David R Jones
Weissman School of Arts and Sciences
Department: Political Science
Areas of expertise: U.S. Congress; political parties and polarization; U.S. elections; research methodology
Email Address: david.jones@baruch.cuny.edu
- Biography
- Research and Creative Activity
- Honors and Awards
Professor Jones (MA, PhD, University of California, Los Angeles) specializes in American politics, the U.S. Congress, and methodology. He is the author of Political Parties and Policy Gridlock in American Government and coauthor of Americans, Congress, and Democratic Responsiveness: Public Evaluations of Congress and Electoral Consequences. His research has been published in scholarly journals such as The American Journal of Political Science, The Journal of Politics, Legislative Studies Quarterly, Political Research Quarterly, Polity, PS: Political Science and Politics, and Public Opinion Quarterly. Professor Jones is also a faculty member of the Political Science Program at the City University of New York’s Graduate Center. During election seasons he has served as an exit poll analyst for the New York Times and for CBS News.
Ph.D., Political Science, UCLA
M.A., Political Science, UCLA
B.A., Political Science, Haverford College
Jones, D. R., & McDermott, M. L. (2009). Americans, Congress, and Democratic Responsiveness: Public Evaluations of Congress and Electoral Consequences. (p. 216; Expanded edition published in 2010). Ann Arbor, MI, The University of Michigan Press.
Jones, D. R. (2001). Political Parties and Policy Gridlock in American Government. (p. 176). Lewiston, NY, Edwin Mellen Press.
Journal Articles
Jones, D. R., & McDermott, M. L. (2022). Partisanship and the Politics of COVID Vaccine Hesitancy. Polity, 54(3). 408-434.
McDermott, M. L., & Jones, D. R. (2022). Gender, Sex, and Trust in Government. Politics and Gender, 18(2). 297-320.
Jones, D. R. (2021). Institutional Context and Accountability for Political Distrust. Political Research Quarterly, 74(4). 1079-1110.
Jones, D. R. (2015). Partisan Polarization and the Effect of Congressional Performance Evaluations on Party Brands and American Elections. Political Research Quarterly, 68(4). 785-801.
Jones, D. R. (2015). Declining Trust in Congress: Effects of Polarization and Consequences for Democracy. The Forum, 13(3). 375–394.
Jones, D. R. (2014). A More Responsible Two-Party System? Accountability for Majority and Minority Party Performance in a Polarized Congress. Polity, 46(3). 470-492.
Jones, D. R. (2013). Do Major Policy Enactments Affect Public Evaluations of Congress? The Case of Health Care Reform. Legislative Studies Quarterly, 38(2). 185-204.
Jones, D. R., & McDermott, M. L. (2011). The Salience of the Democratic Congress and the 2010 Elections. PS: Political Science and Politics, 44(2). 297-301.
Jones, D. R. (2010). Evaluations of Congress and Voting in House Elections: Revisiting the Historical Record. Public Opinion Quarterly, 74(4). 696-710.
Jones, D. R. (2010). Partisan Polarization and Congressional Accountability in House Elections. American Journal of Political Science, 54(2). 323-337.
McDermott, M. L., & Jones, D. R. (2005). Congressional Performance, Incumbent Behavior, and Voting in Senate Elections. Legislative Studies Quarterly, 30(2). 235-257.
Jones, D. R., & McDermott, M. L. (2004). The Responsible Party Government Model in House and Senate Elections. American Journal of Political Science, 48(1). 1-12.
McDermott, M. L., & Jones, D. R. (2003). Do Public Evaluations of Congress Matter? Retrospective Voting In Congressional Elections. American Politics Research, 31(2). 155-177.
Jones, D. R. (2003). Joint Evaluations of Legislature and Legislator. The Journal of Legislative Studies, 9(1). 77-93.
Jones, D. R. (2003). Position Taking and Position Avoidance in the US Senate. Journal of Politics, 65(3). 851-863.
