Emre A Veral


Zicklin School of Business

Department: N. P. Loomba Dept of Mgt

Areas of expertise: Healthcare Operations

Email Address: emre.veral@baruch.cuny.edu

> View CV


Ph.D., Industrial Mgmt., Clemson University

M.S., Industrial Mgmt., Clemson University

B.S., Industrial Engr., Univ. of Missouri

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2024OPM3000Service Operations Management
Fall 2024ZEP9622Opr Management and Analysis
Summer 2024OPM3000Service Operations Management
Spring 2024OPM3000Service Operations Management
Spring 2024OPM3000Service Operations Management
Fall 2023ZEP9622Opr Management and Analysis
Summer 2023OPM3000Service Operations Management
Spring 2023OPM3000Service Operations Management
Spring 2023OPM3000Service Operations Management
Fall 2022OPM9700Managing Business Operations
Fall 2022OPM3000Service Operations Management
Summer 2022OPM3000Service Operations Management
Spring 2022OPM3000Service Operations Management
Spring 2022OPM3000Service Operations Management
Fall 2021MGT9700Managing Business Operations
Fall 2021OPM3000Service Operations Management
Summer 2021MGT3121Service Operations Management
Spring 2021MGT3121Service Operations Management
Spring 2021MGT3121Service Operations Management
Fall 2020MGT3121Service Operations Management
Fall 2020MGT9700Managing Business Operations
Summer 2020MGT3121Service Operations Management
Spring 2020MGT3121Service Operations Management
Spring 2020IBS9791Spec Topics In Ib
Spring 2020MGT3121Service Operations Management
Fall 2019MGT3121Service Operations Management
Fall 2019MGT9700Managing Business Operations
Summer 2019MGT3121Service Operations Management
Spring 2019MGT3121Service Operations Management
Fall 2018MGT9700Managing Business Operations
Fall 2018MGT9700Managing Business Operations
Summer 2018MGT3121Service Operations Management
Summer 2018MGT3121Service Operations Management
Spring 2018MGT3121Service Operations Management
Spring 2018MGT3121Service Operations Management
Fall 2017MGT9700Managing Business Operations
Fall 2017MGT3121Service Operations Management
Summer 2017MGT3121Service Operations Management
Summer 2017MGT3121Service Operations Management
Spring 2017MGT9702Service Operations I
Spring 2017MGT3121Service Operations Management
Fall 2016MGT9700Managing Business Operations
Summer 2016MGT3121Service Operations Management
Summer 2016MGT9702Service Operations I
Spring 2016MGT9702Service Operations I
Spring 2016MGT3121Service Operations Management
Fall 2015MGT9702Service Operations I
Fall 2015MGT3121Service Operations Management
Fall 2015MGT9704Service Operations II
Summer 2015MGT3121Service Operations Management
Summer 2015MGT9702Service Operations I
Spring 2015MGT3121Service Operations Management
Spring 2015MGT9702Service Operations I
Fall 2014MGT3121Service Operations Management
Fall 2014MGT3121Service Operations Management
Summer 2014MGT9702Service Operations I
Summer 2014MGT3121Service Operations Management
Spring 2014MGT3121Service Operations Management
Summer 2013MGT3121Service Operations Management
Spring 2013MGT9702Service Operations I
Spring 2013MGT3121Service Operations Management
Fall 2012MGT9702Service Operations I
Summer 2012MGT3121Service Operations Management
Summer 2012MGT9704Service Operations II
Fall 2011MGT9702Service Operations I
Fall 2011MGT9700Managing Business Operations
Fall 2011MGT3710Introduction to Supply Chain Management
Summer 2011MGT3121Service Operations Management
Summer 2011MGT3121Service Operations Management
Fall 2010MGT9700Managing Business Operations
Fall 2010MGT3121Service Operations Management
Summer 2010MGT9700Managing Business Operations
Summer 2010MGT3121Service Operations Management
Spring 2010MGT3121Service Operations Management
Fall 2009MGT9700Managing Business Operations
Fall 2009MGT3121Service Operations Management
Fall 2008MGT9700Managing Business Operations
Fall 2008MGT9700Managing Business Operations
Summer 2008MGT3121Service Operations Management
Spring 2008MGT3121Service Operations Management
Fall 2007MGT9700Managing Business Operations
Fall 2007MGT9700Managing Business Operations
Fall 2006MGT3730Business Process Analysis
Fall 2006MGT9700Managing Business Operations
Spring 2006MGT3121Service Operations Management
Fall 2005MGT3121Service Operations Management
Fall 2005MGT9700Managing Business Operations
Spring 2005MGT9700Managing Business Operations
Spring 2005MGT3730Business Process Analysis
Fall 2004MGT9700Managing Business Operations
Fall 2004MGT3730Business Process Analysis
Spring 2004MGT9700Managing Business Operations
Spring 2004MGT3730Business Process Analysis
Fall 2003MGT9700Managing Business Operations
Fall 2003MGT3730Business Process Analysis
Fall 2003MGT3730Business Process Analysis
Spring 2003MGT9590Seminar In Management
Spring 2003MGT9700Managing Business Operations
Fall 2002MGT9700Managing Business Operations
Fall 2002MGT3121Service Operations Management
Summer 2002MGT3121Service Operations Management
Spring 2002MGT9700Managing Business Operations
Spring 2002MGT3121Service Operations Management
Fall 2001MGT9700Managing Business Operations
Fall 2001MGT9700Managing Business Operations
Summer 2001MGT3121Service Operations Management
Summer 2001MGT3121Service Operations Management


