Debra Caplan

Debra Leah Caplan

Assc Professor

Weissman School of Arts and Sciences

Department: Fine & Performing Arts

Areas of expertise: Yiddish theater, Jewish performance, theater history, traveling and diasporic theater, digital humanities

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Debra Caplan is an Associate Professor of Theatre specializing in world theater, Yiddish theater and drama, theatrical travel and Jewish performance culture. Her book, Yiddish Empire: The Vilna Troupe, Jewish Theater, and the Art of Itinerancy, was published by University of Michigan Press in 2018 and received awards from the Theatre Library Association and the Modern Language Association. Her writing has also appeared in Theatre Journal, Theatre Survey, Modern Drama, Comparative Drama, Aschkenas, New England Theatre Journal, Performance Research, Pakn Treger, and American Theatre Magazine.

Professor Caplan is the co-founder of the Digital Yiddish Theater Project (, an international digital publication platform on Yiddish drama and performance. 

She is currently working on an edited collection, The Dybbuk Century: The Jewish Play That Possessed The World (University of Michigan Press, forthcoming October 2023), and a book about the Yiddish actress Molly Picon.


Ph.D., Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University Cambridge MA

B.A., Theater, Jewish Studies, Hampshire College

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2024THEA70100Theatre Research&Bibiography
Fall 2024JWS4900Mapping the Jewish Experience
Spring 2024THEA82500Directed Independent Study
Fall 2023IDC4050HHon Feit Hum Sem I
Fall 2023THE1041Introduction to Theatre Arts
Fall 2023THE3060Immigration on Stage & Screen
Fall 2023THE5000Independent Study Theater I
Fall 2023JWS3070Jewish Humor
Spring 2023THE3045Principles of Directing
Spring 2023THE3020Applied Theatre Workshop
Fall 2022THE3042History of Theatre
Fall 2022JWS3950Special Topics in Jewish Studi
Fall 2022THE1041Introduction to Theatre Arts
Fall 2022JWS3950Special Topics in Jewish Studi
Fall 2022THE4102Selected Topics
Spring 2021THE1041Introduction to Theatre Arts
Spring 2021THE5000Independent Study Theater I
Fall 2020THE3042History of Theatre
Fall 2020THE1041Introduction to Theatre Arts
Spring 2020THE4102Selected Topics
Spring 2020THE3045Principles of Directing
Spring 2020JWS4900Mapping the Jewish Experience
Spring 2020THE1041Introduction to Theatre Arts
Fall 2019THE3042History of Theatre
Fall 2019THE3020Applied Theatre Workshop
Spring 2019THE3045Principles of Directing
Spring 2019JWS5000Independent Study JWS I
Spring 2019THE5000Independent Study Theater I
Spring 2019THE5000Independent Study Theater I
Spring 2019THE5000Independent Study Theater I
Fall 2018FPA5002Independent Study FPA III
Fall 2018JWS3060Immigration on Stage & Screen
Fall 2018THE1041Introduction to Theatre Arts
Fall 2018THE3060Immigration on Stage & Screen
Fall 2018THE5000Independent Study Theater I
Spring 2018IDC4050HHon Feit Hum Sem I
Spring 2018FPA5000Independent Study FPA I
Spring 2018FPA5000Independent Study FPA I
Spring 2018FPA5000Independent Study FPA I
Spring 2018THE5000Independent Study Theater I
Spring 2018THE5000Independent Study Theater I
Spring 2018THE5000Independent Study Theater I
Spring 2018THE5000Independent Study Theater I
Fall 2017FPA5070Arts Administration Internship
Fall 2017THE4102Selected Topics
Fall 2017THE5001Independent Study Theater II
Fall 2017THE3042History of Theatre
Spring 2017THE3045Principles of Directing
Spring 2017THE5000Independent Study Theater I
Spring 2017HEB5000Independent Study Hebrew I
Spring 2017FPA5070Arts Administration Internship
Fall 2016JWS3060Immigration on Stage & Screen
Fall 2016THE3060Immigration on Stage & Screen
Fall 2016IDC4050HHon Feit Hum Sem I
Fall 2016THE1041Introduction to Theatre Arts
Summer 2016FPA5070Arts Administration Internship
Spring 2016THE5000Independent Study Theater I
Spring 2016JWS6002HHonors Jewish Studies
Spring 2016THE3042History of Theatre
Spring 2016THE1041Introduction to Theatre Arts
Fall 2015JWS6001HHonors Jewish Studies
Summer 2015FPA5070Arts Administration Internship
Spring 2015THE3045Principles of Directing
Spring 2015THE5000Independent Study Theater I
Spring 2015THE5000Independent Study Theater I
Fall 2014THE1041Introduction to Theatre Arts
Fall 2014THE1041Introduction to Theatre Arts
Fall 2014FPA5070Arts Administration Internship
Summer 2014FPA5070Arts Administration Internship
Spring 2014THE4102Selected Topics
Spring 2014THE1041Introduction to Theatre Arts
Spring 2014JWS4900Mapping the Jewish Experience
Spring 2014FPA5071Arts Administration Internship
Spring 2014THE5000Independent Study Theater I
Fall 2013THE1041Introduction to Theatre Arts
Fall 2013THE1041Introduction to Theatre Arts

Artistic and Creative Activities

Caplan, D. L. (2025). On the Edge workshop.

Caplan, D. L. (2024). The Collective.

Caplan, D. L. (2023). Heym-ish.

