Hector Cordero-Guzman


Marxe School of Public and International Affairs

Department: Public Affairs

Areas of expertise:

Email Address: hector.cordero@baruch.cuny.edu

> View CV


Ph.D., Sociology, The University of Chicago Chicago USA

M.A., Sociology/Demography, The University of Chicago Chicago USA

B.A., Sociology/Anthropology, The University of Dayton Dayton Ohio

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Spring 2023SOC90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2022SOC90000Dissertation Supervision
Spring 2022SOC90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2021SOC90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2021PAF9172Research and Analysis II
Spring 2021SOC90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2020SOC90000Dissertation Supervision
Fall 2020PAF9172Research and Analysis II
Spring 2020PAF9172Research and Analysis II
Fall 2019PAF9172Research and Analysis II
Spring 2019PAF9172Research and Analysis II
Fall 2018PAF9172Research and Analysis II
Fall 2018PAF9172Research and Analysis II
Spring 2018PAF9118Labor Relations Pub Sector
Spring 2018PAF9172Research and Analysis II
Fall 2017PAF9198Public Affairs Workshop
Fall 2017PAF9172Research and Analysis II
Spring 2017SSW85000Comm Based Org & Pub Policy
Spring 2017PAF9172Research and Analysis II
Spring 2017SOC84700Comm Based Org & Pub Policy
Spring 2017PSC72500Comm Based Org & Pub Policy
Fall 2016PAF9172Research and Analysis II
Fall 2016PAF9150Intro Nonprofit Sect
Spring 2015PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Spring 2015PAF9190Public Affairs Capstone Semina
Summer 2014PAF9172Research and Analysis II
Summer 2014PAF9172Research and Analysis II
Spring 2014MALS79000Thesis/Final Project Research
Fall 2013PAF3015Qualitative Studies of Comm
Summer 2013PAF9172Research and Analysis II
Summer 2013PAF9172Research and Analysis II
Fall 2012PAF9172Research and Analysis II
Fall 2012PAF9999Ind Study In PAF
Summer 2012PAF9172Research and Analysis II
Summer 2012PAF9172Research and Analysis II
Spring 2012PAF9152Fund Raising & Grants Admin
Fall 2011PAF9172Research and Analysis II
Fall 2011PAF9152Fund Raising & Grants Admin
Spring 2011PAF9152Fund Raising & Grants Admin
Spring 2011PAF9172Research and Analysis II
Summer 2007HSP5000Independent Study HSP I
Summer 2007HSP5001Independent Study HSP II
Spring 2007HSP5000Independent Study HSP I
Fall 2006BLS4900Seminar Black & Latino Studies
Fall 2006HSP4900Sem Blk & Lat Studie
Fall 2006HSP3085Spec Topics Hisp Stu
Spring 2006BLS5000Independent Study BLS I
Spring 2006HSP4900Sem Blk & Lat Studie
Spring 2006HSP5000Independent Study HSP I
Fall 2005HSP1004Introduction to Latino Studies
Spring 2005IDC4001HHon NY In 21st Cent
Fall 2004BLS4900Seminar Black & Latino Studies
Fall 2004HSP1004Introduction to Latino Studies
Fall 2004HSP4900Sem Blk & Lat Studie
Summer 2004HSP5000Independent Study HSP I
Summer 2004BLS5000Independent Study BLS I
Spring 2004SOC3044Migration in the Americas
Spring 2004HSP5000Independent Study HSP I
Spring 2004HSP4900Sem Blk & Lat Studie
Spring 2004HSP3085Spec Topics Hisp Stu
Spring 2004HSP3044Migration in the Americas
Spring 2004BLS4900Seminar Black & Latino Studies
Spring 2004BLS3044Migration in the Americas
Spring 2004HSP5000Independent Study HSP I
Spring 2004IDC4001HHon NY In 21st Cent
Fall 2003BLS5000Independent Study BLS I
Spring 2003SOC3157Civil Soc & Communit
Spring 2003IDC4001HHon NY In 21st Cent
Spring 2003HSP3085Spec Topics Hisp Stu