Srivastava, A., Veral, E. A., & Coleman, J. (1988). Introduction to Computer Applications in Management. (p. 141 pgs). Dubuque, Iowa, Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company.

Srivastava, A., & Veral, E. A. (1985). Introduction to Management Applications Software. (p. 162 pgs). Dubuque, Iowa, Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company.

Journal Articles

Millhiser, W., & Veral, E. A. (2019). A decision support system for real-time scheduling of multiple patient classes in outpatient services. Healthcare Management Science / Springer,

Yu, Z., William, R. B., Nicoleta, S., & Veral, E. A. (2016). A DATA-RICH AGENT-BASED DECISION SUPPORT MODEL FOR HOSPITAL CONSOLIDATION . Journal of Enterprise Transformation, 6(3-4). 136 - 161.

Millhiser, W., & Veral, E. A. (2015). Designing Appointment System Templates with Operational Performance Targets. IIE Transactions in Healthcare Systems Engineering, 5(3). 125-146.

Millhiser, W., Veral, E. A., & Valenti, B. (2012). Assessing appointment systems' operational performance with policy targets. IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, 2(4). 274-289.

Sethi, S., Lowry, D. B., Veral, E. A., Shapiro, J. H., & Emelianova, O. (2011). Freeport-McMoRan Cooper & Gold, Inc.: An Innovative Voluntary Code of Conduct to Protect Human Rights, Create Employment Opportunities, and Economic Development of the Indigenous People. Journal of Business Ethics, 103(1). 1-30.

Michalos, A. (Ed.). Veral, E. A. (2011). Mattel, Inc. Global Manufacturing Principles (GMP) – An Odyssey of Creation, Implementation and Abandonment of a company’s voluntary code of conduct. Journal of Business Ethics, 99(4). 483-517.

Cayirli, T., Veral, E. A., & Rosen, H. (2008). Assessment of patient classification in appointment system design. Production Operations Management, 17(3).

Veral, E. A. (2008). Integration of Macro and Micro-level Forecasting Methods: Applications in Durable Goods Industries. Journal of Forecasting, 1(4).

Bobb, L., & Veral, E. A. (2008). Open Issues and Future Directions in Revenue Management. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 7(3).

Cayirli, T., Veral, E. A., & Rosen, H. (2006). Designing Appointment Scheduling Systems for Ambulatory Care Services. Health Care Management Science, 1(9). 47-58.

Cayirli, T., & Veral, E. A. (2003). Appointment Scheduling in Outpatient Clinics: A review of Literature. Production and Operations Management, 12(4). 519-549.

Veral, E. A., & Rosen, H. (2001). Can a Focus on Costs Increase Costs?. Hospital Materiels Management Quarterly, 22(3). 28-35.

Veral, E. A. (2001). Computer simulation of due-date setting in multi-machine job shops. Computers and Industrial Engineering, (41). 77-94.

Veral, E. A., & Mohan, R. (1999). A Two-Phased Approach to Setting Due-Dates in Single-Machine Job Shops. Computers and Industrial Engineering, (36). 201-218.

Mohan, R., & Veral, E. A. (1997). Workload Variability in Multi-Stage Manufacturing. Production and Inventory Management Journal, 39(2). 22-28.

Veral, E. A. (1995). Using Production and Transfer Batches in Flowshops Under MRP Control. Journal of Operations Management, 12(2). 89-100.