Caplan, D. L. (2022). Singer of Warsaw.

Caplan, D. L. (2022). God, Man, and Devil.

Caplan, D. (2019). The Jewish Question. Baruch Jewish Studies Center.

Caplan, D. (2019). Roosevelt's Guests (Dramaturg).

Caplan, D. (2017). I Spy a Spy.

Caplan, D. (2016). The Material World. Polyphone Festival.

Caplan, D. (2016). Marco Millions.

Caplan, D. (2016). The World On Stage: An Evening of Micro-Plays in Translation. CUNY Center for the Humanities / Mellon Foundation.

Caplan, D. (2015). Toyt fun a saylsman / Death of a Salesman.

Caplan, D. (2014). Uriel Acosta: I Want That Man.

Caplan, D. (2013). The * Inn.

Caplan, D. L. Paper Brigade. In Progress.


Caplan, D. L., & Bay-Cheng, S. (2026). Digital History and Performance: Introduction and Provocations. Ann Arbor, MI, University of Michigan Press.

Caplan, D. (2023). Lives My Father Told Me: A Family Tapestry. In Progress.

Caplan, D., & Merrill Moss, R. (2023). The Dybbuk Century: The Jewish Play That Possessed the World. (p. 290). Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press.

Caplan, D. (2018). Yiddish Empire: The Vilna Troupe, Jewish Theater, and the Art of Itinerancy. Ann Arbor, MI, University of Michigan Press.

Caplan, D. L. Make Them Laugh: Molly Picon and the Story of the American Jewish Stage. In Progress.

Journal Articles

Caplan, D. (2020). An American in Shtetl: Seeing Yiddish Europe Through the Eyes of Molly Picon. Quest: Issues in Contemporary Jewish History, (17). 75-95.

Caplan, D. (2018). On Writing and Digital Media. Performance Research, 23(4). 145-146.

Caplan, D. (2016). Reassessing Obscurity: The Case for Big Data in Theatre History. Theatre Journal, 68(4). 555-573.

Caplan, D. (2015). 'Attention Must be Paid': Death of a Salesman's Counter-Adapted Yiddish Homecoming. Modern Drama, 58(2). 194-217.

Caplan, D. (2015). Notes from the Frontier: Digital Scholarship and the Future of Theater Studies . Theatre Journal, 67(2). 347-359.

Caplan, D. (2014). Reinkultur in Yiddish: World War I, German-Jewish Encounters, and the Founding of the Vilna Troupe. Aschkenas: Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kultur der Juden, 24(2). 243-259.

Caplan, D. (2014). Nomadic Chutzpah: The Vilna Troupe's Transnational Yiddish Theatre Paradigm, 1915-1935. Theatre Survey, 55(3). 296-317.

Caplan, D. (2012). Heymish Modernism: Joseph Buloff's Chicago Revaluation of the American Yiddish Theatre. New England Theatre Journal, 23. 111-131.

Caplan, D. (2011). Oedipus, Shmedipus: Ancient Greek Drama on the Modern Yiddish Stage. Comparative Drama, 44/45(4/1). 405-422.

Book Chapters

Caplan, D. L. (2024). La Vilner Trupe Joue Le Dibbouk. Le Dibbouk: Fantôme du Monde Disparu (pp. 82-90). Paris. Actes Sud / Musée d’Art et d’Histoire du Judaïsme.

Caplan, D. L. (2023). Documenting a Voiceless Celebrity Actress: The Case of Sonia Alomis. In Quint, A., & Seigel, A. (Eds.), Women on 2023 the Yiddish Stage (pp. 195-208). Legenda Press.

Caplan, D. L. (2023). ‘Mourning and Entertainment’: The Vilna Troupe’s Dybbuk according to Its Actors and Critics. In Caplan, D., & Moss, R. M. (Eds.), The Dybbuk Century: The Jewish Play That Possessed The World (pp. 58-76). Ann Arbor, MI. University of Michigan Press.

Caplan, D. (2020). Imagining a Future That Never Was: Tadeusz Kantor's Symbiotic Jewish-Polish Stage. In Romanska, M., & Cioffi, K. (Eds.), Theatermachine: Tadeusz Kantor in Context (pp. 163-175). Chicago, IL. Northwestern University Press.

Caplan, D. (2015). Forgotten Playwright: Kadya Molodowsky and the Yiddish Stage. Women Writers of Yiddish Literature: Critical Essays (pp. 180-194). Jefferson, NC. McFarland.

Caplan, D. (2014). The Dramaturgical Bridge: Contextualizing Foreignness in Multilingual Theater. The Routledge Companion to Dramaturgy (pp. 141-144). London. Routledge.


Caplan, D. L. (2025, March 14). The Future of Yiddish. New York, NY: Baruch College Center for Jewish Studies.

Caplan, D. L. (2025, March 14). Contemporary Performance Translation Roundtable. New York, NY: CUNY Graduate Center Doctoral Program in Theatre and Performance.

Caplan, D. L. (2025, May 14). "I'm Gonna Vashti Queen Right Out of My Hair": The Evolution of the Purim Shpiel as Musical Theater Parody. A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Synagogue. Los Angeles, CA: UCLA.

Vella, S., Caplan, D. L., Schulman, M., & Kastleman, R. (2025, November 14). Speculative Historiographies in Times of Change. American Society for Theatre Research Annual Conference. Seattle, WA: American Society for Theatre Research.