Cordero-Guzman, H. (2016). Poverty in Puerto Rico: A Socio-Economic and Demographic Analysis. (p. 308). San Juan, Puerto Rico, Inter American University Press.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2012). Community-Based Organizations, Immigrant Low-wage Workers, and the Workforce Development System in the United States. Washington, DC, Migration Policy Institute.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2007). Changes in the Demographic Characteristics, Educational Attainment Levels, and labor Force participation of the Young Population of Puerto Rico: An Analysis of 1990 and 2000 Census Data. Russell Sage Foundation.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2007). Differences in the Education and Employment Among White, African-American, and Latino Young Males:1959-1980.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2005). Cambios en las Caracteristicas Demograficas, Niveles de Educacion, y la Participacion en la Fuerza Laboral de la Poblacion Joven en Puerto Rico: Un Analisis de los Datos del Censo do 1990 y el 2000.

Cordero-Guzman, H., Smith, R., & Gosfoguel, R. (2001). Migration, Transnationalization and Race in a Changing New York. (p. 304 pages total). Philadelphia, Temple University Press.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2001). The Challenge to Youth Development: What do Community Based Service Providers Say About the Issue Facing Young Immigrants in New York?. New York, Department of Youth and Community Development .

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2001). Survey of Electronic Benefit Transfer (ETB) Card Services to Participants in Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) at Full Service Point of Service (FSPOS) Locations in new York City. New York State Attorney General's Office, Civil Rights Bureau.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2000). What Works for Latino Youth. Washington D.C., White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans/ U.S. Department of Education .

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2000). An Evaluation of The Harlem Railyards Transportation Commercial Drivers License Training Program f The South Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation (SOBRO). Final evaluation report for the JOLI Program of the U.S. Department of health and human Services.

Cordero-Guzman, H., Tienda, M., Borjas, G., Romero, M., & Newman, K. (1991). The Demography of Legalization: Insight from Administrative Records. ASPE Department of Health and Human Services.

Journal Articles

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2015). Worker Centers, Worker Center Networks, and the Promise of Protections for Low-Wage Workers. Working USA: The Journal of Labor and Society, 18(1). 31-57.

Cordero-Guzman, H., & Visser, A. (2015). Summary Notes: Low Wage Workers and Organizing. Working USA:The Journal of Labor and Society\Wiley,

Cordero-Guzman, H., & Nunez, D. (2013). Immigrant Labor in the US Economy: A Profile. New Labor Forum, 22. 16-27.

Cordero-Guzman, H., Izvanariu, P., & Narro, V. (2013). The Development of Sectoral Worker Center Networks. Annals of the American of Political and Social Science, (647). 102-126.

Cordero-Guzman, H., Martin, N., Quiroz, V., & Theodore, N. (2008). Voting with Their Feet: Non-Profit Organizations and Immigrant Mobilizations. American Behavioral Scientist, 52(4).

Cordero-Guzman, H., & Robles , B. (2007). Latinos and Self-Employment: A Review of the Literature and Data Sources. Annals of the American of Political and Social Science, (613). 18-31.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2007). Practicas Innovadoras en la Ensenanza: La Experienza del Programa Maestros al Rescate (Innovative Teaching Practices:The Experience of Teachers to the Rescue). Akademos/ Universidad Jose Matias Delgado, pp. 26-42.

Cordero-Guzman, H., Pollinger , J., & Outhwaite, J. (2007). The Question of Sustainability for Microfinance Institutions. Journal of Small Business Management , 45(1). 23-41.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2005). Community Based Organizations and Migration in New York City. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies(JEMS), 31(5). 889-909.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2001). Cognitive Skills, Test Scores, and Social Stratification: The Role of Family and School level Resources on Racial\Ethnic Differences in Scores on Standardized Tests (AFQT) . Review of Black Political Economy, 28(4). pg.31-71.

