Donovan Bisbee

Donovan Stuart Bisbee

Lecturer Doc Sch

Weissman School of Arts and Sciences

Department: Communication Studies

Areas of expertise: Presidential Rhetoric, Free Speech, the Supreme Court

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Donovan Bisbee is a Lecturer and Director of Oral Communication Courses in the Department of Communication Studies at Baruch College, CUNY. He earned a B.A. in Rhetoric and English at Wabash College and an M.A. and PhD in Communication from the University of Illinois.

His research focuses on how legal and constitutional arguments circulate in public life. Although legal discourse is characterized by a technical vocabulary and professional training, arguments about rights, justice, and the bounds of state power shape public discourse and address audiences far beyond courtroom doors. Recently, this research has focused on interbranch conflicts in the U.S. federal system. In executive-judicial conflict, presidents have tended to expand executive authority by clashing with the Supreme Court over the authority to interpret the Constitution. As an extension of this research program, he focuses on the presidency and the judiciary as rhetorical institutions and the presidential rhetoric of Jackson, Lincoln, and FDR.

At Baruch, he offers courses in Persuasion, Free Speech, Rhetorical Theory and Criticism, and Visual Rhetoric. He also directs the Department’s oral communication courses, including COM 1010, COM 2020, and COM 3021.


Ph.D., Communication, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign United States

M.A., Communication, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign United States

B.A., Rhetoric, English, Wabash College Crawfordsville United States

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2024COM3045Comm Law & Free Speech
Fall 2024PHI3045Comm Law and Free Speech
Summer 2024COM3045Comm Law & Free Speech
Summer 2024COM3045Comm Law & Free Speech
Summer 2024PHI3045Comm Law and Free Speech
Summer 2024PHI3045Comm Law and Free Speech
Spring 2024COM3045Comm Law & Free Speech
Spring 2024COM3045Comm Law & Free Speech
Spring 2024PHI3045Comm Law and Free Speech
Spring 2024PHI3045Comm Law and Free Speech
Fall 2023COM3045Comm Law & Free Speech
Fall 2023PHI3045Comm Law and Free Speech
Summer 2023COM3045Comm Law & Free Speech
Summer 2023PHI3045Comm Law and Free Speech
Spring 2023COM3045Comm Law & Free Spch
Spring 2023COM3045Comm Law & Free Spch
Spring 2023PHI3045Comm Law and Free Speech
Spring 2023PHI3045Comm Law and Free Speech
Fall 2022COM3045Comm Law & Free Spch
Fall 2022PHI3045Comm Law and Free Speech
Fall 2022COM3170Visual Rhetoric
Summer 2022COM3045Comm Law & Free Spch
Spring 2022COM3170HHonors: Visual Rhetoric
Spring 2022COM3170Visual Rhetoric
Fall 2021COM2020Introduction to Business Com
Fall 2021COM3045Comm Law & Free Spch
Fall 2021COM3045Comm Law & Free Spch
Fall 2021COM3045Comm Law & Free Spch
Spring 2021COM1010Speech Communication
Fall 2020PHI3045Comm Law and Free Speech
Fall 2020COM3070Persuasion
Fall 2020COM1010Speech Communication
Fall 2020COM1010Speech Communication
Fall 2020COM3045Comm Law & Free Spch
Spring 2020COM3070Persuasion
Spring 2020COM1010Speech Communication

Journal Articles

Bisbee, D. (2018). Driving the Three-Horse Team of Government: Kairos in FDR’s Judiciary Fireside Chat. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 21(3). 481-522.

Book Chapters

(2023). A Nation at the Edge of the Precipice: The Senate Debate over Henry Clay's 1850 Compromise Measure. Public Debate in the Civil War Era East Lansing, MI. Michigan State University Press. In Progress.


Bisbee, D. (2019, November 30). “Surviving Interbranch Conflict: From Bank Wars to Brett Kavanaugh,”. 105th National Communication Association Convention. Baltimore, MD: National Communication Association.

Bisbee, D. (2019, November 30). A Fearful Commotion which Threatens to Shake the Foundations of Our Union’: The Bank War, Constitutional Argument, and Conspiracy. 105th National Communication Association Convention. Baltimore, MD: National Communication Association.

