- Biography
- Teaching
- Research and Creative Activity
- Grants
- Honors and Awards
- Service
Ph.D., Modern European History, University of Chicago Chicago USA
M.A., Social Sciences, University of Chicago Chicago USA
B.A., Political Science and Women's Studies, New College of Florida Sarasota USA
Semester | Course Prefix | Course Number | Course Name |
Fall 2024 | HIS | 3009 | Top In Hist Of Glob |
Fall 2024 | HIS | 4900 | Capstone: Search His |
Fall 2024 | HIS | 3960 | Introduction to Digital Histor |
Spring 2024 | HIS | 1003H | Honors - Global History 1500 |
Spring 2024 | IDC | 1002H | Honors Chase Interdisciplinary |
Spring 2024 | HIS | 5000 | Independent Study History I |
Spring 2024 | HIS | 3950 | Special Topics in Global Histo |
Fall 2023 | HIS | 3960 | Introduction to Digital Histor |
Fall 2023 | HIS | 4900 | Capstone: Search His |
Fall 2023 | HIS | 4900 | Capstone: Search His |
Spring 2023 | HIS | 1003 | Global His Since1500 |
Spring 2023 | HIS | 1003 | Global His Since1500 |
Spring 2023 | HIS | 4900 | Capstone: Search His |
Fall 2022 | HIS | 4900 | Capstone: Search His |
Fall 2022 | HIS | 4900 | Capstone: Search His |
Fall 2022 | HIS | 3950 | Special Topics in Global Histo |
Spring 2022 | HIS | 1003 | Global His Since1500 |
Spring 2022 | HIS | 1003 | Global His Since1500 |
Fall 2021 | HIS | 3950 | Special Topics in Global Histo |
Fall 2021 | HIS | 1003 | Global His Since1500 |
Fall 2021 | HIS | 1003 | Global His Since1500 |
Spring 2021 | IDC | 4050H | Hon Feit Hum Sem I |
Spring 2019 | HIS | 1003 | Global His Since1500 |
Spring 2019 | HIS | 5000 | Independent Study History I |
Spring 2019 | HIS | 1003 | Global His Since1500 |
Spring 2019 | HIS | 1003 | Global His Since1500 |
Spring 2019 | HIS | 1003 | Global His Since1500 |
Fall 2018 | IDC | 1001H | Honors-The Arts in New York |
Fall 2018 | HIS | 5001 | Independent Study History II |
Fall 2018 | HIS | 1003 | Global His Since1500 |
Fall 2018 | HIS | 1003 | Global His Since1500 |
Spring 2018 | HIS | 1003 | Global His Since1500 |
Spring 2018 | HIS | 1003 | Global His Since1500 |
Spring 2018 | HIS | 5000 | Independent Study History I |
Fall 2017 | IDC | 1001H | Honors-The Arts in New York |
Fall 2017 | HIS | 1003 | Global His Since1500 |
Fall 2017 | HIS | 3110 | Food History |
Fall 2017 | HIS | 1003 | Global His Since1500 |
Spring 2017 | HIS | 1003 | Global His Since1500 |
Spring 2017 | HIS | 1003 | Global His Since1500 |
Spring 2017 | HIS | 3230 | Modern Imperialism |
Fall 2016 | IDC | 1001H | Honors-The Arts in New York |
Fall 2016 | HIS | 1003 | Global His Since1500 |
Fall 2016 | HIS | 3360 | Topics in European History |
Summer 2016 | HIS | 5000 | Independent Study History I |
Spring 2016 | HIS | 4900 | Capstone: Search His |
Spring 2016 | IDC | 4050H | Hon Feit Hum Sem I |
Spring 2015 | HIS | 4900 | Capstone: Search His |
Spring 2015 | WSM | 4900 | Topics in Women's Studies |
Spring 2015 | HIS | 1003 | Global His Since1500 |
Spring 2015 | HIS | 1003 | Global His Since1500 |
Fall 2014 | HIS | 3460 | Topics in American History |
Fall 2014 | HIS | 1003 | Global His Since1500 |
Fall 2014 | IDC | 1001H | Honors-The Arts in New York |
Fall 2014 | PAF | 9199 | Selected Topics In PAF |
Fall 2013 | HIS | 3860 | Top:Afr,Asia,Lat Am |
Fall 2013 | LTS | 3085 | Topics-Hispanic/Latino Studies |
Fall 2013 | HIS | 1003 | Global His Since1500 |
Fall 2013 | BLS | 3085 | Special Topics Bls |
Heath, E. (2014). Wine, Sugar, and the Making of Modern France: Global Economic Crisis and the Racialization of French Citizenship, 1870-1910. Cambridge, United Kingdom, Cambridge University Press.
