Greg Chen

Greg Chen

Assc Professor

Marxe School of Public and International Affairs

Department: Public Affairs

Areas of expertise:

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> View CV

Dr. Chen’s fields of research include traffic safety, injury prevention, school safety, comparative healthcare systems, public/corporate finance, public and nonprofit organization performance and management, research methodology, and program evaluation.


Ph.D., Public Admin., University of Victoria Victoria Canada

M.A., Educational Admin., University of Victoria Victoria Canada

M.Sc, Metallurgical Engineering, Univ. of Science and Technology Beijing

B.Sc. Equivalent, Electrical-Metallurgical Engineering, Univ. of Science and Technology Beijing Beijing China

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2024PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Fall 2024PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Fall 2024PAF9174Program Evaluation
Spring 2024PAF3402Policy Analysis
Spring 2024PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Fall 2023PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Fall 2023PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Fall 2023PAF9174Program Evaluation
Spring 2023PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Spring 2023PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Spring 2023PAF3402Policy Analysis
Fall 2022PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Fall 2022PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Fall 2022PAF9174Program Evaluation
Spring 2022PAF9174Program Evaluation
Spring 2022PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Spring 2022PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Fall 2021PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Fall 2021PAF9174Program Evaluation
Fall 2021PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Spring 2021PAF9160Pub/Nonprofit Mgt II
Spring 2021PAF9174Program Evaluation
Spring 2021PAF3402Policy Analysis
Fall 2020PAF9174Program Evaluation
Fall 2020PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Fall 2020PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Spring 2020PAF3402Policy Analysis
Spring 2020PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Spring 2020PAF9160Pub/Nonprofit Mgt II
Fall 2019PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Fall 2019PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Fall 2019PAF9174Program Evaluation
Summer 2019PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Spring 2019PAF3402Policy Analysis
Spring 2019PAF9160Pub/Nonprofit Mgt II
Spring 2019PAF9174Program Evaluation
Fall 2018PAF9174Program Evaluation
Fall 2018PAF9160Pub/Nonprofit Mgt II
Fall 2018PAF3402Policy Analysis
Summer 2018PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2018PAF9174Program Evaluation
Spring 2018PAF9160Pub/Nonprofit Mgt II
Spring 2018PAF3402Policy Analysis
Fall 2017PAF3402Policy Analysis
Fall 2017PAF9160Pub/Nonprofit Mgt II
Fall 2017PAF9174Program Evaluation
Summer 2017PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Summer 2017PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Spring 2017PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Spring 2017PAF9174Program Evaluation
Spring 2017PAF9174Program Evaluation
Fall 2016PAF9174Program Evaluation
Fall 2016PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Fall 2016PAF3402Policy Analysis
Summer 2016PAF9174Program Evaluation
Spring 2016PAF9174Program Evaluation
Spring 2016PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Spring 2016PAF9174Program Evaluation
Fall 2015PAF3402Policy Analysis
Fall 2015PAF9174Program Evaluation
Fall 2015PAF9174Program Evaluation
Summer 2015PAF9174Program Evaluation
Summer 2015PAF9174Program Evaluation
Spring 2015PAF3402Policy Analysis
Spring 2015PAF9174Program Evaluation
Spring 2015PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Fall 2014PAF3402Policy Analysis
Fall 2014PAF9174Program Evaluation
Fall 2014PAF9174Program Evaluation
Spring 2014PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Spring 2014PAF9174Program Evaluation
Spring 2014PAF9174Program Evaluation
Fall 2013PAF9174Program Evaluation
Fall 2013PAF9174Program Evaluation
Fall 2013PAF9174Program Evaluation
Spring 2013PAF9123Program Evaluation
Spring 2013PAF9123Program Evaluation
Spring 2013PAF9123Program Evaluation
Spring 2013PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Fall 2012PAF9172Research and Analysis II
Fall 2012PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Fall 2012PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Spring 2012PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Spring 2012PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Spring 2012PAF9172Research and Analysis II
Fall 2011PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Fall 2011PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2011PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Spring 2011PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Spring 2011PAF9153Budget & Finance for Nonprofit
Fall 2010PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Fall 2010PAF9123Program Evaluation
Fall 2010PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Spring 2009PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Spring 2009PAF9123Program Evaluation
Spring 2009PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Fall 2008PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Fall 2008PAF9123Program Evaluation
Fall 2008PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Spring 2008PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Spring 2008PAF9123Program Evaluation
Spring 2008PAF9172Research and Analysis II
Fall 2007PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Fall 2007PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Spring 2007PAF9123Program Evaluation
Spring 2007PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Fall 2006PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Fall 2006PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Spring 2006PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Fall 2005PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Fall 2005PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Spring 2005PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Spring 2005PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Fall 2004PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Fall 2004PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Spring 2004PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Spring 2004PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Fall 2003PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Fall 2003PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys
Fall 2003PAF9140Budgeting and Financial Analys


