Glenn Petersen


Weissman School of Arts and Sciences

Department: Sociology and Anthropology

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Ph.D., Anthropology, Columbia University

B.A., Anthropology, California State College, Hayward

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Spring 2023ANT1001HHonors-Intro to Cul Anthro
Spring 2023ANT4017Semi On The Ant Of Peace & War
Spring 2023ANT1001Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Fall 2022ANT1001Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Fall 2022ANT3009Intro to Human Geography
Fall 2022GEOG3009Human Geography
Fall 2022FYS1000Freshman Seminar
Fall 2022ANT1001HHonors-Intro to Cul Anthro
Spring 2022ANT1001HHonors-Intro to Cul Anthro
Fall 2021ANT4017Semi On The Ant Of Peace & War
Fall 2021ANT1001Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Fall 2021ANT1001HHonors-Intro to Cul Anthro
Spring 2021ANT1001HHonors-Intro to Cul Anthro
Spring 2021ANT1001Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Spring 2021IDC4050HHon Feit Hum Sem I
Fall 2020ANT1001HHonors-Intro to Cul Anthro
Fall 2020ANT3036World Regional Geography
Fall 2020ANT1001Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Fall 2020GEOG3036World Regional Geography
Spring 2020ANT1001Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Spring 2020ANT4017Semi On The Ant Of Peace & War
Spring 2020ANT1001HHonors-Intro to Cul Anthro
Fall 2019ANT1001Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Fall 2019ANT1001HHonors-Intro to Cul Anthro
Fall 2019ANT5000Independent Study ANT I
Fall 2019ANT1001Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Spring 2019GEOG3036World Regional Geography
Spring 2019ANT3036World Regional Geography
Spring 2019ANT1001HHonors-Intro to Cul Anthro
Spring 2019ANT1001Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Spring 2019ANT5000Independent Study ANT I
Fall 2018ANT1001Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Fall 2018ANT1001Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Fall 2018ANT4015Anthropology and Contemporary World Issues
Spring 2018ANT4015Anthropology and Contemporary World Issues
Spring 2018ANT1001HHonors-Intro to Cul Anthro
Fall 2017ANT4015Anthropology and Contemporary World Issues
Fall 2017ANT1001Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Fall 2017ANT1001Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Fall 2017IDC4050HHon Feit Hum Sem I
Fall 2015SOC5000Independent Study Sociology I
Summer 2015SOC5000Independent Study Sociology I
Spring 2015ANTH71700Crit Issues Internatl Studies
Spring 2015ANT4017Semi On The Ant Of Peace & War
Fall 2014ANT1001Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Fall 2014ANT4015Anthropology and Contemporary World Issues
Spring 2014ANT4015Anthropology and Contemporary World Issues
Fall 2013IDC4050HHon Feit Hum Sem I
Fall 2013SOC5000Independent Study Sociology I
Fall 2013ANT1001Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Summer 2013ANT5000Independent Study ANT I
Spring 2013ANT3036World Regional Geography
Spring 2013ANT1001Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Spring 2013GEOG3036World Regional Geography
Spring 2013SOC5000Independent Study Sociology I
Spring 2013ANT5000Independent Study ANT I
Fall 2012SOC5000Independent Study Sociology I
Fall 2012ANT1001Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Fall 2012ANT4015Anthropology and Contemporary World Issues
Spring 2012REL5000Independent Study REL I
Spring 2012ANT4017Semi On The Ant Of Peace & War
Spring 2012ANT1001Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Fall 2011ANT4015Anthropology and Contemporary World Issues
Fall 2011ANT1001Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Fall 2011SOC5000Independent Study Sociology I
Spring 2011ANT4015Anthropology and Contemporary World Issues
Spring 2011IDC4050HHon Feit Hum Sem I
Spring 2011ANT5000Independent Study ANT I
Fall 2010ANT4017Semi On The Ant Of Peace & War
Fall 2010ANT5000Independent Study ANT I
Spring 2010ANT4015Anthropology and Contemporary World Issues
Spring 2010ANT5000Independent Study ANT I
Spring 2010ANT1001Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Fall 2009ANT1001Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Fall 2009ANT4015Anthropology and Contemporary World Issues
Summer 2009SOC5000Independent Study Sociology I
Summer 2009ANT5000Independent Study ANT I
Spring 2009ANT1001Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Spring 2009ANT3036World Regional Geography
Spring 2009GEOG3036World Regional Geography
Spring 2009SOC5000Independent Study Sociology I
Fall 2008ANT1001Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Fall 2008ANT4015Anthropology and Contemporary World Issues
Summer 2008ANT5000Independent Study ANT I
Summer 2008ANT5000Independent Study ANT I
Spring 2008SOC4100Sociological Theory
Spring 2008ANT3085Sel Topics Ant/Soc
Spring 2008ANT1001Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Fall 2007FRO1000First Year Seminar
Fall 2007GEOG3009Human Geography
Fall 2007ANT5000Independent Study ANT I
Fall 2007ANT1001Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Spring 2007SOC5000Independent Study Sociology I
Spring 2007SOC5000Independent Study Sociology I
Spring 2007IDC3001HHonors - People of New York
Fall 2006GEOG3036World Regional Geography
Fall 2006IDC4050HHon Feit Hum Sem I
Fall 2006ANT5000Independent Study ANT I
Summer 2006SOC5000Independent Study Sociology I
Spring 2006ANT1001Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Spring 2006ANT5000Independent Study ANT I
Spring 2006GEOG3009Human Geography
Spring 2006SOC5000Independent Study Sociology I
Spring 2006SOC5000Independent Study Sociology I
Fall 2005ANT1001Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Fall 2005SOC5000Independent Study Sociology I
Fall 2005GEOG3009Human Geography
Summer 2005ANT5000Independent Study ANT I
Summer 2005SOC5000Independent Study Sociology I
Summer 2005SOC5000Independent Study Sociology I
Spring 2005SOC4900Sociological Analysis
Spring 2005ANT3085Sel Topics Ant/Soc
Spring 2005ANT5000Independent Study ANT I
Fall 2004ANT1001Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Fall 2004GEOG3009Human Geography
Fall 2004ANT5000Independent Study ANT I
Summer 2004SOC5000Independent Study Sociology I
Spring 2004GEOG3009Human Geography
Spring 2004ANT5000Independent Study ANT I
Spring 2004ANT5000Independent Study ANT I
Spring 2004ANT5000Independent Study ANT I
Spring 2004SOC5000Independent Study Sociology I
Fall 2003ANT1001HHonors-Intro to Cul Anthro
Summer 2003ANT5000Independent Study ANT I
Spring 2003ANT5000Independent Study ANT I
Spring 2003ANT5000Independent Study ANT I
Spring 2003SOC3085Sel Topics Ant/Soc
Spring 2003ANT3085Sel Topics Ant/Soc
Fall 2002ANT1001Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Summer 2002ANT5000Independent Study ANT I
Spring 2002GEOG5000Independent Study Geography I
Spring 2002GEOG3009Human Geography
Fall 2001GEOG3009Human Geography
Fall 2001ANT1001Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Fall 2001FRO1000First Year Seminar