Caplan, D. L., & Caplan, D. L. (2025, August 14). The Kids Are Not All Right: Post-Pandemic Intro to Theatre Pedagogy Roundtable. Association for Theatre in Higher Education. Austin, TX

Caplan, D. L. (2025, April 14). Digital Yiddish Theatre Project Fourth Symposium. Milwaukee, WI

Caplan, D. L. (2025, December 14). Memoir, Marriage, and Musical Theater: The Lost-and-Found Writings of a Professional Yiddish Theater Husband. Association for Jewish Studies. San Francisco, CAIn Progress.

Caplan, D. L. (2025, August 14). Rebuilding a Stronger Foundation: Enhancing Equity. Association for Theatre in Higher Education. Austin, TX

Caplan, D. L. (2025, March 14). Visualizing Theater Data: The Case of the Vilna Troupe. Boston, MA: Boston University.

Caplan, D. L. (2025, March 14). The Global Reach of the Yiddish Theater:  The Vilna Troupe, God of Vengeance, and Yiddish Performance the World Over. Amherst, MA: Yiddish Book Center.

Caplan, D. L. (2025, April 14). Digital Yiddish Theater Project Fourth Symposium. Milwaukee, WI: University of MIlwaukee-Wisconsin.

Caplan, D. L. (2025, March 14). Funny Traits: Tennessee Williams’ Jewish Influences. Tennessee Williams Scholars Conference. New Orleans, LA

Caplan, D. L. (2025, November 14). Anchoring Historiographies: Hope, Method, and the Future of Theater History. American Society for Theatre Research. Providence, RI

Caplan, D. L. (2025, December 14). Yiddish Theater as a Cultural Lifeline during the Holocaust. Amherst, MA: Yiddish Book Center. In Progress.

Caplan, D. L. (2025, December 14). The Dybbuk Century: 100 Years of the Jewish Play that Possessed the World. New York, NY: Yiddish New York. In Progress.

Caplan, D. L. (2025, March 14). Visualizing Theater Data: The Case of the Vilna Troupe. Boston, MA: Boston University.

Caplan, D. L., & O'Brien, C. (2025, March 14). The Global Reach of the Yiddish Theater: The Vilna Troupe, God of Vengeance, and Yiddish Performance the World Over. Amherst, MA: Yiddish Book Center.

Caplan, D. L. (2025, November 14). Nostalgia and Laughter: The Post-Holocaust Comedic Strategies of Molly Picon. American Society for Theatre Research. New Orleans, LA

Caplan, D. L. (2025, March 14). The Digital Yiddish Theatre Project and the Future of Collaborative Theatre Research. Performing Arts in the Digital Humanities. College Park, MD

Caplan, D. L. (2025, December 14). Grief at the Borderlands: Life and Literature. Association for Jewish Studies. Boston, MA

Caplan, D. L. (2025, November 14). Yiddish Theater Past and Present. Haverhill, MA: Temple Emanu-El.

Caplan, D. L. (2025, November 14). Yiddish Theater Past and Present. Haverhill, MA: Temple Emanu-el.

Caplan, D. L. (2025, December 14). Molly Picon: Comedy on Tour and the Politics of Jewish Authenticity at Home and Abroad. Between Worlds: Performing Polish-Jewish Encounters. Warsaw, Poland

Caplan, D. (2021, July 31). The World of Yiddish Theater. : Yiddish Book Center.

Caplan, D. (2021, June 30). The Vilna Troupe, the Kadisons, and the Art of Yiddish Theater. New York, NY: Renee and Chaim Gross Foundation.

Caplan, D. (2021, April 30). Yiddish Translation and Naydus Press. New York, NY: Center for Jewish Studies, CUNY Graduate Center.

Caplan, D. L. (2025, July 14). The World of Yiddish Theater. Amherst, MA: Yiddish Book Center.

Caplan, D. (2020, December 31). The Dybbuk at 100. New York, NY: Congress for Jewish Culture.

Caplan, D. (2020, December 31). Between Two Worlds: Reflections on the Creation and Legacy of The Dybbuk. Warsaw, Poland: Instytut Teatralny.

Caplan, D. (2020, April 30). Paula Priluski and Yiddish Theater. Washington, DC: Theater J.

Caplan, D. (2020, May 31). Yiddish Empire, the Vilna Troupe, and Research in Theater History. Chicago, IL: Northwestern University.

Caplan, D. (2020, July 31). Unzer morgn: Yiddish Studies Today and Tomorrow. Tel Aviv, Israel: Tel Aviv University, Naomi Prawer Kadar International Yiddish Program.

Caplan, D. (2019, May 31). Plotting Yiddish Drama: Using Digital Humanities to Document an Under-Translated Dramatic Repertoire. Digital Humanities Working Group. New York, NY: International Federation for Theater Research.

Caplan, D. (2019, April 30). . Digital Yiddish Theatre Project Third Symposium. Milwaukee, WI

Caplan, D. (2019, July 31). The Art of Itinerancy: Yiddish Theater as a Prototype for Contemporary Migratory Performance. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University, Mellon School of Theater and Performance Research.

Caplan, D. (2019, October 31). Make Them Laugh: Molly Picon's Comedic Legacy. Tinton Falls, NJ: Monmouth Reform Temple.

Caplan, D. (2019, November 30). The Art of Itinerancy: Yiddish Theater and the Performance of Migration. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh.

Caplan, D. (2019, November 30). . Separations of Church and State: Performing Sacred and Secular Publics. Arlington, VA: American Society for Theater Research.

