Bryan Jones

Bryan R Jones

Asst Professor

Marxe School of Public and International Affairs

Department: Public Affairs

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Bryan Jones is a geographer with expertise in human-environment interactions, urban environments, and spatial modelling. His current research explores the relationship between human population dynamics and climate change in driving human vulnerability to climate-related hazards, focusing particularly on urban sustainability and climate-resilient policy. Prior to joining Baruch Bryan was a NSF Science, Engineering, and Education (SEES) Fellow at the CUNY Institute for Demographic Research. He has also worked as a postgraduate scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research and as a consultant for the World Bank.

Bryan received his PhD in Geography from the University of Colorado-Boulder, and his Masters in Geography and BA in Economics from the University of Connecticut.


Ph.D., Geography, University of Colorado Boulder CO

M.A., Geography, University of Connecticut Storrs CT

B.A., Communications Sciences, University of Connecticut

B.A., Economics, University of Connecticut Storrs CT

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2024PAF3442Cities and Sustainability
Fall 2024PAF9185Environmental Policy
Spring 2024PAF9185Environmental Policy
Spring 2024PAF3442Cities and Sustainability
Fall 2023PAF3442Cities and Sustainability
Fall 2023PAF9186Map Making For Public
Spring 2023PAF9185Environmental Policy
Spring 2023PAF3442Cities and Sustainability
Fall 2022PAF9186Map Making For Public
Fall 2022PAF3442Cities and Sustainability
Spring 2022PAF9185Environmental Policy
Spring 2022PAF3442Cities and Sustainability
Fall 2021PAF3442Cities and Sustainability
Spring 2021PAF9172Research and Analysis II
Spring 2021PAF9172Research and Analysis II
Spring 2021PAF3442Cities and Sustainability
Fall 2020PAF3442Cities and Sustainability
Fall 2020PAF9185Environmental Policy
Spring 2020PAF3442Cities and Sustainability
Spring 2020PAF9172Research and Analysis II
Fall 2019PAF9185Environmental Policy
Fall 2019PAF3442Cities and Sustainability
Spring 2019PAF3442Cities and Sustainability
Spring 2019PAF9199Selected Topics In PAF
Fall 2018PAF9185Environmental Policy
Fall 2018PAF5000Independent Study PAF I
Fall 2018PAF3442Cities and Sustainability
Spring 2018PAF3442Cities and Sustainability
Spring 2018PAF9185Environmental Policy
Fall 2017PAF9185Environmental Policy
Fall 2017PAF3442Cities and Sustainability
Fall 2015PAF9172Research and Analysis II


Amakrane, K., Rosengaertner, S., Simpson, N. P., de Sherbinin, A., Jones, B. R., Linekar, J., Horwood, C., Cottier, F., Adamo, S., Mills, B., Yetman, G., Chai-Onn, T., Squires, J., Schewe, J., Frouws, B., & Forin, R. (2023). African Shifts: The African Climate Mobility Report, Addressing Climate-Forced Migration & Displacement. New York, NY, African Climate Mobility Initiative & The Global Center for Climate Mobility.

Blocher, J., Destrijcker, L., Fischer, B., Gleixner, S., Jones, B. R., Gornott, C., Hegre, H., Jansen, L., Kjaerum, A., Lindqvist-McGowan, A., & von Loeben, S. (2022). Moving from Reaction to Action - Anticipating Vulnerability Hotspots in the Sahel: A Synthesis Report from the Sahel Predictive Analysis Project in Support of the United Nations Integrated Strategy for the Sahel (UNISS). United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

Clement, V., Rigaud, K., de Sherbinin, A., Jones, B., Adamo, S., Schewe, J., Sadiq, N., & Shabahat, E. (2021). Groundswell Part 2: Acting on Internal Climate Migration. (p. 362). Washington DC, World Bank.

Rigaud, K. K., Sherbinin, A., Jones, B., Abu-Ata, N. E., & Adamo, S. (2021). Groundswell Africa: A Deep Dive into Internal Climate Migration in Senegal. World Bank.

Rigaud, K. K., Sherbinin, A., Jones, B., Adamo, S., Maleki, D., Abu-Ata, N. E., Casals, F., Arora, A., Chai-Onn, T., & Mills, B. (2021). Groundswell Africa: Internal Climate Migration in the Lake Victoria Basin Countries. World Bank.

