Chen-ho Chao

Adj Professor

Zicklin School of Business

Department: Allen Aaronson Dept of Mkt/IB

Areas of expertise:

Email Address:


Ph.D., Marketing and Int'l Bus., Saint Louis University

M.B.A., Business Administration, University of Missouri-Columbia

BBA, Business Administration, National Chengchi University

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2024MKT4420International Marketing
Spring 2024MKT4420International Marketing
Fall 2023MKT9766Intl Marketing Management
Fall 2023MKT4420International Marketing
Fall 2022MKT9766Intl Marketing Management
Fall 2022MKT4420International Marketing
Spring 2022MKT3400Intl Business Princ
Spring 2022IBS9600Intro to International Businss
Spring 2022IBS9600Intro to International Businss
Fall 2021MKT4420International Marketing
Fall 2021MKT3400Intl Business Princ
Spring 2021IBS9600Intro to International Businss
Spring 2021MKT3400Intl Business Princ
Spring 2021IBS9600Intro to International Businss
Fall 2020MKT3400Intl Business Princ
Fall 2020IBS9763Global Perspectives
Spring 2020MKT3400Intl Business Princ
Fall 2019IBS9763Global Perspectives
Spring 2019MKT3400Intl Business Princ
Fall 2015MKT9716Consumer Behavior
Fall 2014MKT9716Consumer Behavior
Fall 2014MKT9716Consumer Behavior
Fall 2013MKT9703Marketing Management
Spring 2012IBS4200Int Mar, Cul & Insti
Spring 2012MKT4420International Marketing
Fall 2011MKT4420International Marketing
Fall 2011MKT9703Marketing Management
Spring 2011MKT3000Marketing Foundations
Spring 2011IBS9767Global Firms, Cults & Govts
Fall 2010MKT9703Marketing Management
Spring 2010MKT3000Marketing Foundations
Spring 2010IBS9767Global Firms, Cults & Govts
Spring 2010MKT3000Marketing Foundations
Fall 2009IBS9767Global Firms, Cults & Govts
Fall 2009MKT3000Marketing Foundations
Spring 2009IBS9767Global Firms, Cults & Govts
Spring 2009MKT3000Marketing Foundations
Fall 2008IBS9767Global Firms, Cults & Govts
Spring 2008MKT3000Marketing Foundations
Spring 2008IBS9767Global Firms, Cults & Govts
Fall 2007IBS9760Intl Bus Analysis
Fall 2007MKT9703Marketing Management
Spring 2007MKT3400Intl Business Princ
Spring 2007MKT9799Independent Study
Spring 2007MKT3000Marketing Foundations
Fall 2006MKT3400Intl Business Princ
Fall 2006MKT3000Marketing Foundations

Journal Articles

(2011). The Role of Dialectical Thinking in Consumer Confidence and Judgments based on Contradictory Information. Journal of Consumer Research, Reject and Resubmit.

(2011). Conflict Management between Western Managers and Chinese Employees: An Experimental Study. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, under 1st review.

(2011). Performance Implications of MNEs' Diversification Strategies and Institutional Distance. Thunderbird International Business Review , Forthcoming.

(2011). Web Site Localization in the Chinese Market. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, under second review.

(2010). The Impact of Institutional Distance on the International Diversity- Performance Relationship. Journal of World Business, 45(1). 93-103.

(2010). The Journey from Market Orientation to Firm Performance: A Comparative Study of U.S. and Taiwanese SMEs. Management Research Review, 33(5). 472-483.

(2010). Developing the Strategic Resources of Chinese Entrepreneurial Firms. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 31(3). 213-229.

(2006). Social Capital and Intangible Resources of Entrepreneurial Firms in China. Chinese Public Affairs Quarterly, 2(4). 344-357.

(2006). Understanding International Web Site Usage: A Cross-National Study of German, Brazilian, and Taiwanese Online Consumers. International Marketing Review, 23(1). 83-97.

(2006). The Use of the World Wide Web and Internet in Pharmacy Practice: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology, 5(1). 1-11.

