Charles Justice Tillman
Assc Professor
Zicklin School of Business
Department: N. P. Loomba Dept of Mgt
Areas of expertise:
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- Teaching
- Research and Creative Activity
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- Honors and Awards
- Service
Ph.D., Management, The University of Alabama
EDD, Career and Technology Education, Clemson University
M.B.A., Clemson University
MHRD, Clemson University
BBA, Management, Augusta State University
Semester | Course Prefix | Course Number | Course Name |
Fall 2024 | BUS | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Fall 2024 | MGT | 3120 | Fundamentals of Management |
Fall 2024 | ZEP | 9665 | Learning, Development, and Coa |
Summer 2024 | DCT | 90120 | Position Paper Research |
Spring 2024 | BUS | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Spring 2024 | MGT | 3120 | Fundamentals of Management |
Spring 2024 | BUS | 89500 | Independent Study |
Spring 2024 | MGT | 3120 | Fundamentals of Management |
Fall 2023 | ZEP | 9665 | Learning, Development, and Coa |
Fall 2023 | MGT | 3120 | Fundamentals of Management |
Fall 2023 | MGT | 3120 | Fundamentals of Management |
Fall 2023 | DCT | 90103 | Leadership Theory |
Fall 2023 | DCT | 90103 | Leadership Theory |
Spring 2023 | ZEP | 9665 | Learning, Development, and Coa |
Spring 2023 | BUS | 89500 | Independent Study |
Fall 2022 | MGT | 9301 | Managing People and Orgnztions |
Fall 2022 | MGT | 3120 | Fundamentals of Management |
Fall 2022 | MGT | 3120 | Fundamentals of Management |
Fall 2022 | MGT | 3120 | Fundamentals of Management |
Spring 2022 | MGT | 3120 | Fundamentals of Management |
Spring 2022 | DCT | 90311 | Dissertation Research - Final |
Spring 2022 | MGT | 3120 | Fundamentals of Management |
Spring 2022 | MGT | 9301 | Managing People and Orgnztions |
Spring 2022 | MGT | 9301 | Managing People and Orgnztions |
Spring 2022 | MGT | 9470 | Employee Development Training |
Fall 2021 | DCT | 90103 | Leadership Theory |
Fall 2021 | MGT | 3120 | Fundamentals of Management |
Summer 2021 | MGT | 3120 | Fundamentals of Management |
Summer 2021 | MGT | 9301 | Managing People and Orgnztions |
Spring 2021 | MGT | 9301 | Managing People and Orgnztions |
Spring 2021 | MGT | 3120 | Fundamentals of Management |
Spring 2021 | MGT | 9301 | Managing People and Orgnztions |
Fall 2020 | DCT | 90301 | Dissertation Research - Propos |
Fall 2020 | DCT | 90301 | Dissertation Research - Propos |
Fall 2020 | MGT | 3120 | Fundamentals of Management |
Summer 2020 | DCT | 90220 | Position Paper Defense |
Spring 2020 | MGT | 9301 | Managing People and Orgnztions |
Spring 2020 | MGT | 3120 | Fundamentals of Management |
Spring 2020 | MGT | 3120 | Fundamentals of Management |
Fall 2019 | MGT | 3120 | Fundamentals of Management |
Fall 2019 | MGT | 3120 | Fundamentals of Management |
Summer 2019 | MGT | 3120 | Fundamentals of Management |
Summer 2019 | MGT | 3120 | Fundamentals of Management |
Summer 2019 | MGT | 3120 | Fundamentals of Management |
Summer 2019 | MGT | 3120 | Fundamentals of Management |
Summer 2019 | DBA | 90120 | Position Paper Research |
Spring 2019 | MGT | 3120 | Fundamentals of Management |
Spring 2019 | MGT | 3120 | Fundamentals of Management |
Spring 2019 | BUS | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Fall 2018 | MGT | 3120 | Fundamentals of Management |