Caplan, D. (2019, November 30). Publishing Books: From Proposal to Press. American Society for Theater Research. Arlington, VA

Caplan, D. (2019, April 30). Yiddish Empire Book Talk and Discussion. Milwaukee, WI: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Stahl Center for Jewish Studies.

Caplan, D. (2019, January 31). Yiddish Empire: The Vilna Troupe and the Art of Itinerancy. Aventura, FL: Aventura Arts and Cultural Center.

Caplan, D. (2019, February 28). Yiddish Empire: The Vilna Troupe and the Art of Itinerancy. South Orange, NJ: Oheb Shalom Congregation.

Caplan, D. (2018, December 31). Transnationalism and Jewish Theater. Association for Jewish Studies. Boston, MA

Caplan, D. (2018, November 30). 'Emotional Style:' Reading the Reception History of Molly Picon. American Society for Theatre Research. San Diego, CA

Caplan, D. (2018, October 31). In the Land of Happy Tears: Yiddish Tales for Modern Times. New York, NY: YIVO Institute for Jewish Research.

Caplan, D. (2018, October 31). Yiddish Empire: The Vilna Troupe and the Art of Itinerancy. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Mayrent Institute for Yiddish Culture.

Caplan, D. (2018, August 31). Care in the Academy: Revolutionizing Experiences and Access. Association for Theatre in Higher Education. Boston, MA

Caplan, D. (2018, February 28). Reassessing Obscurity: Data, the Vilna Troupe, and Digital Humanities Praxis. Bloomington, IN: Borns Jewish Studies Program, Indiana University.

Caplan, D. (2018, June 30). Yiddish Empire: The Vilna Troupe and the Art of Itinerancy. Los Angeles, CA: Skirball Cultural Center.

Caplan, D. (2018, April 30). Theatre 167 Book Night: Reading of Yiddish Empire. West End Theatre, New York, NY: Theatre 167 Wet Ink Festival.

Caplan, D. (2018, March 31). Yiddish Theater as Intercultural Theater. Portland, OR: University of Oregon.

Caplan, D. (2018, April 30). Yiddish Empire: The Vilna Troupe and the Art of Itinerancy. Montclair, NJ: Congregation Shomrei Emunah.

Caplan, D., & Caplan, D. (2018, August 31). DIY Bad & Nasty Feminist Performance Actions. Association for Theatre in Higher Education. Boston, MA

Caplan, D. (2017, November 30). Experiential Theater History: Bringing a Site-Specific Approach to the Classroom. American Society for Theatre Research. Atlanta, GA

Caplan, D. (2017, April 30). The World of Yiddish Theater. Amherst, MA: Yiddish Book Center.

Caplan, D. (2017, April 30). The History of Yiddish Theater. The Making of Jewish Theater. New York, NY: Wasserman Jewish Studies Center, Baruch College.

Caplan, D. (2017, July 31). A Love Letter to the Yiddish Stage: Peretz's At Night in the Old Marketplace. Amherst, MA: Yiddish Book Center.

Caplan, D. (2017, August 31). Translations of Western Classics into Yiddish. Shine Online Educational Series, Yiddish Theater course. New York, NY: YIVO Institute for Jewish Research.

Caplan, D. (2016, December 31). What is Jewish Theater History? Form, Function, and Performance. Association for Jewish Studies. San Diego, CA

Caplan, D. (2016, December 31). Six Degrees of Yankev Blayfer: Social Networking the Interwar Yiddish Stage. Association for Jewish Studies. San Diego, CA

Caplan, D. (2016, January 31). Yiddish Theater's Global Journey. YiddishSchool. Boca Raton, FL: Yiddish Book Center, Florida Atlantic University.

Caplan, D. (2016, March 31). A Tortured Love Affair with the Yiddish Stage: The Spectacular Failures of Y.L. Peretz. New York, NY: CUNY Graduate Center, Center for Jewish Studies.

Caplan, D. (2016, November 30). Being Yankele: Molly Picon's Performance of Masculinity in a Women's Language. American Society for Theatre Research. Minneapolis, MN

Caplan, D. (2016, May 31). Theatrical Complicity: Prostitution and the Making of Jewish Theater in the Global South. New York, NY: Weissman Global Seminar, Baruch College.

Caplan, D. (2016, July 31). Data and the 'Obscurity' of Yiddish Theater. Digital Humanities 2016. Krakow, Poland: Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations.

Caplan, D. (2016, September 30). The Spectacular Failures of Y. L. Peretz on the Yiddish Stage. New York, NY: Columbia University Institute for Israel and Jewish Studies.

Caplan, D. (2016, November 30). Empowering Your Career: Strategies for Negotiation. American Society for Theatre Research. Minneapolis, MN

Caplan, D. (2016, April 30). Paula Vogel's Indecent. New York, NY: Martin E. Segal Theater Center, CUNY Graduate Center.

Caplan, D. (2015, May 31). Between Worlds: Singer's Mayn tatns beys-din shtub. New York, NY: Folksbiene National Yiddish Theatre.

Caplan, D. (2015, June 30). Networks of Performance: Social Connectedness and Theater-Making. Cambridge, MA: The Mellon School of Theater and Performance Research at Harvard University.

Caplan, D. (2015, March 31). Investigating New York Immigrant Theater Traditions. New York, NY: Baruch Undergraduate Research and Civic Engagement Faculty Seminar.

Caplan, D. (2015, January 31). Drama of the Imagination: H. Leyvik's Di khasene in fernvald. New York, NY: Folksbiene National Yiddish Theatre.

