Cheng Luo

Adj Asst Professor

Zicklin School of Business

Department: Stan Ross Dept Accountancy

Areas of expertise:

Email Address:

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Spring 2024ACC9818Auditing And Acc Info Systems
Fall 2023ACC3200Cost Accounting
Fall 2022ACC3200Cost Accounting
Summer 2022ACC3200Cost Accounting
Spring 2022ACC2101Principles of Accounting
Spring 2022ACC2101Principles of Accounting
Fall 2021ACC2101Principles of Accounting
Spring 2021ACC3202Accounting Information Systems
Fall 2020ACC4100Financial Accounting III
Summer 2020ACC3000Financial Accounting I
Spring 2020ACC3202Accounting Information Systems
Fall 2019ACC3202Accounting Information Systems
Summer 2019ACC3202Accounting Information Systems
Summer 2019ACC9818Auditing And Acc Info Systems
Fall 2018ACC3202Accounting Information Systems
Summer 2018ACC3202Accounting Information Systems
Spring 2018ACC3202Accounting Information Systems
Fall 2017ACC3202Accounting Information Systems
Summer 2017ACC3202Accounting Information Systems
Spring 2017ACC2101Principles of Accounting
Fall 2016ACC3000Financial Accounting I
Summer 2015ACC4100Financial Accounting III