(2006). A Multivariate Statistical Approach to Socialization and Consumer Activities of Young Adults: A Cross-Cultural Study of Ethnic Groups in America. Marketing Management Journal , 16(2). 67-80.

(2005). A Cross-Team Framework of International Knowledge Acquisition on New Product Development Capabilities and New Product Market Performance. Journal of International Marketing , 13(3). 57-78.

(2005). Exploring the Practical Effects of Country of Origin, Animosity, and Price / Quality Issues: Two Case Studies of Taiwan and Acer in China. Journal of International Marketing , 13(2). 114-150.

(2005). Managing Country Image to Long-Term Advantage: The Case of Taiwan and Acer. Place Branding, 1(2). 187-204.

(2005). Moving Towards an Understanding of Taiwanese SME Managers' Perceptions of the Marketing Concept. Journal of International Marketing and Marketing Research, 30(3). 147-163.

Book Chapters

Amine, L. S., Chao, C., & Arnold, M. J. (2007). Exploring the Practical Effects of Country of Origin, Animosity, and Price-Quality Issues: Two Case Studies of Taiwan and Acer in China. In Kotabe, M. (Ed.), International Marketing (p. section one, part three). SAGE Publications.


Gould, S., Chao, C., Grein, A., & Semaan, R. (2012, July 2). The Biasing Effects of Country-of-Origin: A cross-cultural Application of Preference Reversals. Annual Meeting. Washington, DC: Academy of International Business.

Chao, C., Chen, Y., & Xie, Y. (2011, December 3). Individual Traits and Conspicuous Consumption of Chinese Consumers. 2011 AIB Southeast Asia Conference. Taipei, Taiwan: Academy of International Business.

Chao, C., Chen, Y., & Xie, Y. (2011, December 3). Individual Traits and Conspicuous Consumption of Chinese Consumers. 2011 AIB Southeast Asia Conference. Taipei, Taiwan: Academy of International Business.

Chen, Y., Chao, C., Tjosvold, D., Xie, Y., & Ye, Z. (2011, June 27). Cross-cultural Conflict Management: An Experimental Study on Western and Chinese Values. AIB 2011 Annual Meeting. Nagoya, Japan: Academy of International Business.

Xie, Y., & Chao, C. (2011, September 16). Paradox of Country-of-Origin Effects? Acceptance of Brands from Emerging Markets in Developed Markets. 2011 Atlantic Marketing Association Annual Conference. Charleston, South Carolina

Chen, Y., Tjosvold, D., Xie, Y., Chao, C., & Ye, Z. (2011, June 28). Newcomer Socialization in China: Effects of Team Values and Goal Interdependence. AIB 2011 Annual Meeting. Nagoya, Japan: Academy of International Business.

Chen, Y., Tjosvold, D., Xie, Y., Chao, C., & Ye, Z. (2011, June 28). Newcomer Socialization in China: Effects of Team Values and Goal Interdependence. AIB 2011 Annual Meeting. Nagoya, Japan: Academy of International Business.

Chen, Y., Chao, C., Tjosvold, D., Xie, Y., & Ye, Z. (2011, June 27). Cross-cultural Conflict Management: An Experimental Study on Western and Chinese Values. AIB 2011 Annual Meeting. Nagoya, Japan: Academy of International Business.

Xie, Y., & Chao, C. (2011, September 16). Paradox of Country-of-Origin Effects? Acceptance of Brands from Emerging Markets in Developed Markets. 2011 Atlantic Marketing Association Annual Conference. Charleston, South Carolina

Semaan, R., Chao, C., & Grein, A. (2010, October 7). The Impact of Negative Information on Perceptions of Own Country Products: A New Perspective on Country of Origin and its Influence on Consumer Behavior. Jacksonville, FL: Association for Consumer Research.

Chao, C., Semaan, R., & Grein, A. (2010, June 29). The Impact of Negative Information on Perceptions of Own Country Products: A New Perspective on Coutnry of Origin and its Influence on Consumer Behavior. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Academy of International Business.