Veral, E. A. (1990). MRP Strategies: Effects on Cash Flow. Journal of Operations Management, 8(4). 364-376.

Veral, E. A., & LaForge, R. L. (1990). The Integration of Cost and Capacity Considerations in MRP Systems. Decision Sciences, 21(3). 507-517.

Patterson, J. P., LaForge, R. L., & Veral, E. A. (1986). Comparison of Two Part Period Balancing Rules. Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management, 22(2). 30-36.

Veral, E. A., & LaForge, R. L. (1985). The Performance of a Simple Incremental Lot Sizing Rule in Multilevel Inventory Environment. Decision Sciences, 6(1). 57-72.

Book Chapters

Sethi, S., Lowry, D. B., Veral, E. A., Shapiro, J. H., & Emelianova, O. (2011). Freeport McMoRan Copper and Gold- Globalization and Self-Regulation. In Sethi, S. P. (Ed.), (p. 54). New York, NY,USA. Palgrave Macmillan.

Cleopas, C., Yeoman, I., McMahon-Beattie, U., & Veral, E. A. (2011). The Applications of Revenue Management and Pricing. In Yeoman, I., & Beattie, U. M. (Eds.), Palgrave.

Sethi, S., Veral, E. A., Shapiro, J. H., & Emelianova, O. (2011). Mattel Inc Global Manufacturing Principles- Globalization and Self-Regulation. In Sethi, S. P. (Ed.), (p. 52). New York, NY,USA. Palgrave Macmillan.

Media Contributions

Millhiser, W., Veral, E. A., & Valenti, B. C. (2013). Why do doctors fall behind schedule?, (1).


Trade publication article that summarizes recent research paper for practitioners.


Veral, E. A., & Millhiser, W. (2025, June 13). Appointment Scheduling: The Disconnect Between Theory and Practice. POMS International 2024. Istanbul, Turkey: Prod. Operations Mgt Soc..

Veral, E. A., & Millhiser, W. (2025, June 13). Appointment Scheduling: The Disconnect Between Theory and Practice. POMS International Conference, 2024. Istanbul, Turkey: POMS.

Veral, E. A., & Millhiser, W. (2025, November 13). Appointment Scheduling: The Disconnect Between Theory and Practice. 2024 DSI Annual Conference. Phoenix, Arizona: Decision Sciences Institute.

Veral, E. A., & Millhiser, W. (2025, November 13). Designing Appointment Systems with operational Policy Targets. Decision Sciences Annual Conference 2019. New Orleans: Decision Sciences Institute.

Millhiser, W., Veral, E. A., & Cayirli, T. (2019, October 22). Appointment Scheduling: The Disconnect Between Theory and Practice. INFORMS Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA: INFORMS.

Millhiser, W., Veral, E. A., & Valenti, B. (2016, March 29). Designing Ambulatory Care Appointment Templates for Managed and Fair Waiting: A Trilogy of Papers on Outpatient Scheduling. Lehigh University Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering Seminar Series. Bethlehem, PA: Lehigh University Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering.

Millhiser, W., & Veral, E. A. (2016, May 9). A Decision Support System for Appointment System Templates with Operational Performance Targets. POMS 27th Annual Conference 2016. Orlando, FL: POMS.

Veral, E. A., & Millhiser, W. (2016, December 13). A Decision Support Tool for Real-Time Appointment Scheduling in Ambulatory Care Services. Winter Simulation Conference 2016. Arlington, VA: INFORMS, POMS, IIE, and various other professional societies.

Veral, E. A., & Millhiser, W. (2015, May 30). Appointment System Design for Operational Performance Targets. World Conference on Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Istanbuil, Turkey: Istanbul University.

Millhiser, W., & Veral, E. A. (2015, July 31). A decision support system for appointment system templates with operational performance targets. INFORMS Healthcare 2015. Nashville, TN: INFORMS.

Millhiser, W., & Veral, E. A. (2015, November 2). A Decision Support System for Appointment System Templates with Operational Performance Targets. INFORMS 2016 Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA: INFORMS.

Millhiser, W., & Veral, E. A. (2014, May 9). Designing Appointment System Templates with Operational Performance Targets. POMS 25th Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA: Production and Operations Management Society.

Millhiser, W., & Veral, E. A. (2013, June 24). Appointment System (AS) Design for Fairness-based Operational Performance Targets. INFORMS Healthcare Conference 2013. Chicago, IL: INFORMS.

Millhiser, W., Veral, E. A., & Valenti, B. (2013, June 25). Assessing Appointment Systems' Operational Performance with Policy Targets. INFORMS Healthcare Conference 2013. Chicago, IL: INFORMS.