Petersen, G. (2021). War and the Arc of Human Experience. Lanham, MD, USA, Hamilton/Rowman &Littlefield.

Petersen, G. (2009). Traditional Micronesian Societies: Adaptation, Integration, and Political Organization. University of Hawaii Press.

Petersen, G. (1993). Ethnicity and Interests at the 1990 the Federated States of Micronesia Constitutional Convention. Research School of Pacific Studies: Australian National University, Regime Change and Regime Maintenance Discussion Paper Series.

Petersen, G. (1990). Lost in the Weeds: Theme and Variation in Pohnpei Political Mythology. Honolulu: University of Hawaii, Center for Pacific Islands studies Working Papers.

Petersen, G. (1986). Decentralization and Micronesian Federalism: Pohnpei's 1983 Plebiscite Vote. Suva, Fiji: South Pacific Forum Working Papers.

Petersen, G. (1982). One Man Cannot Rule a Thousand: Fission in a Ponapean Chiefdom. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

Journal Articles

Petersen, G. (2018). "Micronesian Ethnography from a Disordered Soul". Anthropology & Humanism,

N/A, G. (2018). The Abyss Stares Back. As You Were: The Military Review, 9.

Petersen, G. (2015). At the Intersection of Chieftainship and Constitutional Government: Some Comparisons from Micronesia . Journal de la Société des Océanistes, 151(2). 265-275.

Petersen, G. (2015). American Anthropology's 'Thailand Controversy': An Object Lesson in Professional Responsibility. SOJOURN: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia, 30(2). 528-549.

Petersen, G. (2015). Everyday Danger: War Trauma in the Absence of Drama. Blue Nostalgia: A Journal of Pos-Traumatic Growth, 2. 16-32.

Petersen, G. (2014). The Possibilities of Violence and the Skills to Avoid It: On Warfare and Its Absence in Traditional Micronesia. Anthropologica , 56(2). 315-326.

Petersen, G. (2014). Author's reply. Pacific Studies, 37(2). 128-145.

(2013). 3 Books, 3 Years, 2 Leaps of Faith. Arroyo,

Petersen, G. (2012). A Storied Discipline. Chronicle of Higher Education,

Petersen, G. (2012). "The Moral Compass of an Anthropological Career". Anthropology Now, 4(3). 75-84.

Petersen, G. (2011). “Differences, Connections, and the Colonial Carousel in Micronesian History.” . Pacific-Asia Inquiry, 2. 9-20.