Chao, C., Semaan, R., & Grein, A. (2010, June 29). The Impact of Negative Information on Perceptions of Own Country Products: A New Perspective on Coutnry of Origin and its Influence on Consumer Behavior. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Academy of International Business.

Singh, N., Chao, C., & Hsu, C. (2010, September 12). Web Site Localization in the Chinese Market. 2010 Global Marketing Conference at Tokyo. Tokyo, Japan: Korean Academy of Marketing Science.

Singh, N., Chao, C., & Hsu, C. (2010, September 12). Web Site Localization in the Chinese Market. 2010 Global Marketing Conference at Tokyo. Tokyo, Japan: Korean Academy of Marketing Science.

Semaan, R., Chao, C., & Grein, A. (2010, October 7). The Impact of Negative Information on Perceptions of Own Country Products: A New Perspective on Country of Origin and its Influence on Consumer Behavior. Jacksonville, FL: Association for Consumer Research.

DeMotta, Y., Chao, C., & Kramer, T. (2009, January 4). The Impact of Culture on Product Evaluation: A Dialectical Perspective. Annual Conference. Hyderabad, India: Asia-Pacific Association for Consumer Research (AP-ACR).

DeMotta, Y., Chao, C., & Kramer, T. (2009, January 4). The Impact of Culture on Product Evaluation: A Dialectical Perspective. Annual Conference. Hyderabad, India: Asia-Pacific Association for Consumer Research (AP-ACR).

Chao, C., Kim, S. H., & Zhao, H. (2008, August 13). International and Product Diversifications, MNE Performance, and Institutional Distance. Annual Conference. Anaheim, CA: AOM (Academy of Management).

Chao, C., Kim, S. H., & Zhao, H. (2008, August 13). International and Product Diversifications, MNE Performance, and Institutional Distance. Annual Conference. Anaheim, CA: AOM (Academy of Management).

DeMotta, Y., & Chao, C. (2008, October 11). The Impact of Culture on Advertising Evaluation and Product Choice: A Dialectical Thinking Perspective. 2008 Conference on Trends in Global Business. New Haven, CT

DeMotta, Y., & Chao, C. (2008, October 11). The Impact of Culture on Advertising Evaluation and Product Choice: A Dialectical Thinking Perspective. 2008 Conference on Trends in Global Business. New Haven, CT

Chao, C., & Muddyman, G. (2008, July 3). The Localization of MNEs’ Web Sites for Chinese Online Consumers: A Content Analysis. Annual Conference. Milan, Italy: AIB (Academy of International Business).

Chao, C., & Muddyman, G. (2008, July 3). The Localization of MNEs’ Web Sites for Chinese Online Consumers: A Content Analysis. Annual Conference. Milan, Italy: AIB (Academy of International Business).

Chao, C., Kim, S. H., Zhao, H., & Hsu, C. (2007, June 28). International Diversity, Product Diverisy, Institutional Distance, and Firm Performance of Multinational Corporations: An Intergrated Framework. Annual Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana: AIB (Academy of International Business).

Chao, C., Kim, S. H., Zhao, H., & Hsu, C. (2007, June 28). International Diversity, Product Diverisy, Institutional Distance, and Firm Performance of Multinational Corporations: An Intergrated Framework. Annual Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana: AIB (Academy of International Business).

Chen, Y., Chao, C., Tjosvold, D., & Pan, Y. (2007, June 28). Improving Market Orientation of Entrepreneurial firms with Cooperative Goals: An Emperical Study in China. Annual Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana: AIB (Academy of International Business).

Chen, Y., Chao, C., Tjosvold, D., & Pan, Y. (2007, June 28). Improving Market Orientation of Entrepreneurial firms with Cooperative Goals: An Emperical Study in China. Annual Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana: AIB (Academy of International Business).

Chen, Y., Chao, C., & Ye, Z. (2007, August 8). Goal Interdependence, Social Captial, and Intangible Resources of Entrepreneurial Films in China. Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA: AOM (Academy of Management).

Chen, Y., Chao, C., & Ye, Z. (2007, August 8). Goal Interdependence, Social Captial, and Intangible Resources of Entrepreneurial Films in China. Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA: AOM (Academy of Management).

