Geanne Belton

Geanne Belton


Weissman School of Arts and Sciences

Department: Journalism & Writing Profess

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Professor Geanne Belton (first name pronounced "Jean"), a Baruch College journalism professor and an attorney, directs Baruch College’s High School Journalism Program, including the annual NYC High School Journalism Conference and the Newsies Best in NYC High School Journalism Competition. She designed and teaches a new professional development certificate course for teachers to help high schools that don’t have student newspapers to launch newspapers, in collaboration with the Google News Initiative and Press Pass NYC. She teaches media law and ethics and news literacy to Baruch College undergraduates. Her journalism has appeared in the New York Times, the National Law Journal, Columbia Journalism Review, Investor's Business Daily, and many other newspapers, magazines and online publications under the byline Geanne Rosenberg. She was a faculty associate at Harvard University’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society and served as vice chair of the board of directors of the Student Press Law Center. Professor Belton has a B.A. from Bryn Mawr College, an M.S. from Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism, and a J.D. from Columbia University’s School of Law where she was a Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar.


J.D., Law, Columbia University School of Law

M.S., Journalism, Columbia University School of Journalism

B.A., English, Bryn Mawr College

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2024JRN3220HHonors Media Ethics and Law
Fall 2024JRN6001HHonors - Journalism I
Fall 2024JRN6002HHonors - Journalism II
Fall 2024JRN2500Indvdl & News In The Info Age
Fall 2024JRN3220Media Ethics and Law
Spring 2024JRN3220Media Ethics and Law
Spring 2024JRN6001HHonors - Journalism I
Spring 2024JRN5051Media Internship II
Spring 2024JRN3220HHonors Media Ethics and Law
Fall 2023JRN3220HHonors Media Ethics and Law
Fall 2023JRN3220Media Ethics and Law
Spring 2023JRN3220Media Ethics and Law
Fall 2022JRN3220Media Ethics and Law
Spring 2022JRN3220Media Ethics and Law
Spring 2022JRN3220Media Ethics and Law
Fall 2021JRN2500Indvdl & News In The Info Age
Fall 2021JRN3220Media Ethics and Law
Fall 2021JRN3220Media Ethics and Law
Spring 2021JRN2500Indvdl & News In The Info Age
Spring 2021JRN3220Media Ethics and Law
Fall 2020JRN3220Media Ethics and Law
Fall 2020JRN2500Indvdl & News In The Info Age
Spring 2020JRN5000Independent Study Journalism I
Spring 2020JRN2500Indvdl & News In The Info Age
Spring 2020JRN3220Media Ethics and Law
Fall 2019JRN3220Media Ethics and Law
Fall 2019JRN2500Indvdl & News In The Info Age
Spring 2019JRN3220Media Ethics and Law
Fall 2018JRN3220Media Ethics and Law
Fall 2018JRN3220Media Ethics and Law
Spring 2018JRN3220Media Ethics and Law
Fall 2017JRN2500Indvdl & News In The Info Age
Fall 2017JRN3220Media Ethics and Law
Spring 2017JRN3220Media Ethics and Law
Spring 2017JRN2500Indvdl & News In The Info Age
Fall 2016JRN3220Media Ethics and Law
Fall 2016JRN2500Indvdl & News In The Info Age
Spring 2016JRN2500Indvdl & News In The Info Age
Fall 2015JRN3220Media Ethics and Law
Fall 2015JRN2500Indvdl & News In The Info Age
Spring 2015JRN4750Investigative Reporting
Spring 2015JRN3220Media Ethics and Law
Fall 2014JRN2500Indvdl & News In The Info Age
Spring 2014JRN3220Media Ethics and Law
Fall 2013JRN2500Indvdl & News In The Info Age
Fall 2013JRN3220Media Ethics and Law
Spring 2013JRN3220Media Ethics and Law
Fall 2012JRN3220Media Ethics and Law
Spring 2012JRN3220Media Ethics and Law
Fall 2011JRN5000Independent Study Journalism I
Fall 2011JRN3220Media Ethics and Law
Spring 2011JRN5000Independent Study Journalism I
Spring 2011JRN3220Media Ethics and Law
Fall 2010JRN3220Media Ethics and Law
Spring 2010JRN3220Media Ethics and Law
Fall 2009JRN3220Media Ethics and Law
Summer 2009ENG5000Independent Study English I
Spring 2009ENG3220Media Ethics
Fall 2008ENG4750Investigative Reporting
Spring 2008ENG3220Media Ethics
Fall 2007ENG5050Media Internship
Fall 2007ENG5000Independent Study English I
Fall 2007ENG3220Media Ethics
Summer 2007ENG5000Independent Study English I
Spring 2007ENG5000Independent Study English I
Spring 2007ENG3220Media Ethics
Fall 2006ENG9599Independent Study
Fall 2006ENG5000Independent Study English I
Fall 2006ENG3050Journalistic Writing
Summer 2006ENG5000Independent Study English I
Spring 2006ENG2100Writing I
Spring 2006ENG3220Media Ethics
Fall 2005IDC4050HHon Feit Hum Sem I
Fall 2005ENG3220Media Ethics
Summer 2005ENG5000Independent Study English I
Spring 2005ENG5000Independent Study English I
Spring 2005ENG3220Media Ethics
Spring 2005ENG5000Independent Study English I
Spring 2005ENG9510Legal & Eth Iss in Bus Journal
Fall 2004ENG5000Independent Study English I
Fall 2004ENG5050Media Internship
Fall 2004ENG9559Invest Business Reporting
Spring 2004ENG3200Business and Financial Writing
Spring 2004ENG9560Topics in Business Journalism
Fall 2003ENG9510Legal & Eth Iss in Bus Journal
Fall 2003ENG3220Media Ethics
Spring 2002ENG9551Covering Wall Street
Spring 2002ENG3200Business and Financial Writing
Fall 2001ENG5050Media Internship
Fall 2001ENG3200Business and Financial Writing
Fall 2001ENG9560Topics in Business Journalism