(2009). International Media Ethics News: Special Investigation: Jared Diamond Keeping the Peace in Micronesia.

Petersen, G. (2007). Hambruch's Colonial Narrative: Pohnpei, German Culture Theory, and the Hamburg Expedition Ethnography of 1908-10. Journal of Pacific History, 42(3). 317-330.

Petersen, G. (2007). On Checks and Balances Within the Federated States of Micronesia's Presidential System. Journal of Pacific Studies, 29(1).

(2006). “Micronesia’s Breadfruit Revolution and the Evolution of a Culture Area.”. Archaeology in Oceania , 41. 82-92.

Petersen, G. (2005). Important to Whom?: On Ethnographic Usefulness, Competence, and Relevance. Anthropological Forum , (15). 307-317.

(2000). "Indigenous Island Empires: Yap and Tonga Considered". Journal of Pacific History, 35(). 5-27.

Petersen, G. (1999). "Sociopolitical Rank and Clanship in the Caroline Islands". Journal of the Polynesian Society, 108(4). 367-410.

(1999). "Strategic Location and Sovereignty: Modern Micronesia in the Historical Context of American Expansionism". Space & Polity, 2. 179-205.

Petersen, G. (1996). "Reclaiming Rousseau: The Government of Poland's Relevance for Modern Anthropology". Dialectical Anthropology, 20. 247-283.

Petersen, G. (1995). "The Complexity of Power, the Sublety of Kava". The Power of Kava Special issue, Canberra Anthropologist, 18(1&2). 34-60.

(1995). "Nan Madol's Contested Landscape: Topography and Tradition in the Eastern Caroline Islands". ISLA, 3(1). 105-128.

(1993). The 1990 Federated States of Micronesia Constitutional Convention: "Calm Before the storm?". The Contemporary Pacific, 6(2). 337-369.

(1993). "Kanengamah and Pohnpei's Politics of Concealment". American Anthropologist, 95. 334-352.

(1992). "Dancing Defiance: The Politics of Pohnpeian Dance Performances". Pacific Studies, 15(4). 13-28.

Petersen, G. (1992). "The Vietnam War As an Exemplar of American Culture". Dialectical Anthropology, 17. 217-223.

Petersen, G. (1990). "Some Overlooked Complexities of Pohnpei Social Complexity". Micronesica Supplement, 2. 137-152.

(1990). "The Small-Republic Argument in Modern Micronesia". Philosophical Forum, 21. 393-411.

(1987). "Redistribution in a Micronesian Commercial Economy". Oceania, 57. 83-96.

(1985). "The Ponapean Vote for Independence: A Cultural Analysis". Pacific Studies, 9. 13-52.

(1984). "Ponape's Body Politic: Island and Nation". Pacific Studies, 8. 112-136.

Petersen, G. (1984). "A Moral Economy and an Immoral Trusteeship". Cultural Survival, Occasional Paper , (12). 89-96.

(1984). "The Ponapean Culture of Resistance". Radical History Review, 28-30. 347-366.

Petersen, G. (1982). "Ponapean Matriliny: Production, Exchange, and the Ties that Bind". American Ethnologist, 9. 129-144.

(1980). "Growing Up With New Guinea: Pigs for the Ancestors Reconsidered". Dialectical Anthropology, 5. 255-259.

(1979). "Breadfruit or Rice?: The Political Economics of a Vote in Micronesia". Science & Society, 43. 472-485.

(1979). "External Politics, Internal Economics, and Ponapean Social Formation". American Ethnologist, 6. 25-40.

Book Chapters

Petersen, G. (2022). “How Bartholomew’s Many Hats are Like Persevering on an Early Warning Barrier”. Dr. Seuss’s Guide to National Security In Progress.

Petersen, G. (2016). federated states of micronesia. In Levine, S. (Ed.), Pacific Ways: Government and Politics in the Pacific Islands Wellington,New Zealand. Victoria University Press.

Petersen, G. (2016). Led Astray by Too Much Kava. First Fieldwork University of Hawaii Press.

Petersen, G. (2014). A Few Steps from Swagger to Terror. Voices of War War Writers Campaign.

Petersen, G. (2003). "Routine Provocation and Denial: From the Tonkin Gulf and Hainan to Kyoto and the Pacific Islands. In Shibuya, E., & Rolfe, J. (Eds.), Security in Oceania in the Twenty-first Century (pp. 193-230). Honolulu. Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies.

Petersen, G. (2000). "Strategic Location, Sovereignty, and Cash in the Federated States of Micronesia". In Fitzpatrick, J. (Ed.), Endangered Peoples: Oceania (pp. 93-106). Westport. Greenwood.

Petersen, G. (1999). "Politics in Post-War Micronesia". In Kiste, R., & Marshall, M. (Eds.), Anthropology in American Micronesia (pp. 145-197). Honolulu. University of Hawaii Press.

