Gloria Penn Thomas


Zicklin School of Business

Department: Allen Aaronson Dept of Mkt/IB

Areas of expertise: Strategy

Email Address:


Ph.D., Marketing, Temple University

B.A., Mathematics / Art History, Wellesley College

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2024MKT5100Marketing Internship
Fall 2024MKT5100Marketing Internship
Fall 2024BUS4444HHon Case Studies in Business
Fall 2024BUS3002Business Internship
Fall 2024BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2024BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2024BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2024BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2024MKT5100Marketing Internship
Spring 2024MKT5100Marketing Internship
Spring 2024MKT5100Marketing Internship
Spring 2024BUS4444HHon Case Studies in Business
Spring 2024BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2024BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2023BUS3002Business Internship
Fall 2023BUS3003Business Internship
Fall 2023BUS4444HHon Case Studies in Business
Fall 2023MKT5100Marketing Internship
Fall 2023MKT5100Marketing Internship
Fall 2023BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2023BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2023MKT5100Marketing Internship
Summer 2023BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2023BUS3002Business Internship
Spring 2023BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2023MKT5100Marketing Internship
Spring 2023BUS4444HHon Case Studies in Business
Spring 2023BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2023MKT5100Marketing Internship
Fall 2022BUS3002Business Internship
Fall 2022BUS3003Business Internship
Fall 2022BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2022BUS3003Business Internship
Fall 2022MKT5100Marketing Internship
Fall 2022BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2022BUS3002Business Internship
Fall 2022MKT5100Marketing Internship
Fall 2022BUS4444HHon Case Studies in Business
Summer 2022MKT5100Marketing Internship
Summer 2022BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2022BUS3002Business Internship
Spring 2022MKT5100Marketing Internship
Spring 2022BUS4444HHon Case Studies in Business
Spring 2022BUS3003Business Internship
Spring 2022BUS3003Business Internship
Spring 2022BUS3002Business Internship
Spring 2022BUS3002Business Internship
Spring 2022BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2022BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2021MKT5100Marketing Internship
Fall 2021BUS4444HHon Case Studies in Business
Fall 2021BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2021BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2021BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2021MKT5100Marketing Internship
Summer 2021BUS3003Business Internship
Spring 2021BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2021BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2021BUS3002Business Internship
Spring 2021BUS4444HHon Case Studies in Business
Spring 2021MKT5100Marketing Internship
Fall 2020BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2020BUS3002Business Internship
Fall 2020BUS4444HHon Case Studies in Business
Fall 2020MKT5100Marketing Internship
Fall 2020MKT5100Marketing Internship
Fall 2020BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2020MKT5100Marketing Internship
Summer 2020BUS3002Business Internship
Summer 2020BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2020BUS3003Business Internship
Spring 2020BUS3002Business Internship
Spring 2020MKT5100Marketing Internship
Spring 2020BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2020MGT4094HHonors-Spec Topic in Mgmnt
Spring 2020BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2020BUS4444HHon Case Studies in Business
Spring 2020BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2019BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2019BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2019BUS3002Business Internship
Fall 2019BUS4444HHon Case Studies in Business
Fall 2019MKT5100Marketing Internship
Fall 2019MKT5100Marketing Internship
Summer 2019BUS3002Business Internship
Summer 2019MKT5100Marketing Internship
Summer 2019BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2019BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2019MKT5100Marketing Internship
Spring 2019BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2019BUS4444HHon Case Studies in Business
Spring 2019BUS3003Business Internship
Fall 2018BUS3003Business Internship
Fall 2018BUS4444HHon Case Studies in Business
Fall 2018MKT5100Marketing Internship
Fall 2018BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2018BUS3002Business Internship
Summer 2018BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2018MKT5100Marketing Internship
Summer 2018BUS3002Business Internship
Spring 2018MKT5100Marketing Internship
Spring 2018BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2018BUS4444HHon Case Studies in Business
Spring 2018BUS3003Business Internship
Spring 2018BUS3002Business Internship
Spring 2018BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2017MKT5100Marketing Internship
Fall 2017BUS4444HHon Case Studies in Business
Fall 2017BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2017BUS3002Business Internship
Summer 2017MKT5100Marketing Internship
Summer 2017BUS3002Business Internship
Summer 2017BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2017BUS3003Business Internship
Spring 2017BUS3002Business Internship
Spring 2017BUS3003Business Internship
Spring 2017BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2017BUS4444HHon Case Studies in Business
Spring 2017MKT5100Marketing Internship
Fall 2016BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2016BUS3003Business Internship
Fall 2016BUS4444HHon Case Studies in Business
Fall 2016BUS3002Business Internship
Fall 2016MKT5100Marketing Internship
Summer 2016BUS3003Business Internship
Summer 2016BUS3002Business Internship
Summer 2016MKT5100Marketing Internship
Summer 2016BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2016MKT5100Marketing Internship
Spring 2016BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2016BUS4444HHon Case Studies in Business
Spring 2016BUS3003Business Internship
Spring 2016BUS3002Business Internship
Fall 2015BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2015MKT5100Marketing Internship
Fall 2015BUS3002Business Internship
Fall 2015BUS4444HHon Case Studies in Business
Summer 2015BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2015MKT5100Marketing Internship
Summer 2015BUS3002Business Internship
Summer 2015BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2015MKT5100Marketing Internship
Spring 2015BUS4444HHon Case Studies in Business
Spring 2015BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2015BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2015BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2014BUS4444HHon Case Studies in Business
Fall 2014BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2014MKT5100Marketing Internship
Summer 2014BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2014MKT5100Marketing Internship
Summer 2014BUS3002Business Internship
Spring 2014BUS4444HHon Case Studies in Business
Spring 2014BUS3002Business Internship
Spring 2014BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2014MKT5100Marketing Internship
Fall 2013BUS4444HHon Case Studies in Business
Fall 2013BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2013BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2013MKT5750Marketing Strategy
Fall 2013MKT5100Marketing Internship
Fall 2013BUS3002Business Internship
Summer 2013BUS3002Business Internship
Summer 2013BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2013BUS3003Business Internship
Summer 2013MKT5100Marketing Internship
Spring 2013BUS4444HHon Case Studies in Business
Spring 2013BUS3002Business Internship
Spring 2013BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2013MKT5100Marketing Internship
Fall 2012BUS3003Business Internship
Fall 2012BUS3003Business Internship
Fall 2012BUS3002Business Internship
Fall 2012BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2012MKT9791Special Topics in Marketing
Fall 2012MKT5100Marketing Internship
Fall 2012MKT5750Marketing Strategy
Summer 2012BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2012MKT5100Marketing Internship
Summer 2012BUS3002Business Internship
Spring 2012BUS3003Business Internship
Spring 2012BUS3002Business Internship
Spring 2012BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2012MKT5100Marketing Internship
Spring 2012MKT5750Marketing Strategy
Fall 2011BUS3002Business Internship
Fall 2011BUS3001Business Internship
Fall 2011MKT5750Marketing Strategy
Fall 2011MKT5100Marketing Internship
Fall 2011BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2011MKT5750Marketing Strategy
Summer 2011BUS3001Business Internship
Summer 2011BUS3002Business Internship
Summer 2011MKT5100Marketing Internship
Spring 2011BUS3002Business Internship
Spring 2011BUS3001Business Internship
Spring 2011MKT5750Marketing Strategy
Spring 2011MKT5100Marketing Internship
Fall 2010MKT5750Marketing Strategy
Spring 2010MKT5750Marketing Strategy
Fall 2009MKT5750Marketing Strategy
Fall 2008MKT5750Marketing Strategy
Spring 2008MKT5750Marketing Strategy
Fall 2007MKT5750Marketing Strategy
Spring 2007MKT5750Marketing Strategy
Spring 2007MKT5750Marketing Strategy
Fall 2006MKT5750Marketing Strategy
Spring 2006MKT5750Marketing Strategy
Spring 2006MKT5750HHonors - Marketing Strategy
Spring 2006MKT5750Marketing Strategy
Fall 2005MKT5750Marketing Strategy
Spring 2005MKT9750Marketing Strategy
Spring 2005MKT9750Marketing Strategy
Spring 2005MKT9750Marketing Strategy
Spring 2005MKT5750Marketing Strategy
Fall 2004MKT5750Marketing Strategy
Fall 2004MKT3000Marketing Foundations
Spring 2004MKT5750Marketing Strategy
Fall 2003MKT5750Marketing Strategy