Caplan, D. (2015, June 30). . Dramaturgy Roundtable. Cambridge, MA: The Mellon School of Theater and Performance Research at Harvard University.

Caplan, D. (2015, October 31). Social Networking the Interwar Yiddish Stage: Visualizing a Pre-Digital Viral Phenomenon. Milwaukee, WI: Digital Humanities Lab, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Caplan, D. (2015, October 31). Shulamis, Home, and Nation. New York, NY: Columbia University, Yiddish Studies Program.

Caplan, D. (2015, October 31). . Digital Yiddish Theater Project Second Symposium. Milwaukee, WI: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Caplan, D. (2015, October 31). Death of a Salesman's Jewish Homecoming. New Paltz, NY: Resnick Institute for the Study of Modern Jewish Life, SUNY New Paltz.

Caplan, D. (2015, November 30). Jewish Theater, Global Theater: Yiddish Theater's Aesthetics of Itinerancy in the Long 19th Century. Itinerant Theatres, Audiences, and Adaptation Conference. London, U.K.: German Historical Institute.

Caplan, D. (2015, January 31). In the Temple of Art: Jewish Art as Holy Landscape in The Dybbuk. The Art of Cultural Translation: Performing Jewish Tradition in Modern Times. Oxford University, United Kingdom: Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies.

Caplan, D. (2015, December 31). Toyt fun a saylsman talkback with members of the New Yiddish Rep. Yiddish New York. New York, NY

Caplan, D. (2015, November 30). Big Data and the 'Obscurity' of Yiddish Theater, Big Data Plenary. American Society for Theater Research. Portland, OR

Caplan, D. (2014, June 30). . Locations of Theater. Cambridge, MA: Mellon School for Theater and Performance Research at Harvard University.

Caplan, D. (2014, May 31). The Aesthetics of Itinerancy: Yiddish Theater as Transnational Prototype. New York, NY: Doctoral Theater Program, CUNY Graduate Center.

Caplan, D., & Caplan, D. (2014, March 31). Theorizing Artistic Community: Network Taxonomy for the Theater Historian. Artistic Networks and the Theatrical Imagination. New York, NY: American Comparative Literature Association.

Caplan, D., & Caplan, D. (2014, March 31). Yiddish Theater, Global Theater: Mapping the Vilna Troupe with Google Earth. Digital Yiddish Theater Project Symposium. Milwaukee, WI: Stahl Center for Jewish Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Caplan, D. (2014, March 31). Yiddish Theater, Global Theater. Amherst, MA: Yiddish Book Center.

Caplan, D., & Caplan, D. (2014, December 31). . A Case Study for the Digital Humanities: The Digital Yiddish Theater Project. Baltimore, MD: Association for Jewish Studies.

Caplan, D. (2014, December 31). New York Jews and the Must-See Theatrical Landscape of the 1920s. Der tog Symposium. New York NY: YIVO Institute for Jewish Research.

Caplan, D. (2014, December 31). Dos Groyse Gevins: Then and Now. New York, NY: Folksbiene National Yiddish Theater.

Caplan, D. (2014, December 31). . Teaching with Social Media Roundtable. Baltimore, MD: Association for Jewish Studies.

Damelio, A., Caplan, D., Mohan, K., Waltzer , L., & O'Donoghue, K. (2014, December 5). Building Pedagogically-Sound and Technologically-Smart Hybrid Courses. CUNY's 13th Annual IT Conference. John Jay College of Criminal Justice: City University of New York.

Caplan, D. (2014, November 30). Material Objects Plenary. American Society for Theatre Research. Baltimore, MD

Caplan, D. (2014, November 30). Theatrical Complicity: Pimps, Prostitutkes, and the Making of Jewish Culture in the Global South. American Society for Theatre Research. Baltimore, MD

Caplan, D., & Caplan, D. (2014, November 30). . Work/Life Balance Career Session. Baltimore, MD: American Society for Theater Research.

Caplan, D. (2014, October 31). The World of Yiddish Theater. New York, NY: Columbia University.

Caplan, D. (2014, June 30). Introduction to Yiddish Theater Workshop. New York, NY: Max Weinreich Center, YIVO Institute for Jewish Research.

Caplan, D., & Caplan, D. (2013, March 31). The American Legacy of Yiddish Theater. New York, NY: Target Margin Theater.

Caplan, D. (2013, March 31). Charting the Spatial Frontier: Digital Mapping and the Future of Scholarship. Digital Humanities: The Next Generation. Boston, MA: Simmons College.

Caplan, D. (2013, November 30). . Navigating New Technologies. Dallas, TX: American Society for Theater Research.

Caplan, D., & Caplan, D. (2013, November 30). . Digital Methodologies in Theater Studies: An Electronic Roundtable. Dallas, TX: American Society for Theatre Research.

Caplan, D., & Caplan, D. (2013, December 31). In the Days of Job. Staging Leivick. Boston, MA: Association for Jewish Studies.

Caplan, D., & Caplan, D. (2012, October 31). Sholem Asch's Forgotten Popular Sensation. The Other Yiddish Plays. New York, NY: Target Margin Theater.

Caplan, D. (2012, October 31). Earning Citizenship on the Global Stage: The Vilna Troupe's Dybbuk. The Dybbuk Conference. College Park, MD: University of Maryland Center for Jewish Studies.