Jones, D. R., & McDermott, M. L. (2002). Ideological Distance from the Majority Party and Public Approval of Congress. Legislative Studies Quarterly, 27(2). 245-264.
Jones, D. R. (2001). Party Polarization and Legislative Gridlock. Political Research Quarterly, 53(1). 125-141.
Jones, D. R. (2000). Explaining Restraint from Filibustering in the US Senate. The Journal of Legislative Studies, 6(4). 53-68.
Book Chapters
Jones, D. R. (2018). Party Brands, Elections, and Presidential-Congressional Relations. In Thurber, J. A., & Tama, J. (Eds.), Rivals for Power: Presidential-Congressional Relations (pp. 52-74). New York. Rowman & Littlefield.
Jones, D. R. (2014). Partisan Control of Government and Public Policy. In Hershey, M. R. (Ed.), Guide to US Political Parties (pp. 347-357). Washington DC. CQ Press.
Jones, D. R. (2006). Public Approval of Congress. In Dewhirst, R. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the United States Congress (pp. 413-415). New York. Facts on File.
Measuring Masculinities across Disciplines. Manifestations of Masculinity in American Politics New York University Press.
Media Contributions
Jones, D. R. (2023). 3 reasons the House GOP is not any more dysfunctional than the Democrats - even after the prolonged speaker chaos.
Jones, D. R., & McDermott, M. L. (2022). The role party affiliation played in getting US to grim new milestone of 1 million COVID deaths.
McDermott, M. L., & Jones, D. R. (2022). Gun reform finally passed Congress after almost three decades of failure – what changed?.
McDermott, M. L., & Jones, D. R. (2022). Why gun control laws don’t pass Congress, despite majority public support and repeated outrage over mass shootings.
Hermann, M., & Jones, D. R. (2018). How Democrats Won the House.
Jones, D. R. (2017). This is why the first 100 days is a ‘ridiculous standard’ for judging presidents.
Jones, D. R. (2015). A Shutdown Would Bring Electoral Disaster for the GOP.
Jones, D. R. (2014). Exit Poll: Whites Concerned About Race Relations Vote Republican.
Jones, D. R. (2012). Exit Polls: Good News and Bad News for Gingrich.
Jones, D. R. (2012). What the New Hampshire Exit Polls Say about South Carolina.
Jones, D. R. (2006). Why the Democrats Won.
Jones, D. R., & McDermott, M. L. (2006). Will Anger at Congress Sway Voters?.
McDermott, M. L., & Jones, D. R. (2005). Storm Clouds for GOP.
Accessed June 24, 2005
Jones, D. R. (2004). Anger with Bush Drives Dem Voters.
Accessed March 3, 2004
Jones, D. R. (2004). Why Bush Won.
Jones, D. R. (2004). Behind Edwards' S.C. Win.
Jones, D. R. (2002). Why the Republicans Won.
Jones, D. R. (2000). Congress In Up For Grabs.
Jones, D. R. (2025, January 11). Did COVID Polarize Other Vaccine Opinions?. Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association. San Juan, Puerto Rico
McDermott, M. L., & Jones, D. R. (2023, September 1). Going to Extremes: Sex-Role Norms and Political Extremism. Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association. Los Angeles, CA: American Political Science Association.
Jones, D. R., & McDermott, M. L. (2022, September 18). Masculine Norms and the January 6th, 2021 Capitol Siege. Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association. Montreal, CANADA: American Political Science Association.
Jones, D. R., & McDermott, M. L. (2021, October 13). Partisanship and the Politics of COVID Vaccine Hesitancy. Marxe School of Public and International Affairs Faculty Seminar. New York, NY
Jones, D. R. (2020, January 31). Accountability for Public Distrust in State Government. Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association. San Juan, Puerto Rico
Jones, D. R. (2020, November 12). What Happened in the 2020 Election?. Election 2020: The Aftermath. New York, NY: Political Science Program, Graduate Center, CUNY.