Millhiser, W., & Veral, E. A. (2013, October 2). Designing Appointment System Templates with Operational Performance Targets. Yorktown Heights, NY: IBM.

Millhiser, W., & Veral, E. A. (2013, December 7). Designing Appointment System Templates with Operational Performance Targets. ¿¿¿2nd Rutgers Applied Probability Conference. New Brunswick, NJ: Department of Management Science and Information Systems, Rutgers University.

Millhiser, W., & Veral, E. A. (2013, October 8). Appointment System Design for Fairness-based Operational Performance Targets. INFORMS Annual Meeting 2013. Minneapolis, MN: INFORMS.

Millhiser, W., Veral, E. A., & Valenti, B. (2012, October 17). Assessing Appointment Systems' Operational Performance with Policy Targets. INFORMS Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ: INFORMS.

Millhiser, W., Veral, E. A., & Valenti, B. C. (2012, July 31). Assessing Appointment Systems' Operational Performance with Policy Targets. 38th International Conference of the EURO Working Group on Operational Research Applied to Health Services (ORAHS). Univ. Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands: EURO.

Millhiser, W., Veral, E. A., & Valenti, B. C. (2011, June 20). Assessing appointment scheduling rules: A policy-based paradigm. 2011 INFORMS Healthcare Meeting. Montreal, Canada: INFORMS Healthcare Society.

Veral, E. A., Lowry, D., & Bonime-Blanc, A. (2011, September 21). Testing Your Global Code of Conduct for Effectiveness: Critical Lessons from the Mattel & Freeport-McMoRan Cases. ECOA National Meeting. Seattle, WA: Ethics Compliance Officers Association.

Veral, E. A., Millhiser, W., & Valenti, B. (2011, September 29). Analyzing and Designing Outpatient Appointment Schedules with Operational Policy Targets. INFORMS 2011. Charlotte, NC: INFORMS.

Millhiser, W., Veral, E. A., & Valenti, B. C. (2010, November 8). Appointment scheduling with bounded patient waiting and MD overtime: a revenue-maximization approach. INFORMS National Meeting. Austin, TX: INFORMS.

Veral, E. A. (2007, June 28). Voluntary Codes of Conduct in Agribusiness: A Special Focus on the World Banana Trade. Globalization and the Good Corporation 2007. NY: International Center for Corporate Accountability, Baruch College.

Bobb, L., & Veral, E. A. (2007, November 30). Forecasting Airline Seat Demand Using Markov Transition Matrices. DSI's Annual General Meeting. Phoenix, Arizona

Bobb, L., & Veral, E. A. (2007, November 20). Forecasting Airline Seat Demand Using Markov Transition Matrices. Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting 2007. Phoenix, AZ: Decision Sciences Institute.

Veral, E. A. (2006, November 30). Integration of Macro and Micro-level Forecasting Methods for Disruptive Environments: Applications in Durable Goods Industries. Decision Sciences Institute National Meeting 2006. San Antonio, TX: Decision Sciences Institute.

Cayirli, T., Veral, E. A., & Rosen, H. (2005, November 30). Comparison of two approaches to patient classification in appointment system design. Decision Sciences Annual Meeting 2005. San Francisco, CA: Decision Sciences Institute.

Veral, E. A. (2005, August 31). Designing and monitoring corporate codes of conduct for multinational corporations. Annual Economic Forum 2005. Istanbul, Turkey: The Global Business and Economics Research Conference.

Veral, E. A., & Shapiro, J. (2004, May 15). Auditing Vendors’ Compliance with Corporate Codes of Conduct in China. International Conference on Voluntary Codes of Conduct for Multinational Corporations. NY: International Center for Corporate Accountability, Baruch College.

Veral, E. A. (2004, May 15). Voluntary Codes of Conduct: Challenges of Performance Measurement and Evaluation. International Conference on Voluntary Codes of Conduct for Multinational Corporations. NY: Baruch College.

Cayirli, T., Veral, E. A., & Rosen, H. (2004, December 4). Assessment of Patient Classification in Appointment System Design. First Conference of the POMS College of Service Operations. : Columbia University.

Cayirli, T., Veral, E. A., & Rosen, H. (2004, November 30). A Simulation Study of Appointment Scheduling Rules, Role of Patient Classification & Environmental Factors on Ambulatory Care Performance. Decision Sciences Annual Conference 2004. Boston, MA: Decision Sciences Institute.