Chao, C., & Kumar, V. (2007, December 15). The Impacts of Institutional Distance and Home Country Economic Openness on the Relationship between International Diversity and Firm Performance. Annual Conference. Catania, Italy: EIBA (European International Business Academy).

Chao, C., & Kumar, V. (2007, December 15). The Impacts of Institutional Distance and Home Country Economic Openness on the Relationship between International Diversity and Firm Performance. Annual Conference. Catania, Italy: EIBA (European International Business Academy).

Chao, C., Spillan, J. E., & Magnusson, P. (2006, June 26). Targeting Marketing Orientation Strategy among SMEs: An Exploratory Study of U.S. and Taiwanese Firms. 2006 Annual Conference. Beijing, China: AIB (Academy of International Business).

Chao, C., & Kumar, V. (2006, December 2). The Multinationally-Performance Relationship: An Institutional Theory Perspective. Fourth Annual AIB/JIBS Conference on Emerging Research Frontiers in International Business. San Diego, CA

Chao, C., & Kumar, V. (2006, December 2). The Multinationally-Performance Relationship: An Institutional Theory Perspective. Fourth Annual AIB/JIBS Conference on Emerging Research Frontiers in International Business. San Diego, CA

Singh, N., Bartikowski, B., Fassott, G., Chao, C., & Hoffmann, J. A. (2006, August 7). A Cross National Analysis of Global and National Identity as a Basis of International Web Site Usage. Summer Marketing Educators' Conference. Chicago,IL: AMA (American Marketing Assocation).

Singh, N., Bartikowski, B., Fassott, G., Chao, C., & Hoffmann, J. A. (2006, August 7). A Cross National Analysis of Global and National Identity as a Basis of International Web Site Usage. Summer Marketing Educators' Conference. Chicago,IL: AMA (American Marketing Assocation).

Chao, C., Spillan, J. E., & Magnusson, P. (2006, June 26). Targeting Marketing Orientation Strategy among SMEs: An Exploratory Study of U.S. and Taiwanese Firms. 2006 Annual Conference. Beijing, China: AIB (Academy of International Business).

Chao, C., & Boggs, D. (2005, March 5). Antecedents and Outcomes of Choosing Local Market Knowledge Source in the Emerging Market: Insider vs. Outsider. 2005 Annual Conference. Dallas, Texas: AIB-SW (Academy of International Business Southwest Chapter).

Chao, C., & Boggs, D. (2005, March 5). Antecedents and Outcomes of Choosing Local Market Knowledge Source in the Emerging Market: Insider vs. Outsider. 2005 Annual Conference. Dallas, Texas: AIB-SW (Academy of International Business Southwest Chapter).

Spillan, J. E., Chao, C., & Han, I. (2005, July 12). Moving Towards an Understanding of Small Business Managers' Perceptions of the Marketing Concept. 2005 Annual Conference. Quebec City, Canada: AIB (Academy of International Business).

Spillan, J. E., Chao, C., & Han, I. (2005, July 12). Moving Towards an Understanding of Small Business Managers' Perceptions of the Marketing Concept. 2005 Annual Conference. Quebec City, Canada: AIB (Academy of International Business).

Murray, J. Y., & Chao, C. (2005, July 12). Market Orientation, Product Innovation, and New Product Performance in Foreign Markets. 2005 Annual Conference. Quebec City, Canada: AIB (Academy of International Business).

Murray, J. Y., & Chao, C. (2005, July 12). Market Orientation, Product Innovation, and New Product Performance in Foreign Markets. 2005 Annual Conference. Quebec City, Canada: AIB (Academy of International Business).

Chao, C., & Han, I. (2005, August 1). The Journey from Market Orientation to Performance: A Contingent Framework. Summer Marketing Educators' Conference. San Francisco,CA: AMA (American Marketing Assocation).

Chao, C., & Han, I. (2005, August 1). The Journey from Market Orientation to Performance: A Contingent Framework. Summer Marketing Educators' Conference. San Francisco,CA: AMA (American Marketing Assocation).