Jones, D. R. (2019, October 31). Would the Senate Convict Trump?. Impeaching a President. New York, NY: Political Science Program, Graduate Center, CUNY.
Jones, D. R. (2019, December 19). Would the Senate Convict Trump?. The Impeachment Proceedings: What You Need to Know. New York, NY: Baruch College, CUNY.
Jones, D. R. (2018, November 7). What the Midterms Mean for House Committee Leadership. 2018 Midterm Election: What Happened and What's Next?. Baruch College, CUNY: Political Science Programs of Baruch College and the Graduate Center, CUNY.
Jones, D. R. (2018, August 30). Does Landmark Legislation Affect Partisan Electoral Fortunes? Tax Reform and the 2018 Midterm Elections. Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association. Boston, MA: American Political Science Association.
Jones, D. R. (2018, April 25). Institutional Context and Accountability for Political Distrust. Political Psychology Speaker Series. Stony Brook, NY: Stony Brook University.
McDermott, M. L., & Jones, D. R. (2017, April 15). Candidates' and Voters' Gendered Personalities in the 2016 Election. Annual meeting of the Southwest Social Science Association. Austin, TX
Jones, D. R. (2017, April 26). 100 Days of Trump: A Legislative Perspective. The Trump Administration's First 100 Days. New York, NY: Political Science Program, Graduate Center, CUNY.
Jones, D. R. (2016, September 1). The Effect of Political Trust in National Elections under Unified and Divided Government. Annual meeting of the American Political Science Association. Philadelphia, PA
Jones, D. R. (2016, January 31). The Effect of Political Trust on the Congressional Vote. Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association. San Juan, Puerto Rico
Jones, D. R. (2016, December 8). Congress and the First 100 Days. Trump's First 100 Days in Office: What Will He Do?. New York, NY: Baruch College, CUNY.
Jones, D. R. (2016, November 15). Political Science and the 2016 General Election. Polls Apart--A Country Divided!. New York, NY: Baruch College, CUNY and New York Association of Public Opinion Research.
Jones, D. R. (2016, September 20). Party Polarization or Party Realignment?. The State of the Presidential Race and Its Meaning. New York, NY: Political Science Program, Graduate Center, CUNY.
Jones, D. R. (2015, November 23). Will Distrust in Government Make 2016 the ‘Year of the Outsider’?. 2016 Election Panel. New York, NY: Political Science Honors Society of John Jay College, CUNY.
Jones, D. R. (2014, July 31). Polarization and Public Judgments: Views of Congressional Majority and Minority Parties and Why They Matter. Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology. Rome, Italy
Jones, D. R. (2013, March 31). Party Polarization, Party Brands, and Responsible Party Government. Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association. Hollywood, CA
Jones, D. R. (2012, January 31). Party Brand Images and Partisan Tides. Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association. New Orleans, LA
Jones, D. R. (2011, April 30). Evaluations of Government in Action: The Case of Health Care Reform. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago, IL
Jones, D. R. (2010, April 25). Party Brands and Partisan Tides. Annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago, IL
Jones, D. R. (2010, October 25). Party Brands and the 2010 Election. 2010 Election Symposium. New York, NY: John Jay College, CUNY.
Jones, D. R., & McDermott, M. L. (2009, December 31). Disapproval of Congress and the 2008 House Elections. Annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago, IL
Jones, D. R. (2008, December 31). The Effect of Congressional Approval on Seat Swing in House Elections, 1974-2006. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago, IL
Jones, D. R. (2005, May 14). Congress, the President, and Partisan Control of the Legislative Agenda, 1945-2000. The Congress and History Workshop. St. Louis, MO: Washington University.
Jones, D. R., & McDermott, M. L. (2005, December 31). Public Opinion Toward Congress: A Causal Examination. World Association of Public Opinion Research. Hong Kong, China: Hong Kong University.