Soldow, G., & Thomas, G. (1991). Personal Selling: An Interpersonal Approach. New York, Macmillan.

Journal Articles

(2009). The Reflection Effect in Time-Related Decisions. Psychology and Marketing Journal, 26(9). Pages: 793-812.

(2007). The Performance Implications of Designing Multiple Channels to Fit with Strategy and Environment. Journal of Marketing, 71. 195-211.

(2007). "Predicting the Emergence of Innovations from Technological Convergence: Lessons from the 20th Century". Journal of Macromarketing, 28(2).

(2005). The Role of the Individual in Business Service Relationships: A Second Level of Commitment. Industrial Marketing Management, (34). 23-37.

(1993). Why Copy Complexity Can Help Ad Readership. Journal of Advertising Research, 33. 23-28.

(1992). "The Influence of Processing Conversational Information on Inference and Memory". Journal of Consumer Research, 19(1). 83-92.

(1988). Nonverbal Behavior in Television Advertising: How Forceful is a Forceful Actor?. Current Issues in Advertising, 11. 75-88.

(1988). A Rules-Based Approach to Competitive Interaction. Journal of Marketing, 63-74.

(1984). Relational Communication: Form Versus Content in the Sales Interaction. Journal of Marketing, 84-94.

(1982). The Impact of Internal and External Environmental Stability on the Existence of Determinant Buying Rules. Journal of Business Research, 159-168.