Cayirli, T., & Veral, E. A. (2003, November 30). Design of Appointment Systems: A Simulation Study. Conference. Washington, DC: Decision Sciences Institute.

Veral, E. A. (2003, July 31). Capacity Planning in Healthcare Facilities. Conference. Istanbul, Turkey: Euro INFORMS Joint International.

Veral, E. A., & Rosen, H. (2002, November 30). Evaluating MD performance and contribution in health care facilities. Conference. San Diego, CA: Decision Sciences Institute.

Cayirli, T., & Veral, E. A. (2000, November 30). Appointment Scheduling in Health Care: A Review of Literature. Proceedings. Orlando, FL: Decision Sciences Institute.

Veral, E. A., & Rosen, H. (1999, December 31). Can a Focus on Costs Increase Costs?. Conference. Charleston, SC: Production and Operations Management Society.

Veral, E. A., & Rosen, H. (1999, December 31). Can a Focus on Costs Increase Costs?. Proceedings. Charleston, S.C.: Production and Operations Management Society.

Veral, E. A. (1998, July 31). Flow Time Analysis and Due Date Setting in Job Shops. 6th International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling. Istanbul, Turkey

Veral, E. A., & Mohan, R. (1996, December 31). The Effects of Dispatching on Job Flow Times. Conference. Orlando: Decision Sciences Institute.

Veral, E. A., & Collins, P. (1993, December 31). Current Manufacturing Trends in Manufacturing. Conference. New Jersey: Design and Manufacturing Institute.

Veral, E. A., & Hull, F. (1992, December 31). Manufacturing Best Practices. Conference. N.J: American Production and Inventory Management Society.

Veral, E. A. (1989, December 31). Batch Reduction and Buffer Management: Effects on WIP and Service Levels. Proceedings. New York: ORSA/TIMS.

Veral, E. A., & Schneller, G. (1989, October 31). Modeling Precedence Diagrams. Joint National Meeting. New York: ORSA/TIMS.

Veral, E. A. (1985, November 30). Capacity Requirements Planning in MRP Systems. Proceedings, p. 41. Las Vegas: AIDS Doctoral Consortium.

Veral, E. A., & Barrett, R. T. (1985, October 31). Response Surface Methodology in Simulation Experiments. Proceedings pp. 277-279. Myrtle Beach: S.E. TIMS.

Other Scholarly Works

Veral, E. A., & Rosen, H. (2003). Designing and Implementing a Surgeon Performance Measurement System. CD-ROM

Hull, F., & Veral, E. A. (1993). Best Practices for Managing Concurrent Engineering.. 140 pgs.


Veral, E. A. (1999,January 1). Intelligent Management Support Systems by H. Bigdoli. Global Focus.

Veral, E. A. (1997,January 1). Production and Operations Management by Chase/Aquilano/Jacobs. Homewood, IL: Irwin.

Veral, E. A. (1995,January 1). Production and Operations Management by Noori/Radford. NY: McGraw Hill.

Veral, E. A. (1994,January 1). Operations Management by Lee/Schniederjans. Princeton, NJ: Houghton Mifflin.

Veral, E. A. (1989,January 1). Production and Operations Management: Manufacturing and Non manufacturing by James B. Dilworth. New York: Random House.

Veral, E. A. (1988,January 1). Operations Research Software by Gordon H. Dash, Nina M. Kajiji. Homewood, IL: Irwin.

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
Department Chair Research Account Year 1 - Emre VeralPSC CUNY02/01/202108/31/202202/01/20211750Completed
Department Chair Research Account Year 2 - Emre VeralPSC CUNY09/01/202108/31/202309/01/20213000Completed
Scheduling Outpatient AppointmentsPSC-CUNY 4907/01/201806/30/201904/15/20182500Completed
Decision Support Systems for Appointment SchedulingPSC-CUNY 4707/01/201606/30/201704/15/20163500Completed
Integration of Macro and Micro-level Forecasting Methods for Volatile Environments: Applications in Durable Goods IndustriesPSC-CUNY 3907/01/200812/31/20092009.7Completed
Department Chair Research Account Year 4 Emre VeralPSC CUNY09/01/202308/31/202508/31/20233000Funded - In Progress
Department Chair Research Account Year 3 - Emre VeralPSC CUNY09/01/202208/31/202409/01/20223000Funded - In Progress
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement AwardBaruch College2008
Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement AwardBaruch College2007
Dean’s Summer Research Award (2004-2006)Zicklin School of Business2006
Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement AwardBaruch College2006
Honorable MentionDSI/Irwin/McGraw-Hill Elwood S. Buffa Doctoral Dissertation Competition (as dissertation advisor to Ms. Tugba Cayirli)2005
Distinguished Paper AwardDecision Sciences Institute Proceedings2004Boston, MA
Faculty Summer Research Fellowship Program (1987-1988)1988
Participant in AIDS Doctoral Consortium1985Las Vegas, NV