Weikart, L. A., & Chen, G. (2022). Budgeting and Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations . (p. 334). Long Grove, Illinois, Waveland Press Inc..

Chen, G., Weikart, L., & Williams, D. (2014). Budget Tools Second Edition. Thousand Oaks, CA, United States, Sage-CQ.

Chen, G., Weikart, L., & Williams, D. (2014). Budget Tools: Financial Methods in the Public Sector. (p. About 300 pages). Thousand Oaks, CA, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage-CQ. .

Weikart, L., & Chen, G. (2012). Budgeting and Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations. CQ Press.

Chen, G. (2009). Manage Traffic Speed, Save Money and Lives. (p. 300). Saarbrücken, Germany, VDM Verlag GmbH Servicegesellschaft Publisher.

Chen, G., Forsythe, D. W., Weikart, L., & Williams, D. (2008). Budget Tools: Financial Methods in the Public Sector. (p. xi, 275). Washington, D. C., United States,

Chen, G., & Gibson, C. (1993). Analysis of 1991-92 Intermediate and Graduate School Accreditation Reports. (p. 56). Internal report for BC Government .

Tomusiak, R., & Chen, G. (1992). Analysis of 1991-92 Primary-Intermediate School Accreditation Reports. (p. 57). Internal report for BC Government .

Frankcombe, B., & Chen, G. (1991). Analysis of 1990-91 Secondary School Accreditation Reports. Internal report for BC Government.

Journal Articles

Chen, G. (2016). Does meeting BBB accountability standards affect charitable giving? A study of New York Metropolitan area charities, replicated by a US national sample. International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, 13(1). 49-68.

Chen, G. (2015). Traffic safety: injuries and fatalities in the US and the world. Journal of Jacobs Journal of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine. J J Epidemiol Prevent, 1(3). 018.

(2010). Road Traffic Safety in African Countries – Status, Trend, Contributing Factors, Counter Measures and Challenge. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion. , 17(4). 247-255.

(2009). Does Meeting Standards Affect Charitable Giving? An Empirical Study of New York City Charities. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 19(3). 349-365.

(2008). Communities, Students, Schools and School Crimes – A Confirmatory Study of Crimes in U.S. High Schools. Urban Education, 43(3). 301-318.

(2008). Student Background, School Climate, School Disorder and Student Achievemen. Journal of School Violence, 7(4). 3-20.

(2007). Student Background, School Climate, School Disorder and Student Achievement-An Empirical Study of New York City's Middle Schools. Paper submitted to Journal of School Violence,

(2007). Does Meeting Standards Affect Charitable Giving? An Empirical Study of New York City Charities. Paper submitted to Nonprofit Management and Leadership,

(2007). How Political Support Influences Red Tape through Organizational Process?. Policy Studies Journal, 45(3). 419-437.

(2007). How Political Support Influences Red Tape through Organizational Process. Policy Studies Journal, 45(3). 419-436.

(2007). School Disorder and Student Achievement- A Study of New York City Elementary Schools. Journal of School Violence, 6(1). 27-43.

(2007). The Democratic Sex: Gender Differences and the Exercise of Power. Journal of Women, Politics, and Policy, 28(1). 119-140.

(2007). Gender Differences and the Exercise of Power. Journal of Women, Politics, and Policy, 28(1). 119-140.

(2007). A Study of Healthcare Reform in China in Light of the USA and Canadian Systems. Chinese Public Administration Review, 4(1/2). 20-34.

(2007). Communities, Students, School and School Crimes - A confirmatory study of crimes in US high schools. paper submitted to Journal of Safety research,

(2006). Do Speed Cameras Produce Net Benefits? Evidence from British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 25(3). 661-678.