Jones, D. R. (2005, December 31). Partisan Control of the Legislative Agenda. Annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago, IL
Jones, D. R. (2005, December 31). The Partisan Direction of the Legislative Agenda, 1945-2000. Annual meeting of the American Political Science Association. Washington, DC.
Jones, D. R. (2004, December 31). The Effect of Divided Government on Legislative Gridlock. Annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago, IL
McDermott, M. L., & Jones, D. R. (2003, December 31). Congressional Election Outcomes and Retrospective Evaluations of Government. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago, IL
Jones, D. R. (2003, December 31). Divided Government and Legislative Failures: Disaggregating the Evidence. Annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago, IL
Jones, D. R. (2002, December 31). Vetoes and Gridlock During Unified and Divided Government. Annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association. Boston, MA
Jones, D. R., & McDermott, M. L. (2001, December 31). Electoral Effects of Public Disapproval of Congress: Threats to Incumbents. Annual meeting of the American Association of Public Opinion Research. Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Jones, D. R., & McDermott, M. L. (2001, December 31). Electoral Effects of Congressional Job Performance on the Majority Party. Annual meeting of the Political Science Association. San Francisco, CA
Jones, D. R. (2001, April 15). Why Do Americans Love Their Member of Congress But Hate Congress? Explaining Fenno's Paradox. Center for the Study of Democratic Politics Speaker Series. Princeton University
Jones, D. R. (2000, December 31). Position-Taking Versus Fence-Straddling: in the US Congress: Does a Diverse Constituency Promote Legislator Obfuscation?. Annual meeting of the American Political Science Association. Washington, DC.
Jones, D. R., & McDermott, M. L. (1999, December 31). Do Ideologically Extreme Congressional Leaders Diminish Public Approval of Congress?. Annual meeting of the American Political Science Association. Atlanta, GA
Jones, D. R. (1998, December 31). To Filibuster, Or Not to Filibuster: Norms, Parties, and Policy Preferences. Annual meeting of the Northeastern Political Science Association. Boston, MA
Jones, D. R. (1998, December 31). Partisanship and the Volume of Law Production, 1947-1994. Annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago, IL
Jones, D. R. (1996, December 31). Racial Threat and White Voting for Black Candidates: The 1989 Gubernatorial Election of Doug Wilder. Annual meeting of the Western Political Science Association. San Francisco, CA
Jones, D. R. (1996, December 31). Explaining Gridlock: Do Parties Matter?. Annual meeting of the American Political Science Association. San Francisco, CA
Jones, D. R. (1995, December 31). Explaining Policy Stability in the United States: Divided Government or Partisanship in the House?. Annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago, IL
Jones, D. R. (2010,October 1). Review of Partisan Bonds: Political Reputations and Legislative Accountability by Jeffrey D. Grynaviski. Political Science Quarterly.
Jones, D. R. (2005,January 1). Review of The Politics of Minor Concerns: American Indian Policy and Congressional Dynamics, by Charles C. Turner.. Political Science Quarterly.
Honor / Award | Organization Sponsor | Date Received | Description |
Excellence Award for Institutional Leadership and Service | Weissman School of Arts and Sciences, Baruch College | 2023-05-02 | This award recognizes leadership and contributions to the Weissman School of Arts and Sciences and Baruch community done by a Full-Time faculty member. |
Stewart Fellowship | Department of Political Science, UCLA | 1997 | |
University Fellowship | Graduate Studies, UCLA | 1996 | |
Mass Media Fellowship | UCLA | 1993 | |
The Harold P. Kurzman Prize | Haverford College | 1990-05-20 | Awarded for the senior who has performed the best and most creatively in political science course work. |
The Herman M. Somers Prize in Political Science | Haverford College | 1990-05-20 | Awarded to the graduating senior who presents the best senior project that reflects the interest in policy, respect for evidence, and the humane concern for improving society that characterized Somers’ work. |