Modernita ed egemonia in Gramsci. In Vacca, G. (Ed.), Gramsci e il Novecento (pp. 279-294). Rome,Italy. Carocci editore.
Fontana, B. (1998). "El problema del sujeto historico: hegemonia y politica en Gramsci". In Kanoussi, D. (Ed.), Los estudios gramscianos hoy (pp. 59-68). Mexico City,Mexico. Plaza y Valdes Editores.
Fontana, B. (2025, April 13). Appearance and Reality: Simulation and Dissimulation in Machiavelli's Politics. Midwestern Political Science Association. Chicago: Midwestern Political Science Association.
Fontana, B. (2021, November 13). Simulation and Dissimulation: The Representation of the People in Machiavelli's Politics. Northeastern Political Science Association Annual Conference. Via Zoom: Northeastern Political Science Association.
Fontana, B. (2019, November 16). Notes on Caesarism and Democracy. Caesarism and Democracy. Princeton, NJ: Project in the History of Political Thought, University Center for Human Values, Princeton University.
Fontana, B. "The Ciompi and the Politics of Machiavelli".
Fontana, B. (2017, February 13). "The Ciompi and the Politics of Machiavelli". Colloquium on Medieval and European Thought. Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago.
Fontana, B. (2016, September 1). "Machiavelli and the Ciompi". American Political Science Association. Philadelphia, PA
Fontana, B. (2015, November 14). "Rhetoric and Politics in Rousseau". Northeastern Political Science Association. Philadelphia, PA
Fontana, B. (2014, May 12). "The East/West Relation and International Politics". Chappaqua, New York: Foreign Policy Group.
Fontana, B. (2014, November 24). "Love, Fear and Power in Machiavelli". Medford, MA: Tufts University, Classics, Italian, and Political Science Departments.
Fontana, B. (2013, December 9). Machiavelli's Politics: Prince and People. Machiavelli's Prince at 500. New York, NY: Italian Cultural Institute.
Fontana, B. (2013, June 21). Political Rhetoric and Political Violence. Rhetoric and Political Theory. Braga, Portugal: University of Minho.
Fontana, B. (2013, April 28). "Reading Gramsci Reading Machiavelli". Historical Materialism. New York University: Historical Materialism Journal.
Fontana, B. (2013, March 28). Rethinking the Relation Between Gramsci and Machiavelli. Machiavelli at Five Hundred: Machiavelli's Modern Legacy. Duke University: Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Kenan Institute for Ethics.
Fontana, B. (2013, December 6). Machiavelli and the Gracchi: Republican Liberty and Socio-Economic Equality. Conflict and Liberty: Machiavelli at 500. New York, NY: Columbia University.
Fontana, B. (2013, August 29). Bia and Logos: Power and Rhetoric in Antiquity. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL: American Political Science Association.
Fontana, B. (2012, November 30). Rhetoric and Classical Political Thought. NPSA Annual Meeting. Boston, MA: Northeastern Political Science Association.
Fontana, B. (2012, November 30). "Machiavelli and the Gracchi". Northeastern Political Science Association. Boston, MA
Fontana, B. (2012, November 30). Machiavelli and Agathocles. Machiavellian Ambiguities. Columbia University: Heyman Center for the Humanities.
Fontana, B. (2012, May 31). "Is it better to be loved than feared?": Machiavelli and the Bases of Political Action". Rhetoric Society of America. Philadelphia, PA: Rhetoric Society of America.
Fontana, B. (2011, November 30). "Gramsci and Christianity: Religion, Hegemony and War of Position". New York, NY: Deapartment of Anthroplogy, GS, CUNY.
Fontana, B. (2011, February 28). "Tacitus and Machiavelli". Democracy and Republicanism Seminar. New York, NY: Columbia University.
Fontana, B. (2010, January 31). "Politics in Gramsci". Historical Materialism Conference. Gaduate School, CUNY, New York, NY: Historical Materialism Journal.
Fontana, B. (2010, November 30). "Tacitus in the Politics of Machiavelli". Northeastern Political Science Association Meeting. Boston, MA: Northeastern Political Science Association.
Fontana, B. (2010, April 30). "Confronting Gramsci: Hegemony, Space and Politics". Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting. Washington, DC: Association of American Geographers.
Fontana, B. (2009, November 30). The Politics of Space in Gramsci. Re-Thinking Marxism, The Seventh International Conference. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA: Re-Thinking Marxism.