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Deputy Chair- Administration1/1/200512/31/2013
Department Representative to the UG1/1/200412/31/2011
Executive CommitteeCommittee Member1/1/200212/31/2009
Curriculum CommitteeCommittee Member1/1/199612/31/1999
Committee on CommitteesCommittee Member1/1/199612/31/1999
Deputy Chair- Faculty Resources1/1/199712/31/1999
Awards & Fellowship CommitteeCommittee Member1/1/198712/31/1999
Departmental Summer Budget coordinator9/1/199512/31/1998
Management 3121 Course Coordinator1/1/198712/31/1998
Departmental Technology coordinator6/1/19969/30/1998
DSI Conference San DiegoRecruiter12/31/1997
Representative, Majors & Careers Fair12/31/1994
Faculty Recruiter12/31/1989


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
OAA Director RecruitingCommittee MemberPresent
Department AdministrationDepartment ChairPresent
Exec MBA Healthcare AdminAcademic Director8/31/2018
Field Center Mentor ProgramFaculty Mentor8/31/2018
Field FellowsFaculty Mentor5/31/2018
Operations Management MajorCommittee Chair8/31/2015
Department AdministrationDeputy Chair8/31/2015
Zicklin Exec CommCommittee Member8/31/2014
Zicklin Executive CommitteeCommittee Member8/30/2014
Deputy Chair- Administration12/31/2013
Zicklin Strategic Planning Sub-Committee on Community OutreachCommittee Chair8/30/2013
Zicklin Strategic Planning CommitteeCommittee Member8/30/2013
Faculty Senate Subcommittee on FinanceCommittee Member12/31/2011
Department Representative to the UG12/31/2011
Undergraduate Curriculum CommitteeCommittee Member8/31/2011
Executive CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2009
Graduate Curriculum Committee (at large)Committee Member12/31/2005
MBA AdministrationDirector, MBA Pgm8/31/2001
Summer ProgramCommittee Chair8/31/2001
Representative to SLAS12/31/1999
College Honors CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/1999
Taskforce, Technology Group12/31/1999
Decision Sciences Inst. Campus Rep12/31/1999
Site B Faculty Advisory CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/1999
Committee on CommitteesCommittee Member12/31/1999
Decision Support LabCo-director12/31/1999
SBA Honors CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/1999
Awards & Fellowship CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/1999
Curriculum CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/1999
Deputy Chair- Faculty Resources12/31/1999
Committee Communication Intensive CoursesCommittee Member8/31/1999
Department AdministrationDeputy Chair8/31/1999
Departmental Summer Budget coordinator12/31/1998
Management 3121 Course Coordinator12/31/1998
Departmental Technology coordinator9/30/1998
DSI Conference San DiegoRecruiter12/31/1997
SBA Graduate Curriculum CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/1996
Representative, Majors & Careers Fair12/31/1994
Graduate Registration Advisor12/31/1994
Graduate Curriculum Development for M.S. in Operations Management12/31/1993
Faculty Recruiter12/31/1989


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Dissertation -L. BobbCommittee Chair1/1/2003Present
Dissertation -T. CayirliCommittee Chair1/1/200112/31/2005
CUNY Baccalaureate ProgramFaculty Mentor1/1/199512/31/1999
Dissertation - Z. SunCommittee Chair1/1/199512/31/1996
CUNY Research Award Program CommitteeCommittee Member1/1/198812/31/1990
Dissertation Adviser, A.F. Metwally12/31/1990


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Editorial Team for Decision SciencesReviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer1/1/200612/31/2012
IEE TransactionsReviewer, Journal Article1/1/200612/31/2012
Systems Engineering JournalReviewer, Journal Article1/1/200612/31/2012
Decision Sciences JournalReviewer, Journal Article1/1/198512/31/2012
Journal of Operations ManagementReviewer, Journal Article1/1/198512/31/2012
Journal of SchedulingReviewer, Journal Article1/1/200912/31/2010
Decision Sciences Institute ConferenceSession Chair11/30/2000
Decision Sciences Institute ConferenceSession Chair12/31/1997