Fall 2018 | BUS | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Fall 2018 | DBA | 90103 | Foundations of Leadership Theory and Competency |
Spring 2018 | BUS | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Spring 2018 | MGT | 3120 | Fundamentals of Management |
Spring 2018 | MGT | 3120 | Fundamentals of Management |
Fall 2017 | BUS | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Fall 2017 | MGT | 3120 | Fundamentals of Management |
Fall 2017 | DBA | 90103 | Foundations of Leadership Theory and Competency |
Spring 2017 | MGT | 3120 | Fundamentals of Management |
Spring 2017 | MGT | 3120 | Fundamentals of Management |
Spring 2017 | BUS | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Fall 2016 | MGT | 3120 | Fundamentals of Management |
Spring 2016 | BUS | 89500 | Independent Study |
Spring 2016 | MGT | 4993 | Spec Topics in Entrepreneurshp |
Spring 2016 | MGT | 3120 | Fundamentals of Management |
Spring 2015 | MGT | 3120H | Hon Fund Of Mgt |
Spring 2015 | MGT | 3120 | Fundamentals of Management |
Spring 2015 | MGT | 9420 | Management of Compensation |
Fall 2014 | MGT | 3120 | Fundamentals of Management |
Summer 2014 | MGT | 9300 | Mgt A Behavioral App |
Spring 2014 | MGT | 4420 | The Management of Compensation |
Spring 2014 | MGT | 3120 | Fundamentals of Management |
Fall 2013 | MGT | 3120 | Fundamentals of Management |
Fall 2013 | MGT | 4420 | The Management of Compensation |
Journal Articles
Holmes, O., Jiang, K., Avery, D., Oh, I., McKay, P., & Tillman, C. J. (2021). A Meta-Analysis Integrating 25 Years of Diversity Climate Research. Journal of Management, 47(6). 1357 - 1382 | "A" Dept. of Management & FT 50.
Kacmar, K. M., Andrews, M. C., Valle, M., Tillman, C. J., & Clifton, C. (2020). The Interactive Effects of Role Overload and Resilience on Family-Work Enrichment and Associated Outcomes. The Journal of Social Psychology, 160(5). 688-701.
Ma, B., Tillman, C. J., Kacmar, K. M., & Pan, J. (2019). Does Bullying Backfire? Third Party Judgment and Reaction to Abusive Supervisor. International Journal of Human Resource Management,
Gonzalez, K., Tillman, C. J., & Holmes, J. J. (2019). Coming Home: Why Veterans with Disabilities Withhold Workplace Accommodation Requests. Human Relations , | "A" Dept. of Management & FT 50.
Tillman, C. J., Lawrence, E. R., & Ma, B. (2019). Paying the Cost to be the Good Boss: A Theoretical Framework of Servant Leaders’ Personal Cost. Human Relations, | "A" Dept. of Management & FT 50.
Tillman, C. J., Lawrence, E. R., & Gonzalez, K. (2019). The Science of Behaving Badly: A Configurational Approach to Cheating in Business Schools. Business Ethics: A European Review, In Progress.
Tillman, C. J., Lawrence, E. R., Kacmar, K. M., & Holmes IV, O. (2019). Self-Regulatory Systems as Mediators and Moderators of the Relationship Between Personality and Unethical Behavior. Human Resource Management, | "A" Dept. of Management List & FT 50.
Tillman, C. J., Gonzalez, K., Whitman, M., Crawford, W. S., & Hood, A. C. (2018). A Multi-Functional View of Moral Disengagement: Exploring the Effects of learning the Consequences. Frontiers in Psychology , 8. 2286.
Tillman, C. J., Gonzalez, K., Crawford, W. S., & Lawrennce, E. R. (2018). Affective Responses to Abuse in the Workplace: The Role of Hope and Affective Commitment. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 26(1). 57-65.