Fontana, B. (2009, November 30). "The Democratic Philosopher: History and Politics in Antonio Gramsci". Re-Thinking Marxism, The Seventh Intrenational Conference. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA: Re-Thinking Marxism.
Fontana, B. (2009, November 30). "Love and fear in Machiavelli's Politics". Northeastern Political Science Association Meeting. Phliladelphia, PA: Northeastern Political Science Association.
Fontana, B. (2007, May 31). Between Marx and Lenin: Gramsci and the Collective Will. International conference on Antonio Gramsci. IIstituto Gramsci della Sardegna, Cagliari-Ghilarza-Alez, Sardinia, Italy
Fontana, B. (2007, April 30). Beyond Pluralism: Gramsci and the Debate on Hegemony in the United States. International Conference on Antonio Gramsci. Fondazione Instituto Gramsci, Rome, Italy
Fontana, B. (2007, November 30). Hegemony and Pluralism: Gramsci and American Politics. Northeastern Political Science Association annual meeting. Philadelphia, PA
Fontana, B. (2007, November 30). Gramsci's Politics Today. International Symposium of Gramsci Now: Cultural and Political Theory. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Fontana, B. (2006, September 30). The Six Faces of Power. American Political Science Association Meeting. Philadelphia, PA
Fontana, B. (2006, September 30). The People as a Political Power in Machiavelli's Politics. American Political Science Association Meeting. Philadelphia, PA
Fontana, B. (2006, October 31). Hegemony and the Locus of the Political Subject. Rethinking Marxism, The Sixth International Conference. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
Fontana, B. (2005, September 30). Hegemony as Rhetoric: Knowledge and Power in Gramsci. American Political Science Association Meeting. Washington, DC
Fontana, B. (2004, December 31). The Democratic Philosopher: Hegemony and Rhetoric in Gramsci. Modern Language Association. Philadelphia, PA
Fontana, B. (2004, June 30). Hegemony and Power in Gramsci. The Research Group on Power of the International Political Science Association. NYC: Graduate School/CUNY.
Fontana, B. (2003, October 31). Conflict and Consensus: Civil Society in Gramsci. International Conference on Gramsci Studies. Pubela, Mexico: Universidad Autonoma de Puebla.
Fontana, B. (2003, August 31). Power and Hegemony in the Theory of Antonio Gramsci. American Political Science Association. Philadelphia, PA
Fontana, B. (2003, November 30). Civil Society in Gramsci. Northeastern Political Science Association. Philadelphia, PA
Fontana, B. (2003, August 31). Rousseau and the Ancients on Rhetoric. American Political Science Association Meeting. Philadelphia, PA
Fontana, B. (2003, November 30). Gramsci and Education. Marxism and the World Stage Conference. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts.
Fontana, B. (2003, November 30). Liberty and Domination: Civil Society in Gramsci. Marxism and the World Stage Conference. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts.
Fontana, B. (2002, October 10). Politics and Violence. Conference on Security, Politics, and Violence. New York City, NY
Fontana, B. (2002, August 31). Force and Persuasion: The Representation of the People in Machiavelli. American Political Science Association Meeting. Boston, MA
Fontana, B. (2002, May 31). Logos and Kratos: Rhetoric and the Nature of Democratic Politics. Annual Conference of the Rhetoric Society of America. Las Vegas, NV
Fontana, B. (2002, October 31). Rousseau and Rhetoric. Northeast American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies. New York City, NY
Fontana, B. (2002, November 30). Ethos and Kratos: The Concept of Education in Gramsci. American Anthropological Association Meeting. New Orleans, LA
Fontana, B. (2002, November 30). Rhetoric and Power: Political Conflict and Political Violence in the Ancient World. Southern Political Science Association Meeting. Savannah, Georgia
Fontana, B. (2001, November 30). The Concept of the State in Gramsci. Northeastern Political Science Association. Crowne Plaza Hotel, Philadelphia
Fontana, B. (2001, February 15). Piero Gobetti on Liberal Revolution. Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimo. New York City, NY: New York University.
Fontana, B. (2001, September 30). Hegemony and the New World Order. The International Conference on Antonia Gramsci, held under the auspices of the Escola de Servico Social de Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro and the International Gramsci Society. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Fontana, B. (2001, November 30). Social Contract. Northeastern Political Science Association Meeting. Philadelphia, PA
Fontana, B. (2000, September 30). Notes on Gramsci and the State. Marxism 2000 Conference. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
Fontana, B. (2000, September 30). Reading Gramsci. Marxism 2000 Conference. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts.
