Cynthia Thompson

Cynthia Thompson


Zicklin School of Business

Department: N. P. Loomba Dept of Mgt

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Cynthia Thompson, Ph.D., is Professor of Management and former Academic Director of the Executive MBA Program in the Zicklin School of Business at Baruch College, where she teaches courses on work-life integration, organizational behavior, and organization change & sustainability. She has won numerous teaching awards, including the President’s Distinguished Teaching Award, the Zicklin Teaching Excellence Award, and the Baruch College “Teacher of the Year” Award. She recently created an MBA course on Leading Organizational Change for Environmental Sustainability, which won an Honorable Mention from the Page Prize for Excellence in Sustainable Business Education. She feels passionately about the need to integrate the issues surrounding climate change and environmental sustainability throughout the MBA and undergraduate curriculum, and she has helped faculty incorporate sustainability as a key theme in the Executive MBA curriculum.

Professor Thompson is President of WorkVision, LLC, a consulting firm specializing in work-life and career reentry issues, management training, and leadership development. Prior to joining Baruch, she worked for the Tennessee Valley Authority, Oak Ridge National Labs, and AT&T. She has conducted research on work-life issues for 20+ years and has published over 25 journal articles and book chapters. Two of her research articles were nominated for the Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family Research. Prof. Thompson has been quoted in the popular press and has been interviewed by NPR and NBC-NY. She received her Ph.D. in Industrial-Organizational Psychology from the University of Tennessee and her B.S. in psychology and statistics from Florida State University.