Cordero-Guzman, H., & Grosfoguel, R. (2000). "The Demographic and Socio-Economic Characteristics of Post-1965 Immigrants to New York City: A Comparative Analysis by National Origins". International Migration, Blackwell Publishers Ltd., 38(4). pg.41-77.

Cordero-Guzman, H., & Navarro, J. G. (2000). What Do Immigrant Groups, Organizations, and Service Providers Say About the Impact of Recent Changes in Immigration and Welfare Laws?". Migration World, 28(4). pg.20-26.

Cordero-Guzman, H., & Grosfoguel, R. (1998). Social Capital, Context of Reception, and Transnationalism: Recent Approaches to International Migration". Diaspora, 7(3).

Cordero-Guzman, H., Tienda, M., & Donato, K. (1992). Schooling, Color and Labor Force Activity of Women. Social Forces/ University of North Carolina Press, 71(2). pg. 365-395.

Cordero-Guzman, H., & Rodriguez, C. (1992). Placing Race in Context. Racial and Ethnic Studies/Routledge, 15(4). pg.523-541.

Investigative Team, School of Sociology, Universidad Centroamericana (UCA), M. (1988). Survival Strategies in the Popular Sectors of Managua. Critical Sociology, 15(1). 5-32.

Book Chapters

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2019). Chapter 6. Latino Americans: The Evolving Latino Population in New York City. In Bowser, B. P., & Devadutt, C. (Eds.), Racial Inequality in New York City since 1965 Albany, New York,USA. SUNY PRESS.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2019). Chapter 9. Ethnic Conflict: How Much Exists in New York City?. In Bowser, B. P., & Devadutt, C. (Eds.), Racial Inequality in New York City since 1965 Albany, New York,USA. SUNY PRESS.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2019). Introduction to Part 3. In Bowser, B. P., & Devadutt, C. (Eds.), Racial Inequality in New York City since 1965 Albany, New York,USA. SUNY PRESS.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2018). “Migración, diásporas, desarrollo económico e integración regional en el Caribe.”. III Seminario Internacional: Realidades, paradigmas y desafíos de la integración. (pp. Pagina 146-154). Santo Domingo,Republica Dominicana. Ministerio para Políticas de Integración Regional y Oficina del Ordenador de los Fondos Europeos para el Desarrollo de República Dominicana..

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2016). “La migracion Caribena y el Rol de la Diaspora en la Integracion del Caribe.”. MEMORIAS I Seminario Internacional: Los signos de los nuevos tiempos y los recesos actuales de integración en Centroamérica y el Caribe. (pp. Paginas 121-128). Santo Domingo,Republica Dominicana. Ministerio para Políticas de Integración Regional y Oficina del Ordenador de los Fondos Europeos para el Desarrollo de República Dominicana..

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2016). The Characteristics of Participants in The TANF Program in Puerto Rico in April 2016. In Nazario, C. (Ed.), TANF in Puerto Rico (pp. 33-94). San Juan,Puerto Rico. Inter American University Press.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2016). Comments on ABC Consulting study for HSRPPR “Beneficios de las Personas Elegibles al TANF vs. Escenario de Salario Mínimo Federal”. In Carmen, C. (Ed.), TANF in Puerto Rico (pp. 151-164). San Juan,Puerto Rico. Inter American University Press.

Cordero-Guzman, H., & Quiroz-Becerra, V. (2012). Community Based Organizations and Migration in New York City. In DeFilippis , J., & Saegert, S. (Eds.), The Community Development Reader (pp. 270-279). New York, NY. Routledge\Taylor and Francis.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2007). Cracking the Safety Net: Latino Access to Health and Social Programs in the Post-Welfare Era.. In Montero-Sieburth, M., & Melendez, E. (Eds.), Latinos in a Changing Society Westport, CT.. Praeger.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2007). Transnational Communities of the United States and Latin America. In Moser, C. (Ed.), Asset Building and Community Development Washington, DC. Brookings Institution Press.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2006). Community Economic Development and Community Change. In Fulbright-Anderson, K., & Kubish, A. (Eds.), Community Change: Theories, Practice, and Evidence The Aspen Institute Roundtable on Comprehensive Community Initiatives.