Caplan, D. (2012, November 30). Global Theater History and the Digital Frontier. Harvard University Drama Colloquium. Cambridge, MA

Caplan, D. (2012, November 30). The Sun Never Sets on the Yiddish Stage: Global Artistic Networks in the Yiddish Art Theater Movement. American Society for Theatre Research. Nashville, TN

Caplan, D. (2012, December 31). A Second Original: Death of a Salesman's 'Return' to Yiddish. Association for Jewish Studies. Chicago, IL

Caplan, D. (2012, April 30). The Transnational Vilna Troupe(s): A New Look at a Yiddish Theater Landmark. Maria Salit-Gitelson Tell Memorial Lecture. New York, NY: YIVO Institute for Jewish Research.

Caplan, D. (2012, January 31). The Vilna Troupe and the Emergence of a Modernist Yiddish Aesthetic. Modern Language Association. Seattle, WA

Caplan, D. (2012, March 31). Crisis, Catastrophe, and the Emergence of a Yiddish Art Theater. American Comparative Literature Association. Providence, RI: Brown University.

Caplan, D. (2011, December 31). The Vilna Troupe and the Mapping of Yiddish Art Theater History. Association for Jewish Studies. Washington, DC

Caplan, D. (2011, November 30). Transnationalism and the Historical Stage: The Case of the Yiddish Theater. American Society for Theatre Research. Montreal, QC

Caplan, D. (2011, June 30). The History and Transnational Legacy of the Vilna Troupe. Montreal, QC: Montreal International Yiddish Theater Festival.

Caplan, D. (2011, May 31). A Humble Synagogue: Joseph Buloff's Jewish Art Players and the Aesthetics of Modernist Yiddish Theater. Chicago: Theater Capital of America Symposium. Chicago, IL

Caplan, D. (2010, December 31). Death into Wonder: Theater, Redemption, & Resistance in Sutzkever's 'Tsum yortog fun geto-teater'. Association for Jewish Studies. Boston, MA

Caplan, D. (2010, December 31). Imagining the Other: Teatr Polski and the Warsaw Yiddish Art Theater. Association for Jewish Studies. Boston, MA

Caplan, D., & Caplan, D. (2009, March 31). A Tongue in Exile: Insiders and Outsiders on the Polylingual Yiddish Stage. Jewish Languages and Literatures. Cambridge, MA: American Comparative Literature Association.

Caplan, D. (2009, March 31). Coming Attractions: Yiddish Theatre Programs and the Reading of Performance. International Junior Scholars' Conference on Jewish Art. Tel Aviv, Israel: Tel Aviv University.

Caplan, D. (2009, February 28). Beyond the Nation: Birobidzhan in the Jewish Imagination. Northeast Modern Language Association. Boston, MA

Caplan, D. L. Utopia and Dystopia in Yiddish Culture. New York, NY: CUNY Graduate Center Public Programs.

Other Scholarly Works

Caplan, D., & Stromberg, D. (2022). Translation: Sodom, by Isaac Bashevis Singer. 2022.

In Progress.

Caplan, D. (2019). Excerpt from The Life History of Sara Adler: As Told by Sara Herself. Women on the Yiddish Stage.

Caplan, D., & Glezer, R. (2019). The Jewish Question, By Aaron Zeitlin.

In Progress.

Caplan, D. L. (2019).  Magic and Melody Delight in a Yiddish Fairytale Reborn. Digital Yiddish Theatre Project.

Caplan, D. (2019). Dystopia on the Verge: Or Why a 1934 Yiddish Play about Charlie Chaplin Still Matters.

Caplan, D. (2018). Teach OER: Introduction to Theatre Arts. Teach OER: A Website from Baruch's Center for Teaching and Learning.

Caplan, D. (2018). In the Kingdom of Ants and Mushrooms by Sofia Kantor. In the Land of Happy Tears: Yiddish Tales for Modern Times. 47-54.

Caplan, D. (2018). A Yiddish Poet, a Cuban Revolutionary, and a Historical Legend Walk Into a Bar: Review of Hatuey: Memory of Fire.

Caplan, D. (2018). Interview with Yiddish Fiddler on the Roof Actress Rachel Zatcoff.

Caplan, D. (2018). Singer the Unknown Playwright. Pakn Treger. (76),

Caplan, D. (2017). Brothel Intrigue with a Modern Twist: Got fun nekome at the New Yiddish Rep.

Caplan, D. (2016). Riding the Rails with Yiddish Actors. Pakn Treger. (74), 13-15.

Caplan, D. (2015). Six Degrees of Yankev Blayfer. Digital Yiddish Theatre Project.

Caplan, D., & Caplan, D. (2015). Digital Yiddish Theater Project Blog.

Caplan, D. (2015). A Love Letter to the Yiddish Stage: Peretz's At Night in the Old Marketplace, Reconsidered. Pakn Treger. 7229-31.

Caplan, D. (2015). The Triumph of Vili Loman: Death of a Salesman at the New Yiddish Rep. In geveb: A Journal of Yiddish Studies Blog.

Caplan, D. (2014). Advice from Sidney Lumet's Yiddish Actor Dad.

Caplan, D. (2014). Goldfaden, Abraham. Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception. 567-569.

Caplan, D. (2014). The Sun Never Sets on the Vilna Troupe. 6912-14.

Caplan, D. (2014). Target Margin's Yiddish Bender. 40-43.

Caplan, D. (2013). Greek Tragedy and Yiddish Literature/Theater. Encyclopedia of Greek Tragedy. 21126-1129.