Ph.D., Industrial/Org. Psychology, University of Tennessee

B.S., Psychology/Statistics, Florida State University

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Summer 2024DCT90120Position Paper Research
Spring 2024MGT9355Leading Org Chn for ENV Sustai
Spring 2024MGT9330Leadrshp&Managerial
Spring 2024MGT3310Developing Your Leadership Pot
Fall 2023MGT3310Developing Your Leadership Pot
Fall 2023MGT9330Leadrshp&Managerial
Fall 2022MGT3300Mgt:A Behavioral App
Fall 2022MGT3300Mgt:A Behavioral App
Spring 2022MGT9355Leading Org Chn for ENV Sustai
Spring 2022MGT9330Leadrshp&Managerial
Spring 2021MGT3300Mgt:A Behavioral App
Spring 2021MGT3300Mgt:A Behavioral App
Spring 2021MGT9355Leading Org Chn for ENV Sustai
Spring 2021MGT5000Independent Study Management I
Spring 2021DCT90311Dissertation Research - Final
Fall 2020MGT3300Mgt:A Behavioral App
Fall 2020MGT3120Fundamentals of Management
Fall 2020MGT3120Fundamentals of Management
Fall 2020DCT90301Dissertation Research - Propos
Fall 2020MGT9301Managing People and Orgnztions
Summer 2020DCT90220Position Paper Defense
Spring 2020MGT3120Fundamentals of Management
Spring 2020MGT9301Managing People and Orgnztions
Spring 2020MGT9394Spe Top In Org Beh And Hrm
Fall 2019MGT3120Fundamentals of Management
Fall 2019MGT9301Managing People and Orgnztions
Summer 2019DBA90120Position Paper Research
Summer 2019MGT9979Entrepreneurship Seminar
Spring 2019MGT3120Fundamentals of Management
Spring 2019MGT9394Spe Top In Org Beh And Hrm
Spring 2019MGT9301Managing People and Orgnztions
Fall 2018MGT9301Managing People and Orgnztions
Fall 2018MGT9301Managing People and Orgnztions
Fall 2018MGT3300Mgt:A Behavioral App
Spring 2018MGT9394Spe Top In Org Beh And Hrm
Spring 2018MGT9330Leadrshp&Managerial
Fall 2017MGT9301Managing People and Orgnztions
Spring 2017MGT9301Managing People and Orgnztions
Fall 2016MGT9300Mgt A Behavioral App
Fall 2016MGT9300Mgt A Behavioral App
Summer 2016FIN9895Special Topics in Corp Finance
Spring 2016MGT9394Spe Top In Org Beh And Hrm
Spring 2016FIN9790Seminar in Finance
Fall 2015MGT9394Spe Top In Org Beh And Hrm
Fall 2015MGT9300Mgt A Behavioral App
Fall 2015MGT9394Spe Top In Org Beh And Hrm
Summer 2015MGT9394Spe Top In Org Beh And Hrm
Spring 2015MGT3300Mgt:A Behavioral App
Fall 2014MGT9300Mgt A Behavioral App
Fall 2014MGT9300Mgt A Behavioral App
Fall 2013MGT9300Mgt A Behavioral App
Fall 2013MGT9300Mgt A Behavioral App
Fall 2012MGT9300Mgt A Behavioral App
Fall 2012PSY9797Prob Indust Psych II
Summer 2012MGT9300Mgt A Behavioral App
Spring 2012MBA9135Exec MBA Module H
Spring 2012MGT9300Mgt A Behavioral App
Spring 2012PSY9786Seminar Contemp Psy Topics
Fall 2011MGT9300Mgt A Behavioral App
Summer 2011MGT9300Mgt A Behavioral App
Spring 2011MBA9130Exec MBA Module G
Spring 2011MGT9300Mgt A Behavioral App
Fall 2010MGT9300Mgt A Behavioral App
Summer 2010MGT9300Mgt A Behavioral App
Spring 2010MGT9300Mgt A Behavioral App
Fall 2009MGT9300Mgt A Behavioral App
Spring 2009MGT9300Mgt A Behavioral App
Fall 2008MGT9300Mgt A Behavioral App
Fall 2008MBA9120Executive MBA Mod E
Spring 2008MGT9300Mgt A Behavioral App
Spring 2008MGT9300Mgt A Behavioral App
Fall 2007MGT3300Mgt:A Behavioral App
Spring 2007MGT3300Mgt:A Behavioral App
Spring 2007MGT9300Mgt A Behavioral App
Spring 2007MGT9300Mgt A Behavioral App
Fall 2006MGT3300Mgt:A Behavioral App
Fall 2006MGT9300Mgt A Behavioral App
Spring 2006MGT3300Mgt:A Behavioral App
Spring 2006MGT9300Mgt A Behavioral App
Fall 2005MGT3300Mgt:A Behavioral App
Fall 2005MGT3300Mgt:A Behavioral App
Spring 2005MGT9300Mgt A Behavioral App
Fall 2004MGT3300Mgt:A Behavioral App
Fall 2004MGT9300Mgt A Behavioral App
Spring 2004MGT9300Mgt A Behavioral App
Spring 2004MGT9390Seminar Hrm/Labor
Fall 2003MGT9300Mgt A Behavioral App
Fall 2003MGT3300Mgt:A Behavioral App
Spring 2002MGT9300Mgt A Behavioral App
Spring 2002MGT3300Mgt:A Behavioral App
Fall 2001MGT9300Mgt A Behavioral App


Jex, S., Britt, T., & Thompson, C. (2024). Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior: Evidence-based Lessons for Creating Sustainable Organizations, Fourth Edition.. Hoboken, NJ, Wiley Pub..

Bond, T. J., Thompson, C. A., Galinsky, E., & Prottas, D. (2003). Highlights of the 2002 National Study of the Changing Workforce. New York: Families and Work Institute. *The findings from this study were cited over 360 times in the both print and internet.

Kopelman, R., & Thompson, C. A. (1994). Supervisory Training Program for Maintenance and Power Plant Supervisors. (p. 95 pgs). NY: CASE..

Thompson, C. A., & Habel, J. C. (1983). Project NEED: Final Evaluation and Final Report. (p. 156 pgs). College of Education, University of Tennessee.

Thompson, C. A. (1982). An Investigation of the Need for and Utility of Diagnostic Testing and Remedial Training for Clerical Employees. (p. 67 pgs). Technical report prepared for the Tennessee Valley Authority.

