Evan M Fink

Lecturer Doc Sch

Weissman School of Arts and Sciences

Department: Mathematics

Areas of expertise:

Email Address: evan.fink@baruch.cuny.edu

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MPhil, Mathematics, Columbia University United States

Ph.D., Mathematics, Columbia University United States

M.A., Mathematics, Columbia University United States

SB, equivalent to BS, Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge MA

SB, equivalent to BS, Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge MA

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2023MTH4300Algorithms, Computers and Prog
Fall 2023MTH5000Independent Study Math I
Fall 2023MTH3150Discrete Math: An Invitation t
Fall 2023MTH3907Mathematics Internship
Fall 2023MTH3906Mathematics Internship
Fall 2023MTH3908Mathematics Internship
Fall 2023MTH3905Mathematics Internship
Summer 2023MTH3300Algorithms/Comp Prog
Spring 2023MTH3150Discrete Math: An Invitation t
Spring 2023MTH5000Independent Study Math I
Spring 2023MTH3035Vector Calculus
Fall 2022MTH3908Mathematics Internship
Fall 2022MTH4500Intro Financial Math
Fall 2022MTH3906Mathematics Internship
Fall 2022MTH3907Mathematics Internship
Fall 2022MTH3905Mathematics Internship
Fall 2022MTH3300Algorithms/Comp Prog
Fall 2022MTH3150Discrete Math: An Invitation t
Summer 2022MTH3300Algorithms/Comp Prog
Spring 2022MTH3906Mathematics Internship
Spring 2022MTH4100Linear Alg & Matrix Methods
Spring 2022MTH3300Algorithms/Comp Prog
Spring 2022MTH3907Mathematics Internship
Spring 2022MTH3908Mathematics Internship
Spring 2022MTH3905Mathematics Internship
Fall 2021MTH3006Elements of Calculus II
Fall 2021MTH4119Multivariate Prob Dist
Fall 2021MTH4120Introduction to Probability
Fall 2021MTH3150Discrete Math: An Invitation t
Summer 2021MTH3300Algorithms/Comp Prog
Spring 2021MTH3300Algorithms/Comp Prog
Spring 2021MTH4010Mathematical Analysis I
Fall 2020MTH4120Introduction to Probability
Fall 2020MTH4119Multivariate Prob Dist
Fall 2020MTH3905Mathematics Internship
Fall 2020MTH3300Algorithms/Comp Prog
Fall 2020MTH3300Algorithms/Comp Prog
Summer 2020MTH3300Algorithms/Comp Prog
Summer 2020MTH3010Calculus II
Summer 2020MTH3905Mathematics Internship
Spring 2020MTH3907Mathematics Internship
Spring 2020MTH3905Mathematics Internship
Spring 2020MTH3300Algorithms/Comp Prog
Spring 2020MTH3300Algorithms/Comp Prog
Spring 2020MTH3050Calculus III and Vector Calcul
Fall 2019MTH2207Elements of Calculus I and Ma
Fall 2019MTH3300Algorithms/Comp Prog
Fall 2019MTH3905Mathematics Internship
Fall 2019MTH3906Mathematics Internship
Fall 2019MTH4100Linear Alg & Matrix Methods
Summer 2019MTH2207Elements of Calculus I and Ma
Summer 2019MTH3010Calculus II
Spring 2019MTH3300Algorithms/Comp Prog
Spring 2019MTH2205Precal and Elements of Cal 1B
Spring 2019MTH3300Algorithms/Comp Prog
Spring 2019MTH5000Independent Study Math I
Fall 2018MTH3300Algorithms/Comp Prog
Fall 2018MTH4100Linear Alg & Matrix Methods
Fall 2018MTH3300Algorithms/Comp Prog
Fall 2018MTH5000HHon - Independent Study Math I
Fall 2018MTH2207Elements of Calculus I and Ma
Summer 2018MTH3010Calculus II
Summer 2018MTH3300Algorithms/Comp Prog
Spring 2018MTH4135Comp Methods in Probability
Spring 2018MTH2205Precal and Elements of Cal 1B
Spring 2018MTH3300Algorithms/Comp Prog
Fall 2017MTH3300Algorithms/Comp Prog
Fall 2017MTH2207Elements of Calculus I and Ma
Fall 2017MTH3300Algorithms/Comp Prog
Fall 2017MTH4100Linear Alg & Matrix Methods
Summer 2017MTH3010Calculus II
Summer 2017MTH2207Elements of Calculus I and Ma
Spring 2017MTH3300Algorithms/Comp Prog
Spring 2017MTH5020Thry Functs Cplx Var
Spring 2017MTH3300Algorithms/Comp Prog
Fall 2016MTH3300Algorithms/Comp Prog
Fall 2016MTH3010Calculus II
Fall 2016MTH2205Precal and Elements of Cal 1B
Fall 2016MTH2207Elements of Calculus I and Ma
Summer 2016MTH3010Calculus II
Summer 2016MTH2207Elements of Calculus I and Ma
Spring 2016MTH3010Calculus II
Spring 2016MTH4010Mathematical Analysis I
Spring 2016MTH4100Linear Alg & Matrix Methods
Fall 2015MTH2207Elements of Calculus I and Ma
Fall 2015MTH3300Algorithms/Comp Prog
Fall 2015MTH2207Elements of Calculus I and Ma
Fall 2015MTH3300Algorithms/Comp Prog
Summer 2015MTH3010Calculus II
Summer 2015MTH2207Elements of Calculus I and Ma
Spring 2015MTH3300Algorithms/Comp Prog
Spring 2015MTH2205Precal and Elements of Cal 1B
Spring 2015MTH2205Precal and Elements of Cal 1B
Fall 2014MTH2205Precal and Elements of Cal 1B
Fall 2014MTH4100Linear Alg & Matrix Methods
Fall 2014MTH2140Mathematics & Quantitative Rea
Fall 2014MTH2205Precal and Elements of Cal 1B
Summer 2014MTH3020Calculus III
Spring 2014MTH3300Algorithms/Comp Prog
Spring 2014MTH2003Precal & Elem of Cal 1A
Spring 2014MTH2003Precal & Elem of Cal 1A
Fall 2013MTH2610Calculus I
Fall 2013MTH2140Mathematics & Quantitative Rea
Fall 2013MTH2003Precal & Elem of Cal 1A
Fall 2013MTH2003Precal & Elem of Cal 1A
Summer 2013MTH3010Calculus II