(2005). Safety and Economic Impact of Photo Radar Program. Journal of Traffic Injury Prevention, 6(4). 1-10.

(2002). Speed and Safety Effect of Photo Radar Enforcement on a Highway Corridor in British Columbia. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 32(2). 129-138.

(2001). Behavior Effect of Red Light Camera Program. Journal of Traffic Medicine, 29(3-4). 44-52.

(2001). General Deterrence Effects of Red Light Camera and Warning Signs in Traffic Signal Compliance in British Columbia. Journal of Traffic Medicine, 29(3-4). 44-52.

(2001). Predicting Blood Alcohol Concentrations of Nighttime Drivers: Relvance to Sobriety Checkpoints. Journal of Traffic Medicine, 29(1-2). 44-52.

(2000). Evaluation of Photo Radar Program in British Columbia. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 32(4). 517-526.

Book Chapters

Chen, G., Williams, D., & Adrian, T. P. (2008). Life Cycle Costing. In Rabin, J., & Wachhaus, T. A. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy 2e (pp. 1164 - 1167). Boca Raton, FL.

Chen, G. (2005). Futures and Options. In Jack Rabin, J. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy (p. 5 formatted pages). Boca Raton, FL. Taylor & Francis.

Chen, G., Williams, D., & Adrian, T. (2005). Life Cycle Costing. In N/A, J. R. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy. DOI: 10.108/E-EPAP-120010754. (p. 4 formatted pages). Boca Raton, FL. Taylor & Francis.

Chen, G. (2005). Asset Pricing. In Rabin, J. (Ed.), Encyclopeia of Public Administration and Public Policy (p. 5 formatted pages). Boca Raton, FL. Taylor & Francis.


Chen, G. (2010, June 15). The causes of the financial crisis in the US and the current financial regulatory reforms. 2010 Sino-US International Conference on Public Administration (5th).. Xiamen, China: ASPA.

Chen, G. (2007, December 31). Does Meeting Standards Affect Charitable Giving? An Empirical Study of New York Metropolitan Area Charities. 2007 Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) conference. Washington D.C

Chen, G. (2006, December 31). Performance of New York City Private Non-profit organization and its Antecedents. the International Conference of Social Science. Vancouver, BC

Chen, G. (2006, December 31). Political support, developmental culture, goal clarity, and red tape. 2006 International Conference on Public Administration. Chengdu, China

Chen, G. (2006, December 31). Political Support, Red Tape, Goal Clarity, and Red Tape. 2006 International Conference on Public Administration. Moscow, Russia

Chen, G. (2006, December 31). Meeting giving standards and giving behavior - a study of New York City Nonprofit organizations. 2006 International Social Science conference. Vancouver, B.C.

Chen, G. (2005, December 31). Healthcare reform in China. 2005 Annual ABFM/ASPA conference. Washington, D.C.

Chen, G. (2005, December 31). A comparative study of the Chinese, the US, and Canadian healthcare systems. 2005 International Conference on Public Administration. China

Chen, G. (2005, December 31). A comparative study of the Chinese, the US, and Canadian healthcare systems. 2006 International Conference on Public Administration. Chengdu, China

Chen, G. (2004, December 31). Cost-benefit Analysis of the Photo Radar Program in British Columbia. 7th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion. Vienna, Austria

Chen, G. (2004, December 31). Cost-benefit Analysis of the Photo Radar Program in British Columbia. 7th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion. Vienna, Austria

Chen, G. (2002, December 31). General Deterrence Effect of Red-Light Camera Program in British Columbia. 6th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion. Montreal, Canada

Chen, G. (2002, December 31). General Deterrence Effect of Red-Light Camera Program in British Columbia. 6th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion. Montreal, Canada

Chen, G. (2001, December 31). Using Empirical Bayes Methods to Assess Traffic Safety Programs. Canadian Multi-Disciplinary Traffic Safety Conference XII. London, Ontario

Chen, G. (2001, December 31). Using Empirical Bayes Methods to Assess Traffic Safety Programs. Canadian Multi-Disciplinary Traffic Safety Conference XII. London, Ontario

Other Scholarly Works

Chen, G. (2014). Budget Tools: Financial Methods in the Public Sector. (2nd),

Chen, G. (2014). Panel study of charitable giving and meeting BBB Standards.