Book Chapters

Thomas, G., & Soldow, G. (1988). Information Theory and Communication Rules in the Context of Interpersonal Communication. In Ruben, B. (Ed.), Information and Behavior


Kabadayi, S., & Thomas, G. (2005, May 31). The History of Marketing Thinking About the Internet: 1990-2004. 12th Conference on Historical Research in Marketing.

Thomas, G. (1992, December 31). . Interviewed as an Academic Expert on Personal Selling. : Southern California Consortium's Public Broadcast Series, "Point of Sales" aired in PBS stations and shown in colleges nationwide.

Thomas, G. (1991, December 31). Salesperson Knowledge and Behavior: Toward an Integrated Perspective. AMA Summer Educator's Conference.

Thomas, G., & Soldow, G. (1984, December 31). Interpersonal Communication: A Process of Rule Negotiation Through Metacommunication. Association for Consumer Research.

Gashof, J., & Thomas, G. (1977, December 31). Industrial Buying Center Responsibilities: Self Versus Other Member Evaluations of Importance. American Marketing Association Educators' Conference. Chicago, IL

Klinger, J., Thomas, G., Clark, B., & Shaw, E. (1976, December 31). The Application of a Multi-Attribute Distance Model to the Prediction of Worker Satisfaction. Northeast AIDS Conference. Atlanta, GA

Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Honorary FellowForeign Policy Association2024-06-14I was selected to be an Honorary Fellow of the Foreign Policy Association
Honorary memberPhi Eta Sigma2014I was inducted into this honors society as an honorary member
Best teacher in the marketing departmentZicklin2009


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Honors CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Zicklin Undergraduate Honors ProgramDirectorPresent
Zicklin Strategic Planning CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2018
Honors admissions committeeCommittee Member1/27/2014
Executive CommitteeCommittee Member5/31/2012
Committee on Student AffairsCommittee Chair12/31/2009
Faculty SenateCommittee Member12/31/2009
ZSB Undergraduate Curriculum CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2008
Undergraduate Student OrientationFaculty Representative7/31/2007
Undergraduate New Student OrientationFaculty Representative7/31/2007
Marketing Comprehensive Examinations (Written & Oral)Committee Member12/31/2006
College Personnel and Budget Committee12/31/2004
Sexual Harassment PanelCommittee Member12/31/2004
Undergraduate Career and Majors FairFaculty Representative12/31/2004
Undergraduate Independent StudySupervisor12/31/2004
Marketing Department MBA Open HouseFaculty Representative3/31/2004
Master's Students Open HouseAttendee, Meeting12/31/2003
ZSB Teaching Task ForceCommittee Chair12/31/2003
Graduate Curriculum CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2003
Zicklin School of Business Executive Committee12/31/2002
Graduate Curriculum Monitor of Executive MBA ProgramMonitor12/31/2002
Ad Hoc Committee on the College's Use of A Writing HandbookCommittee Member12/31/2002
Zicklin Mission Review Committee12/31/2002
President's Strategic Planning CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/1996
Undergraduate Committe on Academic StandingCommittee Member12/31/1993
Executive CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/1991
Committee on Recruitment and Retention of Minority FacultyCommittee Member12/31/1991
Board of Directors of the Bernard Baruch College AssociationCommittee Member12/31/1990
Senate Committee on Educational PlanningCommittee Member12/31/1990
Department Sunshine Fund12/31/1988
Mayor's Scholarship CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/1987
All masters' theses in MarketingSupervisor12/31/1987
School of Business Representative to the School of Liberal Arts12/31/1987
Department Ombudsman12/31/1984
Faculty Recruiting12/31/1983


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Nicole Kirpilani's Dissertation CommitteeCommittee Member1/1/2006Present
Governance Council, School of Professional StudiesCommittee Member1/1/200412/31/2007
Search Committee for Marketing Director, School of Professional StudiesFaculty Advisor1/1/200512/31/2005
Sertan Kabadayi's Dissertation CommitteeCommittee Member1/1/200412/31/2005
Doctoral Program Teaching Award CommitteeCommittee Member1/1/200412/31/2004
Nobby Zushi's First Examination CommitteeCommittee Member1/1/200312/31/2003
Graduate School Committee on the Use of Student FeesCommittee Member1/1/200012/31/2003
Doctoral Program in BusinessExecutive Officer1/1/199412/31/2003
Fiona Sussan's First Examination CommitteeCommittee Member1/1/200312/31/2003
Council of Executive OfficersCommittee Member1/1/199912/31/2001
Doctoral Program in BusinessMarketing Coordinator1/1/199112/31/1994
Outside Teaching Evaluator in Marketing for York CollegeEvaluator1/1/198912/31/1989


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Shenkman CapitalBoard of Directors of a CompanyNew YorkUnited States12/15/2021PresentInternational


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
AMA Doctoral Dissertation AwardsReviewer1/1/199512/31/1995
Journal of Consumer ResearchReviewer1/1/199212/31/1993
Journal of MarketingAd Hoc Reviewer1/1/199212/31/1992
Summer and Winter AMA Educator's Conferences 1991Reviewer1/1/199112/31/1991
AMA Doctoral Dissertation AwardsReviewer1/1/198812/31/1988