Elena Elena Branciforte

Assc Professor

Zicklin School of Business

Department: N. P. Loomba Dept of Mgt

Areas of expertise:

Email Address: elena.vidal@baruch.cuny.edu

> View CV


Ph.D., Business Administration (Strategy), Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business

M.S., Management, specialization in Finance, Universidad del Desarrollo Santiago Chile

Business Engineer, Business Administration and Economics, Universidad del Desarrollo Santiago Chile

BBA, Business Administration and Economics, Universidad del Desarrollo Santiago Chile

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2024MGT74301Strategic Management I
Summer 2024MGT9600Strategy and Competitive Adv
Spring 2024MGT9600Strategy and Competitive Adv
Spring 2024BPL5100Business Policy
Spring 2024MGT9690Seminar Strategic Mg
Spring 2024BUS89500Independent Study
Spring 2024BPL5100Business Policy
Fall 2023BUS89500Independent Study
Fall 2023BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2023BPL5100Business Policy
Spring 2023BPL5100Business Policy
Spring 2023MGT9690Seminar Strategic Mg
Spring 2023MGT74300Mgmt Planning & Control Systms
Spring 2023BUS89500Independent Study
Spring 2023BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2022BUS90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2022BPL5100Business Policy
Fall 2021MGT74301Strategic Management I
Fall 2021BUS89500Independent Study
Spring 2021BUS89500Independent Study
Spring 2021MGT9600Strategy and Competitive Adv
Spring 2021MGT9600Strategy and Competitive Adv
Fall 2020DCT90302Dissertation Research - Propos
Fall 2020MGT9600Strategy and Competitive Adv
Fall 2020BUS89500Independent Study
Fall 2019BUS89500Independent Study
Fall 2019MGT74300Mgmt Planning & Control Systms
Fall 2019BPL5100Business Policy
Spring 2019BPL5100Business Policy
Spring 2019BPL5100Business Policy
Spring 2019MGT74300Mgmt Planning & Control Systms
Fall 2018BPL5100Business Policy
Spring 2018BPL5100Business Policy
Spring 2018MGT74300Strategic Management
Spring 2018BPL5100Business Policy
Spring 2017BPL5100Business Policy
Spring 2017BPL5100Business Policy
Spring 2017BPL5100Business Policy
Spring 2016BPL5100Business Policy
Spring 2016BPL5100Business Policy
Spring 2015BPL5100Business Policy
Spring 2015BPL5100Business Policy
Fall 2014BPL5100Business Policy
Fall 2014BPL5100Business Policy
Spring 2014BPL5100Business Policy
Spring 2014BPL5100Business Policy
Fall 2013BPL5100Business Policy
Fall 2013BPL5100Business Policy

Journal Articles

(2024). Spring Cleaning: The Relationship Between Environmental Performance and Divestitures. Academy of Management Proceedings,

Branciforte, E. E., & Karim, S. (2024). Corporate Strategy and the Work of Eisenhardt - A Review. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal,

Vidal, E. (2020). Divestitures, Value Creation, and Corporate Scope. Strategic Management Review, Special Issue(Corporate Renewal).

Vidal, E., & Dutt, N. (2019). Small Changes, Big Growth: The Relationship between Divestitures and Knowledge Growth in the Global Pharmaceutical Industry. In Progress.

Vidal, E., & Mitchell, W. (2018). Virtuous or Vicious Cycles? The Role of Divestitures as a Complementary Penrose Effect within Resource-Based Theory. Strategic Management Journal, 39(1). 131-154.

Richman, B., Mitchell, W., Vidal, E., & Schulman, K. (2017). Pharmaceutical M&A Activity: Effects on Prices, Innovation, and Competition. Loyola University Chicago Law Journal, 48. 787-819.

Dutt, N., Hawn, O., Vidal, E., Chatterji, R., Mitchell, W., & McGahan, A. (2016). How Open System Intermediaries Address Institutional Failures: The Case of Business Incubators in Emerging-Market Countries. Academy of Management Journal, 59(3). p818-840.