Rigaud, K. K., Sherbinin, A., Jones, B., Arora, A., & Adamo, S. (2021). Groundswell Africa: A Deep Dive on Internal Climate Migration in Tanzania. World Bank.

Rigaud, K. K., Sherbinin, A., Jones, B., Arora, A., & Adamo, S. (2021). Groundswell Africa: A Deep Dive on Internal Climate Migration in Nigeria. World Bank.

Rigaud, K. K., Sherbinin, A., Jones, B., Arora, A., & Adamo, S. (2021). Groundswell Africa: A Deep Dive on Internal Climate Migration in Uganda. World Bank.

Rigaud, K. K., Sherbinin, A., Jones, B., Adamo, S., Maleki, D., Abu-Ata, N. E., Casals, F., Arora, A., Chai-Onn, T., & Mills, B. (2021). Groundswell Africa: Internal Climate Migration in West African Countries. World Bank.

Rigaud, K. K., deSherbinin, A., Jones, B., Bergmann, J., Clement, V., Ober, K., Schewe, J., Adamo, S., McCusker, B., Hueser, S., & Midgely, A. (2018). Groundswell : Preparing for Internal Climate Migration. (p. 256). Washington, DC, World Bank.

Journal Articles

(2024). The Groundswell model for projecting future climate migration. . Frontiers in Climate,

(2024). Combining predictive analytics and foresight techniques to anticipate climate change-related mobility in Pakistan and Viet Nam: Lessons from a scenarios approach. Data & Policy,

(2024). Scenario-based future projections of climate-induced migration in Madagascar. . In Progress.

(2023). Measuring the effect of climate change on migration flows: Limitations of existing data and analytical frameworks. PLOS Climate, 2(1). 1-10.

(2023). Exploring spatial feedbacks between adaptation policies and internal migration patterns due to sea-level rise. Nature Communications, 14(1). 2630.

(2023). Marsh archive reveals human population history and future implications for estuarine health in Long Island Sound. Science of The Total Environment, 895. 164885.

(2022). The importance of reclassification to understanding urban growth: A demographic decomposition of the United States, 1990--2010. Population, Space and Place, e2562.

(2022). Frameworks to envision equitable urban futures in a changing climate: a multi-level, multidisciplinary case study of New York City. Frontiers in Built Environment, 159.

(2021). Extreme heat related mortality: spatial patterns and determinants in the United States, 1979--2011. Spatial Demography, 9(1). 107--129.

Reimann, L., Jones, B., Nikoletopoulos, T., & Vafeidis, A. T. (2021). Accounting for internal migration in spatial population projections—a gravity-based modeling approach using the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. Environmental Research Letters, 16(7).

Jones, B., Balk, D., & Leyk, S. (2020). Urban Change in the United States, 1990–2010: A Spatial Assessment of Administrative Reclassification. Sustainability, 12(4). 20.

Xu, Y., Wu, X., Kumar, R., Barth, M., Diao, C., Gao, M., Lin, L., Jones, B., & Meehl, G. (2020). Substantial Increase in the Joint Occurrence and Human Exposure of Heatwave and High-PM Hazards Over South Asia in the Mid-21st Century. AGU Advances, 1(2).

(2019). The heterogeneity and change in the urban structure of metropolitan areas in the United States, 1990--2010. Scientific data, 6(1). 321.

Balk, D., Montgomery, M., Engin, H., Major, E., Lin, N., & Jones, B. (2019). Urbanization in India: Population and Urban Classification Grids for 2011. Data, 4(1). 35.

Xia, H., Adamo, S., de Sherbinin, A., & Jones, B. (2019). The Influence of Environmental Change (Crops and Water) on Population Redistribution in Mexico and Ethiopia. Applied Sciences , 9(23).

Leyk, S., Balk, D., Jones, B., Montgomery, M., & Engin, H. (2019). The heterogeneity and change in the urban structure of metropolitan areas in the United States, 1990–2010. Scientific Data, 6(1). 1-15.

Jones, B., Riosmena, F., Simon, D. H., & Balk, D. (2019). Estimating Internal Migration in Contemporary Mexico and its Relevance in Gridded Population Distributions. Data, 4(2). 50.