Caplan, D. L. (1970,January 1). Salvage Poetics: Post-Holocaust American Jewish Folk Ethnographies by Sheila E. Jelen. Studies in American Jewish Literature.

Caplan, D. L. (1970,January 1).    Fiddler: A Miracle of Miracles, a film by Max Lewkowicz. American Jewish History.

Caplan, D. (2019,January 1). Review: The Rise of the Modern Yiddish Theater by Alyssa Quint. In Geveb: A Journal of Yiddish Studies.

Caplan, D. (2018,September 1). Review: Hideous Characters and Beautiful Pagans: Performing Jewish Identity on the Antebellum America Stage, by Heather S. Nathans. Theatre Survey.

Caplan, D. (2017,April 1). Review: Wonder of Wonders. Studies in American Jewish Literature.

Caplan, D. (2014,September 1). Review: Transposing Broadway: Jews, Assimilation, and the American Musical, by Stuart J. Hecht. Studies in American Jewish Literature.

Caplan, D. (2012,October 1). Review: Rewriting Russia: Jacob Gordin's Yiddish Drama by Barbara J. Henry. Modern Drama.

Caplan, D. (2010,November 1). Review: Beyond the Golden Door and Messiahs of 1933. Theatre Survey.

Research Currently in Progess

Caplan, D., Berkowitz, J., Henry, B., Steinlauf, M., Loeffler, J., Portnoy, E., Thissen, J., Veidlinger, J., Baker, Z., Seigel, A., Rubinstein, A., Spagnolo, F., Netsky, H., Underwood, N., & Legutko, A.(n.d.). Digital Yiddish Theater Project. In Progress.

An international initiative to develop a born-digital research, teaching, and preservation website for Yiddish theater history, co-founded by Debra Caplan (Baruch College) and Joel Berkowitz (University of Milwaukee-Wisconsin).

Caplan, D.(n.d.). Visualizing the Vilna Troupe.

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
Make them Laugh: Molly Picon and the Story of the American Jewish StagePSC CUNY 5207/01/202106/30/202304/15/20213499.45Completed
Digital Historiography and PerformancePSC-CUNY 5107/01/202006/30/202104/17/20203499.45Completed
Plotting Yiddish DramaPSC-CUNY 5007/01/201912/31/202204/13/20195950.32Completed
Make them Laughy: Molly Picon and the Story of the American Jewish StagePSC-CUNY 4907/01/201806/30/201904/15/20183330.95Completed
Make them laugh: Molly Picon and the story of the American Jewish stageEugene Lang Fellowship06/01/201806/30/201903/29/20186769.93Completed
Jews, Theater, and the Aesthetics of Itinerancy, 1915-1940PSC-CUNY 4507/01/201406/30/201504/15/20143500Completed
Make them Laugh: Molly Picon and the Story of the American Jewish StagePSC-CUNY 5407/01/202306/30/202404/18/20233491.92Funded - In Progress
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Fenia and Yaakov Leviant Memorial Prize in Jewish StudiesModern Language Association2021The Leviant Prize is given to an outstanding scholarly work in the field of Yiddish Studies. I received this award for my book, Yiddish Empire.
George Freedley Memorial AwardTheatre Library Association2018The 2018 George Freedley Memorial Award for an exemplary work in the field of live theatre and performance was awarded to my book Yiddish Empire: The Vilna Troupe, Jewish Theater, and the Art of Itinerancy.
COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) Faculty FellowshipBaruch College Center for Teaching and Learning2018
Open Educational Resources Seminar ParticipantBaruch College Center for Teaching and Learning2018
Global Learning Community RecipientWeissman School, Baruch College2016Selected to lead an inaugural freshman Global Learning Community in Fall 2016
Fellowship, Seminar on Public Engagement and Collaborative ResearchCenter for the Humanities, CUNY Graduate Center2015
Center for Teaching and Learning Faculty FellowshipBaruch College20143-credit course release to develop a hybrid online/traditional Introduction to Theater course at Baruch
Maurice and Marilyn Cohen Dissertation FellowshipFoundation for Jewish Culture2012
Melamed Dissertation Fellowship Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University2012
Certificate of Distinction in TeachingDerek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning, Harvard University2011
Dissertation Fellowship in Jewish StudiesMemorial Foundation for Jewish Culture2011
Teagle Seminar Course Development AwardDerek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning, Harvard University2011
Research GrantDavis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard University2011
Merit FellowshipHarvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences2011
Maria Salit-Gitelson Tell FellowshipYIVO Institute for Jewish Research2011
Dissertation Research GrantTargum Shlishi Foundation2011
Certificate of Distinction in TeachingDerek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning, Harvard University2010
Kavinovsky Research FellowshipCenter for Jewish Studies, Harvard University2009
Fein, Pinanski, and Shain Memorial FellowshipCombined Jewish Philanthropies2009
Certificate of Distinction in TeachingDerek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning, Harvard University2009
Merle Fainsod PrizeDavis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard University2007
Jewish Arts and Culture Initiative GrantHarold Grinspoon Foundation2006