Journal Articles
Heath, E. (2022). Marx, Frankenchickens, and the Logic of Capitalism: Rethinking Spellbound Histories in a Time of Crises. History of the Present, 12(2). 271-282.
(2022). If Objects Could Speak: Tales of Race and Empire at Renoir’s Luncheon of the Boating Party. H-France Salon Special Issue on Rethinking Race and Representation in Art History and Material Culture of the Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Francosphere. , 14(8).
Heath, E. (2020). The Meaning of Freedom: Slave Self-Purchase and the Making of Free Labour in Martinique. French History, 34(3). 342-359.
Heath, E. (2019). "The Black Race's Dreyfus Affair": Hégésippe Jean Légitimus and the Dissimilation of Colonial Guadeloupe. French Historical Studies, 42(3). 261-294.
Heath, E. (2018). Sugarcoated Slavery: Colonial Commodities and the Education of the Senses in Early Modern France. Critical Historical Studies, 5(2). 169-207.
Heath, E. (2018). Shoot Out in the O.K. Corral: Revisiting the Méline Tariff in an Age of Global Trade War. Europe Now , ( 20).
Heath, E., & White, O. (2018). L'empire français: Histoire de la vie économique. Revue Juridique Politique et Économique de Nouvelle-Calédonie , 30(1). 201-216.
Heath, E. (2017). The Color of French Wine: Southern Wine Producers Respond to Competition from the Algerian Wine Industry in the Early Third Republic. French Politics, Culture, and Society, 35(2). 89-110.
Heath, E., & White, O. (2017). The French Empire and the History of Economic Life. Introduction for Dossier on Wine, Economy, and Empire. French Politics, Culture, and Society, 35(2). 76-88.
Heath, E. (2015). Albums of Empire: Photography, Collective Memory, and the British Raj. Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts, 27. 74-103.
Heath, E. (2014). Child's Play? Colonial Commodities, Ephemera, and the Construction of the Greater French Family. CLIO. Femmes, Genres, Historie. Objets et fabrication du genre, 40/2 English Edition. 69-87.
Heath, E. (2014). Apprendre l'Empire, un jeu d'enfants? (premier XXe siècle). CLIO. Femmes, Genres, Histories. Objets et fabrication du genre, 40/2. 69-87.
Heath, E. (2011). Creating Rural Citizens in Guadeloupe in the Early Third Republic. Slavery & Abolition, 32(2). 289-307.
Heath, E. A., & Landweber, J. Sea of Numbers: The Perils of Trusting Eighteenth-Century French Caribbean Censuses. French History (Special issue on Dirty Data), In Progress.
Book Chapters
(2024). Wine and Spaces of Consumption. A Cultural History of Wine in the Age of Empire
Heath, E. A. (2022). Apprendre l’Empire, un jeu d’enfants? (Premier XXe siècle). In Thomas, D., Bancel, N., Blanchard, P., & Lemaire, S. (Eds.), Histoire globale de la France coloniale Paris. Éditions Philippe Rey.
Heath, E. (2020). Toys. In Achille, E., Forsdick, C., & Moudileno, L. (Eds.), Postcolonial Realms of Memory: Sites and Symbols in Modern France (pp. 394-402). Liverpool. Liverpool University Press.