Journal Articles

Rosenberg, G. P. (2015). From Terrifying Turkeys to Flying Penguins: Empowering Students to be Better Informed. Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University, Research Publication No. 2015-3. 3.

Belton, G. (2014). Needle in a Haystack: Digital Literacy in the Age of Infinite Information. Journal of Digital and Media Literacy,

Media Contributions

Belton, G. (2014). Truth Be Told: A Cross-Disciplinary Exploration of Finding Facts.


Belton, G. (2018, November 9). Avoiding Big Mistakes. NYC High School Journalism Conference. Baruch College: Baruch College Department of Journalism, VC 7th Floor.

Belton, G. (2017, April 22). Journalism Law and Ethics. Hunter College High School Journalism Conference. Hunter College High School: Hunter College High School.

Belton, G. (2017, June 20). Toward a Digital Citizenship. Freedom of the Press: New Challenges in an Era of Distrust and Fake News. University of New Hampshire School of Law: New Hampshire Supreme Court Society.

Belton, G. (2017, November 3). Legal and Ethical Issues. Baruch College High School Journalism Conference. Baruch College: Baruch College.

Belton, G., Kirtley, J., & LoMonte, F. (2016, August 4). The Teaching Hospital Model and Limiting Legal Risk. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. Minnesota

Belton, G. (2016, May 9). Screenagers Community Discussion Leader. Screenagers Documentary Event. Freeport, Maine: Freeport High School.

Belton, G. (2014, August 5). The Future of Education and the Journalism Educator's Role. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. Montreal, Canada: McCormick Foundation and Harnisch Foundation.

Belton, G. (2014, September 14). Led plenary session and separate presentation and workshop on how to infuse news literacy in curricula nationwide.. Because News Matters: News Literacy Summit. Chicago: McCormick Foundation.

Belton, G. (2014, February 28). Moot Court Judge in Oxford International Media Law Competition. Price Media Law Moot Court Programme. NY, NY: Oxford University and Cardozo Law School.

Belton, G. (2013, October 31). Presented Carnegie Media Law Recommendations at Columbia University. Classrooms as Newsrooms. NY, NY: Columbia University.