Cordero-Guzman, H., & Henken, T. (2005). Informal Economy. In Oboler, S., & Gonzalez, D. J. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in the United States New York, NY. Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in the United States\ Oxford University Press.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2005). Latinos and Education: A Statistical Portrait. In Pedraza, P., & Rivera, M. (Eds.), Latino Education Latino Education/ Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Cordero-Guzman, H., & Henken, T. (2005). Migration. In Oboler, S., & Gonzalez, D. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in the United States New York, NY. Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in the United States\ Oxford University Press.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2005). Operation Bootstrap\Section 936. In Oboler, S., & Gonzalez, D. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in the United States New York, NY. Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in the United States\ Oxford University Press.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2004). Interorganizational Networks Among Community-Based Organizations. In Melendez, E. (Ed.), Communities and Workforce Development Michigan. Upjohn Institute Press.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2001). Immigrant Aid Societies. Encyclopedia of American Immigration (pp. pg. 334-340). New York. Encyclopedia of American Immigration/ ME Sharps Publishers.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2001). Puerto Rico. Encyclopedia of American Immigration (pp. pg. 1145-1152). New York. Encyclopedia of American Immigration / ME Sharpe Publisher.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2001). Social Services. Encyclopedia of American Immigration (pp. pg. 730-736). New York. Encyclopedia of American Immigration / ME Sharpe Publishers.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (1997). The Structure of Inequality and the Status of Puerto Rican Youth in the U.S.. In Darder, A., Torres, R. D., & Guiterrez, H. (Eds.), Latinos and Education: A Critical Reader (pp. 80-94). New York, NY. Routledge.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (1996). Lesson from Operation Bootstrap: Puerto Rico and the NAFTA Debate. Free Trade and Economic Restructuring in Latin America (pp. pg. 78-83). New York,USA. Monthly Review Press.

Media Contributions

(2018). Various.

(2018). Tele Antillas.

(2018). Ojala Dominican Television.

(2018). ABC News Tiempo.

(2017). Various.

(2017). Prospecto Latino.

(2017). Ojala Dominican Television.

(2017). Ojala Dominican Television.

(2016). Wealth Conference.

(2015). CUNY-TV.

(2014). Pura Politica.

(2014). New York One .

(2014). The New York Times .

(2014). Latino Rebel .

(2014). Latino Rebel .

(2014). MSNBC-Melissa Harris Perry Show.

(2014). The New York Times .

(2014). The Latin Post .

(2014). The New York Times .

(2014). BuzzFeed News .

(2014). CUNY TV.

(2013). CUNY TV.

(2013). The New York Times .

(2013). The Daily News .

(2013). The Nation .

(2012). The New York Times .

(2004). New York Times .

(2004). New York Newsday.

(2003). WBAI Radio.

(2002). Tampa Tribune.

(2002). Mayoral Election in New York City Diario\La Prensa .

(2002). Spain's (EFE) Press.

(2001). Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.

(2001). Associated Press .

(1999). New York Times .

(1998). Empire State Agenda.

(1998). New York Daily News.

(1995). Claridad (edited in Santurce, Puerto Rico).

(1994). El Paso Times .

(1994). EL Nuevo Dia (Puerto Rico).


Cordero-Guzman, H. (2018, February 21). Diasporas and Regional Integration in the Caribbean Basin. Realidades, Paragdigmas y Desafios de la Integracion. Santo Domingo: Presidency of the Dominican Republic, Ministry of Regional Integration..