Heath, E. (2015). Citizens of Empire? Indentured Labor, Global Capitalism, and the Limits of Republicanism in Colonial Guadeloupe. In Donoghue, J., & Jennings, E. (Eds.), Building the Atlantic Empires: Unfree Labor, the State, and the Rise of Global Capitalism, 1500-1945 (pp. 160-179). Leiden,The Netherlands. Brill Publishers.
Heath, E. A. Visualizing Colonial Dispossession: Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Imperial Impressionism and the Art of Empire. In Burns, E., & Price, A. M. (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Art and Empire: Imperialism and Aesthetic Practices, 1800-1950
Economies. The Cambridge Companion to the French Empire In Progress.
Heath, E. A. (2025, January 13). Economic Refugee: France, the United Nations, and a Troubled Concept. American Historical Association Annual Meeting. New York, NY: American Historical Association. In Progress.
Heath, E. A. (2025, September 13). Visualizing Dispossession: Renoir and the Art of Imperial Impressionism. Workshopping Future Directions in Impressionism. London, UK and online
Heath, E. A. Dressed in Blue Painted Handkerchiefs with Tiny Flowers: Slavery, Interstitial Spaces, and the Development of the French Cotton Industry. Society for French Historical Studies Annual Meeting. Hampstead, New York: Society for French Historical Studies.
Heath, E. A. (2025, May 13). An Intimacy Based on Invisibility: Food and Drink Ritual in Colonial Algeria. French Colonial Historical Society Annual Meeting. Charlottesville, VA: French Colonial Historical Society.
Heath, E. A. (2025, November 13). Future Imaginaries: Cocoa, Bean-Counters, and the End of Empire. Western Society for French History Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA: Western Society for French History.
Heath, E. A. (2025, March 13). Bridging the Economic, Social, and Cultural (with a little help from Emma Bovary): Food and the Study of the French Colonial Empire. From Text to Table: Borders and Boundaries in Food History. Online: UC-Santa Barbara.
Heath, E. A. (2025, November 13). Vanishing Points: Dispossession, Poverty, and the Unmaking of the Algerian Working Class. Western Society for French History Annual Meeting. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada: Western Society for French History.
Heath, E. A. (2025, November 13). Visualizing the Data of the Eighteenth-Century French Caribbean. Western Society for French History Annual Meeting. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada: Western Society for French History.
Heath, E. (2021, May 31). Imaging a Post-Imperial Future: Cocoa, Migration, and the Cultivation of the Post-War Order in French West Africa. Imperial Foodways: Culinary Economies and Provisioning Politics. Santa Barbara (via Zoom): University of California, Santa Barbara.
N/A, E., & Landweber, J. (2021, March 31). Visualizing the Data of the Eighteenth-Century French Caribbean. Society for French Historical Studies. Virtual Meeting
Heath, E. (2020, February 28). Guinée Cloth, Wage Slavery, and Colonial Commodities. New Political Economies of the French Empire, 19th-20th Centuries. New York City, NY: Columbia University.
Heath, E. (2025, October 13). Dressed in Gingham and Flowered Handkerchiefs, or Writing a Global History of French Caribbean Slave Clothing. History Workshop, University of Delaware. Newark, DE: History Department, University of Delaware.
Heath, E., & Landweber, J. (2019, December 31). Visualizing the Data of the Eighteenth-Century French Caribbean. New York Area French History Group.
Heath, E. (2019, October 31). Comment for Rethinking Rural France in the Nineteenth Century Panel. Western Society for French History. Bozeman, MT
Heath, E., & Landweber, J. (2019, October 31). Visualizing the Data of the Eighteenth-Century French Caribbean. Western Society for French HIstory. Bozeman, MT
Heath, E. (2018, March 31). Visualizing Erasure: Sugar, Slavery, and the Rise of Atlantic Capitalism. Weissman Global Seminar. : Baruch College.