Chao, C., Han, I., Kim, S. H., & Chuang, C. (2005, August 10). Strategic Resources, Social Capital, Environmental Turbulence, and Performance: An Empirical Study. 2005 Annual Meeting. Honolulu, Hawaii: AOM (Academy of Management).

Chao, C., Han, I., Kim, S. H., & Chuang, C. (2005, August 10). Strategic Resources, Social Capital, Environmental Turbulence, and Performance: An Empirical Study. 2005 Annual Meeting. Honolulu, Hawaii: AOM (Academy of Management).

Singh, N., Chao, C., & Kwon, I. (2004, February 9). Socialization and Consumer Activities of Young Adults: A Cross-Cultural Study of Ethnic Groups in America. Winter Marketing Educators' Conference. Scottsdale, AZ: AMA (American Marketing Assocation).

Amine, L. S., & Chao, C. (2004, October 21). Managing Country Image to Long-Term Advantage: The Case of Taiwan and Acer (Best Paper Award). 2004 Annual Meeting. Cancun, Mexico: AGB (Association for Global Business).

Amine, L. S., Baack, D., Chao, C., & Xie, H. (2004, May 29). Toward an Intergrative Framework of Consumer Behavior in International Marketing (equal contribution among authors). 2004 Annual Conference. Vancouver, B.C., Canada: AMS (Academy of Marketing Science).

Amine, L. S., Baack, D., Chao, C., & Xie, H. (2004, May 29). Toward an Intergrative Framework of Consumer Behavior in International Marketing (equal contribution among authors). 2004 Annual Conference. Vancouver, B.C., Canada: AMS (Academy of Marketing Science).

Singh, N., Fassott, G., Chao, C., & Chao, J. (2004, February 9). Targeting Global Online Consumers: An Application and Extension of Technology Acceptance Model. Winter Marketing Educators' Conference. Scottsdale, AZ: AMA (American Marketing Assocation).

Amine, L. S., & Chao, C. (2004, October 21). Managing Country Image to Long-Term Advantage: The Case of Taiwan and Acer (Best Paper Award). 2004 Annual Meeting. Cancun, Mexico: AGB (Association for Global Business).

Murray, J. Y., & Chao, C. (2004, July 13). Antecedents and Outcomes of International Knowledge Transfer: An Integrated Framework and Research Propositions. 2004 Annual Conference. Stockholm, Sweden: AIB (Academy of International Business).

Amine, L. S., & Chao, C. (2004, July 13). Exploring the Practical Effects of Country of Origin, Animosity, and Price/Quality Issues: The Case of Taiwan's Acer in China. 2004 Annual Conference. Stockholm, Sweden: AIB (Academy of International Business).

Amine, L. S., & Chao, C. (2004, July 13). Exploring the Practical Effects of Country of Origin, Animosity, and Price/Quality Issues: The Case of Taiwan's Acer in China. 2004 Annual Conference. Stockholm, Sweden: AIB (Academy of International Business).

Murray, J. Y., & Chao, C. (2004, July 13). Antecedents and Outcomes of International Knowledge Transfer: An Integrated Framework and Research Propositions. 2004 Annual Conference. Stockholm, Sweden: AIB (Academy of International Business).

Singh, N., Chao, C., & Kwon, I. (2004, February 9). Socialization and Consumer Activities of Young Adults: A Cross-Cultural Study of Ethnic Groups in America. Winter Marketing Educators' Conference. Scottsdale, AZ: AMA (American Marketing Assocation).

Singh, N., Fassott, G., Chao, C., & Chao, J. (2004, February 9). Targeting Global Online Consumers: An Application and Extension of Technology Acceptance Model. Winter Marketing Educators' Conference. Scottsdale, AZ: AMA (American Marketing Assocation).

Murray, J. Y., & Chao, C. (2003, October 4). International Success of E-commerce Corporations (ECCs): Using Resource-based View to Extend the E-commerce Systems Success Model. 2003 Annual Conference. Manchester, NH: AIB-NE (Academy of International Business Northeast Chapter).