Ogbonnaya, C., Tillman, C. J., & Gonzalez, K. (2018). Perceived Organizational Support in Healthcare: The Importance of Teamwork and Training for Employee Well-Being and Patient Satisfaction. Group & Organization Management , 43(3). 475-503. | "B" Dept. of Management.
Sun, L. Y., Li, C., & Tillman, C. J. (2017). Abusive Supervision Differentiation and Team Performance: Exploring Main and Contingent Effects. The Journal of Psychology, In Progress.
Tillman, C. J., Hood, A. C., & Richard, O. C. (2017). Supervisor-Subordinate Relationship Conflict Asymmetry and Subordinate Turnover Intentions: The Mediating Roles of Stress and Counterproductive Work Behaviors. Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management, 17(3). 169-196.
Tillman, C. J., Kacmar, K., Steinbauer, R., & Whitman, M. (2017). Gone But Not Forgotten The Multiple Roles of Moral Disengagement: A Process Model Perspective. Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship, 22(1). 28-48.
Crawford, W., Valenzuela, M., Ross, J., Tillman, C. J., Kacmar, K. M., & Zare, M. (2017). High-Quality Exchange Relationships with the Violated Leader: Testing an Assumption of Leader-Member Exchange. Leadership Quarterly , | "A" Dept. of Management List | Finalizing 3rd Round Revisions.
Tillman, C. J., Gonzalez, K., Lawrence, E. R., Crawford, W. S., & Boncoeur, O. D. (2016). Abusive Supervision and the Inevitable Exodus: Exploring the Moderating Roles of Personality and Political Skill . Journal of Business Ethics , | "A" Dept. of Management & FT 50.
Tillman, C. J., Hood, A., Kacmar, K., & Lawrence, E. (2015). When Birds of a Feather Flock Together: The Role of Core Self-Evaluation and Moral Intensity in the Relationship between Network Unethicality and Unethical Choice. Ethics and Behavior , 25(6). 458-481. | "B" Dept. of Management.
Kacmar, K., Tillman, C. J., Harris, K., & Whitman, M. (2015). Perceptions of Ethical Leadership as a Mediator of the Relationship Between Abusive Supervision and Work Behaviors. Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management, 16(1). 2-19.
Tillman, C. J., Lawrence, E., & Daspit, J. (2014). Selfish or Selfless – A Tale of Perception: The Role of Perceived Intent on OCBs and Interpersonal Relationships. Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management, 15(3). 168-189.
Daspit, J., Tillman, C. J., Boyd-Lillie, N., & McKee, V. (2013). Cross-Functional Team Effectiveness: An examination of Internal Team Environment, Shared Leadership, and Cohesion Influences. Team Performance Management, 19(1/2). 34-56. | Highly Commended Paper of 2013.
Tillman, C. J., Smith, F., & Tillman, W. (2010). Locus of control and the multidimensionality of job satisfaction. Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict, 14(2). 107-125.
Tillman, C. J., & Tillman, W. (2008). And you thought it was the apple: A study of job satisfaction among teachers. Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 12(3). 1-18.
Tillman, C. J., & Tillman, W. (2008). What’s CTE gotta do with it: Are CTE graduates employed in the field they received their training. Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict, 12(1). 25-40.
Kacmar, K., Tillman, C. J., Andrews, M., Valle, M., & Clifton, C. (2019, December 31). The Interactive Effects of Role Overload and Resilience on Family-Work Enrichment and Associated Outcomes. Annual Meeting for the Southern Management Association. Norfolk, VA
Gonzalez, K., Tillman, C. J., & Holmes, J. J. (2018, December 31). Why Do Disabled Veterans Withhold Workplace Accomodation Requests?. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Chicago, IL: Academy of Managemetn.
Tillman, C. J. (2018, December 31). Faculty Transition. Management Doctoral Student Association. Chicago, IL: The PhD Project.
Tillman, C. J. (2018, December 31). Job Market Overview: Timeliness, Resources, and Job Market Packets. Management Doctoral Student Association. Chicago, IL: The PhD Project.