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Harman Writer-In-Residence Fellowship Program CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Weissman Faculty Mentorship ProgramFaculty MentorPresent
Baruch Macaulay Honors Admissions CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Search Committee, Assistant Professor of TheaterCommittee MemberPresent
Baruch Faculty SenateCommittee MemberPresent
Faculty Advisory Committee, Center for Teaching and Learning, Baruch CollegeCommittee MemberPresent
General Education Assessment CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Baruch Governance Review CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Baruch Committee on Financial AidCommittee MemberPresent
Harman Writer-in-Residence Program CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Search Committee, Assistant Professor of GraphicsCommittee MemberPresent
Executive Committee, Department of Fine and Performing ArtsCommittee MemberPresent
Search Committee, Associate Professor of Graphic DesignCommittee MemberPresent
Search Committee, Lecturer in Graphic DesignCommittee MemberPresent
Global Studies Minor CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Organizing Committee, Jewish Studies Center Annual ConferenceCommittee MemberPresent
Advisory Board, Sandra K. Wasserman Jewish Studies CenterPresent
Baruch College Personnel and Budget CommitteeCommittee Member7/14/2023
Search Committee, Assistant Professor of Theater Faculty SearchCommittee Member12/31/2020
Weissman Committee on Undergraduate Academic StandingCommittee Member12/31/2020
School Committee on Undergraduate Academic StandingCommittee Member12/31/2020
Baruch Thespian ClubFaculty Advisor12/31/2019
Committee on Prizes, Scholarships, and AwardsCommittee Member12/31/2018
Committee on the LibraryCommittee Member12/31/2018
Baruch Faculty Committee on Educational TechnologyCommittee Member12/31/2018
WSAS Assessment CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2018
Advisory Board, Arts Administration M.A. ProgramCommittee Member12/31/2018
Search Committee, Arts Administration M.A. Faculty MemberCommittee Member4/30/2018
Weissman Seminar on Interdisciplinary ScholarshipCore Faculty12/31/2017
Academic Integrity Video Project for the ProvostCommittee Chair12/31/2015
Creative Inquiry Day Humanities Division Judge5/31/2015


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Delegate, Baruch College Chapter, PSC-CUNYCommittee Member1/1/2020Present
Theater and Performance Doctoral Curriculum CommitteeCommittee Member9/1/2023Present
PSC-CUNY Grievance Counselor for Full-Time FacultyGrievance Counselor1/23/2023Present
Translation Seminar Leader, Center for the Humanities Seminar on Public Engagement and Collaborative ResearchProgram Coordinator1/1/201512/31/2017


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Luna StageOfficer, Vice PresidentNew Jersey1/1/2019Present
Mellon School of Theater and Performance Research at Harvard UniversityBoard Member1/1/2013Present
Luna StageBoard of Directors of a CompanyNew JerseyUnited States2/1/2023PresentRegional
Memorial Foundation for Jewish CultureReviewer, Grant Proposal9/3/2018PresentInternational
Jordan Schnitzer First Book Award, Association for Jewish StudiesReviewer, Book9/5/2022PresentInternational
Kahan Prize, American Society for Theatre ResearchCommittee Chair5/2/2022PresentInternational
Association for Jewish StudiesDistinguished Lecturer1/1/2018Present
Masterworks Theater CompanyBoard of Advisors of a CompanyNew York1/1/2014Present
American Society for Theatre Research Working Conditions Task ForceCommittee Member1/1/2015Present
Yiddish Book CenterBoard of Directors of a CompanyMassachusetts8/1/2015Present
GPS: Global Performance StudiesEditorial Review Board Member1/1/2016Present
Empowerment Committee, American Society for Theatre ResearchCommittee Chair1/1/2016Present
Advisory Board, Great Jewish Books ProgramMember1/1/2017Present
PSC-CUNY Performing Arts Grant PanelReviewer, Grant Proposal9/6/2021PresentState
Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture Doctoral FellowshipReviewer, Grant Proposal1/1/201712/31/2019
Ad-Hoc Committee on Community Engagement, American Society for Theatre ResearchCommittee Chair1/1/201812/31/2019
PSC-CUNY Performing Arts PanelReviewer, Grant Proposal1/1/201812/31/2019
American Society for Theatre Research Social Media CommitteeCommittee Member1/1/201712/31/2019
GPS: Global Performance StudiesReviewer, Journal Article1/1/201812/31/2018
SUNY PressReviewer, Book1/1/201812/31/2018
American Society for Theatre Research Executive CommitteeCommittee Member1/1/201512/31/2018
Jewish Social StudiesReviewer, Journal Article1/1/201712/31/2017
Theatre TopicsReviewer, Journal Article1/1/201712/31/2017
Cultural DynamicsReviewer, Journal Article1/1/201612/31/2016
Great Jewish Books Teacher Workshop, Yiddish Book CenterWorkshop Organizer1/1/201512/31/2016
Theatre JournalReviewer, Journal Article1/1/201612/31/2016
Committee on Conferences, American Society for Theatre ResearchCommittee Member1/1/201412/31/2015
Theatre JournalReviewer, Journal Article1/1/201512/31/2015
PMLAReviewer, Journal Article1/1/201512/31/2015
Israel Science FoundationReviewer, Grant ProposalIsrael1/1/201512/31/2015
Digital Scholarship in the HumanitiesReviewer, Journal Article1/1/201512/31/2015
In geveb: A Journal of Yiddish StudiesReviewer, Journal Article1/1/201512/31/2015
Meta-Committee, American Society for Theatre ResearchCommittee Member1/1/201312/31/2014
Graduate Representative to Conference Committee, American Society for Theater ResearchCommittee Member1/1/201212/31/2013
Literature and MedicineReviewer, Journal Article12/31/2013
Papers on Language and LiteratureReviewer, Journal Article12/31/2012


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Luna StageOfficer, Vice PresidentNew Jersey1/1/2019Present