Diogo Fajardo Nunes Hildebrand

Diogo Fajardo Nunes Hildebrand

Asst Professor

Zicklin School of Business

Department: Allen Aaronson Dept of Mkt/IB

Areas of expertise:

Email Address: diogo.hildebrand@baruch.cuny.edu

> View CV


Ph.D., Management, Graduate Center, City University of New York New York

MSc, Management, UFRGS Porto Alegre Brazil

BSc, Economics, University of Sao Paulo Sao Paulo Brazil

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2024MKT5750Marketing Strategy
Fall 2024BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2024MKT88000Sem Current Marketing Problems
Fall 2024DCT90301Dissertation Research - Propos
Fall 2024DCT90225Special Topics
Spring 2024BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2024MKT5750Marketing Strategy
Spring 2024MKT5750Marketing Strategy
Fall 2023DCT90225Special Topics
Fall 2023BUS89500Independent Study
Fall 2023BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2023MKT5750Marketing Strategy
Spring 2023MKT5750Marketing Strategy
Spring 2023MKT5750Marketing Strategy
Spring 2023MKT70300Research Meth III:Quan Res Mkt
Spring 2023BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2023DCT90311Dissertation Research - Final
Fall 2022BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Summer 2022MKT5750Marketing Strategy
Spring 2022MKT5750Marketing Strategy
Spring 2022BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2021MKT5750Marketing Strategy
Spring 2021MKT5750Marketing Strategy
Spring 2021MKT5750Marketing Strategy
Spring 2021DCT90312Dissertation Research - Final
Fall 2020DCT90302Dissertation Research - Propos
Spring 2020MKT5750Marketing Strategy
Spring 2020MKT5750Marketing Strategy
Spring 2019MKT5750Marketing Strategy
Spring 2019MKT5750Marketing Strategy
Fall 2018MKT5750Marketing Strategy
Fall 2010MKT3000Marketing Foundations
Spring 2010PSY4012Evolution of Modern Psychology
Spring 2010PSY4012Evolution of Modern Psychology
Spring 2010PSY4012Evolution of Modern Psychology
Spring 2010BUS1000Introduction to Business
Spring 2010BUS1000Introduction to Business
Spring 2010BUS1000Introduction to Business
Fall 2009PSY4012Evolution of Modern Psychology
Fall 2009PSY4012Evolution of Modern Psychology
Fall 2009PSY4012Evolution of Modern Psychology
Fall 2009PSY4012Evolution of Modern Psychology
Fall 2009PSY4012Evolution of Modern Psychology

Journal Articles

(2024). Exploring Customer Engagement Tensions When Pursuing Responsible Business Practices. Journal of Service Management,

(2024). Smart Wearable Devices Foster Self-Augmentation and Motivate Goal Pursuit. Information Systems Research,

Hildebrand, D., Hadi, R., & Sen, S. (2024). I’ll Smile with You, But Please Cry without Me: How Virtual Reality and Imagination Perspectives Influence Charity Appeal Efficacy. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,

(2023). Motivational Drivers of Altruistic Risk Taking. In Progress.

(2022). Thinking Skills Don’t Protect Service Workers from Replacement by Artificial Intelligence. Journal of Service Research, 25(4). 601–613.

Rubin, D., Hildebrand, D., & Malloy-Diniz, L. (2022). Does multitasking change how we think? The impact of specialized depletion from concurrent task performance on subsequent behavior. Psychology & Marketing, 29(6). 1244-1256.

Hildebrand, D., Birau, M., & Werle, C. (2021). How Food Communication that Portrays Unhealthy Food Consumption Reduces Food Intake Among Dieters. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing,

Hildebrand, D., Rubin, D., Hadi, R., & Kramer, T. (2021). Flavor fatigue: How Cognitive Depletion Influences Consumers’ Hedonic Appreciation of Flavor Complexity. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 31(1). 103-111.

Rubin, D., Mitakakis Martins, C., Ilyuk, V., & Hildebrand, D. (2020). Online shopping cart abandonment: a consumer mindset perspective. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 37(5). 487-499.

Wongkitrungrueng, A., Hildebrand, D., Sen, S., & Nuttavuthisit, K. (2020). Is Salesperson Attractiveness a Boon or a Bane? The Moderating Role of Perceived Labor Costs-To-Price Ratio in Retail Bargaining. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 30(3). 447-465.

Guitart, I., Hervet, G., & Hildebrand, D. (2019). Using eye-tracking to understand the impact of multitasking on memory for banner ads: the role of attention to the ad. International Journal of Advertising, 38(1).