Fontana, B. (2000, September 30). Machiavelli and the Rhetoric of Republican Liberty. American Political Science Association Meeting. Washington, DC
Fontana, B. (2000, September 30). The Rhetoric of Liberty and Democracy: Historical Perspectives. American Political Science Association. Washington, DC
Fontana, B. (2000, February 28). Gramsci on Croce as the Cosmopolitan Intellectual. International Conference on Gramscian Studies, under the auspices of La Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla. Pubela, Mexico: The Gramscia Institute of Rome and the International Gramsci Society (IGS-Mexico).
Fontana, B. (2000, November 15). . The Ph.D Program in Political Science. New York City, NY: Graduate School/CUNY.
Fontana, B. (1999, April 30). Hegemony and Rhetoric: Political Education in Gramsci. American Association for Italian Studies Conference. Eugene, Oregon
Fontana, B. (1999, August 17). Italian American Writers Series. Discussion of the special issue of The Philosophical Forum on Antonio Gramsci, under the auspices of the Italian American Writers Association. Astor Place, New York City, NY: Barnes & Noble.
Fontana, B. (1999, September 30). Rhetoric and Violence. American Political Science Association. Atlanta, GA
Fontana, B. (1999, April 30). Caesarism in Gramsci. Conference for the Study of Political Thought International Meeting. New York City, NY: in conjuction with the German Historical Institute.
Fontana, B. (1999, April 30). Schmitt and Marxism. International Conference on "Carl Schmitt: Legacy and Propects". New York City, NY: Columbia University.
Fontana, B. (1999, March 12). Caesarism: Dictatorship and Democracy in Gramsci. University Semiar on Modern Italian History. New York City: Columbia University.
Fontana, B. (1999, January 21). Rhetoric and Democracy. University Semiar on Social and Political Thought. New York City, NY: Columbia University.
Fontana, B. (1998, September 30). Democracy and Forms of Rhetoric. American Political Science Association. Boston, MA
Fontana, B. (1998, January 31). The Problem of the Historical Subject: Hegemony and Poltics in Gramsci. Conference on Gramscian Studies. Pubela, Mexico: Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla.
Fontana, B. (1998, September 30). Rhetoric and the Roots of Democratic Politics. American Political Science Association. Boston, MA
Fontana, B. (1997, October 31). Logos and Kratos: Gramsci's Hegemony and Classical Antiquity. International Gramsci Society. Naples, Italy
Fontana, B. (1997, August 31). Past and Future of Cicero's Political Theory. American Political Science Association. Washington, DC
Fontana, B. (1997, August 31). Religion in Machiavelli. American Political Science Association. Washington, DC
Fontana, B. (1997, April 9). Gramsci: Hegemony and Classical Antiquity. Graduate Colloquium in Comparative Literature and Italian Studies. New York City, NY: The Graduate School and University Center/CUNY.
Fontana, B. (1997, April 30). 'What is Truth?' Modernity and Hegemony in Gramsci. International Gramsci Conferenceof the Fondazione Istituto Gramsci. Cagliari, Italy
Fontana, B. (1997, April 3). Gramsci and Modernity. International Confernence on Gramsci. New York City, NY: co-sponsored by the Fondazione Istituto Gramsci (Rome), the Istituto Italiano di Cultura (NY) and the Italian Academy for Advanced Studies at Columbia University.
Fontana, B. (1996, August 31). Historical Influences. American Political Science Association. San Francisco, CA
Fontana, B. (1996, December 31). The Presence of Gramsci in Different Fields/Disciplines. Marxism Conference. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts.
Fontana, B. (1996, December 31). Gramsci's Concepts of State and Nation. Conference on Politics and Languages of Contemporary Marxism. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts.
Fontana, B. (1996, August 31). The Fall and Rise of Republican Liberty: Sallust and the Politics of Machiavelli. American Political Science Association. San Francisco, CA
Fontana, B. (1995, November 30). Sallust and the Politics of Machiavelli. Northeastern Political Science Association. Newark, NJ
Fontana, B. (1995, April 30). The Concept of Nature in Gramsci. New York State Political Science Association. New York City, NY
Fontana, B. (1995, April 30). The Natural and the Political in Gramsci: Hegemony as the Overcoming of Nature. Pennsylvania Political Science Assocation. Gettysburg, PA
Fontana, B. (1994, April 26). Hegemony and Power: On the Relation between Gramsci and Machiaveli. Italian American Writers Series. New York City, NY: CUNY Graduate School and the Italian American Writers Association.