Journal Articles

Richardson, K. M., & Thompson, C. A. (2012). High tech tethers and work-family conflict: A conservation of resources approach. Engineering Management Research, 1(1). 29-43.

(2007). Dispositional and situational sources of control: Relative impact on work-family conflict and work-family facilitation. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 8. 722-740.

(2007). Work-family programs: Factors affecting employee knowledge. Personnel Review, 36. 163-189.

(2006). A multi-level examination of work-life practices: Is more always better?. Journal of Managerial Issues, 18. 232-253.

(2006). The mediating role of perceived control on the relationship between organizational family support, job autonomy, and employee well-being. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 11. 100-118.

(2006). Stress, satisfaction, and the work-family interface: A comparison of self-employed business owners, independents, and organizational employees. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 11. 366-378.

(2005). Work-life balance? Organizations in denial. Journal of Employee Assistance, 35(2). 7-9.

(2004). The impact of perceived organizational and supervisory family support on affective commitment: A longitudinal and multi-level analysis. Journal of Managerial Issues, 16. 545-567.

(2004). Identity Theory. Organization Management Journal,

(2003). Perceived organizational family support: Rationale and construct validity evidence. Community, Work, and Family, 6(123-140).

(2002). Work-life balance: A dialogue between managers and employees. Journal of Management Education, 26. 205-220.

(1999). When work-family benefits are not enough…The influence of work-family culture on benefit utilization, organizational attachment, and work-family conflict. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 54. 392-415.

(1999). Work and pregnancy: Individual and organizational factors influencing organizational commitment, timing of maternity leave and return to work. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 11. 458-508.

(1996). Valuing diversity: The case of pregnant working women in the United States. Equal Opportunities International, 15. 1-9.

(1993). Moving beyond traditional predictors of job involvement: The effect of work-family conflict and overload. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 8. 635-646.

(1992). Putting all one's eggs in the same basket: A comparison of commitment and satisfaction among self- and organizationally-employed males. Journal of Applied Psychology, 77. 738-743.

(1992). "Buddying Up" for fewer sick days. Training and Development Journal, 47(1). 15-18.

(1991). Corporate responsiveness (and resistance) to work-family interdependence in the U.S. Equal Opportunities International, 10(3/4). 25-31.

(1980). Commitment to the union: Development of a measure and an examination of its correlates. Journal of Applied Psychology Monograph, 65(479-499).

Book Chapters

Thompson, C. (2024). Creating sustainable organizations in a warming world. . Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior: Evidence-based Lessons for Creating Sustainable Organizations, Fourth Edition. (pp. 750-793). Hoboken, NJ. Wiley Pub..

Thompson, C., & Ritter, K. (2024). Managing the work-life interface: Individual and organizational strategies. Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior: Evidence-based Lessons for Creating Sustainable Organizations, Fourth Edition. (pp. 211-245). Hoboken, NJ. Wiley Pub..

Thompson, C. (2024). Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). . Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior: Evidence-based Lessons for Creating Sustainable Organizations, Fourth Edition. (pp. 150-210). Hoboken, NJ. Wiley Pub..

Beauregard, A., Basile, K. A., & Thompson, C. A. (2018). Organizational culture in the context of national culture. In Shockely, K. M., Shen, W., & Johnson, R. C. (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of the Global Work-Family Interface Cambridge, UK. Cambridge University Press.

Shockley, K. M., Thompson, C. A., & Andreassi, J. (2013). Workplace culture and work-life integration. In Major, D., & Burke, R. (Eds.), Handbook of work-life integration of professionals: Challenges and opportunities (pp. 310-336). Northampton, MA,USA. Edward Elgar.

Thompson, C. A., & Prottas, D. J. (2009). Elaborations on a theme: Toward understanding work-life culture. In Booth, A., & Crouter, N. (Eds.), Work-Life Policies that Make a Real Difference for Individuals, Families, and Organizations Urban Institute Press.

Thompson, C. A. (2008). Barriers to the implementation and usage of work-life policies. In Poelmans, S. P., & Caliguiri, P. (Eds.), Harmonizing Work, Family, and Personal Life: From Policy to Practice Cambridge University Press.