Petersen, G. (1997). "Decolonization: The Highest Stage of Imperialism?". In Denoon, D. (Ed.), Emerging from Empire: Decolonisation in the Pacific (pp. 73-89). Canberra. Australian National University.

Petersen, G., Petersen, V. G., & Petersen, G. (1997). "Family and Fieldwork on Pohnpei". In Flinn, J., & Marshall, L. (Eds.), Family and Fieldwork (pp. 84-95). Honolulu. University of Hawaii Press.

Petersen, G. (1997). A Micronesian Chamber of Chiefs?. In White, G., & Lindstrom, M. (Eds.), Chiefs Today: Traditional Pacific Leadership and the Postcolonial State (pp. 183-196). Stanford. Stanford University Press.

Petersen, G. (1995). "Why Is Micronesian Independence an Issue?". In Lal, B., & Nelson, H. (Eds.), Lines Across the Sea Canberra. Pacific History Association.

Petersen, G. (1992). "Some Pohnpei Strategies for Economic Survival". In Lockwood, V., Harding, T., & Wallace, B. (Eds.), Contemporary Pacific Societies (pp. 185-196). Englewood Cliffs. Prentice-Hall.

Petersen, G. (1992). "Dependency and Bankruptcy". In Lehman, C., & Moore, R. (Eds.), Multinational Cultures (pp. 167-173). Westport. Greenwood.

Petersen, G. (1992). "Off-the-Shelf Tradition: Variation Versus Invention". In Rubenstein, D. (Ed.), Pacific History (pp. 201-211). Mangilao. University of Guam Press.

Petersen, G. (1990). "Free Labour in Colonial Pohnpei". In Moore, C., Leckie, J., & Munro, D. (Eds.), Labour in the South Pacific (pp. 161-164). Townsville. James Cook University Press.

Petersen, G. (1989). "The Projection from Pohnpei". In DeVita, P. (Ed.), The Humble Anthropologist (pp. 77-81). Chicago. Wadsworth.

Petersen, G. (1989). "Micronesian Nation-Building and Pohnpei Ethnicity". In Howard, M., & Stavenhagen, R. (Eds.), Nation-Building and ethnic Relations in the Pacific (pp. 285-308). Tokyo. United Nations University Press.

Petersen, G. (1989). "Pohnpei Chieftainship in the Era of the Nation-State". In Skalnik, P. (Ed.), Outwitting the State (pp. 23-39). New Brunswick. Transaction.

Petersen, G. (1985). "Ritually Changing the Seasons". In Bazerman, C. (Ed.), The Informed Writer (pp. 378-384). Boston. Houghton Mifflin.

Petersen, G. (1972). "Taro Farming in Waipio Valley, Island of Hawaii". In Armstrong, R. W. (Ed.), North Kohala Studies: Human Ecology (pp. 23-46). Honolulu. University of Hawaii Press.


Petersen, G. (2002, July 31). "Chieftainship and Classical Republican Theory". Presented at the Second International Conference on Power and Hierarchy in the History of Civilization. St. Petersburg, Russia: Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences.

Petersen, G. (2002, February 28). "Property Rights and Political Process in Micronesia: On the Intersection of Classic Political Theory and Ethnographics Data". Presented at the Symposium on Common Property and Customary Rights in The Contemporary Pacific, Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania annual meeting. New Zealand: University of Auckland.

Petersen, G. (2001, October 31). "Is Anyone Listening?: On Anthropology's Relationships with Colonialism and Decolonization". Presented at the Pacific Islands, Atlantic Worlds Conference. : Asian/Pacific/American Studies Program, New York University.

Petersen, G. (2001, June 30). "Routine Provocation and Denial: From the Tonkin Gulf and Hinan to Kyoto and the Pacific Islands". Presented at teh Island State Security Conference. Honolulu, Hawaii: Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies.

Petersen, G. (2001, April 30). "Micronesian Chiefs and an Island Theory of International Relations". Presented to the Seminar on "The New Internationalism," Center for Place, Culture and Politics. : Graduate Center, City University of New York.

Petersen, G. (2001, February 28). "Important to Whom? On Ethnographic Competence and Relevance". Presented at the Symposium on Critical Ethnography, Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania annual meeting. Miami

Petersen, G. (1999, February 28). Colliding Trajectories in Micronesian Geopolitics". Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania meetings. Hilo, Hawaii

Petersen, G. (1998, July 31). "Micronesian Independence and The Lessons of American Imperical History". Legacies of 1898 Summer Seminar. : Obermann Center for Advanced Studies, University of Iowa.

Petersen, G. (1998, February 28). "Chieftainship and Hierarchy: A Comparative Analysis". Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania meetings. Pensacola

Petersen, G. (1997, October 31). "Indigenous Pacific Islands Empires: Some Sociopolitical and Historical Considerations". Comparative Colonialisms conference. : Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Binghampton University.