Vidal, E., & Mitchell, W. (2015). Adding by Subtracting: The Relationship between Performance Feedback and Resource Reconfiguration through Divestitures. Organization Science, 26(4). 1101-1118.

Vidal, E., & Mitchell, W. (2013). When Do First Entrants Become First Survivors?. Long Range Planning , 46(4-5). 335-347.

Chakrabarti, A., Vidal, E., & Mitchell, W. (2011). Business Transformation in Heterogeneous Environments: The Impact of Market Development and Firm Strength on Growth and Retrenchment Reconfiguration. Global Strategy Journal, 1. 6-26.


Park, J., & Branciforte, E. E. (2025, December 13). Environmental Performance and Divestitures. Wharton Corporate Strategy and Innovation Conference. The Wharton School of Business

Park, J., & Branciforte, E. E. Spring Cleaning? The Relationship Between Environmental Performance and Divestitures. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Chicago: Academy of Management.

Branciforte, E. E. (2025, October 13). Adverse Events in Corporate Strategy. Strategic Management Society Annual Conference. Istanbul, Turkey: Strategic Management Society.

Angelidis, M., Aydinliyim, L. E., & Branciforte, E. (2025, October 13). Innovation Productivity Under Employee Mobility Shock. Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting 2023. Toronto, ON, CA: Strategic Management Society.

Vidal, E. (2019, December 31). Divestitures, Value Creation, and Corporate Scope. Strategic Management Review Corporate Renewal Conference. New York, NY: Strategic Management Review.

Montiel, I., Vidal, E., Balarezo, R., & Christmann, P. (2019, October 31). Why firms abandon third-party certifications? The quest to uncover an understudied phenomenon. Strategic Management Society Conference. Minneapolis, MN: Strategic Management Society.

Vidal, E., & Mitchell, W. (2018, December 31). Pruning for Growth: The Sequential Use of Divestitures and Acquisitions. Academy of Management Annual Conference. Chicago, IL

Vidal, E., & Lungeanu, R. (2018, December 31). Combining Modes of Reconfiguration: Antecedents and Consequences. Academy of Management Annual Conference. Chicago, IL

Mitchell, W., Arora, A., Asgari, N., Vidal, E., & Sen, F. (2018, December 31). Bio-Pharmaceutical Industry: Context or Phenomenon?. Academy of Management Annual Conference. Chicago, IL

Vidal, E., & Carnahan, S. (2018, December 31). Junior Faculty Development Workshop. Strategic Management Society Annual Conference. Paris, France: Strategic Management Society.

Ross, J., Lieberman, M., Seamans, R., Shaver, M., & Vidal, E. (2018, December 31). Staying in the Game: Creating Value through Obsolete Resources. Strategic Management Society Annual Conference. Paris, France: Strategic Management Society.

Vidal, E. (2017, December 31). . Strategic Management Society Special Conference. Costa Rica

Vidal, E. (2017, December 31). . Strategic Management Society Annual Conference. Houston, TX

Vidal, E. (2017, December 31). . Pennsylvania State University Invited Talk. State College, PA

Vidal, E., & Mitchell, W. (2017, December 31). The Role of Eliminating Resources in the Development of Dynamic Capabilities. Academy of Management Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA

Lungeanu, R., Vidal, E., & Kaul, A. (2017, December 31). Succession and Synchronicity in Corporate Modes of Reconfiguration. Academy of Management Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA

Vidal, E. (2016, December 31). . Strategic Management Society Annual Conference. Berlin, Germany

Vidal, E. (2016, December 31). . Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile Invited Seminar.

Dutt, N., Moeen, M., Vidal, E., & Karim, S. (2016, December 31). Reconfiguring Capabilities for Knowledge Development and Market Entry.. Academy of Management Annual Conference. Annaheim, CA

Vidal, E., & Mitchell, W. (2015, December 31). Out with the Old, In with the New: The Impact of Divestitures on Performance. Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting. Denver, CO: Strategic Management Society.

Vidal, E. (2015, January 8). Out with the Old, In with the New? The Impact of Divestitures on Firm Performance. Universidad del Desarrollo's School of Business and Economics Seminar. Santiago, Chile: Universidad del Desarrollo.