Sanderson, E. W., Moy, J., Rose, C., Fisher, K., Jones, B., Balk, D., Clyne, P., Miquelle, D., & Walston, J. (2019). Implications of the shared socioeconomic pathways for Tiger (Panthera tigris) conservation. Biological Conservation, (231). 12-23.

Wrathall, D., Mueller, V., Clark, P., Bell, A., Oppenheimer, M., Hauer, M., Kulp, S., Gilmore, E., Adams, H., Kopp, R., Abel, K., Call, M., Chen, J., de Sherbinin, A., Fussell, E., Hay, C., Jones, B., Magliocca, N., Marino, E., Slangen, A., & Warner, K. (2019). Meeting the looming policy challenge of sea-level change and human migration. Nature Climate Change, 9(12). 898-901.

Jones, B., Tebaldi, C., O'Neill, B. C., Oleson, K., & Gao, J. (2018). Avoiding population exposure to heat-related extremes: Demographic change vs climate change. Climatic Change, 145(3-4). 423-437.

Balk, D., Nghiem, S. V., Jones, B., Liu, Z., & Dunn, G. (2018). Up and out: A multifaceted approach to characterizing urbanization in Greater Saigon, 2000–2009. Landscape and Urban Planning,

Balk, D., Leyk, S., Jones, B., Montgomery, M. R., & Clark, A. (2018). Understanding Urbanization: A study of census and satellite-derived urban classes in the United States, 1990-2010. PLOS One,

Chen, K., Fiore, A. M., Chen, R., Jiang, L., Jones, B., Schneider, A., Peters, A., Bi, J., Kan, H., & Kinney, P. L. (2018). Future ozone-related acute excess mortality under climate and population change scenarios in China: A modeling study. PLOS Medicine, 15(7).

Chen, K., Horton, R. M., Bader, D. A., Lesk, C., Jiang, L., Jones, B., Zhou, L., Cheng, X., Bi, J., & Kinney, P. L. (2017). Impact of climate change on heat-related mortality in Jiangsu Province, China. Environmental Pollution,

Leyk, S., Uhl, J. H., Barrios-Paoli, L., & Jones, B. (2017). Assessing the accuracy of multi-temporal built-up land layers across rural-urban trajectories in the United States. Remote Sensing of Environment,

Monaghan, A. J., Sampson, K. M., Steinhoff, D. F., Ernst, K. C., Ebi, K. L., Jones, B., & Hayden, M. H. (2016). The potential impacts of 21st century climatic and population changes on human exposure to the virus vector mosquito Aedes aegypti. Climatic Change, 14.

Parkinson, S. C., Johnson, N., Narasimha, D. R., Jones, B., van Vliet, M., Fricko, O., Djilali, N., Riahi, K., & Flörke, M. (2016). Climate and human development impacts on municipal water demand: A spatially explicit global modeling framework. Environmental Modelling & Software, 85. 266-278.

Anderson, G. B., Oleson, K. W., Jones, B., & Peng, R. D. (2016). Projected trends in high-mortality heatwaves under different scenarios of climate, population, and adaptation in 82 US communities. Climatic Change, 16.

Jones, B., & O'Neill, B. (2016). Spatially explicit global population scenarios consistent with the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. Environmental Research Letters, 11(8).

Anderson, G. B., Oleson, K. W., Jones, B., & Peng, R. D. (2016). Classifying heatwaves: developing health-based models to predict high-mortality versus moderate United States heatwaves. Climatic Change, 15.

Jones, B., O'Neill, B. C., McGinnis, S. A., McDaniel, L., Tebaldi, C., & Mearns, L. (2015). Future population exposure to U.S. heat extremes. Nature Climate Change, 5. 652-655.

Oleson, K. W., Anderson, G. B., Jones, B., McGinnis, S. A., & Sanderson, B. (2015). Avoided climate impacts of urban and rural heat and cold waves over the U.S. using large climate model ensembles for RCP8.5 and RCP4.5. Climatic Change, 16.

Jones, B. (2014). Assessment of a gravity-based approach to constructing future spatial population scenarios. The Journal of Population Research, 31(1). 71-95.