Petersen, G. (1997, October 31). "Independence, Geopolitics, and Expansionism: Micronsia and the United States in Historical Perspective". From Dependency to Freedom, Symposium on the Marshall Islands. : Hofstra University.

Petersen, G. (1997, February 28). 'No Accident: The Trajectory of American Expansion into the Pacific, 1784-1945". Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania meetings. San Diego

Petersen, G. (1996, December 31). "Decolonization: the Highest Form of Imperialism?". Conference on Decolonisation in the Pacific Islands. : Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University.

Petersen, G. (1996, October 31). "Strategic Location and Sovereignty: Modern Micronesia in the Historical Context of American Expansionism". Association of American Geographers, Middle States meeting. Philadelphia

Petersen, G. (1996, July 31). "Decolonization and the Lies we Tell Ourselves". Pacific History Association meetings. Hilo, Hawaii

Petersen, G. (1996, February 28). "Stratification of Class?: On the Comparative Utility of Some Comparative Concepts in teh Study of Pacific Islands Societies". Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania meetings. Kona, Hawaii

Petersen, G. (1994, February 28). "Fieldwork and Family on Pohnpei". Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania meetings. San Diego

Petersen, G. (1994, February 28). "Pohnpei's Utilitarian History". Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania meetings. San Diego

Petersen, G. (1993, December 31). "Why Is Micronesian 'Independence' an Issue?". Conference on Colonial Inheritance: The Pacific Islands Since Independence. : Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University.

Petersen, G. (1993, October 31). "Politics in Post-War Micronesia". Conference on Anthropology in American Micronesia. : Center for Pacific Islands Studies, University of Hawaii.

Petersen, G. (1993, October 4). "Chieftainship and Hierarchy". Columbia University Seminar on Ecological Systems and Cultural Evolution.

Petersen, G. (1993, August 31). "On Cross-Cutting and Contradictory Hierarchies". International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. Mexico City

Petersen, G. (1993, August 31). "The Mis-Placed State". International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. Mexico

Petersen, G. (1993, March 31). "Pohnpei's Utilitarian History". Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania meetings. Kona, Hawai

Petersen, G. (1992, February 28). "A Micronesian Chamber ofChiefs?". Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania meetings. New Orleans

Petersen, G. (1991, June 30). "The Clash of Traditions: Reconciling Diversity and Competition in the '90s". Lawrence, NJ: American Telephone and Telegraph Engineering Labs.

Petersen, G. (1991, March 31). "Not about the Past, But Not without the Past". Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania meetings. Victoria, B.C.

Petersen, G. (1991, May 31). "The Complexity of Power, the Subtlety of Kava". Pacific Science Association, 17th Congress. Honolulu

Petersen, G. (1990, December 31). "Off-the-Shelf Tradition: Variation versus Invention". Pacific Science Association Conference. Guam

Petersen, G. (1990, November 30). "Redesigning the Federated States of Micronesia: Ethnicity and Interests at the 1990 Constitutional Convention". : Regime Change and Maintenance Programme, Department of Political and Social Change, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University.

Petersen, G. (1990, February 28). "Dancing Defiance". Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania meetings. Kauai

Petersen, G. (1990, August 31). "Constituting an Old Order: The Federated States of Micronesia Constitutional Convention". Pacific Islands Political Studies Association Conference on Ethnicity. Laie, Hawaii: Institute for Polynesian Studies.

Petersen, G. (1990, February 28). "In the Absence of Truth, Limits on Power". Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania meetings. Kauai

Petersen, G. (1988, March 31). "Dependency and Bankruptcy". Conference on Multinational Cultures. : Hofstra University.

Petersen, G. (1987, September 30). "Some Overlooked Complexities in Pohnpei Social Complexity". Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, First Micronesian Archaeology Conference. : University of Guam.

Petersen, G. (1986, June 30). "Pohnpei ethnicity and Micronesian Development". United Nations University Conference on Ethnicity and Development. Suva, Fiji

Petersen, G. (1986, December 31). "Teaching the War in Vietnam As a Exemplar of American Culture". American Anthropological Association annual meetings. Washington, D.C.

Petersen, G. (1985, October 31). 'Small Island, Big Aspirations". : New York Academy of Sciences, Junior Academy.

Petersen, G. (1985, November 30). "Researcher, Teacher, Citizen: The Classroom as a Point in a Continuum". Invited Speaker, College of Staten Island Conference on General Education. Mohonk Mountain

Petersen, G. (1985, December 31). "Egalitarian Strategies and Hierarchical Tactics". American Anthropological Association annual meetings. Washington, D.C.

Petersen, G. (1985, October 31). "Decolonization or Deception?". Minority Rights Group Conference on Asian and Pacific Americans. New York: Columbia University.

