Carly Adine Fink

Adj Lecturer

Zicklin School of Business

Department: Allen Aaronson Dept of Mkt/IB

Areas of expertise:

Email Address:


M.B.A., Marketing, Baruch College United States

M.S., Mass Communication, Boston University College of Communication

B.A., History and Art, Lafayette College

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2024MKT9701Adv/Mkt Communicatns
Fall 2023MKT9701Adv/Mkt Communicatns
Fall 2022MKT9701Adv/Mkt Communicatns
Spring 2022MKT9703Marketing Management
Fall 2021MKT9703Marketing Management
Spring 2021MKT9701Adv/Mkt Communicatns
Fall 2020MKT9701Adv/Mkt Communicatns
Spring 2020MKT9701Adv/Mkt Communicatns
Fall 2019MKT9701Adv/Mkt Communicatns
Spring 2019MKT9701Adv/Mkt Communicatns
Fall 2018MKT9701Adv/Mkt Communicatns
Fall 2018MKT3000HHonors - Marketing Foundations
Spring 2018MKT9701Adv/Mkt Communicatns
Spring 2018MKT3000HHonors - Marketing Foundations
Fall 2017MKT3000HHonors - Marketing Foundations
Fall 2017MKT9701Adv/Mkt Communicatns
Spring 2017MKT9701Adv/Mkt Communicatns
Spring 2017MKT3000HHonors - Marketing Foundations
Fall 2016MKT9701Adv/Mkt Communicatns
Fall 2016MKT3000HHonors - Marketing Foundations
Spring 2016MKT3000HHonors - Marketing Foundations
Spring 2016MKT9701Adv/Mkt Communicatns
Fall 2015MKT9701Adv/Mkt Communicatns
Fall 2015MKT3000Marketing Foundations
Spring 2015MKT9701Adv/Mkt Communicatns
Spring 2015MKT3000HHonors - Marketing Foundations
Fall 2014MKT9701Adv/Mkt Communicatns
Fall 2014MKT3000Marketing Foundations
Spring 2014MKT9715Current Issues in Marketing
Spring 2014MKT3000HHonors - Marketing Foundations
Fall 2013MKT9715Current Issues in Marketing
Spring 2013MKT9715Current Issues in Marketing
Fall 2012MKT9715Current Issues in Marketing
Spring 2012MKT9715Current Issues in Marketing
Fall 2011MKT3600Marketing Research

Journal Articles

(2003). Deconstructing Automobile Messaging: Clues to Brand Strate. Journal of Database Management,

(2002). What Consumers Want In An Internet Shopping Site. Canadian Journal of Marketing Research,

(2002). Communicating the Hard to Communicate: Deconstructing Messages About New Technologies of Food Processing. Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing,

Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Dean’s listLafayette College2001