Fontana, B. (1993, April 30). Machiavelli and the Nature of Political Thought. Eighteenth Annual CUNY Political Science Conference. New York City, NY
Fontana, B. (1993, March 31). Gramsci and Machiavelli. Southwestern Social Science Association. New Orleans, LA
Fontana, B. (1992, April 30). Tacitus and Machiavelli on the Art of Ruling. New York State Political Science Association. Buffalo, NY
Fontana, B. (1991, October 31). Socratic Dialogues. 10th Annual Conference of the Society for the Study of Islamic Philosophy and Science/Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy. New York City, NY: Baruch College/CUNY.
Fontana, B. (1991, April 30). Marxist Revisionism. 45th Annual Meeting, New York State Political Science Association. New School for Social Research, NYC, NY
Fontana, B. (1990, November 30). Tacitus in the Politics of Machiavelli. Northeastern Political Science Association. Providence, Rhode Island
Fontana, B. (1989, February 28). Religion and Politics. 14th Annual CUNY Political Science Conference. New York City, NY: CUNY Graduate center.
Fontana, B. (1988, November 30). Religion in Machiavelli. Northeastern Political Science Association. Providence, Rhode Island
Fontana, B. (1988, May 31). Law, Democracy, and Socialism. City University of New York Political Science Conference. New York City, NY
Fontana, B. (1986, December 31). Work, Power, and Politics. 12th Annual CUNY Political Science Conference. New York City, NY: CUNY Graduate School.
Fontana, B. (1986, December 5). Machiavelli and the Nature of the Political. Ph.D. Program in Political Science. New York City, NY: Graduate School and Univeristy Center, CUNY.
Fontana, B. (1984, December 31). The Idea of Dictatorship in Ancient Rome and in Marxism. 10th Annual Political Science Conference. New York City, NY: City University of New York.
Fontana, B. (1984, December 31). The Rise of Fascism in Italy. 10th Annual Political Science Conference. New York City, NY: City University of New York.
Fontana, B. (1982, December 31). On the Relation between Gramsci and Machiavelli. 8th Annual Political Science Conference. New York City, NY: City University of New York.
Fontana, B. (1980, December 31). The Political Thought of Antonio Gramsci. Italian-American Conference. Brooklyn, New York: Brooklyn College.
Other Scholarly Works
Fontana, B. (2020). Hegemony. The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. 14.
Fontana, B., Howson, R., & Smith, K. (2008). Hegemony and Power in Gramsci. Hegemony: Studies in Consensus and Coercion. 80-106.
Fontana, B., & Dewald, J. (2004). Democracy. Europe 1450-1789: Encyclopedia of the Early Modern World. 2123-126.
Fontana, B., & Martin, J. (2001). The Concept of Nature in Gramsci. Antonio Gramsci: Critical Assessments of Leading Political Philosophers. 262-84.
Fontana, B. (1998). Antonio Gramsci: Philosophy, politics and culture. 29(3-4),
Fontana, B. (2025,August 13). The Unpopular Realism of Vincenzo Padula: Il Bruzio and Mariuzza Sbriffi. By Joseph Francese. Italian Culture, (40, 2), pp. 192-194.. Taylor and Francis.
Fontana, B. (2018,August 1). Review of John Wallach's "Democracy and Goodness: A Historicist Political Theory". Il Mulino,Italy: Storia del pensiero politico.
Fontana, B. (2017,September 1). Review of Guido Liguori's "Antonio Gramsci, Come alla volonta' piace: Scritti sulla Rivoluzione russa". Routledge,UK: Italian Culture.
Fontana, B. (2017,April 18). Review of Bettina Koch's Legitimizing Political Violence in Transcultural Perspectives: Islamic and Christian Traditions and Legacies. Journal of the Society for Contemporary Thought and the Islamicate World.
Fontana, B. (2017,April 1). "Using Gramsci". Il Mulino. Turin,Italy: Storia del pensiero politico.
Fontana, B. (2017,August 1). "Twenty Five Centuries of Hegemony". Il Mulino. Turin,Italy: Storia del pensiero politico.