Petersen, G. (1985, June 30). Commencement Address. : John Dewey High School Science Academy.

Petersen, G. (1984, March 31). "What Were the Ponapeans Voting Against?". Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania meetings. Molokai, Hawaii

Petersen, G. (1983, October 31). "When Informants Become Friends: Who We Know and How We Know". : Department of Anthropology, Columbia University.

Petersen, G. (1983, October 31). Community Sensitivity Discussion Leader. : New York City Police Department.

Petersen, G. (1983, August 31). "Ponapean Chieftainship in the Era of the Nation-State". International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. Quebec, Canada

Petersen, G. (1983, March 31). "The Chiefs of Ponape". S.I.: Staten Island Archaeology Society, wagner College.

Petersen, G. (1983, January 31). "From Chiefdom to State". : New York Academy of Sciences, Anthropology Section.

Petersen, G. (1982, December 31). "Ponape's Body Politic", G. Cronin, ed., pp. 56-80. Proceedings of the Conference on Evolving Political Cultures in the Pacific. : Laie: Institute of Polynesian Studies.

Petersen, G. (1982, March 31). "WhyPonapean Trade Strores Fail". Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania meetings. Hilton Head, SC

Petersen, G. (1982, February 28). "Ponape's Body Politic: Island and Nation". Conference on Evolving Political Cultures in the Pacific Islands. Laie, Hawaii: Institute for Polynesian Studies.

Petersen, G. (1981, April 30). "New Fossils and recent Theory in Hominid Evolution". Presented to the science faculties of New York City Public School District 3 and 2, Jan. 1982 and April 1981 respectively, for the New York academy of Sciences.

Petersen, G. (1981, May 31). 'Cultural Anthropologicy in the Twentieth Century: What Do We Do When We Run Out of Tribes?". The Margaret Mead Lecture in Science. : Rockefeller Uiversity, New York Academy of Sciences-Junior Academy.

Petersen, G. (1981, March 31). "The Sacred and the Fun". Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania meetings. San Diego

Petersen, G. (1980, April 30). "Growing Up with New Guinea". Conference on {Pigs for the Ancestors} Reconsidered. : New York Academy of Sciences.

Petersen, G. (1980, February 28). "Brilliant Island, Swaying in Soft Motion". Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania meetings. Galveston, Texas

Petersen, G. (1979, August 31). "Contemporary Ponapean Politics". Pacific Islands Seminar. Honolulu: Univeristy of Hawaii.

Petersen, G. (1979, November 30). "The resurgence of Traditional Politics on Ponape". American Anthropological Association annual meetings. Cincinatti

Petersen, G. (1979, April 30). 'Class, Sociobiology, and the Class on Sociobiology". Conference on Marxism and Science. : New York University.

Petersen, G. (1979, March 31). "Illusions and Delusions: Aspects of Dependency on Ponape". Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania meetings. Clearwater Florida

Petersen, G. (1978, May 31). "Projecting teh Present onto the Past". CUNY Conference on Anthropology and History. : CUNY Graduate Center.

Petersen, G. (1978, February 28). "Full Disclosure: Knowledge Secrecy, and Social Distance". Association for Social Anthropology annual meetings. Monterey, Calif.

Petersen, G. (1976, November 30). "Ritually Changimg the Seasons". American Anthropological Association annual meetings. Washington, D.C.

Petersen, G. (1976, March 31). "Whose Land Is It?: :and reform and Political Power". Northeastern Anthropological Association annual meetings. : Wesleyan University.

Petersen, G. (1975, November 30). "The Evolution of Double Descent in an Oceanic Society". American Anthropological Association annual meetings. San Francisco

Petersen, G. (1970, March 31). "Excavations at 4-CCO-312". Society for California Archaeology meetings. Asilomar, California

Other Scholarly Works

Petersen, G. (2013). Santa Barbara Was My Paris.

Petersen, G., & Tate, N. (2005). Entries on Federated States of Micronesia and Chieftainship. Governments of the World.

Petersen, G., Kaeppler, A., & Love, (1998). Entries on song and dance and on kava ceremonies. Encyclopedia of Word Music: Australia and the Pacific Islands.

Petersen, G., & Oliver, P. (1997). Entries on dwellings, feast houses, and cook houses. Blackweel Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World.

Petersen, G., & Seltzer, R. A. (1996). "Don't Take Responses at Face Value". Mistakes that Social Scientists Make. 28-29.

Petersen, G. (1993). "Micronesia". p108.

Petersen, G. (1986). "Nicaragua: Vietnam Redux?". 17(3), 12-15.

Petersen, G. (1985). "The Age of Asia-Pacific Countries". 3412-18.

Petersen, G. (1975). "What Do We Do Now that We Have Voted To Be Independent?". 6-10.