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2018, March 30). Social and Economic Aspects of the Crisis in Puerto Rico. Future Challenges for a New Puerto Rico. Camden, NJ: Rutgers University-Camden.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2018, April 3). Migracion, Diaspora, Desarrollo Economico E Integracion Regional. Conferencias Caribenas. San Juan, Puerto Rico: University of Puerto Rico.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2018, January 25). Impacts of Hurricane Maria on Low Income Populations in Puerto Rico. Conferencias Caribenas. San Juan, Puerto Rico: University of Puerto Rico.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2017, July 18). Puerto Rico's Economic, Fiscal, and Demographic Death Spiral. A Discussion on the Future of Puerto Rico's Economy. US Congress: US Congress.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2017, March 17). Work, Poverty and Social Assistance in Puerto Rico. Institute of Labor Relations. San Juan, Puerto Rico: University of Puerto Rico.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2016, November 11). Work, Debt and Welfare in Puerto Rico. Rutgers University Conference on Crisis in Puerto Rico. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2016, August 28). Poverty in Puerto Rico. Human Services Research Partnerships in Puerto Rico. San Juan, Puerto Rico: Inter-American University.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2016, August 25). Puerto Rican Migration to Florida. Institute of Labor Relations. San Juan, Puerto Rico: University of Puerto Rico.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2016, July 24). Recent Puerto Rican Migration to Florida. Annual Meeting. Orlando, Florida: National Council of La Raza\Unidos US.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2016, June 30). Migracion, Diaspora y Desarrollo Economico. Raíces históricas y procesos actuales de la integración en América Latina y el Caribe.. Santo Domingo: Presidency of the Dominican Republic, Ministry of Regional Integration..

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2015, October 20). “The Role of Diasporas in Regional Economic Integration in the Caribbean Basin”. I Seminario Internacional: Los signos de los nuevos tiempos y los recesos actuales de integración en Centroamérica y el Caribe. Santo Domingo: Presidency of the Dominican Republic, Ministry of Regional Integration..

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2014, February 28). Worker Center, Worker Center Networks, and the Promise of Protections for Low Wage Workers under the FLSA. Race, Labor, & the Law. Los Angeles: UCLA Institute for Research on Labor and Employment.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2013, November 15). Worker Centers, Worker Center Networks and The Promise of Protections for Low Wage Workers under the FLSA. 75 Years of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Washington DC: U.S. Department of Labor.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2013, October 25). The Invisible Hand?: Understanding the Placement of Migrants in Low Wage and Informal Employment in the United States. The Global Market of Unskilled Labor, A Research Conference. Davis Campus: University of California.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2013, May 1). Immigrant Organizing in Low Wage Labor Markets and the Development of Sectoral Worker Center Networks. Presented Paper. New York: SSSP Annual Meeting.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2013, May 1). Immigrant Organizing in Low Wage Labor Markets and the Development of Sectoral Worker Center Networks. The Society for the Study of Social Problems 63rd Annual Meeting. New York: SSSP Annual Meeting.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2013, April 30). Social Movements and Immigration. Low Wage Workers & Organizing. Los Angeles: The UCLA Cesar E. Chavez Deparment of Chicana/o Studies.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2013, March 5). . Bridging the Gap: Connecting Academics to Funder and Foundation Initiatives. University of Los Angeles: Institute for Research on Labor and Employment.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2012, December 31). The Role of Community Based Organizations in the US Workforce Delopment System. Paper Presented. Madrid, Spain: Spanish Ministry.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2012, October 31). Federal Workforce Policy Update. Speaker. : National Council of La Raza.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2012, March 31). Occupy Research - Research by and for the Movement. Conference. Pace University: Left Forum.