Heath, E. (2018, March 31). Comment for Slavery and Economic Life in the French Atlantic World Panel. Society for French Historical Studies. Pittsburg
Heath, E. (2018, March 31). Using GIS for Historical Mapping Projects. GIS in the Humanities Seminar. : Montclair State University.
Heath, E. (2025, November 13). Rethinking the Cotton Revolution In Saint-Domingue. Western Society for French History Annual Meeting. Portland, ME: Western Society for French History.
Heath, E. (2018, November 30). Comment for Hide and Seek: Uncovering the Politics of Playtime Panel. Western Society for French History Annual Meeting. Portland, ME: Western Society for French History.
Heath, E. (2017, April 30). Between the Swastika and the Sickle: Reforming Rural Life in la Plus Grande France in an Age of New Global Empire. Society for French Historical Studies Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.: Society for French Historical Studies.
Heath, E. (2017, November 30). Sugarcoated Fantasies: Colonial Commodities and the Education of the Senses in Early Modern France. New York Area French History Group.
Heath, E. (2017, June 30). Indigo, Coffee, and Sugar: Visualizing Race Making in Colonial Saint Domingue through Shifting Commodity Frontiers. Spatial Structures in the Social Sciences GIS Institute. Providence, RI
Heath, E. (2017, May 31). Proximate Distance: Seeing Sugar and Slavery in Eighteenth Century France. Providence, RI: John Carter Brown Library.
Heath, E. (2016, February 28). Producing Empire, Consuming Empire: Colonial Commodities and Everyday Life in Modern France. NYU Institute of French Studies. New York: New York University.
Heath, E. (2016, April 30). Standardizing French Wine in an Age of Global Competition. Business History Conference Annual Meeting. Portland, OR: Business History Conference.
Heath, E. (2016, November 30). Visualizing Colonial Trade and Commodities in Early Modern Paris. Western Society for French History Annual Meeting. Cedar Rapids, IA
Heath, E. (2016, May 31). Andrew Alf Heggoy Prize Panel: A Conversation about Elizabeth Heath's Wine, Sugar, and the Making of Modern France. French Colonial Historical Studies Annual Meeting. Ottawa, Canada: French Colonial Historical Studies.
Heath, E. (2015, December 31). From Wine and Sugar to Cultural Commodities. Seminar on European Imperialism. Beersheba, Israel: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
Heath, E. (2015, August 31). Crafting Cultural Commodities in a Global Age: Market Regulation, Empire, and the Struggle to Defend “French” Wine in the Early Twentieth Century. History of Capitalism Workshop. : University of Georgia.
Heath, E. (2015, April 30). The Path That Led Me to Hybridization. Eighteenth Annual Teaching and Technology Conference. : Baruch College.
Heath, E. (2015, March 31). Cooking with the Colonies: Domestic Science, Empire, and the Making of the Modern French Home. Nineteenth Century Studies Association. Boston, MA
Heath, E. (2014, November 30). Turkey Talk: A History of Thanksgiving's Iconic Meal. History Club at Baruch College.
Heath, E. (2013, October 31). Whiteness Redefined: Descriptions of Sugar and the Production of Race in Saint-Domingue in the Eighteenth Century. Western Society for French History Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA: Western Society for French History.
Heath, E. (2013, April 30). The Color of French Wine: Metropolitan Wine Producers Respond to Competition from Algerian Viticulture. Society for French Historical Studies Annual Meeting. Boston, MA: Society for French Historical Studies.
Heath, E. (2013, March 31). The Celery Plate: Using Material Objects as Historical Sources. Wolfsonian-FIU Graduate Student Workshop on Visual and Material Culture. Miami Beach, FL: Wolfsonian Museum-Florida International University.
Heath, E. (2013, February 28). French Identity in the Interwar: How We Can Use Film and Fairs As Sources. European Studies Capstone Seminar. Miami, FL: Florida International University.
Heath, E. (2013, January 31). Bittersweet: Sugar Policy in France during the Great Depression of the Late Nineteenth Century. American Historical Association Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA: American Historical Association.