Petersen, G. (2011,March 1). Suffering and Sentiment: Exploring the Vicissitudes of Experience and Pain in Yap. Pacific Affairs.

Petersen, G. (2011,January 1). SUMMONING THE POWERS BEYOND: Traditional Religions in Micronesia. University of Hawai'i Press.

Petersen, G. (2011,October 14). HAWAI'I AT THE CROSSROADS OF THE U.S. AND JAPAN BEFORE THE PACIFIC WAR. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press.

Petersen, G. (2010,January 1). IMPERIAL ARCHIPELAGO: Representation and Rule in the Insular Territories Under U.S. Dominion After 1898. Writing Past Colonialism.. University of Hawai'i Press.


Petersen, G. (2009,April 1). MEMORIES OF WAR: Micronesians in the Pacific War. Pacific Affairs.

Petersen, G. (2000,January 1). Traditional versus Democracy in the South Pacific. Pacific Studies.

Petersen, G. (1995,January 1). "Power Corrupts--Does Corruption Empower?". Oceania.

Petersen, G., Lebot, V., & Lindstrom, L. (1995,January 1). Kava: The Pacific Drug. Pacific Studies.

Petersen, G. (1995,January 1). Sixy-four signed reviews. Library Journal.

Petersen, G., & Dorrance, J. (1994,January 1). The United States and the Pacific Islands. Pacific Affairs.

Petersen, G., & Roff, S. (1993,January 1). Overreaching in Paradise. Australian Journal of International Affairs.

Petersen, G. (1993,January 1). Power Relations and State Formation. Science & Society.

Petersen, G., & Smith, G. (1993,January 1). Micronesia: Decolonisation and U.S. Military Interests in the Pacific Islands Trust Territories. Pacific Affairs.

Petersen, G. (1990,January 1). Culture Kin and Cognition in Oceania. Man.

Petersen, G. (1990,January 1). Nanyo: The Rise and Fall of the Japanese in Micronesia 1885-1945. The American Asia Review.

Petersen, G., & Hanlon, D. (1989,January 1). Upon a Stone Altar. Oceania.

Petersen, G., & Clifford, J. (1989,January 1). The Predicament of Culture. The Contemporary Pacific.

Petersen, G. (1987,January 1). The Solomon Islands: An Experiment in Decentralization. Pacific Studies.

Petersen, G. (1987,January 1). Affluence and cultural Survival. American Ethnologist.

Petersen, G., & Geddes, W. H. (1985,January 1). Atoll Economy. American Ethnologist.

Petersen, G., & Wessman, J. (1983,January 1). Antnropology and Marxism. Science & Society.

Petersen, G., & Hisikatsu, H. (1970,January 1). Society and Life in Palau.

Petersen, G., & Lieber, M. (1970,January 1). More Than a Living. American Ethnologist, forthcoming.

Petersen, G., Premdas, R., & Steeves, J. (1970,January 1). Decentralization and Political Change in Melanesia.

Petersen, G. (1970,January 1). Cultures of Commemoration: The Politics of War, Memory, and History in. University of Hawai‘i Press.

Petersen, G. (1970,January 1). Culture and Democracy. ISLA: A Journal of Micronesian Studies, forthcoming.

Petersen, G., & Kluge, P. F. (1970,January 1). The Edge of Paradise. ISLA: A Journal of Micronesian Studies.

Petersen, G., & Thomas, N. (1970,January 1). Colonialism's Culture. Current Anthropology, forthcoming.

Petersen, G., & Damas, D. (1970,January 1). Bountiful Island. Oceania, forthcoming.

Petersen, G., & Poyer, L. (1970,January 1). "Power Corrupts--Does Corruption Empower?". The Ngatik Massacre: History and Identity on a Micronesian Atoll.

Petersen, G. (1970,January 1). University of Hawai‘i Press.

Petersen, G., & Kensington, A. (1970,January 1). The Constitution of the Marshall Islands: Its Drafting and Current Operations. Pacific Affairs, forthcoming.

Petersen, G., & Meller, N. (1970,January 1). Constitutionalism in Micronesia.

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
Why We Fight: War and the Arc of Human Experience.PSC-CUNY 5007/01/201912/31/202204/15/20193466.88Completed
Micronesian Adaptations and Self-GovernmentPSC-CUNY 3807/01/200706/30/20085000Completed
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Faculty Research Award (PSC-CUNY Grant)City University2000
Obermann Institute for Advanced Studies Fellowship1998
Faculty Research Award (PSC-CUNY Grant)City University1993
Faculty Research Award (PSC-CUNY Grant)City University1990
Senior Research FellowshipResearch School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University19901989-1990
Faculty Research Award (PSC-CUNY Grant)City University1986
Fellowship Leave Baruch College19851984-1985
Fellowship for College TeachersNational Endowment for the Humanities19841983-1984
Scholar Incentive Award City University of New York19841983-1984
Faculty Research Award (PSC-CUNY Grant)City University1983
Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research Grant1983
Summer FellowshipNational Endowment for Humanities1981
Faculty Research Award (PSC-BHE Grant)City University1980
Faculty Research Award (PSC-BHE Grant)City University1978
natioanl Research Service Award Natioanl Institute of Mental Health19761973-1976
Columbia University Traveling Fellowship1973
National Institue of General Medical Studies Traineeship in Human Ecology19731970-1973
National Science Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship1970