Feller, M., Cordero-Guzman, H., Altshuler, PhD, D., Hartley, MBA, L., & Pagnoni, MA, MPA, L. (2012, February 15). Your First Capital Fundraising Campaign: Getting Started. Nonprofit Seminar. Newman Conference Center: SPA Center for Nonprofit Strategy & Management.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2006, September 25). Cross Border Activities of Community Based Organizations. 101th Annual Conference. Montreal, Canada: American Sociological Association.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2005, December 31). Assessing the Role of Community Based Organizations in the Socio-Economic Adaptation and Incorporation of Immigrants. Paper Presented. : The Impact of Immigration on New York City.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2004, May 31). Comments on Recent Migration Research in New York. Translocal Cities: Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles at the Social Science Research Council (SSRC).

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2004, June 26). Miracle to Crisis to...:Examining the Future of the Dominican Economy. Dominican Economy. New York: Baruch College.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2004, July 6). . Entrepreneurship Research Boot Camp. : Frank Hawkins Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2004, May 22). Changes in the Demographic Characteristics, Educational Attainment levels, and Labor Force Participation of the Youth Population in Puerto Rico: An analysis of 1990 and 2000 Census Data. Puerto Ricans on the Island and in the Mainland: New Directions in Social Science Research. : Russel Sage Foundation (RSF).

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2004, February 21). The Characteristics of Immigrant Groups, Organization, and Service Providers: Examining Differences by Experience and Race\Ethnicity\National Origin. Presentation. : Eastern Sociological Society (ESS).

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2004, February 24). Collective Memories\Personal Cartographies. Art Gallery. : Baruch College\ CUNY Art Gallery.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2004, February 27). The Dominican\Haitian Border and Migration Challenges. Batey Relief Alliance. : Columbia University.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2004, March 13). Understanding the complex dynamics and the delicate balance between rights and responsibilities. Conference. : Annual Fulbright Scholars Conference.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2004, May 3). The Characteristics of Immigrant Groups, Organizations, and Service Providers: Examining Differences by Experience and Race\Ethnicity\National Origin. Talk. : School of Public Affairs, Baruch College.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2004, May 8). Recent Migration Research in New York/ Translocal Cities: Chicago, New York and Los Angeles. Workshop. : Social Science Research Council (SSRC).

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2003, June 20). Interorganizational Networks Among Community-Based Organizations. Conference. : Ford Foundation\CDRC.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2003, September 1). . Interviewed on Migration and Work. New York: WBAI Radio.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2003, November 17). Changes in the Demographic Characteristics, Educational Attainment Levels, and Labor Force Participation of the Young Population in Puerto Rico. Presentation. San Juan, Puerto Rico: Fundacion Chana Godstein y Samuel Levis.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2003, December 30). The Challenges to Youth Development. Presentation. : Children's Aid Society.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2003, April 2). . Latinos In Business. : Baruch College.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2003, March 27). Funders, Community Based Organizations and Migration in New York City. Presentation. : New York Regional Association of Grantmakers (NYRAG).

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2003, March 6). Community Based Organizations and Migration in New York City. Lecture. : CUNY Graduate Center.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2002, October 27). Immigrant Organization in Amsterdam and New York. Presentation/Annual Meetings. St. Louis: Social Science History Association (SSHA).

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2002, November 11). Community Based Organizations and Migration in New York City. Talk. : School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2002, November 14). Survey of Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) Card Services to Participants in Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF). Lecture. New York City: Columbia Law School.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2002, December 31). Queues and Leapfrogs: Differences in Education, Employment, and Earnings Between Post-1965 Immigrants, U.S. Born non-Hispanic Whites, and U.S. Born Minorities. Paper Presented. : Critical Demography.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2002, July 22). The Challenges to Latino Non-Profit Organizations. Presentation. : Hispanic Leadership Institute.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2001, May 30). Immigrant Organizations and Welfare Reform. Welfare Reform Conference. New York

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2001, April 25). Immigrant Organizations and Welfare Reform. Immigration and Welfare Conference. New York

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2001, November 30). Latino Youth in the US. Youth Muevete Conference. City College of CUNY: Youth Muevete Conference at CCNY.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2001, September 30). . Participated. Washington D.C.: Associated for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM).