Ruijwen, B., Levy, M., Agrawal, A., Biermann, F., & Jones, B. (2013). Enhancing the relevance of shared socioeconomic pathways for climate change impacts, adaptation and vulnerability research. Climatic Change, 1-14.

Jones, B., & O'Neill, B. C. (2013). Historically grounded spatial population projections for the continental United States. Environmental Research Letters, 8(4).

Rogers, A., & Jones, B. (2008). Inferring directional migration propensities from the migration propensities of infants in the United States. Mathematical Population Studies, 15(3). 182-211.

Rogers, A., Jones, B., Partida, V., & Muhidin, S. (2007). Inferring migration flows from the migration propensities of infants: Mexico and Indonesia. Annals of Regional Science, 41(2). 443-465.


Jones, B. R. (2025, February 13). Modeling Climate-Induced Migration: Ho-Chi-Minh City and Karachi. Foresight Work: Anticipating the Challenges and Opportunities of Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change in Ho Chi Minh City & Karachi. Virtual Event: UNDP.

Jones, B. R. (2025, December 13). Modeling Climate-Induced Migration: Ho-Chi-Minh City and Karachi. Regional dialogue on Human Mobility and Climate Change in Urban Contexts in the Asia-Pacific. Bangkok, Thailand: UNDP.

Jones, B. R. (2025, October 13). Modeling and Projecting Climate-Induced Migration. Adaptation Futures Conference. Delhi, India: World Adaptation Science Programme.

Jones, B. (2025, December 13). Modeling Climate-Induced Migration. Climate Informed Demography Workshop. Virtual: American Society of Adaptation Professionals.

Jones, B. (2025, October 13). Modeling and Projecting Climate-Induced Migration. Bristol University (UK) Short Course. Virtual: Students for Global Health - Bristol University (UK).

Jones, B. (2025, October 13). Modeling and Projecting Climate-Induced Migration. Climate Change and Human Migration. Virtual: University College London Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction.

Jones, B. (2025, July 13). Projecting Future Climate-Induced Migration: A Residual Gravity-Based Spatial Interaction Approach. Kiel, Germany: Kiel University Coastal Risks and Sea-Level Rise Research Group.

Jones, B. (2019, September 30). West Africa’s Climate Change and Migration Futures. World Bank Climate Migration Consultation Workshop. Accra, Ghana: World Bank.

Jones, B. (2025, February 13). Climate-Induced Migration Under Alternative Climate Scenarios. United Nations Expert Group Meeting on the Sustainable Development Impacts of Conflicts, Climate Change, Disasters, and Population Displacement. New York, NY: United Nations.

Jones, B. (2025, October 13). Methods for Estimating Future Climate-Induced Internal Migration. East China Normal University: East China Normal University.

Jones, B. (2025, October 13). Scenario-Based Projections of Future Climate-Induced Internal Migration. The 2nd Asian Population Forum. Shanghai, China: Asian Demographic Research Institute.

Jones, B. (2025, April 13). Spatially explicit population scenarios for the United States consistent with the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers. : Association of American Geographers.

Jones, B. (2025, November 13). Avoiding Population Exposure to Heat-Related Extremes: Demographic Change vs. Climate Change. . Potsdam, Germany: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.

Jones, B., & deSherbinin, A. (2025, March 13). Climate Change Migration and Displacement: Presenting Results and Charting a Research Agenda. Columbia University Earth Institute Seminar. : Columbia University.

Jones, B. (2025, January 13). Migration Modeling using Global Population Projections. Meeting on Climate Change, Human Mobility, and Securing Resilience Flagship Report. : World Bank.

Jones, B., Riguad, K. K., & Zarrilli, D. A. (2025, April 13). Climate Change and Migration: How They Impact Global Public Policy and Cities. Marxe Issues. : Baruch College, Marxe School of Public and International Affairs.

Jones, B. (2025, October 13). New methods for projecting future climate-induced migration: Lessons from the Groundswell report and future directions.. Migration, Environment and Climate: What risk inequalities?. Paris, France: Institut national d'études démographiques.

Jones, B. (2025, June 13). Avoiding Population Exposure to Heat-Related Extremes: Demographic Change vs. Climate Change. European Population Conference. Brussels, Belgium: European Association for Population Studies.