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Academic Advisory Council, Bernard Schwartz Communication InstitutePresent
Evening Session supervisorPresent
Human Subjects Review CommitteePresent
NEH-sponsored Darwin curriculum programParticipantPresent
Department Executive CommitteePresent
College Affirmative Action CommitteePresent
Whiting Fellowship Selection CommitteePresent
College P&BAttendee, Meeting8/31/2022
Freshman Text Selection Committee12/31/2004
Committee on Implementing College-wide Use of Keys for Writer12/31/2002
Black and Hispanic Studies Oversight and search Committees12/31/2002
Chair Dept of Sociology & AnthropologyDept chair6/30/2002
WSAS move to the Vertical CampusCoordinator12/31/2001
Freshman Orientation SeminarsLeader12/31/2001
Block Scheduling Coordinator12/31/2001
Globus Committee12/31/2000
History Department Search Committee12/31/2000
Human Subjects Review Committee12/31/2000
Core Curriculum Revisions Committee12/31/1998
College Personnel and Budget Committee12/31/1996
The Asheville Conference on Liberal Arts Curriculum RevisionsParticipation6/30/1996
faculty Development Workshops on Students' Writing Organizing4/30/1996
Curriculum Committee12/31/1991
Multicultural Committee12/31/1991
SLA&S Personnel and Budget Committee12/31/1990
SLA&S Executive Committee12/31/1990
Baruch Gallery Committee12/31/1990
P&B Subcommittee on Special Salary IncrementsChair12/31/1988
Executive CommitteeFaculty Senate12/31/1987
Member, Faculty Senate12/31/1987
Planning Committee, Revised Freshman Orientation Program12/31/1986
Department Bibligrapher12/31/1983
Honors and Awards Committee12/31/1983
SLA&S Released Time Committee12/31/1983
SLA&S Committee on Academic Standing12/31/1983
TAP Waiver Review Committee12/31/1983
Baruch Scholar Candidate Interviews12/31/1982
Selection CommitteeEvening Session Student Services Director12/31/1982
College Honors Committee12/31/1982
College Committee on Athletics12/31/1982
Secretary of the Department12/31/1981
Library and Film Committee12/31/1981
Acting deputy Chairman12/31/1981


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
CUNY B.A. students (4)ChairpersonPresent
M.A. Program in Liberal Studies Faculty1/1/1990Present
Ph.D. Program in Anthropology Faculty1/1/1986Present
PSY-CUNY/CUNY Committee on establishing a CUNY Employee Assistance Program12/31/2004
PSC-CUNY Program for New Faculty Development12/31/2004
PSC-CUNY Committee on Implementing New Contract-Summer Salaries for Department Chairs1/1/200212/31/2003
Committee on Dissertation Fellowships1/1/199312/31/1999
University Committee on ResearchAnthropology Liaison1/1/199012/31/1998
Graduate Council1/1/198812/31/1998
Ad Hoc Committee on Recruitment of CUNY Undergraduate Minority Students1/1/198812/31/1989
Student Services Committee1/1/198812/31/1989
"Utilizing New York's resources," for the CUNY Anthropology ConferenceOrganized and chaired the symposium5/31/1979


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
American Association for the Advancement of ScienceMemberPresent
Association for Social Anthropology in OceaniaFellowPresent
Referee for articles and book manuscriptsPresent
Referee for reseach proposalsPresent
"Old scars and New wounds: Continuities in Nationalism, Autonomy, and Separatism," American Anthropological Association annual meetingsSymposium Organizer11/30/1991
New York academy of Sciences, Scientists in Schools ProgramParticipant1/1/197912/31/1988
Congress of United StatesReviewer for the Office of Technology Assessment's program 1/1/198512/31/1986
United NationsSession Chair10/1/19855/31/1986
"Equality and Hierarchy in Historical Counterpoint," American Anthropological Association annual meetingsSymposium Organizer12/31/1985
U.S. House of RepresentativesTestimony solicited by the Interior and Insular Affairs subcommittee hearings on termination of the U.S. Pacific Islands Trusteeship4/30/1985
U.S. SenateTestimont before Energy and Natural Resources subcommittee hearings on termination of the U.S. Pacific Islands Trusteeship5/31/1984
Columbia University Seminar on Ecological Systems and Cultural EvolutionChairperson1/1/198012/31/1981