Tillman, C. J. (2017, December 31). Zombie to Zealous 2.0: Exceeding Expectations in a Changing Classroom. Chengdu, China: Southwestern University of Finance and Economics.
Gonzalez, K., Tillman, C. J., & Holmes, J. J. (2017, December 31). Don't Ask, Don't Receive: The Relationship Among Identity Strain, Invisible Disability, and Climate for Inclusion on Workplace Accomodation Requests. Annual Meeting for the Southern Management Association. St. Pete Beach, FL: Southern Management Association.
Ma, B., Tillman, C. J., & Pan, J. (2017, December 31). Third Party Judgment and Reaction to Abusive Supervision of Coworkers. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Atlanta, GA: Academy of Management.
Tillman, C. J., Kacmar, K. M., Whitman, M. V., & Portocarrero, F. (2016, December 31). Unethical Behavior and Negative Emotions: A Theory Integration Approach. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Anaheim, CA: Academy of Management.
Tillman, C. J. (2016, December 31). Learn, Before You Teach. New York, NY: Baruch College - Department of Management.
Gonzalez, K., Tillman, C. J., Crawford, W. S., Lawrence, E. R., & McClellan, J. S. (2016, December 31). Emotions and the Bad Boss. Annual Meeting for the Academy of Management. Anaheim, CA: Academy of Management.
Lawrence, E. R., Tillman, C. J., & N/A, B. M. (2015, December 31). Paying the Cost to be the Boss: The Personal Cost of Servant Leadership. Annual Meeting for the Midwest Academy of Management. Columbus, OH: Midwest Academy of Management.
Tillman, C. J. (2015, December 31). IMPACT: Improving My Performance through Actions and Communication Today. New York, NY: Baruch College - Department of Management.
Zarrouk, M., & Tillman, C. J. (2015, December 31). FULL COLLABORATION and TRUST for the sake of our CUSTOMER SERVICE and FUN at work. New York, NY: Baruch College - Department of Management.
Boncoeur, O. D., Tillman, C. J., Gonzalez, K., & Crawford, W. S. (2015, December 31). The Impact of Perceptual Performance Asymmetry on Ethical Behavior Intention. AKempor Annual Conference. Lüneburg, Germany: Research Group on Empirical Management and Organizational Studies.
Tillman, C. J., Boncoeur, O. D., & Gonzalez, K. (2015, December 31). The Impact of Perceptual Performance Asymmetry on Ethical Behavior: Does Agreement Matter?. Annual International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference. New York, NY: The Center for Global Business Stewardship.
Lawrence, E. R., Gonzalez, K., Boncoeur, O. D., & Tillman, C. J. (2015, December 31). Abusive Supervision and Turnover intentions: A Person-Environment Fit Perspective. Annual Meeting for the Academy of Management. Vancouever, Canada: Academy of Management.
Tillman, C. J., Lawrence, E. R., Boncoeur, O. D., & Gonzalez, K. (2015, December 31). Good People, Bad Choices: The Multiple Roles of Self-Regulatory Systems. Annual Meeting for the Southern Management Association. St. Pete Beach, FL: Southern Management Association.
Tillman, C. J. (2014, December 31). The Fundamentals of Teaching. New York, NY: Baruch College - Department of Management.
Tillman, C. J. (2014, December 31). How to Start Your Own Business - A Discussion on Seizing Opportunities for Entrepreneurs of Color. Black Male Initiative (BMI) Conference - Diversity, Business, and Entrepreneurship. New York, NY: Baruch College - City University of New York.