Fontana, B. (2017,January 1). Review of "Machiavelli's Gospel: The Critique of Christianity in 'The Prince'" by William B. Parson. New York, New York,USA: Renaissance Quarterly.
Fontana, B. (2016,May 1). Review of Corrado Vivanti, Niccolo' Machiavelli: An Intellectual Biography. United Kingdom: European History Quarterly.
Fontana, B. (2015,April 1). Review of As If God Existed: Religion and liberty in the History of Italy, by Maurizio Viroli. Sage Publications,UK: European History Quarterly.
Fontana, B. (2010,September 1). Review of La morte del PCI, by Guido Liguori. East Lansing, MI,Michigan State University: Italian Culture.
Fontana, B. (2009,October 1). Review of La filosofia della revoluzione by Michele Maggi. Routledge,UK: Journal of Modern Italian Studies.
Fontana, B. (2009,December 1). Review of Pieri Ignazi, Partiti politici in Italia: Da Forza Italia al Partito democratico. USA: Journal of Modern Italian Studies.
Fontana, B. (2000,July 1). Review of Franco Ferraresi Threats to Democracy: The Radical Right in Italy After the War. Italian Americana, 18 2.
Fontana, B. (1999,December 1). Review of Maurice Finocchiaro, Beyond Right and Left: Democratic Elitism in Mosca and Gramsci. American Political Science Review, 93 4.
Fontana, B. (1998,September 1). Cambridge University Press: American Political Science Review.
Fontana, B. (1995,April 1). International Gramsci Society Newsletter.
Research Currently in Progess
Fontana, B.(n.d.). "'Whether it is better to be feared or loved': The Bases of Machiavelli's Politics" . In Progress.
Research paper
Fontana, B.(n.d.). "The Concept of the National-Popular in Gramsci" . In Progress.
Research paper
Fontana, B.(n.d.). Book project on the political thought of Antonio Gramsci, working title: Gramsci and the Rhetoric of Hegemony. In Progress.
Fontana, B.(n.d.). Project on Machiavelli: a series of papers delving into the relation between Machiavelli and selected ancient classical writers (Xenophon, Polybius, Cicero, Sallust, Livy Tacitus, Plutarch), collected into a book entitled "Rhetoric and Power in Machiavelli". In Progress.
Title | Funding Agency Sponsor | Start Date | End Date | Awarded Date | Total Funding | Status |
Appearance and Reality: Simulation and Dissimulation in Machiavelli's Politics | PSC CUNY 52 | 07/01/2021 | 06/30/2023 | 04/15/2021 | 4530 | Completed |
Democracy and Oligarchy: Popular Politics in Machiavelli | PSC-CUNY 49 | 07/01/2018 | 12/31/2019 | 04/15/2018 | 4530 | Completed |
The Revolt of the Ciompi and the Politics of Machiavelli | PSC-CUNY 48 | 07/01/2017 | 06/30/2018 | 04/14/2017 | 4530 | Completed |
The Concept of Liberty in Machiavelli | PSC-CUNY 47 | 07/01/2016 | 06/30/2017 | 04/15/2016 | 4470 | Completed |
Machiavellie and the Gracchi | PSC-CUNY 43 | 07/01/2012 | 06/30/2013 | 04/17/2012 | 3999 | Completed |
Love and Fear in Machiavelli's Politics | PSC-CUNY 42 | 07/01/2011 | 06/30/2012 | 04/15/2011 | 3990 | Completed |
Hegemony and the Global Order: Gramsci and Great Power Politics | PSC-CUNY 40 | 07/01/2009 | 06/30/2010 | 3990 | Completed | |
Force and Persuasion: The Role of the People in Machiavelli's Politics | PSC-CUNY 39 | 07/01/2008 | 12/31/2009 | 5690 | Completed | |
Ancient Roman Historians and Early Modern Political Theory | PSC-CUNY 38 | 07/01/2007 | 06/30/2008 | 3990 | Completed | |
Emergency Powers and Republican Government | PSC CUNY 53 | 07/01/2022 | 12/31/2023 | 04/15/2022 | 4551 | Funded - In Progress |
Honor / Award | Organization Sponsor | Date Received | Description |
Eugene M. Lang Junior Faculty Research Fellowship | 2007 | ||
Eugene M. Lang Junior Faculty Research Fellowship | 2004 | ||
Whiting Teaching Award | 2004 | ||
Columbia University Graduate Fellowship | 1970 | ||
Herbert H. Lehman Graduate Fellowship | 1970 | ||
National Science Foundation Fellowship | 1970 |
Committee Name | Position Role | Start Date | End Date |
Faculty Senate | Committee Chair | Present | |
School Academic Review Committee | Committee Member | Present | |