Andreassi, J. K., & Thompson, C. A. (2008). Work-family culture: Current research and future directions. In Korabik, K., & Lero, D. (Eds.), Handbook of Work and Family New York City. Elsevier Press.

Thompson, C. A., Poelmans, S., Allen, T. A., & Andreassi, J. K. (2007). On the importance of coping: A model and new directions for research on work and family. In Perrewe, P. L., & Ganster, D. C. (Eds.), Research in Occupational Stress and Well being (pp. 73-113).

Thompson, C. A., Beauvais, L. L., & Allen, T. (2005). Work-life balance: An industrial-organizational psychology perspective. In Pitt-Catsouphes, M., Kossek, E., & Sweet, S. (Eds.), Work-family Handbook Lawrence Erlbaum Pub..

Thompson, C. A., Andreassi, J., & Prottas, D. (2005). Work-family culture: Key to reducing workforce-workplace mismatch?. In Bianchi, S. M., Casper, L. M., & Berkowitz King, R. (Eds.), Work, Family, Health and Well-Being (pp. 117-132). Mahwah, NJ. Lawrence Erlbaum Pub.

Thompson, C. A., & Beauvais, L. L. (2000). The work/life juggling act. In Smith, D. (Ed.), Women at work: Leadership for the Next Century (pp. 162-189). Upper Saddle River. Prentice-Hall.

Thompson, C. A. (1998). Epilogue: A seminar on work and family: Developing a series of activities. In Friedman, S. D., DeGroot, J., & Christensen, P. M. (Eds.), Integrating Work and Life: The Wharton Resource Guide (pp. 439-450). San Francisco. Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer.

Thompson, C. A., Maier, M., & Thomas, C. C. (1992). Work family conflict and the bottom line: Re assessing corporate policies and initiatives. In Sekaran, U., & Leong, F. (Eds.), Womanpower: Managing in Times of Demographic Turbulence (pp. 59-84). Newbury Park, CA. Sage Pub.

Media Contributions

Thompson, C. Have been quoted in Working Mother magazine and Ladies Home Journal.


(2005). NBC-NY.

(2003). 1999 article on work-family culture was described in a SHRM Research Report, which was included as a supplement to SHRM’s national magazine.

(2003). .

(2001). Work & Family Connection.

(2000). NPR, Interviewed in a story about the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra, and how Baruch students learn about shared leadership by watching them practice (Orpheus is a conductor-less orchestra).


Thompson, C. Developing Leaders to Save the Planet: The Case of the Zicklin School of Business.. The Baruch College Inaugural Conference on Climate Research, Teaching, and Collaboration.. New York City

Andreassi, J., Grotto, A., Lawter, L., Rua, T., & Thompson, C. A. (2021, January 8). Department of Labor Organizational Work-Family Benefits: Is There a Business Case?. Work-Family Research Network (WFRN). Online

Thompson, C. (2018, April 23). ROE: Developing Leaders to Save the Planet. EMBA Council Northeast Regional Meeting. New York City: Baruch College.

Thompson, C. A. (2017, August 16). It’s Not Just about Recycling: Leading Change toward Sustainability at MCU. MCU Management Series. : MCU and Baruch College.

Jones, E., Thompson, C. A., Bailyn, L., & Pitt-Catsouphes, M. (2014, July 19). Taking Work-Life to the Next Level: In Search of a New Construct. Work-Family Research Network Conference. New York City

Richardson, K., & Thompson, C. A. (2010, December 31). High Tech Tethers and Employee Well Being: A Conservation of Resources Approach. Academy of Management Conference. Montreal

Thompson, C. A., Prottas, D. J., & Andreassi, J. (2008, December 31). Strengthening Research on Work- Family: Using Objective Measures and Multiple Samples. Paper presented as part of the symposium, Implementing Strong Research Designs in the Work-Family Interface, Academy of Management Conference. San Francisco

Prottas, D. J., & Thompson, C. A. (2007, July 31). Self vs. Organizational Employment: The Neglected Case of Positive Spillover. Invited paper presented at the Second Annual Conference. Barcelona: International Center for Work and Family, IESE.