Chao, C., & Zhao, H. J. (2003, April 6). What Factors Help Taiwanese Firms Have Better Human Resource Management and Performance in China: A Resource-based View. 15th Annual International Association of Business Disciplines. Orlando, Florida: IABD.

Murray, J. Y., & Chao, C. (2003, October 4). International Success of E-commerce Corporations (ECCs): Using Resource-based View to Extend the E-commerce Systems Success Model. 2003 Annual Conference. Manchester, NH: AIB-NE (Academy of International Business Northeast Chapter).

Chao, C., & Zhao, H. J. (2003, April 6). What Factors Help Taiwanese Firms Have Better Human Resource Management and Performance in China: A Resource-based View. 15th Annual International Association of Business Disciplines. Orlando, Florida: IABD.

Research Currently in Progess

Grein, A., Gould, S., & Chao, C.(n.d.). Country of Origin: Strong versus weak attributes. In Progress.

Chao, C.(n.d.). Do We Really Know Chinese Consumers’ Conspicuous Consumption Behaviors?. In Progress.

Grein, A., Chao, C., & Semaan, R.(n.d.). The Impact of Negative Information on Perceptions of Own Country Products: A New Perspective on Country of Origin and its Influence on Consumer Behavior. In Progress.

Chao, C., & Kumar, V.(n.d.). The Multinationality-Performance Relationship: An Institutional Theory Perspective. In Progress.

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
The Moderating Effects of Product Diversity and Institutional Distance on the Relationship between Internationalization and PerformancePSC-CUNY 4107/01/201006/30/20116000Completed
The Impact of Culture on Product Evaluation: A Dialectical PerspectivePSC-CUNY 4007/01/200906/30/20103200Completed
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Teaching Excellence AwardZicklin School of Business, Baruch College, CUNY2010
Best Paper Award/Managing Country Image to Long-Term Advantage: The Case of Taiwan and Acer (with Lyn S. Amine)2004 Annual Meeting of the AGB (Association for Global Business) Cancun Mexico 2004
Top 64 Professors Using Technology in the ClassroomUniv. of Missouri-St. Louis 2004
2001 Outstanding MBA Graduate Award College of Business Admin., Univ. of Missouri-Columbia2001


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Graduate Learning Assurance CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Doctoral Students' Job Search PracticesStudent Placement6/1/2011Present
Doctoral Students' Pro-seminarInstructor9/1/2006Present
Interpublic Scholarship Doctoral Student RecipientFaculty Advisor9/1/201012/31/2010


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Journal of Asia Pacific BusinessGuest EditorPresent


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Journal of Applied Social PsychologyReviewerPresent
Journal of Asia Business StudiesReviewerPresent
Junior Faculty Consortium (AIB Annual Meeting)12/31/2007
International Marketing Review 22(6), one Special IssueReviewer12/31/2006
AIB (Academy of International Business) Annual MeetingDiscussant12/31/2005
AIB (Academy of International Business) Annual MeetingReviewer12/31/2005
AIB (Academy of International Business) Doctorial Students Consortium12/31/2005
AMA (American Marketing Association) Winter Marketing Educators' ConferenceReviewer12/31/2005
World Congress of the World Agricultural Forum at St. Louis, MOAssistant5/16/20055/18/2005
AMS (Academy of Marketing Science) ConferenceReviewer12/31/2004
BALAS (Business Association of Latin American Study) ConferenceReviewer12/31/2004
Multinational Business Review (some issues)Reviewer12/31/2004
AIB (Academy of International Business) Annual MeetingDiscussant12/31/2004
AMA (American Marketing Association) Winter Marketing Educators' ConferenceReviewer12/31/2004
AMA (American Marketing Association) Winter Marketing Educators' ConferenceDiscussant12/31/2004
AIB (Academy of International Business) Annual MeetingReviewer12/31/2004
AIB (Academy of International Business) Annual MeetingReviewer12/31/2003
Doctoral Students Consortium at Indiana University (CIBER)12/31/2003