Williams, C., & Vidal, E. (2015, December 31). Specific Knowledge and Diseconomies of Scope in Diversified Firms. DRUID Conference. Rome, Italy

Dutt, N., & Vidal, E. (2015, December 31). Corporate Strategy and Product Search. Academy of Management. Vancouver, CA

Vidal, E., & Mitchell, W. (2015, December 31). Out with the Old, In with the New: The Relationship between Divestitures and Subsequent Performance. Academy of Management. Vancouver, CA

Williams, C., & Vidal, E. (2015, December 31). Specific Knowledge and Diseconomies of Scope in Diversified Firms. Academy of Management. Vancouver, CA

Vidal, E. (2014, December 31). Institutional Intermediation in Emerging Markets: Economics, Sociology, and Business Strategy. Academy of Management. Philadelphia, PA

Vidal, E. (2014, December 31). Insights from Organizational Capabilities. Academy of Management. Philadelphia, PA

Vidal, E., & Dutt, N. (2014, December 31). Firm Portfolio and Product Search. Academy of Management. Philadelphia, PA

Vidal, E. (2012, December 31). Adding by Subtracting: The Impact of Positive and Negative Performance Feedback on Firms' Divestiture Activity. Transatlantic Doctoral Conference. : London Business School.

Vidal, E. (2012, December 31). Adding by Subtracting: The Impact of Positive and Negative Performance Feedback on Firms Divestiture Activity. Academy of Management.

Vidal, E. (2012, December 31). Aspirations as a Driver of Organizational Change and Innovation. Academy of Management.

Vidal, E. (2012, December 31). Industry Location and Diseconomies of Scope in Multibusiness Firms. Strategic Management Society.

Vidal, E. (2011, December 31). Adding by Subtracting: The Impact of Positive and Negative Performance Feedback on Firms' Divestiture Activity. Competitiveness and Cooperation Colloquium (CCC) for Doctoral Student Research.

Vidal, E. (2011, December 31). Adding by Subtracting: The Impact of Positive and Negative Performance Feedback on Firms' Divestiture Activity. Informs Annual Meeting. Charlotte, NC

Vidal, E. (2011, December 31). Industry Location and Diseconomies of Scope in Multibusiness Firms.. Informs Annual Meeting. Charlotte, NC

Vidal, E. (2011, December 31). Adding by Subtracting: The Impact of Positive and Negative Performance Feedback on Firms' Divestiture Activity. Israel Strategy Conference.

Vidal, E. (2010, December 31). Business Incubators and Market-Oriented Socio-Economic Development in Emerging Market Economies. Strategic Management Society. Rome, Italy

Vidal, E. (2010, December 31). Business Incubators and Market-Oriented Socio-Economic Development in Emerging Markets. Transatlantic Doctoral Conference. : London Business School.

Vidal, E. (2010, December 31). . Academy of Management Doctoral Consortium, BPS Division. Montreal, Canada: Business Policy and Strategy Division.

Vidal, E. (2010, December 31). . Satter Conference of Social Entrepreneurship. : NYU.

Vidal, E., Rockart , S., & Gary , S. (2009, December 31). Decision Rules and Organizational Dynamics. Strategic Management Society. Washington DC

Vidal, E. (2008, May 31). Doctoral Workshop: Succeeding in Emerging and Developing Markets: Understanding how Institutions Impact Firms and Managers. CIBER PhD Workshop 2008. : George Washington University.

Vidal, E. (2008, May 31). Doctoral Consortium on International Business Strategy. CIBER PhD Consortium 2008. : Fuqua School of Business, Duke University.

Vidal, E. (2008, December 31). Managing Organizational Learning and Change. Fondazioni IRI Summer School Program. Volterra, Italy

Research Currently in Progess

Vidal, E., Dutt, N., & Angelidis, M.(n.d.). Adding Stays the Same, Subtracting Changes the Game: Resource Reconfiguration and Product Portfolio Change. In Progress.