Thompson, C. A., Martin, M., Poelmans, S., & Scherbaum, C. (2007, July 31). Work-family Culture and Policies: Evidence from Spain.. Paper presented at the 2007 International Conference on Work and Family. Barcelona, Spain.

Thompson, C. A., & Prottas, D. J. (2005, July 31). Antecedents of a Family-Unfriendly Culture: A Tentative Model. Invited paper presented at the Founding Conference. Barcelona: International Center for Work and Family, IESE.

Prottas, D. J., Thompson, C. A., Kopelman, R. K., & Jahn, E. W. (2005, April 30). If a Tree Falls in the Woods: Factors Affecting Employee Knowledge of Work-Family Programs. Presented at the 20th Annual Conference. Los Angeles: Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

Andreassi, J., & Thompson, C. A. (2005, August 31). Dispositional and Situational Sources of Control: Relative Impact on Work-family Conflict and Facilitation. Presented at the Academy of Management Conference. Hawaii

Prottas, D. J., & Thompson, C. A. (2004, August 31). Organizational Family Support, Job Autonomy, and Employee Well-being. Presented at the American Psychological Association. Hawaii

Judiesch, M., Lyness, K. S., Thompson, C. A., & Beauvais, L. L. (2004, April 30). Reassessing Work-Family Conflict as a Mediating Variable. Presented at the Nineteenth Annual Conference. Chicago: Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

Judiesch, M., Lyness, K. S., Thompson, C. A., & Beauvais, L. (2004, April 30). Reassessing work-family conflict as a mediating variable.. Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Chicago, Illinois

Thompson, C. A., & Prottas, D. J. (2004, August 31). Antecedents of a Family-Unfriendly Culture. Presented as part of a Showcase Symposium. New Orleans: Academy of Management Conference.

Hammer, L., & Thompson, C. A. (2003, August 31). Showcase Symposium: The Effects of Formal and Informal Family-Friendly Organizational Supports. Presented at the Academy of Management Conference. Seattle, Washington

Kopelman, R. E., Prottas, D., Thompson, C. A., & Jahn, E. (2003, August 31). Work-Life Practices: A Multi-Level Search for the Optimal Bundle. Presented as part of a Showcase Symposium (see Hammer & Thompson above). Seattle, Washington: Academy of Management Conference.

Thompson, C. A., Andreassi, J., & Prottas, D. (2003, June 30). Workplace Culture. Presented at a conference. Washington, D.C.: The National Institutes of Health, “Workplace/Workforce Mismatch: Work, Family, Health, and Well-being.”.

Jahn, E., Thompson, C. A., & Kopelman, R. E. (2001, April 30). The Impact of Perceived Organizational and Supervisory Support on Organizational Commitment: A Longitudinal and Multi-level analysis. Presented at the Sixteenth Annual Conference. San Francisco: Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

Lyness, K. S., Judiesch, M., Thompson, C. A., & Beauvais, L. (2001, August 31). The influence of work-family culture, benefits, and perceived organizational characteristics on turnover intentions. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Washington, D.C.

Lyness, K. S., Judiesch, M. K., Thompson, C. A., & Beauvais, L. L. (2001, August 31). The Influence of Work-family Culture, Benefits, and Perceived Organizational Characteristics on Turnover Intentions. Presented at the Academy of Management Meetings. Washington, D.C.

Jahn, E. W., Thompson, C. A., & Kopelman, R. E. (2000, April 30). Perceived Organizational Family Support: Rationale and Construct Validity Evidence. Presented at the Fifteenth Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA: Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

Thompson, C. A. (1999, April 19). Work-life Balance in Family Businesses. Presented at the Annual Family Business Conference. : Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College, and the Family Business Council of Greater New York.