Belton, G. (2012, February 17). Consider the Source: Information Quality in our Digital Age. Columbia University Honors Scholars Forum. NY, NY: Columbia University.

Belton, G. (2012, June 30). Carnegie Media Law Project Research. New News Labs: Exploring University News Start-Ups. Washington, D.C.: J-Lab.

Belton, G. (2012, August 31). Journalism Schools as News Providers: Legal Issues. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. Chicago: McCormick Foundation and Harnisch Foundation.

Belton, G. (2012, November 29). . Knight Law and Media Conference at Yale Law School. : Yale Law School.

Belton, G. (2012, December 31). Stakeholder's Perspective. Hewlett Grantees Meeting at Harvard 2012. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University.

Belton, G. (2011, September 30). national task force discussing news and digital literacy education best practices.. Inaugural Best Minds Forum. Charlotte, N.C.: James L. Knight School of Communication.

Belton, G. (2011, March 29). Information Quality and Skill Development, Media Literacy and Education. Youth and Media Lab Meeting at the Berkman Center. Cambridge, Ma.: Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University.

Belton, G. (2010, August 31). Journalism Schools As News Providers. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. Denver, Colorado: Harnisch Foundation.

Belton, G. (1999, April 30). News Reporting and Writing. Young Writers Conference. Scarsdale, New York

Belton, G. (1998, April 30). News Reporting and Writing. Young Writers Conference. Scarsdale, New York

Belton, G. (1996, November 30). Back From Madness. Margaret Mead Film & Video Festival.. American Museum of Natural History

Belton, G. Haves and Have-Nots: Newspaper Prevalence Among New York City Public High Schools. 2022.

Other Scholarly Works

Belton, G., & Hochberger, R. (2016). Avoiding Plagiarism and Fabrication.

Belton, G. (2016). J-School Legal.

Ardia, D., & Rosenberg, G. (2011). Newsgathering Liability.

Belton, G. (2009). Citizen Journalist's Guide to Open Government.

Belton, G. (2009).

Belton, G. (2007). Top Ten Rules for Limiting Legal Risk.

Belton, G. (1999). Disclosing A Broker's Past Crime. 8.

Belton, G. (1999). All Alone By The Phone? Women Brokers Fight Harder Against Subtle Economic Discrimination.

Belton, G. (1999). The E- Tailing Phenomenon.

Belton, G. (1999). An Investor Who Shops For Spunk. (D2),

Belton, G. (1998). Going Public: Sucessful IPOs Required More Than Big Dreams. C 1.

Belton, G. (1998). When The Mind Is The Matter: Mental Disability Cases Pose Painful Workplace Issues. C1.

Belton, G. (1998). A Base For The Future: Media/Telecom Banking.

Belton, G. (1998). Regulators Join Forces: Federal Trade Commission And Department Of Justice Forge Antitrust Policy. C 2.

Belton, G. (1998). Closely Held Companies: Taking Steelcase Public. C 2.

Belton, G. (1997). An Idea Not Yet Born, But a Custody Fight: Man's Thoughts At Heart of Dispute. D 3.

Belton, G. (1997). Legal Uncertainty Clouds Status Of Contracts On Internet. D 3.

Belton, G. (1997). Trying to Resolve Jurisdictional Rules On The Internet. D 1.

Belton, G. (1997). Eureka! Your Invention Works: Now What?. 1.

Belton, G. (1997). Electronic Discovery Proves An Effective Legal Weapon. D 5.

Belton, G. (1995). Jury Duty In The Age Of The Simpson Trial. 1.

Research Currently in Progess

Belton, G.(n.d.). In Search of Truth. In Progress.

Researching a book for Oxford University Press, with some grant support from the Harnisch Foundation, on what everyone needs to know about online research, journalism, media law and social media publishing, including relating to information quality and legal and ethical concerns.

