Heather Gittens

Heather Julia Schultz Gittens


Weissman School of Arts and Sciences

Department: Communication Studies

Areas of expertise: Business Communication, Editing, Nonprofit Communication, Persuasion, Public Relations, Public Speaking, Writing

Email Address: heatherschultz.gittens@baruch.cuny.edu

> View CV


M.P.A., Public Administration, Baruch College/CUNY New York United States

B.A., Journalism, Baruch College/CUNY New York United States

A.A., Media, Nassau Community College/SUNY Garden City United States

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2024COM3150Business Communication
Fall 2024COM1010Speech Communication
Fall 2024COM1010Speech Communication
Fall 2024COM3021HHon: Professional Speech Comm
Fall 2024COM3021Professional Speech Comm
Spring 2024COM2020Intro to Business Comm
Spring 2024COM3021HHon: Professional Speech Comm
Spring 2024COM3150Business Communication
Spring 2024COM3021Professional Speech Comm
Spring 2024COM3021Professional Speech Comm
Spring 2024COM3021Professional Speech Comm
Spring 2023COM3021Professional Speech Communicat
Spring 2023COM3021Professional Speech Communicat
Spring 2023COM3021Professional Speech Communicat
Spring 2023COM3150Business Communication
Spring 2023COM2020Introduction to Business Com
Spring 2023COM3021HHon: Professional Speech Commu
Fall 2022COM3021Professional Speech Communicat
Fall 2022COM3150Business Communication
Fall 2022COM3021Professional Speech Communicat
Fall 2022COM2020Introduction to Business Com
Fall 2022COM1010Speech Communication
Spring 2022COM3150Business Communication
Spring 2022COM4005Public Relations Writing
Spring 2022COM3021Professional Speech Communicat
Spring 2022COM3021Professional Speech Communicat
Spring 2022COM3150Business Communication
Fall 2021COM4005Public Relations Writing
Fall 2021COM3150Business Communication
Fall 2021COM1010Speech Communication
Summer 2021COM3150Business Communication
Spring 2021COM4005Public Relations Writing
Spring 2021COM3150Business Communication
Spring 2021COM3150Business Communication
Spring 2021COM1010Speech Communication
Fall 2020COM4005Public Relations Writing
Fall 2020COM3150Business Communication
Fall 2020COM1010Speech Communication
Summer 2020COM3150Business Communication
Spring 2020COM4005Public Relations Writing
Spring 2020COM1010Speech Communication
Spring 2020COM3150Business Communication
Fall 2019COM4005Public Relations Writing
Fall 2019COM3150Business Communication
Fall 2019COM1010Speech Communication
Spring 2019COM1010Speech Communication
Spring 2019COM1010Speech Communication
Spring 2019COM3150Business Communication
Spring 2019COM4005Public Relations Writing
Fall 2018COM2000Intro to Communication Studies
Fall 2018COM1010Speech Communication
Fall 2018COM1010Speech Communication
Fall 2018COM3150Business Communication
Fall 2018COM4005Public Relations Writing
Spring 2018COM1010Speech Communication
Spring 2018COM1010Speech Communication
Spring 2018COM1010Speech Communication
Fall 2017COM1010Speech Communication
Spring 2017COM1010Speech Communication
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Presidential Excellence Award in Distinguished Teaching (Adjunct)CUNY Baruch College2022-09-15In May 2022, I received an email regarding my Presidential Excellence Award in Distinguished Teaching (Adjunct). Several of my COM 3150 (Business Communication) students during the Fall 2021 semester informed me that they nominated me for this award. This award was presented to me at the Fall 2022 Faculty Convocation by President S. David Wu on September 15, 2022.
Outstanding Academic SupportCUNY Baruch College - Percy Ellis Sutton SEEK Program2021-05-07As a result of my service to the Baruch SEEK community, I received an award from Dr. Kristy Perez, Betty Duverger and Dave Rosen for Outstanding Academic Support in Spring 2021. This award was presented to me during the virtual SEEK Awards Ceremony on May 7, 2021.


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Baruch College's Commencement: Congratulatory Video for the Class of 2024Faculty Member5/8/2024
Second Annual Corporate Communication MA Program’s Best Thesis and Best Capstone Awards CommitteeCommittee Member5/3/2024
Volunteer Faculty for Mock Classroom PhotoshootFaculty Member5/1/2024
Student Recommendation LettersFaculty Recommender4/13/2024
Student Recommendation LetterFaculty Recommender4/12/2024
Peer ObserverPeer Observer4/12/2024
Ascend Baruch and Baruch's Women in Business: Women of Color Panel (for Women's History Month)Panelist3/26/2024
Student Recommendation LetterFaculty Recommender3/20/2024
Student Recommendation LetterFaculty Recommender3/4/2024
End-of-the-Semester Thank You Emails from StudentsProfessor5/26/2023
Student Recommendation LetterFaculty Recommender4/12/2023
Student Recommendation LetterFaculty Recommender3/31/2023
CUNY Baruch College - The TickerPanelist3/30/2023
CUNY Baruch College - Department of Communication StudiesFaculty Facilitator3/15/2023
CUNY Baruch College - Department of Communication StudiesAttendee, Meeting3/9/2023
Peer ObserverPeer Observer3/6/2023
CUNY Baruch College - Department of Communication StudiesFaculty Facilitator 2/15/2023
CUNY Baruch College - Department of Communication StudiesGuest Speaker 1/17/2023
Peer ObserverPeer Observer12/19/2022
CUNY Baruch College - Department of Communication StudiesFaculty Facilitator12/7/2022
CUNY Baruch College - Percy Ellis Sutton SEEK ProgramMeditation Facilitator12/1/2022
CUNY Baruch College - Department of Communication StudiesAttendee, Meeting9/22/2022
CUNY Baruch College - Department of Communication StudiesSocial Media Manager5/24/2019