Chen, G. (2013). Meeting BBB Charity Standards Associated with Greater Fundraising Results.

Chen, G., & Matei, D. (2010). The causes of the financial crisis in the US and the current financial regulatory reforms. Academic Public Administration Studies Archive - APAS.

Shin, H., Blatt, A., Chen, G., & N/A, E. (2009). Pedestrian Fatality and Severe Injury Accidents in New York City. 134.

Chen, G. (2005). Commentary: Safety and Economic Impact of Photo Radar Program. 6(4), 1-10.


Chen, G. (2006,January 1). Capital Budgeting. John Wiley & Sons, Inc..

Chen, G. (2006,January 1). Budgeting for Public Managers. Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Research Currently in Progess

Chen, G.(n.d.). Giving Guide Standards and financial management of Nonprofits in New York . In Progress.

Research work in cooperation with Professor Fred Lane and representatives from Better Business Bureau of New York

Chen, G.(n.d.). Health care reform in China, Urban and Rural assessment. In Progress.

Research in cooperation with Chinese Scholars

Chen, G.(n.d.). Mayor Gender Study. In Progress.

Chen, G., Weikart, L., & Sermiee, (n.d.). Nonprofit financial management - book on contract. In Progress.

Chen, G.(n.d.). Working with NYU Wagner Rudin Center for Transportation Policy & Management, I have participated in the preparation of a response to New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) Pedestrian Safety RFP.. In Progress.

We are currently waiting for decision

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
Pedestrian Fatality and Severe InjuryNYC Dept. of Transportation07/09/200811/08/201013259Completed
Governance, Management, and Public Support of Nonprofit Organizations: An Empirical Study of New York City CharitiesPSC-CUNY 3807/01/200706/30/20084062Completed
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Honorary ProfessorZhejiang University of Science and Technology, China2012Promoting exchange of ideas and practices in public affairs among countries and between universities. Conducting joint research with a local professor.
Principal InvestigatorBetter Business Bureau2012To conduct research for New York Region nonprofit financial management, awarded approximately $12,000.
Sixth Annual Celebration of Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement” awardBaruch College2008
Co-Principal InvestigatorNew York City Department of Transportation2007Under the lead agency of NYU Rudin Center for Transportation Policy & Management, working with SUNY and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute to receive a major award of $340.000 from NYCDOT to study Pedestrians and Traffic Safety in New York City
CUNY-PSC Research GrantCity University of New York2007City University of New York research grants of $5,000 to study financial management of New York City Nonprofit Organizations.
Fifth Annual Celebration of Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement awardBaruch College2007
Principal InvestigatorUniversity Transportation Research Center, Region II2007An initial grant of $5,000, for a comparative study of Aviation Safety between North East USA and selected Countries in Africa, awarded for 2007-08.
Certificate of RecognitionCity University of New York2006
Fourth Annual Celebration of Faculty Scholarship and Creative Achievement awardBaruch College2006
EvaluatorCarnegie Foundation2004A grant from Carnegie Foundation for the amount of $20,000 to evaluate the High School Leadership Development Project
Honorary Vice PresidentHubei College of Art, China2004Developing an international cooperative education program between Hubei College of Art in China and Universities in the US. Arranged a visit of the President of the Hubei College of Art and a group of high level Chinese Government official to Baruch College.
University of Victoria Fellowship1992
University of Victoria Fellowship1991
University of Victoria Fellowship1990
University of Victoria Fellowship1989


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Search CommitteeCommittee Chair1/1/200812/31/2008
search committee for education facultyCommittee Member12/31/2006


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Student Financial Assistance Committee of Baruch College12/31/2016
Graduate Curriculum Committee to Zicklin School of BusinessCommittee Member12/31/2009
Search CommitteeCommittee Chair12/31/2008
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee to Zicklin School of Business12/31/2008
Curriculum Committee of SPA Committee Member9/30/2008
Curriculum Committee of SPA Committee Member9/30/2008
search committee for education facultyCommittee Member12/31/2006


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Committee on committeesCommittee Member1/1/2009Present
Committee on CommitteesCommittee Member1/1/200612/31/2009


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Facilitating the establishment of international co-operation between Baruch College and Universities in China9/1/2003Present
Journal of Policy Analysis and ManagementReferee9/30/2005
Journal of Accident Analysis and PreventionReferee6/30/2002