Harding, R., Hildebrand, D., Kramer, T., & Lasaleta, J. (2019). The Impact of Acquisition Mode on Expected Speed of Product Mastery and Subsequent Consumer Behavior. Journal of Consumer Research, 46(1). 140-158.

Carvalho, S., Hildebrand, D., & Sen, S. (2019). Dressed to Impress: The Effect of Victim Attire on Helping Behavior. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 4(4). 376-386.

Hildebrand, D., Harding, D., & Hadi, R. (2019). Culturally Contingent Cravings: How Holistic Thinking Influences Consumer Responses to Food Appeals. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 29(1). 39-59.

Veloso, A. R., Hildebrand, D., & Sresnewsky, K. (2017). Online advertising disclaimers in unregulated markets: use of disclaimers by multinational and local companies in the Brazilian toy industry. International Journal of Advertising, 36(6).

Hildebrand, D., Demotta, Y., Sen, S., & Valenzuela, A. (2017). Consumer Responses to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Contribution Type. Journal of Consumer Research, 44(4). 738–758.

Hildebrand, D., DeMotta, Y., Kongsompong, K., & Sen, S. (2013). In-group and Out-group Influences on the Consumption Behavior of Minority Groups: The Case of Gay Men. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 32(2). 70-78.

Hildebrand, D., Sen, S., & Bhattacharya, C. (2011). Corporate Social Responsibility: A Corporate Marketing Perspective. European Journal of Marketing, 45(9/10). 1353-1364.

Diba, F., Fajardo Nunes Hildebrand, D., & Dantas, M. Poverty and Aquisition of Buy-Now-Pay-Later Financial Products. Journal of Marketing Research, In Progress.

Scarcity immutability increases motivation to resolve scarcity. Journal of Consumer Psychology, In Progress.

Media Contributions

Fajardo Nunes Hildebrand, D. (2021). Plate.

Fajardo Nunes Hildebrand, D. (2021). WalletHub.

Fajardo Nunes Hildebrand, D. (2021). Forbes.

Fajardo Nunes Hildebrand, D. (2020). WalletHub.

Fajardo Nunes Hildebrand, D. (2016). Les Echos.

Fajardo Nunes Hildebrand, D. (2014). Anoticia.


Fajardo Nunes Hildebrand, D., Zaman, M., Sen, S., & Bhattacharya, C. (2025, August 14). Diversity Training and the Reporting of Discrimination Incidents. Sustainability Camp. Pittsburgh, PA: Katz Business School, University of Pittsburgh.

Fajardo Nunes Hildebrand, D., Hadi, R., & Sen, S. (2025, June 14). Sharing the Smiles But Not the Tears: How Perspective Taking Influences Charitable Appeal Efficacy. Behavioural Insights into Business for Social Good. Vancouver, BC, Canada

Hildebrand, D., Birau, M. M., & Werle, C. (2019, June 30). Unhealthy Food Advertisements Portraying Consumption Reduce Food Intake Among Dieters. Marketing and Public Policy Conference. Washington, DC

Hildebrand, D. (2018, January 31). Analysis of behavioral data.

Hildebrand, D. (2017, December 31). Culture and Consumption Behavior. University of Sao Paulo: FAPESP (Brazil).

Hildebrand, D., Martins, C., & Ilyuk, V. (2017, May 31). Leaving the Shopping Cart Behind: The Effect of Consumer Mindset on Online Shopping Cart Abandonment. European Marketing Conference. Groningen, Netherlands

Hildebrand, D. (2014, July 31). The Neuroscience of Consumer Behavior. Decision Making. Belo Horizonte, Brazil: Laboratório de Investigações em Neurociências Clínicas, UFMG (Brazil).

Hildebrand, D. (2014, July 31). The Neuroscience of Consumer Behavior. Joinville, Brazil: Univille.

Hildebrand, D., Demotta, Y., Sen, S., & Valenzuela, A. (2014, October 31). Corporate Social Responsibility Effectiveness: The Role of Controllability-Contribution Fit. Association for Consumer Research. Balimore, MN

Hildebrand, D., Demotta, Y., Kongsompour, K., & Sen, S. (2013, June 30). Susceptibility of Minorities to Word-of-Mouth: The Case of Gay Consumers. Marketing & Public Policy Conference. Washington, DC

Hildebrand, D., & Sen, S. (2012, February 28). To Imagine is to Feel: The Role of Mental Simulation in the Effectiveness of Charity Appeals. Society for Consumer Psychology. Las Vegas, NV

Hildebrand, D. (2012, December 31). Corporate Social Responsibility Effectiveness: The Role of Controllability-Contribution Fit. Vitoria, Brazil: FUCAPE Business School.