Bisbee, D. (2019, February 28). Crisis, Kairos, and Constitutional Interpretation. American Society for the History of Rhetoric Conference. Austin, TX: American Society for the History of Rhetoric.

Bisbee, D. (2018, November 30). Forgetting the Forgotten War: The Advertising Council and the Korean Conflict, 1950-1953. 104th Annual National Communication Association Convention. Salt Lake City, UT: National Communication Association.

Bisbee, D. (2018, June 3). Towards a Definition of Constitutional Crisis". Rhetoric Society of America Conference. Minneapolis, MN: Rhetoric Society of America.

Bisbee, D. (2016, November 11). The Battleground of Citizenship: Citizens United, Corporate Personhood, and Rights. 102nd Annual National Communication Association Conference. Philadelphia, PA: National Communication Association.

Bisbee, D. (2016, May 27). The Viability of Precedent: Social Movement Discourse and Planned Parenthood v. Casey. Rhetoric Society of America Conference. Atlanta, GA: Rhetoric Society of America.

Bisbee, D. (2015, November 21). Interpreter in Chief: Andrew Jackson's Veto Message and Coordinate Constitutional Authority. 101st Annual National Communication Association Convention. Las Vegas, NV: National Communication Association.

Bisbee, D. (2015, November 19). Beyond the Pettiness of Politics: The Supreme Court and Strategies of Transcendence in Robes. 101st Annual National Communication Association Convention. Las Vegas, NV: National Communication Association.

Bisbee, D. (2014, November 30). Saddling the Four Horsemen: Kairos in FDR's Judiciary Fireside Chat. 100th Annual National Communication Association Convention. : National Communication Association.

Bisbee, D. (2014, May 31). Cross that Street into the Twenty-First Century: Political Cartoons and the Boy Scouts of America's Policies of Exclusion. Rhetoric Society of America Conference. San Antonio, TX: Rhetoric Society of America.

Bisbee, D. (2014, April 30). A 'Morally Straight" Future: Online Rhetorical Resistance to the Boy Scouts of America's Membership Policy. 84th Annual Southern States Communication Association Convention. New Orleans, LA: Southern States Communication Association.

Bisbee, D. (2013, November 30). 'Through a Glass Darkly': George W. Bush's Selective Vision of the Reagan Legacy. 99th Annual Communication Association Convention. Washington, D.C.: National Communication Association.


Bisbee, D. (2019,January 1). The Rhetorical Invention of Diversity: Supreme Court Opinions, Public Argument, and Affirmative Action. Quarterly Journal of Speech.

Bisbee, D. (2019,October 1). Andrew Jackson: A Rhetorical Portrayal of Presidential Leadership. Presidential Studies Quarterly.

Research Currently in Progess

Bisbee, D.(n.d.). A Fearful Commotion Which Threatens to Shake the Foundations of our Union: The Bank War, Interpretive Authority, and the Jacksonian Constitution. In Progress.

Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Ruth S. and Charles H. Bowman AwardDepartment of Communication, University of Illinois2019This award recognizes the outstanding overall graduate student in the Department based on research, teaching, and service
Jesse Delia AwardUniversity of Illinois Department of Communication2018This award recognizes the best scholarly article published by a graduate student
Nina Baym Dissertation FellowshipGraduate College, University of Illinois2018This fellowship recognizes the top nominee from the Humanities in the yearly competition.
Doctoral Honors SeminarNational Communication Association2017
Ruth Anne Clark AwardUniversity of Illinois Department of Communcation2017This award supports graduate student research
Stafford L. Thomas AwardUniversity of Illinois Department of Communication2015This award recognizes the outstanding graduate student in the department on the basis of their service
James L. Golden AwardNational Communication Association2014This award recognizes the best student essay submission in rhetoric by an M.A. student to the National Communication Association Convention.


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Major DeclarationCommittee MemberPresent
Search Committee: Full-Time Lecturer (3 Positions)Committee Member1/1/1970
Search Committee: Full-Time Lecturer (2 Positions)Committee Chair1/1/1970


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Public Address Division, National Communication AssociationReviewer, Conference Paper1/1/2014Present
Communication and Law DivisionReviewer, Conference Paper1/1/201512/31/2017