Erica N Richardson

Asst Professor

Weissman School of Arts and Sciences

Department: English

Areas of expertise:

Email Address:

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Ph.D., English and Comparative Literature, Columbia University United States

M.A., English and Comparative Literature, Columbia University United States

B.A., English and Classical Civilization, Wellesley College Wellesley MA

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2023ENG3950Topics in Literature
Fall 2023IDC1001HHonors-The Arts in New York
Summer 2023BLS3835Black Women Writers
Summer 2023ENG3835Black Women Writers
Spring 2023ENG3025Surv American Lit II
Spring 2023ENG5000Independent Study English I
Spring 2023ENG6002HHonors English II
Spring 2022ENG4545Lit of the Harlem Renaissance
Spring 2021ENG3950Topics in Literature
Spring 2021ENG2850Great Works of Literature II
Spring 2021BLS3085Special Topics Bls
Fall 2020ENG2100Writing I
Summer 2020BLS3085Special Topics Bls
Summer 2020ENG3835Black Women Writers
Spring 2020IDC4050HHon Feit Hum Sem I
Spring 2020ENG2850Great Works of Literature II
Fall 2019ENG3950Topics in Literature
Fall 2019ENG5000Independent Study English I
Fall 2019ENG2850Great Works of Literature II
Summer 2019ENG2850Great Works of Literature II
Spring 2019ENG3835Black Women Writers
Spring 2019ENG2850Great Works of Literature II
Fall 2018ENG2850Great Works of Literature II
Fall 2018ENG4545Lit of the Harlem Renaissance


Richardson, E. N. Introduction and annotations to accompany a yet-to-be-titled collection of works written by Nella Larsen.. In Progress.

Richardson, E. How Black Women Count: Black Womanhood, Literary Culture, and Black Social Life Beyond the Negro Problem (Book Project). In Progress.

Journal Articles

Richardson, E. (2020). Desire, Dispossession, and Dreams of Social Data: Black Clubwomen’s Intellectual Thought and Aesthetics during the Progressive Era in Public Writing and Print Culture. American Studies , (59.3 (2020)). 33-54.

Media Contributions

Richardson, E. N. (2022). Black Futures: Black Studies, Black Ecologies, and African Social Research.

A public knowledge project featuring recorded scholarly presentations, a public syllabus, and student critical and creative contributions addressing the following questions: In what ways do studies in Black Ecologies in the United States, the Caribbean and Africa unfold and communicate with one another? What are the connections between ecological forms of oppression and socio-political legacies of colonialism, slavery, and imperialism? What kind of Black futures might we imagine through cultivating conversation and producing scholarship across sites of Black studies in North American, the Caribbean, South America, and Africa?


Richardson, E. N. (2024, November 3). Feminisms of Color, Embodied Belonging, and Autoassemblages. American Studies Association. New Orleans, LA

Richardson, E. N. "Unrequited Freedoms and Satisfying Objects: Nikki Giovanni’s My House (1972) as Autotheory". Autotheory and Black Feminism. Washington DC: Modern Language Association.

Richardson, E. N. "Bad Negros and New Futures: Black Masculinity and Alternative Visions of Progress in Charles Chesnutt's The Marrow of Tradition". Awakenings, Reckonings and Multiethnic Literature: Woke, Now What?. New Orleans, LA: MELUS (The Social for the Study of Multi Ethnic Literature of the United States).

Richardson, E. (2021, January 9). "Theories of Black Women's Intellectualism in the 19th Century". Modern Language Association Conference. Virtual: Modern Language Association.

Richardson, E. (2021, March 16). Contributors and Editors' Panel on Arts in the Black Press During Age of Jim Crow. The Arts in the Black Press During the Age of Jim Crow. virtual: American Studies, with American Studies International.

Richardson, E. (2021, August 3). Such is Aunt Nancy: Gender, Racial Capitalism, and the Little Negro Theater Movement. Institute for Poverty and the Humanities, Borough of Manhattan Community College. Virtual: Borough of Manhattan Community College; National Endowment for the Humanities.