Heath, E. (2011, February 28). Negotiating Frenchness: The Méline Tariff in Guadeloupe and Martinique. Society for French Historical Studies Annual Meeting. Charleston, SC: Society for French Historical Studies.
Heath, E. (2011, June 30). Beet vs. Cane: Writing a Global History of a Sugar Island's Decline. Feeding and Clothing the World: Cash Crops and Global History. Washington D.C.: German Historical Institute.
Heath, E. (2011, November 30). Reclaiming French Roots in the Aftermath of the Midi Strikes of 1907. Western Society for French History Annual Meeting. Portland, OR: Western Society for French History.
Heath, E. (2010, November 30). ''The Best School for Our Antillean Population": The Struggle for Military Service in Colonial Guadeloupe, 1880-1914. Social Sciences History Association Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL: Social Sciences History Association.
Heath, E. (2010, June 30). The Doubled Nature of French Assimilation. Unfree Labor and the Atlantic Empires Conference. Chicago, IL: Loyola University-Chicago.
Heath, E. (2010, April 30). Forget the Siamese Cats: Lady and the Tramp and the Articulation of a New World Order. Peculiar Institutions. Chicago, IL: Society of Fellows, University of Chicago.
Heath, E. (2009, April 30). Defining Colonial Citizenship in Guadeloupe. Worldmaking. Chicago, IL: Society of Fellows, University of Chicago.
Heath, E. (2009, March 31). Agricultural Education and the Creation of Skilled Farmers in the Aude. Society for French Historical Studies Annual Meeting. St. Louis, MO: Society for French Historical Studies.
Heath, E. (2008, September 30). Citizenship, Labor, and Assimilation in Colonial Guadeloupe. Commodities of Empire Workshop. London, United Kingdom: British Academy.
Heath, E. (2008, April 30). Contested Commemorations: Celebrating Victor Schoelcher in Guadeloupe during the early Third Republic. Society for French Historical Studies Annual Meeting. New Brunswick, NJ: Society for French Historical Studies.
Heath, E. (2007, October 31). Rethinking the Countryside in fin-de-siècle France. Seminar in Rural History. Chicago, IL: Newberry Library.
Heath, E., & Austen, R. (2007, May 31). Imperial Nations or Separate Spheres? The Significance of Colonialism in British and French Domestic History. Empires and their Contested Pasts: 28th Irish Conference of Historians. Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK: Queen's University.
Heath, E. (2007, January 31). Union Member and Citizen. American Historical Association Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA: American Historical Association.
Heath, E. (2006, November 30). Memory, Slavery, and Citizenship in Guadeloupe. Southern Historical Association Annual Meeting. Birmingham, AL: Latin American and Caribbean Section of the Southern Historical Association.
Heath, E. A. (1970,January 1). Review of Coconut: A Global History by Mary Newman and Constance L. Kirker. H-Environment.
Heath, E. A. (2025,November 13). Review of The Starving Empire: A History of Famine in France’s Colonies by Yan Slobodkin. Journal of Vietnamese History.
Heath, E. A. (2025,May 13). Review of A Velvet Empire: French Informal Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century by David Todd. Histoire sociale/Social History.
Heath, E. (2025,January 13). Review of Alternative Agriculture in Europe (sixteenth-twentieth centuries), edited by Gérard Béaur. H-France.
Heath, E. (2021,June 1). Review of Maroon Nation: A History of Revolutionary Haiti by Johnhenry Gonzalez. American Historical Review.
Heath, E. (2020,June 1). Review of The Sober Revolution: Appellation Wine and the Transformation of France by Joseph Bohling. Journal of Modern History.
Heath, E. (2019,June 1). Review of Paradise Destroyed: Catastrophe and Citizenship in the French Caribbean by Christopher Church. New West Indian Guide/Nieuwe West-Indische Gids.
Heath, E. (2018,April 1). Review of Why Europe Conquered the World by Philip Hoffman. H-France Review.