Tillman, C. J. (2014, December 31). HRM: Working Harder no Matter What: Investigating Status, Openness, and Recessions. Annual Meeting for the Southern Management Association. Savannah, GA
Tillman, C. J., Whitman, M., Kacmar, K., & Steinbauer, R. (2013, December 31). Gone But Not Forgotten: Revisiting Moral Disengagement Theory. Annual meeting for the Southern Management Association. New Orleans, LA
Tillman, C. J., Hood, A., & Richard, O. (2013, December 31). Do You Feel What I Feel? Stress, Negative Ties, Conflict Asymmetry and Intent to Turnover. Balancing the Social Ledger: Positive and negative Relationships in Social Networks Negative Ties Symposium at the Annual meeting for the Academy of Management. Orlando, FL
Tillman, C. J., Hood, A., & Richard, O. (2013, December 31). Supervisor-Subordinate Conflict Asymmetry and Intent to Turnover: The Mediating Roles of Stress and Deviance. Annual meeting for the Southern Management Association. New Orleans, LA
Tillman, C. J., Holmes, O., & Lawrence, E. (2013, December 31). Exploring New Avenues at the Intersection of Affect and HRM. Annual meeting for the Southern Management Association. New Orleans, LA
Tillman, C. J., Lawrence, E., & Kacmar, K. (2012, December 31). How Do Feelings of Job Insecurity Impact Employee Engagement in Unethical Behaviors?. Annual meeting for the Southern Management Association. Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Tillman, C. J., Holmes, O., & Lawrence, E. (2012, December 31). Positive People and Negative Practices: The Mediating Role of Moral Disengagement on Ethical Behavior. Annual meeting for the Academy of Management. Boston, MA
Tillman, C. J., Hood, A., & Lawrence, E. (2012, December 31). Social Networks and Ethical Choice. Annual meeting for the Academy of Management. Boston, MA
Tillman, C. J. (2012, December 31). Personal Experiences: "Oh, the Places You Will Go". Management Doctoral Student Association. Boston, MA: The PhD Project.
Tillman, C. J. (2012, December 31). Practice Your Interview Elevator Pitch. Management Doctoral Student Association. Boston, MA: The PhD Project.
Tillman, C. J., Holmes, O., & McDaniel, M. (2011, December 31). A Meta-Analysis of Diversity Climate and Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction. Annual Meeting for the Academy of Management. San Antonio, TX
Tillman, C. J., Lawrence, E., & Daspit, J. (2011, December 31). A Tale of Perception: The Role of Perceived Intent on OCBs and Interpersonal Relationships. Annual Meeting for the Academy of Management. San Antonio, TX
Tillman, C. J., Daspit, J., Boyd-Lillie, N., & McKee, V. (2011, December 31). Team Effectiveness: An Examination of Internal Team Environment, Shared Leadership, and Cohesion. Annual Meeting for the Academy of Management. San Antonio, TX
Tillman, C. J. (2011, December 31). Heading Towards the Finish Line. Management Doctoral Student Association. San Antonio, TX: The PhD Project.
Tillman, C. J., & Kacmar, K. (2011, December 31). Core Self-Evaluation, Ethical Climate, and Moral Intensity: A Preliminary Investigation of a Configurational Approach to Behavioral Ethicality. People Behaving Badly: Same Song, Four Different Verses Symposium at the Annual meeting for the Southern Management Association. Savannah, GA
Tillman, C. J., Kacmar, K., & Harris, K. (2010, December 31). Ethical Leadership as a Mediator of the Relations Between Abusive Supervision and Work Attitudes and Behaviors. Annual Meeting for the Academy of Management. Montreal, Canada
Tillman, C. J. (2010, December 31). The Ph.D. Lifecycle: The Doctoral Student. Annual PhD Project Conference. Chicago, IL: The PhD Project.
Tillman, C. J., Daspit, J., & McKee, V. (2010, December 31). An Examiniation of the Influences of Internal Team Environment and Cohesion on Team Effectiveness: A Social Exchange Theory Perspective. Annual Meeting for the Southern Management Association. St. Pete Beach, FL
Tillman, C. J., Carlson, D., Kacmar, K., Lawrence, E., Noble, D., & Whitten, D. (2010, December 31). A New Perspective: Examining the Relationship Between Work-Family Conflict and Job Performance. Annual Meeting for the Southern Management Association. St. Pete Beach, FL
Tillman, C. J., Smith, F., & Tillman, W. (2009, December 31). Work Locus of Control and the Multi-Dimensionality of Job Satisfaction. Allied Academies International Conference. New Orleans, LA
Tillman, C. J. (2009, December 31). The Ph.D. Lifecycle: The Doctoral Student. Annual PhD Project Conference. Chicago, IL: The PhD Project.