Hildebrand, D., Demotta, Y., Sen, S., & Valenzuela, A. (2012, February 28). Corporate Donations to Victims of Disasters: When Contributions Make Sense. Society for Consumer Psychology. Las Vegas, NV

Hildebrand, D., Demotta, Y., Sen, S., & Valenzuela, A. (2011, October 31). Maximizing the Effectiveness of Disaster Relief Contribution: The Idea of Fit to Control. Association for Consumer Research. St. Louis, MO

Hildebrand, D. (2011, July 31). Corporate Donations to Victims of Disasters: When Contributions Make Sense. : University of Sao Paulo.

Hildebrand, D., & Sen, S. (2010, October 31). Living a Second Life: The Role of Goals and Mental Imagery on Satisfaction Online. Association for Consumer Research. Jacksonville, FL

Research Currently in Progess

Hildebrand, D.(n.d.). Brand Alliance Effectiveness: A Consumer Motives Perspective. In Progress.

Hildebrand, D.(n.d.). Counterfeit Consumption in Interdependent Culture: A Clash of Classes. In Progress.

Hildebrand, D., & Zhang, Y.(n.d.). Social mobility and consumption of risky cosmetic procedures. In Progress.

Hildebrand, D.(n.d.). It’s Not You, It’s Me: How CSR Decreases Consumer Citizenship Behavior. In Progress.

Hildebrand, D.(n.d.). Reducing the Harm of Alcohol: When and How Autonomy Promotes Responsible Alcohol Consumption in Social Contexts. In Progress.

Austin, M. P., & Hildebrand, D.(n.d.). Sensory Sensitivity and Hedonic Adaptation. In Progress.

Hildebrand, D.(n.d.). Social Media and Alcohol Consumption among Adolescents. In Progress.

Hildebrand, D.(n.d.). The Benefits or Unrelated Corporate Social Responsibility. In Progress.

Hildebrand, D.(n.d.). The Influence of Religious Practices on Saving Behavior. In Progress.

Fajardo Nunes Hildebrand, D., Sen, S., & Bhattacharya, C.(n.d.). Corporate purpose, psychological ownership, and the effectiveness of diversity training. In Progress.

Pinto, D., Herter, M., Shuqair, S., Fajardo Nunes Hildebrand, D., & Irmak, C.(n.d.). AI Performance, consumer vulnerability, and acceptance of AI recommendation. In Progress.

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
De-Democratizing Information Search: How the internet disproportionally helps the richPSC CUNY 5307/01/202212/31/202304/15/20223500Funded - In Progress
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Best Paper Award Based on a Doctoral DissertationEMAC 2023-05-27Co-authored a manuscript that won the Best Paper Award Based on a Doctoral Dissertation.
Best Reviewer AwardJournal of Consumer Psychology2023-02-04Won award for best reviewer for the 2022-2023 academic year. The JCP is an FT listed publication and is among the premier publications in consumer behavior.
Teaching Excellence AwardZicklin School of Business2022-05-13Award for teaching excellence in the Zicklin School of Business
Aaronson Doctoral Fellowship AwardBaruch College, City University of New York2012This award is given to the most outstanding PhD student in the department
AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium FellowAmerican Marketing Association2012This award is given to the most outstanding PhD students in the country.
Doctoral Student Research GrantGraduate Center, City University of New York2011This grant is given to the most promising doctoral dissertations in the City University of New York.


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
PhD ProgramArea Interim CoordinatorPresent
MOBster ProgramGuest SpeakerPresent
Communication assignments at the marketing majorCommittee ChairPresent
MBA Table TalksAttendee, MeetingPresent
Faculty Hiring CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Instructional Excellence and Pedagogic Innovation Faculty Advisory CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Faculty Hiring CommitteCommittee MemberPresent
Department Strategic PlanningCommittee ChairPresent
Curriculum Review Task ForceCommittee Member2/1/2021
Baruch Research SymposiumFaculty Advisor5/9/2019
PHD ProjectAttendee, Meeting11/16/2018


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Journal of Consumer PsychologyEditorial Review Board Member10/1/2020Present
Journal of MarketingReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer7/1/2019Present
Brazilian Business Review BoardMemberBrazil1/1/2017Present
Journal of Business EthicsReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer12/1/2016Present
Frontiers in PsychologyReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1/1/2015Present
European Journal of MarketingReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1/1/2011Present
Alden G. Clayton Dissertation Proposal AwardReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1/1/20201/31/2020