Heath, E. (2018,October 1). Review of To Be Free and French: Citizenship in France’s Atlantic Empire by Lorelle Semley. American Historical Review.
Heath, E. (2018,June 1). Review of Seeking Imperialism’s Embrace: National Identity, Decolonization, and Assimilation in the French Caribbean by Kristen Stromberg Childers. Journal of Modern History.
Heath, E. (2017,December 1). Review of L’Autre citoyen. L’idéal républicain et les Antilles après l’esclavage by Silyane Larcher . Journal of Modern History.
Heath, E. (2017,July 1). Review of Vital Minimum: Need, Science, and Politics in Modern France by Dana Simmons. Canadian Journal of History/Annales Canadiennes d'Histoire.
Heath, E. (2016,September 1). Review of Colonial Food in Interwar Paris: The Taste of Empire by Lauren Janes. Global Food History.
Heath, E. A. (1970,January 1). Review of The Mistral: A Windswept History of Modern France by Catherine Dunlop. International Journal of Maritime History. In Progress.
Research Currently in Progess
Heath, E.(n.d.). Book-Length Manuscript: Invisible Empires: Capitalism, Colonialism, and the Making of the Modern French Self, 1750-1950. In Progress.
A book-length project that reassesses the role that French imperialism played in the economic development of modern France and its particular approach to industrial capitalism.
Heath, E.(n.d.). Digital Project: Visualizing Colonial France in the Eighteenth Century. In Progress.
“Visualizing Colonial France,” draws upon detailed research in the commercial and notarial records, business correspondence, and family papers housed in archives of the economic centers of 18th century France in order to map points of colonial contact. When complete, this project will create a digital map that will reveal multiple layers of colonial connections and a novel understanding of how colonial connections shaped the political and economic transformations of Paris and France in the eighteenth century
Heath, E., & Landweber, J.(n.d.). Digital Project: Visualizing the Data of the Eighteenth-Century French Caribbean. In Progress.
This project will transform seventeenth and eighteenth-century census data from the French Caribbean into digital datasets that can be used with georeferenced historical maps for GIS mapping projects. When complete, datasets and georeferenced maps will be made available to the wider scholarly community as an open access resource. The completed project will become an invaluable resource for historians of the French Empire, the Caribbean, and the Atlantic World as well as historical geographers, demographers, economists, and sociologists. In addition, the datasets and maps will offer a unique teaching tool that will allow students, especially undergraduates, to engage in primary research and hone their skills in the digital humanities.
Title | Funding Agency Sponsor | Start Date | End Date | Awarded Date | Total Funding | Status |
Everyday Colonialism, Everyday Capitalism: Commodities of Empire and the Making of the Modern French Self, 1750-1970 | PSC-CUNY 51 | 07/01/2020 | 12/31/2022 | 04/17/2020 | 6000 | Completed |
Everyday Colonialism, Everyday Capitalism: Commodities of Empire and the Making of the Modern French | PSC-CUNY 50 | 07/01/2019 | 12/31/2022 | 04/13/2019 | 6000 | Completed |
Everyday Colonialism: Commodities of Empire and the Making of Modern France | PSC-CUNY 48 | 07/01/2017 | 06/30/2018 | 04/14/2017 | 3500 | Completed |
Everyday Colonialism: Commodities of Empire and the Making of Modern France | PSC-CUNY 47 | 07/01/2016 | 06/30/2017 | 04/15/2016 | 3500 | Completed |
Everyday Colonialism: Commodities of Empire and the Making of Modern France | PSC-CUNY 46 | 07/01/2015 | 06/30/2016 | 04/17/2015 | 3500 | Completed |