Research Currently in Progess

Fink, E.(n.d.). Characterizing Contact Elements in Sutured Floer Homology. In Progress.

Let (S1 x D2, G) be a solid torus equipped with longitudinal sutures. We show that SFH(S1 x D2, G; Z2) can be equipped with a topology, such that we have the following: x in SFH(S1 x D2, G; Z2) is a contact element if and only if the set consisting of 0 and x is closed. This topology arises fairly naturally from the constructions in a previous paper, where we identify this Sutured Floer homology group with a certain exterior algebra.

Fink, E.(n.d.). Combinatorial Sutured TQFT as Exterior Algebra. In Progress.

The idea of a sutured topological quantum field theory was introduced by Honda, Kazez and Matic. A sutured TQFT associates a group to each sutured surface and an element of this group to each dividing set on this surface. The notion was originally introduced to talk about contact invariants in Sutured Floer Homology. We provide an elementary example of a sutured TQFT, which comes from taking exterior algebras of certain singular homology groups. We show that this sutured TQFT coincides with that of Honda-Kazez-Matic using Z2-coefficients. The groups in our theory, being exterior algebras, naturally come with the structure of a ring with unit. We give an application of this ring structure to understanding tight contact structures on solid tori.


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Math PlacementCommittee MemberPresent
Faculty AdvisorCommittee MemberPresent
Observation CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Financial Aid CommitteeCommittee Member3/27/2019
Improving Learning Outcomes In Courses With Structured Knowledge Through Adaptive Learning TechnologiesCommittee Member5/31/2016