Jones, B. (2025, March 13). Urban People vs Urban Land and Implications for Climate Change. CUNY GIS Summit. : CUNY.

Jones, B., Balk, D., & Leyk, S. (2025, April 13). A Spatial Method for Estimating Rural-Urban Population Reclassification. Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. : Population Association of America.

Jones, B. (2025, May 13). Spatially Explicit Global Population Scenarios Consistent with the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. Oak Ridge, TN: Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Jones, B. (2025, March 13). Spatially Explicit Global Population Scenarios Consistent with the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers. San Francisco, CA

Jones, B. (2025, September 13). Future Population Exposure to U.S. Heat Extremes. French Institute for Demographic Studies International Young Researchers Conference: The Impacts and Challenges of Demographic Change. Paris, France

Jones, B. (2025, November 13). Measuring Cities: Implications for Climate-Related Research. New York University, New York, NY: Marron Institute of Urban Management.

Jones, B. (2025, October 13). Avoiding Population Exposure to Heat-Related Extremes: Demographic Change vs. Climate Change. Newark, DE: University of Delaware Department of Geography.

Jones, B. (2025, December 13). Migration Modeling using Global Population Projections. Workshop on Data and Methods for Modelling Migration Associated with Climate Change. Paris, France

Jones, B. (2025, August 13). Combining Satellite and Social Science Data in the Urban Century. ENVI Analytics Symposium. Boulder, CO

Jones, B. (2025, May 13). Spatial Population Projections for the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Expert Meeting on Scenarios. Vienna, Austria: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis.

Jones, B. (2025, March 13). The Global Human Settlement Layer: Preliminary Research Applications. Washington, DC: The World Bank.

Jones, B. (2025, May 13). Urban Change and Well-being: GHSL Applications with Survey & Census Data. European Commission Joint Research Centre 1st Urbanization and Europe Workshop. Ispra, Italy

Jones, B. (2025, June 13). Data Challenges for Spatial Population Projections. United States Global Change Research Program Workshop: Towards Scenarios of US Demographic Change. Rockville, MD

Jones, B. (2025, May 13). Historically Grounded Spatial Population Scenarios for the Continental United States. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers. Boston, MA

Jones, B. (2025, May 13). Determinants of Uncertainty in Population Exposure to Climate-Related Extremes. Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. Boston, MA

Jones, B. (2025, July 13). Population Exposure to Heat-Related Extremes: Demographic Change vs. Climate Change. Integrated Assessment Modeling Group Annual Meeting. Boulder, CO: National Center for Atmospheric Research.

Jones, B. (2025, September 13). Projecting Future Exposure to Climate-Related Hazards: Extreme Heat. Louisiana State University School of the Coast and Environment Seminar Series. Baton Rouge, LA

Jones, B. (2025, October 13). Understanding a continuum: Human Settlements, Cities, and Urban Classification using GHSL with Survey and Census Data. European Commission Joint Research Centre 1st Global Human Settlements Workshop. Ispra, Italy

Jones, B. (2025, December 13). Spatially Explicit Future Population Projections: Geographic and Demographically Informed Econometric Approaches. European Commission Joint Research Centre Institute for Prospective and Technological Studies 3rd Regional Modelling Workshop. Seville, Spain

Jones, B. (2025, December 13). A multifaceted Approach to Understanding Dynamic Urban Processes: Satellites, Surveys, and Censuses. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA

Jones, B. (2025, June 13). Historically Grounded Spatial Population Scenarios for the Continental United States. New York, NY: NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, Columbia University.

Jones, B. (2013, August 31). Spatial Population Projections Based on the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways: Thailand. Integrated Assessment Modeling Group Annual Meeting. Boulder, CO: National Center for Atmospheric Research.

Jones, B. (2025, January 13). A Gravity-Based Approach to Modeling Spatial Population Scenarios. College Park, MD: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and the University of Maryland Joint Global Change Research Institute.

Jones, B. (2025, September 13). Global-Scale Spatial Population Scenarios: Methods and Applications in the IAV Community. IHDP Urbanization and Global Environmental Change Programme and the Program for Urban Global Systems at the CUNY Institute for Sustainable Cities Workshop: Global Spatial Population Projections: What Can Be Done Now?. New York, NY: Hunter College.