Everyday Colonialism: Commodities of Empire and the Making of Modern France | PSC-CUNY 45 | 07/01/2014 | 06/30/2015 | 04/15/2014 | 5986 | Completed |
Everyday Colonialism, Everyday Capitalism: Commodities of Empire and the Making of the Modern French Self, 1750-1970 | PSC-CUNY 54 | 07/01/2023 | 06/30/2024 | 04/18/2023 | 6000 | Funded - In Progress |
Everyday Colonialism, Everyday Capitalism: Commodities of Empire and the Making of the Modern French Self, 1750-1970 | PSC CUNY 53 | 07/01/2022 | 12/31/2023 | 04/15/2022 | 6000 | Funded - In Progress |
Honor / Award | Organization Sponsor | Date Received | Description |
Distinguished Faculty Award | Advanced Research Collaborative, The Grad Center-CUNY | 2021 | |
Nominee, Outstanding Honors Teaching Award | Baruch College Honors Program | 2017 | |
Notable Contribution, Second Annual Maker Hub Faculty Assignment Design Challenge | Baruch College Maker Hub | 2017 | |
Alf Andrew Heggoy Prize for best book in French colonial history from 1848 to the present for the year | French Colonial Historical Society | 2015 | |
Nominee, Quantrell Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching | University of Chicago | 2010 | |
Von Holst Prize Lectureship | Department of History, University of Chicago | 2004 |
Committee Name | Position Role | Start Date | End Date |
Honors Program Admissions Committee | Committee Member | Present | |
Brightspace Transition Team, Weissman Representative | Committee Member | Present | |
Career Success Fellow | Fellow | Present | |
Curriculum Committee | Committee Chair | Present | |
Weissman Mentor Pod Co-Mentor | Co-Mentor | Present | |
Executive Committee, Department of History, Baruch College-CUNY | Committee Member | Present | |
Second Reader, Noah Bloomberg, Thesis | Second Reader | 12/31/2020 | |
Curriculum Committee, Department of History, Baruch College-CUNY | Committee Member | 9/30/2020 | |
Weissman School of Arts and Sciences Representative to the Marxe School of Public and International Affairs | Committee Member | 7/31/2020 | |
Curriculum Committee, Department of History, Baruch College-CUNY | Committee Member | 12/31/2019 | |
Executive Committee, Department of History, Baruch College-CUNY | Committee Member | 12/31/2019 | |
Third Reader, Jennifer Michaels Honors Thesis | 12/31/2018 | ||
Early U.S. History Search Committee, Baruch College-CUNY | Committee Chair | 12/31/2018 | |
Honors Program Admissions Committee | Committee Member | 2/28/2018 | |
VoiceThread Pilot Program, Baruch College | Attendee, Meeting | 12/31/2017 | |
Third Reader, Monika Jankowski Honor Thesis | 12/31/2016 | ||
Committee on the Library | Committee Member | 12/31/2016 | |
Committee on Educational Technology | Committee Member | 12/31/2016 | |
Strategic Planning Committee, Department of History, Baruch College-CUNY | Committee Member | 4/30/2015 | |
Latin American History Search Committee, Department of History, Baruch College-CUNY | Committee Member | 1/31/2014 |
Committee Name | Position Role | Start Date | End Date |
PSC-CUNY Grant Reviewer (History) | Committee Member | 1/24/2022 | Present |
Doctoral Dissertation Committee, Sophie Tunney (The Lost and Forgotten Plants of France: French Botanical Networks in Provincial and Colonial France, 1760-1825) | Committee Member | 3/1/2022 | 5/16/2022 |
Teach@CUNY Summer Institute | Faculty Speaker | 8/31/2018 | |
PSC-CUNY Grant Proposal Review | Committee Member | 1/31/2018 | |
Doctoral Dissertation Committee (Lauren Saxton, Before Addiction: The Medical History of Alcoholism in Nineteenth-Century France) | Committee Member | 10/1/2014 | 3/31/2015 |
Organization | Position Role | Organization State | Organization Country | Start Date | End Date | Audience |
H-France, Assistant Editor, H-France Review/Forum | H-France Review/H-France Forum Search Engine Maintenance | 1/1/2016 | Present | |||