Richardson, E. (2021, April 15). Stronger Together: Black CUNY Faculty, Staff, and Students Surviving Dual Pandemics. CUNY Faculty Diversity and Inclusion Conference 2021. Virtual: CUNY.

Richardson, E. (2020, March 8). The Sociological Sublime: Social Science, Citizenship, and Black Clubwomen’s Periodical Culture. Shaping and Sharing Identities: Spaces, Places, Languages, and Cultures. Boston, MA: Northeast Modern Language Association.

Richardson, E. (2019, March 21). The Innumeracy of the Red Record on the Page and on the Stage. Transnational Spaces: Intersections of Cultures, Languages, and Peoples. Washington D.C.: Northeast Modern Language Association.

Richardson, E. (2019, November 8). Going on the Market. States of Emergence. : American studies Association.

Richardson, E. (2019, November 10). Black Thought and the United States’ Power in the World. States of Emergence. : America Studies Association.

Richardson, E. (2018, November 18). Booker T. Washington's Emergent Imperial Imagination in the Demise of Reconstruction¿. States of Emergence. Atlanta, GA: American Studies Association.

Richardson, E. (2017, November 14). "Have you seen her, tell me, have you seen her”: Visibility and Nonrecognition of Black Female Excellence in American Imaginaries. Forty Years after Combahee: Feminist Scholars and Activists Engage the Movement for Black Lives. Baltimore, MD: National Women's Studies Association.

Richardson, E. (2017, November 9). “Things are so much better now:” The Failed and Potential Lessons of Lynching Play Revivals in Response to Black Lives Matter. Pedagogies of Dissent. Chicago, IL: American Studies Association.

Richardson, E. (2016, May 21). The Evil of the One Room Cabin: Black Clubwomen Apprehending the Problem of Black Female Sexuality in The Woman’s Era 1894-1897. African American Literature and Culture Society. Boston, MA: American Literary Association.

Richardson, E. (2015, June 27). Sociological Aesthetics in Harlem Renaissance Lynching Plays. Restaging the Harlem Renaissance. New York, NY: Heyman Center for the Humantities, Columbia University.

Other Scholarly Works

Richardson, E. N. (2022). Black Futures Symposium: Black Ecologies .

Richardson, E. (2020). "The Trouble with Tags". Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy.

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
Empirical Desires: Data, Dispossession, and the Aesthetics of the Negro Problem PSC CUNY 5207/01/202106/30/202304/15/20215630Completed
“Black Mathematics and Queering the Red Record”PSC-CUNY 5107/01/202012/31/202204/17/20201850Completed
Empirical Desires: Chapter 2 Intermedial Methods in Opportunity Magazine PSC CUNY 5307/01/202212/31/202304/15/20225999.4Funded - In Progress
Empirical Desires: Data and the Aesthetics of the Negro ProblemEugene Lang Fellowship06/01/202206/30/202304/11/20228577.98Funded - In Progress
BRESI:Student Mentored Research for Public Knowledge Project Black Futures and OER Course "America Literature 1865 to Present: Protest Writing, Civil Rights, and Writing Social Change in AmericaThe Andrew W. Mellon Foundation09/01/202206/30/202308/19/20225000Funded - In Progress
2021 Career Enhancement Fellowship for Junior FacultyWoodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation06/01/202106/30/202201/19/202130000Funded - In Progress
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Barbara Reich Gluck Teaching Award Baruch College English Department2023-05-25
Honorable Mention Ford Fellowship2016
Brunner Award for Best M.A, Essay on Topic in American Literature Columbia University English Department 2012


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Weisman Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Alliance Committee MemberPresent
Baruch Black Studies Colloquium Committee ChairPresent
Women's History Month Planning Committee Committee Member3/31/2021
Black History Month Planning CommiteeCommittee Member2/28/2021


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
CUNY Career Success Fellows Committee Member8/25/2023Present
Curriculum CommitteeCommittee Member8/25/2023Present