Jones, B. (2025, August 13). Population Exposure to Climate Hazards: Extreme Heat. Integrated Assessment Modeling Group Annual Meeting. Boulder, CO: National Center for Atmospheric Research.

Jones, B. R. (2025, August 13). Spatial Population Projections Based on the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. Integrated Assessment Modeling Group Annual Meeting. Boulder, CO: National Center for Atmospheric Research.

Jones, B. (2025, July 13). An Improved Method for Projecting Spatial Population. Stanford University Energy Modeling Forum Workshop on Climate Change Impacts and Integrated Assessment: Critical Issues in Climate Change. Snowmass Village, CO

Jones, B. (2025, February 13). Using Demographic Potential to Model Spatial Population Scenarios. The NCAR Climate and Global Dynamics Division Seminar Series. Boulder, CO: National Center for Atmospheric Research.

Jones, B. (2025, August 13). Alternative Approaches to Modeling Spatial Population Scenarios: Results from the United States. MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change. Cambridge, MA

Jones, B. (2025, February 13). Modeling Spatial Population Scenarios.. Land Model/Biogeochemistry Working Group Meeting. Boulder, CO: National Center for Atmospheric Research.

Jones, B. (2025, April 13). A Gravity-Based Approach to Constructing Spatial Population Scenarios. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers. Washington, DC

Jones, B. (2025, February 13). Repairing the Migration Data Reported by the American Community Survey. Annual Meeting of the Western Regional Science Association. Kona, HI

Jones, B. (2025, May 13). Progress in Repairing the Migration Data Reported by the American Community Survey. Annual Meeting of the Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization. Vancouver, BC

Jones, B. (2025, April 13). Inferring Directional Migration Propensities from the Migration Propensities of Infants in the United States. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers. San Francisco, CA

Jones, B. (2025, February 13). Inferring Migration Flows from the Migration Propensities of Infants: Mexico and Indonesia. Annual Meeting of the Western Regional Science Association. Santa Fe, NM

Jones, B. (2005, April 30). Rural Out-Migration in Contemporary Iceland: Patterns, Problems, and Policies. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers. Denver, CO

Jones, B. (2025, September 13). A Method for Benchmarking Age-Specific Inter-Regional Migration: The Case of Iceland. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Great Plains - Rocky Mountain Division. Laramie, WY: Great Plains – Rocky Mountain Division.

Other Scholarly Works

Jones, B. (2012). Assessment of the potential-allocation downscaling methodology for constructing spatial population projections. 52.

Rogers, A., Jones, B., & Ma, W. (2008). Repairing the migration data reported by the American Community Survey.


Jones, B. (2017,January 1). Natural disasters: Cities build their vulnerability. Nature Climate Change.

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
Projecting future exposure and mortality to heat extremes in the United StatesPSC-CUNY 5007/01/201912/31/202204/15/20193408.42Completed
Projecting future exposure and mortality to heat extremes in the United StatesPSC-CUNY 4907/01/201806/30/201904/15/20186000Completed
Climate change, human mobility and securing resilienceColumbia University01/04/201709/30/201703/20/201783915Completed
Model to project and map environmental mobility, with attention to urban areasInter-American Development Bank01/01/202210/31/202202/03/202330000Funded - In Progress
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Department of Geography Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award2010


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Executive CommitteeCommittee Member1/1/2020Present
Joint Committee on Research Committee Member1/1/2019Present
Faculty Secretary1/1/201812/31/2020


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Executive CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Research CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Joint Committee on Research Committee MemberPresent
Faculty Secretary12/31/2020


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Mathematical Population Studies, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Nature Climate Change Spatial Demography, Sustainability, Urban ScienceReviewer1/1/2011Present
Scenarios Forum 2022Session Chairn/aAustria6/1/20229/30/2022International
Scenarios Forum 2019Session ChairColoradoUnited States1/1/201912/31/2019
Population-Environment Research Network cyber-seminar: The IPCC's New Scenario Process: Shared Socioeconomic PathwaysExpert Panelist1/1/201312/31/2013


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Population-Environment Research NetworkBoard MemberNew YorkUnited States1/1/2019PresentInternational
Connecticut Geographic Alliance: Liaison between University of Connecticut Geography Department and Connecticut public school teachersCommunity Service 9/1/20045/31/2005