This paper investigates how firms use resource reconfiguration - particularly acquisitions and divestitures - as a means to reconfigure their search for new products. In preparation for submission.

Dutt, N., Hawn, O., Vidal, E., Distelhorst, G., McGahan, A., & Mitchell, W.(n.d.). Business Incubators and Voids in Market-Based Institutions: The Role of Open System Intermediaries. In Progress.

This paper examines business incubators in emerging markets as a form of intermediary that addresses voids in market-based institutions. Incubators are a type of open system intermediary (OSI), an institution with the ability to facilitate entrepreneurship for a wide range of actors.

Williams, C., & Vidal, E.(n.d.). Knowledge Conflicts: Industry Location and Diseconomies of Scope in Multibusiness Firms. In Progress.

This paper explores how co-location of industries impact multibusiness firms’ decisions to exit secondary industries. We argue that it is challenging for firms to manage two businesses that involve highly-specialized knowledge, as it is expensive to monitor, understand and react in a timely fashion in both lines of business. We predict that diversified firms are likely to exit a secondary line of business when they become less co-located.

Vidal, E., & Stettner, U.(n.d.). Make, Buy, Borrow, or Sell: The Interplay of Reconfiguration Modes. In Progress.

In this paper, we seek to understand how internal development (make), acquisitions (buy), alliances (borrow), and divestitures (sell) are used within firms to reconfigure resources. We extend the literature on resource reconfiguration by looking at how the different modes of reconfiguration are used in combination with each other, rather than treating them as independent modes.

Vidal, E.(n.d.). Parent or Child? The Impact of Corporate and Unit Changes in Performance on Divestitures. In Progress.

Business divestitures usually have been studied as a response to poor parent or unit performance. However, it remains unclear how changes in performance of the parent or the unit would lead to different types of divestitures. This paper argues that the nature of the divestiture event will depend on both the parent and the unit changes in performance, as well as the levels of prior performance for both.

Vidal, E., Winkler, C., & Halbinger, M.(n.d.). Teach them how to fish? The role of incubators in the development and support of business capabilities. In Progress.

Montiel, I., Vidal, E., & Remy, (n.d.). Under What Conditions Industry Self-Regulation Impacts Performance? Exploring Decertification Related to Environmental Management Systems.. In Progress.

This paper seeks to address the conditions under which firms opt to not renew voluntary certifications, such as ISO or B corp. It relies on a mixed methods approach to disentangle the mechanisms, and will explore the performance consequences of this action.

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
Pruning to Grow &/or Growing to Prune: Understanding the Inter-related Use of Acquisitions & Divestitures in Reconfiguration StrategyPSC-CUNY 5007/01/201912/31/202204/15/20193490Completed
Make, Buy, Ally, or Sell: The Role of Divestitures on PerformancePSC-CUNY 4707/01/201606/30/201704/15/20163500Completed
Reconfiguration for Search: The Role of Corporate Strategy on SearchPSC-CUNY 4607/01/201506/30/201604/17/20153480Completed
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
BPS Outstanding Reviewer AwardAcademy of Management 2017 Annual Conference2017
Zicklin Business School Teaching Excellence Award2017
Cycle 47 PSC-CUNY Research AwardPSC-CUNY Research Award Program through NY State2016I received the award to conduct a research project on the role of corporate strategy and divestitures on performance.
Cycle 46 PSC-CUNY Research AwardPSC-CUNY Research Award Program through NY State2015I received the award to conduct a research project on the role of corporate strategy and divestitures on performance.
Presidente de la Republica de ChileScholar for Graduate Studies2007
Academic Scholarship for Undergraduate StudiesUniversidad del Desarrollo, Chile2005
Best Academic Performance of the Graduating Class of the Business and Economics programUniversidad del Desarrollo, Chile2005
Best Academic Performance for undergraduate program in Business and Economics2004
Academic Scholarship for Undergraduate StudiesUniversidad del Desarrollo, Chile2003
Academic Scholarship for Undergraduate StudiesUniversidad del Desarrollo, Chile2002
Best Academic Performance for undergraduate program in Business and Economics2002
Best Academic Performance for undergraduate program in Business and Economics2001
National Award in Chile for performance on math skills of the National Aptitudes Test 2001
Universidad del Desarrollo Scholarship for Undergraduate StudiesUniversidad del Desarrollo2001