Tillman, C. J. (2009, December 31). The Ph.D. Lifecycle: The Doctoral Student. Annual PhD Project Conference. Chicago, IL: The PhD Project.
Tillman, C. J., & Tillman, W. (2007, December 31). And You Thought It Was The Apple: A Study of Job Satisfaction Among Teachers. Allied Academies International Conference. Reno, NV
Tillman, C. J., Poston, C., & Tillman, W. (2007, December 31). Employment and Job Satisfaction of Community College and Career Center Alumni. Southeast Institute for Operations Research and Management Science. Myrtle Beach, SC
Tillman, C. J., & Tillman, W. (2006, December 31). Are Teachers in Upstate South Carolina Happy?. Southeast Institute for Operations Research and Management Science Conference. Myrtle Beach, SC
Tillman, C. J., & Tillman, W. (2006, December 31). What’s CTE Gotta Do With It: Are CTE Graduates Employed in the Field They Received Their Training?. Allied Academies International Conference. New Orleans, LA
Research Currently in Progess
Tillman, C. J., & Lawrence, E. R.(n.d.). Development and Validation of a Multidimensional Measure of Interpersonal Relationship Quality. In Progress.
Tillman, C. J., Melaku, T., & Anderson, D.(n.d.). Examining the Role of Social Networks in the Positionality-Performance Relationship: An Analytical Approach . In Progress.
Gonzalez, K., & Tillman, C. J.(n.d.). Managerial Territorality. In Progress.
Tillman, C. J., Melaku, T., & Gonzalez, K.(n.d.). Positionality and Performance: The Mediating and Moderating Influences. In Progress.
Tillman, C. J.(n.d.). The Effect of Impression Management on Peer Perceptions of Citizenship. In Progress.
Tillman, C. J., Gonzalez, K., & Crawford, W.(n.d.). The Impact of Perceived Performance Asymmetry on Ethical Behavior Intention: Does Agreement Matter?. In Progress.
Tillman, C. J., Lewis, W. J., & Tillman, W. R.(n.d.). The Interactive Role of Supervisor Satisfaction and Control Beliefs on Co-Worker Directed Helping Behaviors. In Progress.
Melaku, T., Tillman, C. J., Gonzalez, K., & Boncoeur, O. D.(n.d.). The Long Road to Advancement: Exploring the Role of Self and Others. In Progress.
Tillman, C. J.(n.d.). The Moderating Effect of Psychological Climate on the Impression Management-Employee Performance Relationship. In Progress.
Tillman, C. J., & Lewis, W. J.(n.d.). Top Executive Functional Background: The Congruence with the Operating Core and its Impact on Organizational Performance. In Progress.
Tillman, C. J., Holmes, O., & Lawrence, E. R.(n.d.). Working Past Five: Organizational Commitment or Inefficiency. In Progress.