Friedman, S., Thompson, C. A., & Carpenter, M. (1999, June 30). A Case Study of Ernst & Young’s Work-Life Initiatives. Presented at the 4th Wharton Work-Life Roundtable. Philadelphia

Thompson, C. A., Beauvais, L., & Carter, H. K. (1997, August 31). Work-Family Programs: Only Slow-Trackers Need Apply? An Investigation of the Impact of Work-Family Culture. Presented at the Academy of Management Meetings. Boston

Thompson, C. A. (1997, April 30). Evaluating Work-Family Efforts: Determining the Effects of Your Program. Presented at the 1997 Work and Family Conference. NYC

Francesco, A. M., & Thompson, C. A. (1996, August 31). Pregnant Working Women: An Unrecognized Diversity Challenge. Presented at the American Psychological Association. Toronto, Canada

Francesco, A. M., & Thompson, C. A. (1996, August 31). Pregnant and Working: The Forgotten Employee in I/O Psychology. Presented at the Symposium. Toronto, Canada: American Psychological Association.

Thompson, C. A. (1994, March 31). Historical Overview of Work and Family Research and Practice. Invited address, Work and Family Colloquium, Provost’s Twenty-fifth Anniversary Colloquium Series. : Baruch College.

McClane, W. E., & Thompson, C. A. (1992, November 30). Attitudes toward work, leisure, and family among Mexican workers: A preliminary construct validation. Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting pp. 31-35.. New Orleans: Southern Management Association.

Ruhe, J., & Thompson, C. A. (1991, July 31). Women in International Business: An Opportunity for Course Design. Presented at the World Case Writer's Conference. Berlin

Kopelman, R. E., Thompson, C. A., & Schreisheim, C. A. (1990, November 30). Commitment and satisfaction among self-employed and organizationally-employed males. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting p.253-257. Orlando: Southern Management Association,.

Thompson, C. A. (1989, April 30). Effects of Work family Conflict: The Mediating Role of Stress. Presented at the Fourth Annual Conference. Boston: Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

Thompson, C. A. (1989, August 31). Organizational Flexibility, Productivity, and the Work-Family Interface: (Re-)Assessing Corporate Policies and Culture. Discussant on panel. Washington, D.C.: Academy of Management Conference.

Thompson, C. A. (1989, April 30). Action Research on Work and Family: Discussion and Commentary. Presented as part of a symposium moderated by David Bracken at the Fourth Annual Conference. Boston: Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

Thompson, C. A. (1988, December 31). Coping with Work family Conflict: An Exploratory Study. Presented at the 1988 International Conference on Women and Organizations. Anaheim, CA

Thompson, C. A., & Blau, G. J. (1985, November 30). The relationship between job involvement and work nonwork role conflict. Proceedings of the Human Resources Management Organizational Behavior Conference, p. 78-82. Boston

Thompson, C. A. (1985, February 28). The effect of work family conflict on personal and organizational outcomes.. Proceedings of the Human Resources Management Organizational Behavior Conference p.199-203. Denver

Blau, G. J., & Thompson, C. A. (1984, November 30). On the dimensionality of job involvement. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting, p. 331-334. New Orleans: Southern Management Association Convention.

Thompson, C. A., & Cornwell, J. M. (1982, December 31). When Valid Selection Procedures Aren't Enough: Avoiding Adverse Impact through Diagnostic Testing and Remedial Training. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association. New Orleans

Thompson, C. A., Morgan, M. A., & Chen, C. B. (1980, December 31). Effects of Perceived Job Interference on Work and Nonwork Satisfaction. Presented at the First Annual National Conference of Graduate Students in I/O Psychology and Organizational Behavior. Columbus, Ohio

Boyle, K., Thompson, C. A., Sundstrom, E., & Dipboye, R. (1979, December 31). Judged Competence of Job Interviewees: Effect of Nonverbal Behaviors, Perceived Personality, and Sex. Presented at the American Psychological Association Convention. New York

Flanagan, M. F., Thompson, C. A., Dzamba, J. P., & Rakestraw, T. L. (1979, December 31). Task Interdependence, Formalization, and Proximity as Antecedents of Role Ambiguity: Laboratory Tests of Field Study Findings. Presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association Convention. Chicago

Other Scholarly Works

Thompson, C. A., & Andreassi, J. (2004). Work-family Culture.