French Historical Studies | Reviewer, Journal Article | 1/15/2024 | Present | International | ||
French Historical Studies | Editorial Review Board Member | 5/1/2023 | Present | International | ||
Society for French Historical Studies, Local Arrangements Committee for Annual Conference | Committee Member | 11/1/2023 | Present | International | ||
French Colonial Historical Society, Book Prize Committee | Committee Member | 6/1/2023 | Present | International | ||
French Historical Studies | Editorial Review Board Member | 3/1/2024 | Present | International | ||
French Colonial Historical Society, Book Prize Committee | Committee Chair | 8/1/2020 | 6/15/2023 | International | ||
Cornell University Press | Reviewer, Book | 12/1/2022 | 12/31/2022 | International | ||
French Historical Studies | Reviewer, Journal Article | 8/1/2022 | 8/31/2022 | International | ||
French Colonial Historical Society, Book Prize Committee | Committee Member | 1/1/2020 | 7/31/2020 | |||
Harvard University Press | Reviewer, Book | 8/31/2019 | ||||
Annual Meeting Travel Grants Committee, American Historical Association | Committee Member | 1/1/2017 | 1/31/2019 | |||
Cornell University Press | Reviewer, Book | 8/31/2018 | ||||
Bloomsbury Press, Reviewer, Textbook Proposal | 12/31/2017 | |||||
Social Science History | Reviewer, Journal Article | 12/31/2016 | ||||
Routledge Press, Jeremy Popkin's A History of Modern France | Reviewer, Textbook | 12/31/2016 | ||||
Raymond J. Cunningham Prize Committee, American Historical Association | Committee Member | 12/31/2016 | ||||
Bloomsbury Press | Reviewer, Book | 12/31/2015 | ||||
Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research | Reviewer, Grant Proposal | 12/31/2015 | ||||
Consultant | Florida | 1/1/2012 | 12/31/2014 | |||
Global Food History Journal | Reviewer, Journal Article | 12/31/2014 | ||||
Bloomsbury Press, Reviewer, Book Proposal | 12/31/2014 | |||||
Miami-Florida European Union Center for Excellence Research Award and Faculty Curriculum Development Grants, Florida International Development | Reviewer, Grant Proposal | 12/31/2013 | ||||
Modern African History Search Committee, Department of History, Florida International University | Committee Member | 1/1/2012 | 12/31/2013 | |||
Undergraduate Committee, Department of History, Florida International University | Committee Member | 1/1/2012 | 12/31/2013 | |||
McGraw-Hill Publishers, Hunt et al., eds. The Making of the West | Reviewer, Textbook | 12/31/2013 | ||||
Junior Fellows Liaison, Search Committee for University of Chicago Harper-Schmidt Postdoctoral Fellows, University of Chicago | 1/1/2008 | 12/31/2011 | ||||
Dissertation Colloquy, Department of History, University of Chicago, Student Coordinator | 1/1/2006 | 12/31/2007 | ||||
Chicago History and Human Rights Symposium, The University of Chicago | Workshop Organizer | 12/31/2007 | ||||
Modern European History Workshop, Department of History, University of Chicago, Student Coordinator | 1/1/2004 | 12/31/2006 | ||||
Europe in Motion, Europe at the Crossroads Conference, University of Chicago, Conference Co-Organizer | 1/1/2004 | 12/31/2005 | ||||
Department of History, University of Chicago, Organizer, Seminar Paper Mentor Program | 1/1/2002 | 12/31/2003 | ||||
Department of History, University of Chicago, Graduate Student Representative | 1/1/2002 | 12/31/2003 | ||||
Department of History, University of Chicago | Seminar Paper Mentor | 1/1/2001 | 12/31/2002 | Local |
Organization | Position Role | Organization State | Organization Country | Start Date | End Date | Audience |
Q & A: The Haitian Revolution, Social Sciences, Beacon High School | 1/31/2017 | |||||
Q & A: The Haitian Revolution, Social Sciences, Beacon High School | 1/31/2016 |