Title | Funding Agency Sponsor | Start Date | End Date | Awarded Date | Total Funding | Status |
Cardiovascular Indicators and Affective Responses to Abusive Supervision: An Experience Sampling Approach | PSC-CUNY 49 | 07/01/2018 | 12/31/2019 | 04/15/2018 | 5800 | Completed |
Honor / Award | Organization Sponsor | Date Received | Description |
Excellence in Executive Education | Narendra Paul Loomba Department of Management | 2017 |
Committee Name | Position Role | Start Date | End Date |
MGT 3120 Jumbo/Hybrid Course Developer | Committee Chair | 8/1/2015 | Present |
Committee Name | Position Role | Start Date | End Date |
The City University of New York Black Male Initiative | Committee Member | Present | |
Executive Doctorate in Business Admissions Team | Present | ||
Executive Doctorate in Business Course Develeopment Team | Course Developer | Present | |
Deans Committee on Diversity Recruitment | Committee Member | Present | |
PhD Project Conference Recruiting | Attendee, Meeting | Present | |
MGT 3120 Jumbo/Hybrid Course Developer | Committee Chair | Present | |
Ph.D. Program in Business | Deputy Executive Officer | 5/31/2025 | |
Zicklin Undergraduate Curriculum Committee | Committee Member | 5/31/2022 | |
Joint Committee on Curriculum and Articulation | Committee Member | 5/15/2016 |
Committee Name | Position Role | Start Date | End Date |
Curriculum Committee (Graduate Center) | Committee Member | 1/1/2016 | 5/31/2017 |
CUNY Black Male Initiative Conference | Committee Member | 12/1/2013 | 10/31/2014 |
Organization | Position Role | Organization State | Organization Country | Start Date | End Date | Audience |
Beta Gamma Sigma International Honor Society | Present | |||||
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated | Present | |||||
Alpha Epsilon Lambda National Honor Society | Present | |||||
Epsilon Pi Tau International Honor Society | Present | |||||
Eastern Academy of Management - International | Track Organizer | Croatia | 1/1/2018 | 12/31/2019 | ||
Eastern Academy of Management - International | Track Organizer | Australia | 1/1/2016 | 12/31/2017 | ||
Midwest Academy of Management | Track Organizer | Illinois | 1/1/2016 | 12/31/2017 | ||
Academy of Management | Reviewer, Conference Paper | North Carolina | United States | 1/1/2016 | 12/31/2016 | |
Southern Management Association | Session Chair | North Carolina | 1/1/2016 | 12/31/2016 | ||
Midwest Academy of Management | Reviewer, Conference Paper | Ohio | 1/1/2015 | 12/31/2015 | ||
Academy of Management | Session Chair | British Columbia | Canada | 1/1/2015 | 12/31/2015 | |
Academy of Management | Reviewer, Conference Paper | British Columbia | Canada | 1/1/2015 | 12/31/2015 | |
Southern Management Association | Reviewer, Conference Paper | Florida | 1/1/2015 | 12/31/2015 | ||
SHRM/HRCI/GPHR | Task Force Member | California | United States | 1/1/2014 | 12/31/2014 | |
Southern Management Association | Reviewer, Conference Paper | Georgia | United States | 1/1/2014 | 12/31/2014 | |
Southern Management Association Annual Meeting | Session Chair | Georgia | United States | 11/14/2014 | 11/14/2014 | |
Academy of Management | PDW Panelist | Pennsylvania | United States | 8/5/2014 | 8/5/2014 | |
Southern Management Association Annual Meeting | Reviewer, Conference Paper | Louisiana | United States | 1/1/2013 | 12/31/2013 | |
Academy of Management Annual Meeting | Reviewer, Conference Paper | 1/1/2011 | 12/31/2011 | |||
Southwest Academy of Management Association Annual Meeting | Reviewer, Conference Paper | 1/1/2011 | 12/31/2011 | |||
Academy of Management Annual Meeting | Reviewer, Conference Paper | 1/1/2010 | 12/31/2010 | |||
Southern Management Association Annual Meeting | Academic Conference Discussant | 1/1/2009 | 12/31/2009 | |||
Southern Management Association Annual Meeting | Reviewer, Conference Paper | 1/1/2009 | 12/31/2009 | |||
Southeast Institute for Operations Research and Management Science Conference | Reviewer, Conference Paper | 1/1/2007 | 12/31/2007 | |||
Southeast Institute for Operations Research and Management Science Conference | Academic Conference Discussant | 1/1/2006 | 12/31/2006 | |||
Southeast Institute for Operations Research and Management Science Conference | Reviewer, Conference Paper | 1/1/2006 | 12/31/2006 |