Desroucher, S., Andreassi, J., & Thompson, C. A. (2002). Identity Theory.

Thompson, C. A. (2002). Conservation of Resources Theory.

Hammer, L., & Thompson, C. A. (2002). Work-family Role Conflict.

Friedman, S., Thompson, C. A., Carpenter, M., & Marcel, D. (2001). Proving Leo Durocher wrong: Driving work/life change at Ernst & Young.

Thompson, C. A. (1984). A Study of Work and Family Issues at Appalachian National Life Insurance Company.

Thompson, C. A. (1984). A Study of Work and Family Issues at Atlantic Gulf Airlines.


Thompson, C. A. (1992,January 1). Kincare and the American Corporation: Solving the Work/Family Dilemma by Dayle Smith. Human Resource Planning.

Thompson, C. A. (1989,January 1). A review of Women in Management Worldwide by N. Adler and D. Izraeli. Academy of Management Executive.

Research Currently in Progess

Andeassi, J., & Thompson, C. A.(n.d.). Department of Labor Work-Family Benefits: Which are Most Effective for Employees and Organizations. In Progress.

Thompson, C. A., & Andreassi, J.(n.d.). The Opt-Out Revolution: Should I Stay or Should I Go? . In Progress.

Andreassi, J., Grotto, A., Lawter, L., Rua, T., & Thompson, C.(n.d.). Should I Stay, or Should I Go? The Role of Flexibility Benefits and Top Management Support in Women’s Quitting Decisions..

Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Page Prize for Excellence in Sustainable Business Education2018Now in its 11th year, the Dr. Alfred N. and Lynn Manos Page Prize for Sustainability Issues in Business Curricula is designed to encourage and support efforts to introduce or substantially upgrade sustainability courses or associated course work into the curriculum of business schools, both nationally and internationally.
Recipient, President's Distinguished Teaching Award 2011
Faculty HonoreeAnnual Celebration of Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement2010
Faculty HonoreeAnnual Celebration of Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement2009
Faculty HonoreeAnnual Celebration of Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement2008
Faculty HonoreeAnnual Celebration of Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement2007
Teaching Excellence Award ZSB, Baruch College2007
Faculty HonoreeAnnual Celebration of Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement2006
Nominee, President's Distinguished Teaching Award Baruch College2006
Nominee, President's Distinguished Teaching AwardBaruch College2004
Paper was nominated for the Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family Research2003"Percieved organizational family support: Rationale and construct validity evidence." Published in Community, Work and Family, 6, 123-140. With Eileen Jahn and Richard Kopelman.
Teaching Excellence Commendation from Dean Sid Lirtzman (evaluations > 4.5/5 pt scale, Dean’s Report)2003(on sabbatical in 2003)
Baruch College Fellowship2002
Teaching Excellence Commendation from Dean Sid Lirtzman (evaluations > 4.5/5 pt scale, Dean’s Report)2002
Teaching Excellence Award ZSB, Baruch College2000
Paper was nominated for the Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family Research1999"When work-family benefits are not enough…The influence of work-family culture on benefit utilization, organizational attachment, and work-family conflict." Published in the Journal of Vocational Behavior, 54, 392-415. With Laura Beauvais and Karen Lyness
Baruch College Fellowship1995
Teaching Excellence Award ZSB, Baruch College1993
Nominated for Best Paper Award1992"Attitudes toward work, leisure, and family among Mexican workers: A preliminary construct validation."
Teaching Excellence Award ZSB, Baruch College1992
Teaching Excellence Award ZSB, Baruch College1991
"Teacher of the Year" AwardBaruch College1990
Nominee, President's Distinguished Teaching Award Baruch College1989
Alumni Teaching ScholarMiami University1987
Dolibois Faculty Scholar Miami University1986
International Management Jr. Faculty ConsortiumAcademy of Management1986
Beta Gamma Sigma1985
Dolibois Faculty ScholarMiami University1985
Human Resource Management Jr. Faculty ConsortiumAcademy of Management1985
Capital Gifts ScholarshipUniversity of Tennessee1980
Capital Gifts ScholarshipUniversity of Tennessee1979
Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities1977
Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities1976


