Dobrin A. Marchev

Adj Asst Professor

Zicklin School of Business

Department: Paul Chook Dept InfoSys & Stat

Areas of expertise:

Email Address:


Ph.D., Statistics, University of Florida Gainesville

M.S., Mathematics, Sofia University Sofia Bulgaria

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Spring 2022STA2000Business Statistics I
Fall 2021STA9708Managerial Statistics
Spring 2021STA3154Business Statistics II
Spring 2021STA2000Business Statistics I
Spring 2009STA9708Managerial Statistics
Spring 2009STA9705Multvrt Stat Methods
Spring 2009STA9708Managerial Statistics
Fall 2008STA9772Spec Top Stat Anal
Fall 2008STA9708Managerial Statistics
Fall 2008STA9708Managerial Statistics
Fall 2008STA9750Basic Software Tools
Fall 2008OPR9750Softwr Tools Data An
Spring 2008OPR9850Advanced Statistical Computing
Spring 2008STA9708Managerial Statistics
Spring 2008STA9850Advanced Statistical Computing
Spring 2008STA9708Managerial Statistics
Fall 2007STA9772Spec Top Stat Anal
Fall 2007STA9708Managerial Statistics
Fall 2007STA9715Applied Probability
Fall 2007STA9708Managerial Statistics
Spring 2007STA9708Managerial Statistics
Spring 2007STA9708Managerial Statistics
Fall 2006STA5000Indep Study & Research Stat I
Fall 2006STA9750Basic Software Tools
Fall 2006OPR9750Softwr Tools Data An
Spring 2006STA9708Managerial Statistics
Spring 2006STA9708Managerial Statistics
Fall 2005STA9750Basic Software Tools
Fall 2005STA9708Managerial Statistics
Fall 2005STA9708Managerial Statistics
Fall 2005STA5000Indep Study & Research Stat I
Fall 2005OPR9750Softwr Tools Data An
Spring 2005STA9708Managerial Statistics
Spring 2005STA9708Managerial Statistics
Spring 2005OPR9850Advanced Statistical Computing
Spring 2005STA9850Advanced Statistical Computing
Fall 2004STA9750Basic Software Tools
Fall 2004STA9708Managerial Statistics
Fall 2004STA9708Managerial Statistics
Fall 2004OPR9750Softwr Tools Data An

Journal Articles

(2009). New and Improved Estimation of Distribution Functions under Second Order Stochastic Ordering. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 21(2). 143-153.

(2007). A Theoretical Comparison of the Data Augmentation, Marginal Augmentation and PX-DA Algorithms. The Annals of Statistics, 36.

(2004). Geometric Ergodicity of van Dyk and Meng’s Algorithm for the Multivariate Student’s t model. Journal of the American Statistical Association, (99). 228-238.

(2004). Stability of the Tail Markov Chain and the Evaluation of Improper Priors for an Exponential Rate Parameter. Bernoulli,, (10). 549–564.


Marchev, D. (2007, June 25). A Theoretical Comparison of the Data Augmentation, Marginal Augmentation and PX-DA Algorithms. New Directions in Monte Carlo Methods Workshop. Fleurance, France

Marchev, D. (2006, March 8). Bootstrap Methods. Department of Statistics, and Computer Information Systems. NY: Baruch College CUNY.

Marchev, D. (2004, March 9). Monte Carlo Methods for Posterior Distributions Associated with Multivariate Student’s t Data. Department of Mathematics and Statistics. Auburn, AL: Auburn University.

Marchev, D. (2004, March 3). Monte Carlo Methods for Posterior Distributions Associated with Multivariate Student’s t Data. Department of Mathematics. New Orleans, LA: Tulane University.

Marchev, D. (2004, February 26). Monte Carlo Methods for Posterior Distributions Associated with Multivariate Student’s t Data. Department of Statistics. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina.

Marchev, D. (2004, March 31). Monte Carlo Methods for Posterior Distributions Associated with Multivariate Student’s t Data. Department of Mathematics. San Juan, Puerto Rico: University of Puerto Rico.

Marchev, D. (2004, April 5). Monte Carlo Methods for Posterior Distributions Associated with Multivariate Student’s t Data. Department of Statistics. Coventry, United Kingdom: University of Warwick.

Marchev, D. (2004, February 18). Monte Carlo Methods for Posterior Distributions Associated with Multivariate Student’s t Data. Department of Statistics and Computer Information Systems. New York, NY: Baruch College.

Marchev, D. (2004, January 27). Monte Carlo Methods for Posterior Distributions Associated with Multivariate Student’s t Data. Department of Mathematics and Statistics. Baltimore, MD: University of Maryland Baltimore County.

Marchev, D. (2004, February 3). Monte Carlo Methods for Posterior Distributions Associated with Multivariate Student’s t Data. School of Operations Research and Industrial Engineering. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.

Marchev, D. (2003, November 20). Monte Carlo Methods for Posterior Distributions Associated with Multivariate Student’s t Data. Department of Statistics,. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida.

Marchev, D. (2002, September 28). Analysis of van Dyk and Meng’s Data Augmentation Algorithm for the Multivariate t Model. Challenges in Stochastic Computation Workshop. Research Triangle Park, NC: Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI).

Ignatov, T. Z., Marchev, D., & Madjarova, T. (1999, December 31). "Absorption of the Poison Process Between Two Boundaries" pp. 113-119. Proceedings for the Twenty Eighth Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians.

Marchev, D. (1999, April 6). Absorption of the Poisson Process Between Two Boundaries. 28th Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians. Montana, Bulgaria

ignatov, T. Z., Marchev, D., & Liubenova, M. (1998, December 31). "About the Ruin Probability in the Classical Poison Model" pp. 155-160. Proceedings of the Twenty Seventh Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathemtaicians.

Marchev, D. (1998, November 19). The Ruin Probability in the Classical Poisson Model. Conference on The Transition Processes in the Bulgarian Economy. Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria: Department of Economics and Business Administration.

Research Currently in Progess

Marchev, D.(n.d.). Estimating the Maximal Correlation Coefficient. In Progress.

Marchev, D., & Johnson, M.(n.d.). Marginal Empirical Likelihood Inference for the Mean of a Population. In Progress.

Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Young Author Best Paper AwardNew Directions in Monte Carlo Methods Workshop2007Fleurance, France
Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement AwardBaruch College, CUNY2005
Travel award to attend DIMACS Workshop: Markov Chain Monte Carlo: Synthesizing Theory and Practice, DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University2000


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Undergraduate Curriculum CommitteeCommittee Member1/1/2004Present
Committee on Research and Professional DevelopmentCommittee Member1/1/2006Present


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Undergraduate Curriculum CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Committee on Research and Professional DevelopmentCommittee MemberPresent


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and ProbabilityMember1/1/2003Present
Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS)Member1/1/2000Present
Journal of The Royal Statistical SocietyReferee12/31/2007
Journal of Computational and Graphical StatisticsReferee12/31/2006
Journal of the American Statistical AssociationReferee12/31/2005