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Management PhD ProgramCoordinatorPresent
Zicklin Continuous Improvement CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Smartpitch CompetitionFaculty MentorPresent
Graduate Curriculum CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Zicklin Undergraduate Curriculum CommitteeAlternate Department RepPresent
Executive CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Doctoral Program Comprehensive Exam ReviewerPresent
Equity Advocate for Faculty and Lecturer SearchesPresent
Search for Assistant Professor in Strategic ManagementCommittee Member12/31/2018
BPL 5100 Syllabus StandardizationCommittee Member12/31/2018
PHD Project - Baruch Research SymposiumFaculty Reviewer12/31/2018
Creative Inquiry DayJudge Representing Zicklin School of Business12/31/2017
Annual Majors and Minors FairFaculty Advisor12/31/2017
Management Department Faculty Secretary8/27/2017
Delta Research Seminar SeriesOrganizer7/31/2017


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Katerina Gonzalez Dissertation CommitteeCommittee Member1/1/2016Present
Katerina Gonzalez Dissertation CommitteeCommittee Member1/1/201712/31/2019
Brittany Mercado Dissertation CommitteeCommittee Member1/1/201512/31/2017
Brittany Mercado Dissertation CommitteeCommittee Member1/1/201512/31/2017


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Academy of Management DiscoveriesEditorial Review Board Member1/1/2020Present
Organization ScienceReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1/1/2014Present
Journal of ManagementReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1/1/2015Present
Journal of Management StudiesReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1/1/2016Present
International Journal of Management Reviews1/1/2016Present
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation ManagementReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1/1/2016Present
Executive Committee STR Division Academy of ManagementCommittee Member1/1/2019Present
Management ScienceReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1/1/2017Present
DRUID ConferenceReviewer, Conference Paper1/1/2017Present
Industrial and Corporate ChangeReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1/1/2018Present
Administrative Science QuarterlyReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1/1/2018Present
Research Committee STR Division Academy of ManagementCommittee Member1/1/2017Present
Research PolicyReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1/1/2014Present
Strategic Management SocietyReviewer, Conference Paper1/1/2014Present
Strategic Management JournalEditorial Review Board Member8/1/2013Present
Long Range PlanningReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1/1/2013Present
Strategic Management SocietyMember1/1/2009Present
Academy of ManagementMember6/1/2008Present
Academy of ManagementReviewer, Conference Paper2/1/2008Present
Academy of Management DiscoveriesEditorial Review Board Member1/1/2021PresentInternational
Academy of Management's Strategic Management DivisionWorkshop Organizer1/3/2021PresentInternational
Academy of Management Discoveries JournalEditorial Review Board Member1/1/2020PresentInternational
SMS Corporate Strategy Rep At LargeOfficer, Other Officer1/1/202212/31/2024International
Strategic Management SocietyTrack Organizer9/1/20216/30/2022International
Representative-At-Large Knowledge & Innovation IG Strategic Management SocietyOfficer, Other Officer1/1/20201/1/2022International
Strategic Management Society's Knowledge & Innovation Interest GroupOfficer, Other Officer1/1/201912/31/2021
Academy of Management's Strategic Management DivisionOfficer, Other Officer8/8/20198/10/2021International
Academy of Management's Strategic Management DivisionWorkshop Organizer3/1/20217/13/2021International
Academy of Management's Strategic Management DivisionProgram Organizer9/1/20191/15/2021International
Strategic Management Society's Competitive Strategy Interest GroupOfficer, Other Officer1/1/201712/31/2019
Representative-At-Large Competitive Strategy IG Strategic Management SocietyCommittee Member1/1/201712/31/2019
Business Ethics: A European ReviewReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer12/31/2017
Israel Science FoundationReviewer, Grant Proposal12/31/2017
Academy of Management Annual MeetingSession Chair8/31/2014