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Baruch College Climate Change Faculty SeminarCommittee MemberPresent
Zicklin Task Force on RaceCommittee MemberPresent
Recruiting CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Executive CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Zicklin Summer SeminarCommittee ChairPresent
Executive CommitteeCommittee ChairPresent
Recruiting Committee, Department of ManagementCommittee Member12/14/2022
Executive MBA ProgramAcademic Director7/31/2018
Vice Chair, Department of Management12/31/2014
Search Committee, Executive Staff Positions (2)Committee Chair12/31/2013
Co-Chair, Recruiting Committee12/31/2013
Executive CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2011
Institutional Review BoardCommittee Member12/31/2011
College Curriculum & Articulation CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2008
College Personnel & Budget CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2008
Opting Back In: Program for Professionals Re-entering the WorkforceAcademic Director12/31/2008
Researched the feasibility of creating an executive “re-entry” program for women who have been out of the workforce12/31/2006
Society of Human Resource ManagementFaculty Advisor12/31/2005
Sexual Harassment Education CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2003
Eugene M. Lang Junior Faculty Research Program CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2002
Executive CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2002
Sigma Iota EpsilonCommittee Member12/31/2002
Management DepartmentNewsletter Editor12/31/1999
School of Business MBA Curriculum CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/1998
Provost’s Faculty Enrichment Committee12/31/1996
Department of ManagementVice Chair12/31/1995
Society for Human Resource ManagementFaculty Advisor12/31/1994
Department of ManagementArea Coordinator for HR/OB12/31/1994
SBA New Faculty Orientation Program- Conducted orientation12/31/1994
Developed, Coordinated and Conducted the first SBA New Faculty Orientation Program12/31/1993
MBA Curriculum Committee, Department of ManagementCommittee Member12/31/1993
Department of ManagementRecruiting Coordinator12/31/1991


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
CUNY School of Professional StudiesFaculty Mentor8/1/2020Present
University Faculty Senate1/1/2018Present
Faculty Search Committee, School of Professional StudiesCommittee Member9/1/2014Present
SPS Business Consortial FacultyCommittee Member9/1/2012Present
CUNY Baccalaureate ProgramFaculty Mentor8/28/2023Present
Instructor, Doctoral course1/1/2001Present
Doctoral Dissertation CommitteesCommittee Member1/1/1989Present
CUNY Baccalaureate ProgramFaculty Mentor1/1/198812/31/1998
Guest Speaker, Baruch Doctoral Teaching Seminar11/30/1991


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Journal of Vocational Behavior, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, Journal of Managerial Psychology, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Journal of Family and Economic Issues, Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, Community, Work, and Family, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Managerial IssuesReviewer, Ad Hoc ReviewerPresent
15th Annual Symposium on Family Issues, Penn State UniversityInvited Speaker10/8/2007
2nd Conference of the International Centre of Work and Family, IESE Business SchoolInvited Speaker7/9/20077/11/2007
Sloan FoundationReviewer, Grant Proposal1/1/200512/31/2006
NSFReviewer for Grant Proposals12/31/2005
Founding Conference of the International Centre of Work and Family, IESE Business SchoolInvited Speaker7/7/20057/9/2005
Planning Committee for an NIH initiative entitled, “Workforce Workplace Mismatch: Work, Family, Health, and Well-being”Invited Participant1/1/200212/31/2003
Merck-Wharton Roundtable on Work/LifeInvited Participant1/1/199512/31/1998
The 1997 Work and Family Conference, The Conference BoardInvited Speaker12/31/1997
Provost’s 25th Anniversary Colloquium on Work & FamilyInvited Speaker12/31/1994