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
Baruch's High School Journalism ProgramInstitute of International Education06/01/201812/01/201805/18/201820000Completed
CUNY for the Collaborative News Literacy ProjectsDavid and Katherine Moore Family Foundation 05/15/201404/15/201525000Completed
Community-Engaged Youth Digital Media and News Literacy Project05/01/201206/01/201360000Completed
Joseph E. Mohbat Writing Workshop08/01/201210/31/20121000Completed
9th High School ConferenceDow Jones Foundation11/09/201211/09/201211/09/2012750Completed
NYC High School Journalism03/10/201007/01/201135000Completed
Legal Education and Resource ProjectCarnegie Corporation08/01/201007/31/201150000Completed
NYC High School JournalismMccormick Tribune Foundation04/01/201012/31/201035000Completed
NYC High School Journalism CollaborativeMccormick Tribune Foundation09/01/200912/31/201050000Completed
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Ford Foundation GrantFord Foundation2018Received a grant from the Ford Foundation to continue running the NYC High School Journalism Program at Baruch.
Book Proposal Accepted Oxford University Press2016Following external review, my book proposal was accepted by Oxford University Press.
Harnisch Foundation GrantThe Harnisch Foundation2016$25,000 grant awarded to support research and writing of a news literacy book.
Faculty AssociateBerkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University2016This Harvard University appointment is a wonderful honor and helps to inspire much of my research and publishing activities.
Faculty Associate: Berkman Center for Internet & Society Harvard University's Berkman Center2015Appointed to a fifth term as a faculty associate at Harvard University's Berkman Center for Internet & Society.
Moot Court JudgeOxford University Comparative Media Law Programme2014Twice served as Moot Court Judge for this international media law competition that is a collaboration between the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law and Oxford University Comparative Media Law.
Faculty AssociateHarvard University's Berkman Center for Internet & Society2014Fourth consecutive one-year unpaid appointment to work in collaboration with the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University.
Faculty Associate: Berkman Center for Internet & SocietyHarvard University's Berkman Center2013
Faculty Associate: Berkman Center for Internet & SocietyHarvard University's Berkman Center2012
Faculty AssociateHarvard University's Berkman Center for Internet & Society2011Four term faculty associate at Harvard University's Berkman Center for Internet & Society
Whiting AwardBaruch College2002Whiting Award for Excellence in Teaching
Harlan Fiske Stone ScholarColumbia University School of Law1991


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Faculty Student Discipline CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Center and Institute Review CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Weissman School Curriculum CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Weissman Curriculum CommitteeCommittee Member8/31/2022
Executive CommitteeCommittee Member8/1/2018
Weissman School Curriculum CommitteeCommittee Member5/31/2018
High School Journalism Collaborativefounder and executive director12/31/2017
Curriculum CommitteeCommittee Member5/30/2017
P&B CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2011


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
CUNY-Wide Journalism Discipline CouncilCommittee Member1/1/2012Present
Governance CouncilCommittee Member9/1/2014Present
Online Learning Task Force, Newmark Graduate School of JournalismCommittee Member3/1/2020Present
CUNY-Wide Journalism Discipline CouncilTask Force Chair10/1/20178/31/2018
Conference for CounselorsGuest Speaker10/1/201611/4/2016
CUNY-Wide News and Digital Literacy CommitteeChairperson1/1/201212/31/2015
Scholarship CommitteeCommittee Member1/1/201212/31/2013


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Associated PressInteraction with IndustryNew YorkUnited States6/1/20108/31/2010


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Student Press Law CenterBoard MemberVa.United States1/1/201112/31/2016National
Student Press Law CenterOfficer, Other OfficerDistrict of Columbia1/1/201512/31/2016National
National News Literacy SummitTask Force MemberIllinoisUnited States1/1/201312/31/2014National
New York City High School News Literacy SummitDirector and OrganizerNew YorkUnited States1/1/201012/31/2012
The Society of American Business Editors and WritersMember1/1/199912/31/2000
Greenacres School Parent-Teacher Assoc. Board Member1/1/199612/31/2000
Bryn Mawr College Admissions Representative1/1/199212/31/1998
Regional Conference on Academic Support Participant12/31/1996
Brian Mawr CollegePresident, Alumnae Class1/1/198712/31/1992
Admitted, New York State Bar 1/1/199212/31/1992
Admitted, United States District Court, Southern and Eastern Districs 1/1/199212/31/1992
Legal Aid Society, Welfare Advocate1/1/198312/31/1984