Faculty Senate | Committee Member | Present | |
Member, Computer Policy Committee | Present | ||
College Academic Review Committee | Committee Member | 8/31/2020 | |
Member, Executive Committee | Committee Member | 5/31/2019 | |
Search Committee | Committee Member | 5/21/2019 | |
College Academic Review Committee | Committee Member | 9/30/2018 | |
Executive Committee | Committee Member | 5/15/2018 | |
Search Committee | Committee Member | 5/20/2015 | |
Interim Chair of Department | 1/31/2015 | ||
School P&B Committee | Committee Member | 1/31/2015 | |
College Personnel & Budget | Committee Member | 12/31/2013 | |
Member, Whiting Fellows Selection Committee | 12/31/2011 | ||
Representative to the Zicklin School of Business | 12/31/2008 | ||
Member, Travel and Research Committee | 12/31/2008 | ||
Member, Curriculum Committee | 12/31/2006 | ||
Member, Committee on Academic Standing | 12/31/2004 | ||
College for a Day Participant, teaching political science to prospective Baruch college Students | 1/31/2004 | ||
Member, Freshman Text Selection Committee | 12/31/2003 |
Committee Name | Position Role | Start Date | End Date |
PhD Program in Political Science Exam Grading Committee for Political Theory | 9/1/2013 | Present | |
Appeals Committee | Committee Member | 8/27/2015 | Present |
PSC-CUNY Grant | Committee Member | 1/1/2010 | Present |
Curriculum Committee | Committee Member | 1/1/2016 | Present |
Elections Committee | Committee Member | 2/1/2015 | Present |
Graduate Council Representative | Committee Member | 8/27/2015 | Present |
Admissions Committee | Committee Member | 11/10/2021 | Present |
PhD Program in Political Science Exam Drafting Committee | Committee Chair | 1/1/2017 | 1/31/2019 |
Dissertation Committee for Sean Shannon | Committee Member | 12/31/2016 | |
Grant Evaluator, PSC-CUNY Research Award Program | Committee Member | 1/1/2006 | 12/31/2016 |
Dissertation Committee for Dan McCool | Committee Member | 12/31/2015 | |
PhD Program in Political Science Exam Committee for Political Theory | Committee Member | 9/1/2013 | 5/31/2015 |
Curriculum Committee | Committee Chair | 6/1/2014 | 2/1/2015 |
Executive Committee | Committee Member | 6/1/2014 | 1/31/2015 |
Admissions and Awards | Committee Member | 7/1/2013 | 1/31/2015 |
Dissertation Committee for Brian Fox | Committee Member | 12/31/2014 | |
Ph.D. Langauge Examination Reader for Ph.D. Program in Political Science, graduate school/CUNY | 1/1/1993 | 12/31/1994 | |
City University of New York Political Science Conference, Coordinating Committee | 1/1/1993 | 12/31/1993 | |
City University of New York Political Science Conference, Coordinating Committee | 1/1/1989 | 12/31/1989 | |
City University of New York Politicial Science Conference, Coordinating Committee | 1/1/1986 | 12/31/1986 |
Organization | Position Role | Organization State | Organization Country | Start Date | End Date | Audience |
Dissertation Committee for Marcus Green, York University | Committee Member | Canada | 12/31/2006 |
Organization | Position Role | Organization State | Organization Country | Start Date | End Date | Audience |
Manuscript Reviewer: American Political Science Review, British Journal of Political Science, European Journal of Political Theory, Political Research Quarterly, Political Studies, Political Theory, Review of Politics, Speculum: A Journal of Medieval Studies, Western Political Quarterly. Presses: Cambridge University Press, Columbia University Press, Princeton University Press, St. Martin's Press, Temple University Press, Stanford University Press, University of Minnesota Press, University of Toronto Press | Present | |||||
Member, American Political Science Association | Present | |||||
Member, Modern Language Association | Present | |||||
Member, Columbia Unversity Seminar on Social and Political Thought | Present | |||||
Member, Conference for the Study of Political Thought | Present | |||||
Member, Columbia University Seminar on Modern Italian History | Member | Present |