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2001, December 14). Community Based Organizations and Migration. Migration Workshop/ Presentation. : University of Pennsylvania.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2001, July 4). Recent Migration to New York CIty. FLACSO Migration Conference. Santo Domingo: Latin American Faculty of the Social Sciences.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2001, December 4). Community Based Organizations and Migration. Presentation. : Department of Family Medicine at Montefiore Hospital.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2000, December 31). Asked by the President of the American Sociological Association to organize and referee two panels for the annual meeting. First panel is on research on Poverty, second panel is on Poverty and Housing. Presented work at a panel on Immigrant Community Based Organizations.. American Sociological Association. Washington D.C.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2000, March 21). American Youth in New York: Public Policy in the Immigrant New School University. Keynote Speech at conference. : J.M Kaplan Center of New York City Affairs and the Milano Graduate School of Management and Urban Policy. In association with New York City Councilman Kenneth Fisher and the New American Youth Initiative.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2000, November 30). Interorganizational Networks Among Community-Based Organizations. Presented my paper. Seattle: APPAM (Association for public Policy Analysis and Management).

Cordero-Guzman, H. (1996, April 19). Trends in Educational Attainment, Employment Status, and Incomes Among Latinos in the United States Since the Early 1980s; Implications for Research, Workforce Development, and Training Programs. Roundtable Discussion on Opportunities for Hispanic in the New Workforce Development. Washington D.C.: U.S. Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration.

Other Scholarly Works

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2020). Perfil socioeconómico y demográfico de jóvenes que no han completado la escuela secundaria por edad y género en Puerto Rico entre 2010 y 2018.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2016). Opportunity in the Sunshine State: Characteristics of Recent Movers from Puerto Rico to Florida.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2015). Puerto Rico's Economic Crisis: Overview and Recommendations for Action..

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2015). Growth with Equity: Meeting the Workforce Development Needs of Latinos in New York City.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2013). Poverty in New York City: Analysis of Data from March 2010 Current Population Survey (Cps) with a Focus on the Latino Population.

In Progress.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2013). Day Labor, Worker Centers and Disaster Relief Work in the Aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2011). An Analysis of the Opinions Of New York City Residents on Minimum Wage, Paid Sick Days, and Living Wages: Results from a Survey of 1200 New Yorkers (April/May 2011).

In Progress.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2001). Day Laborers and Community Based Organizations.


Cordero-Guzman, H. (2013,January 1). Jorge Duany, Blurred Borders: Transnational Migration between the Hispanic Caribbean and the United States (University of North Carolina Press, 2011).. Oxford University Press: Migration Studies.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (2003,January 1). Massey and Malone, Beyond Smoke and Mirrors and Julie Watts, Immigration Policy and the Challenge of Globalization. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management.

Cordero-Guzman, H. (1998,January 1). Haslip Viera and Baver (Eds.), Latinos in New York: Communities in Transition. American Journal of Sociology .

Research Currently in Progess

Cordero-Guzman, H.(n.d.). Building Networks and Social Capital: The Role of Community Based Organizations in the Incorporations of Immigrants. In Progress.

(Book manuscript in progress)-In recent years there has been growing interest among sociologists and academics from various disciplines on non-profit organizations—particularly those emanating from and serving a variety of immigrant and ethnic communities. The literature on non-profit organizations (Salamon 2002, DiMaggio and Anheier 1990) has focused mostly on the larger organizations in the sector and examines issues of efficiency, service and client mix, human resources, organizational structures, resources and funding, and organizational strategies while the literature on immigration has recently focused on the development of social capital, the formation and use of social networks in immigrant communities, and on the development and maintenance of transnational ties and activities (Massey et. at. 1987, Portes, et. al. 1999). Very few studies, however, (see Cordero-Guzman 2005) have focused directly on the role of immigrant groups, organizations, and service providers in the development of social capital, in the identification of needs and the provision of socials services, and in the maintenance of dense immigrant community networks, and in the formation of transnational ties in immigrant communities. Historically, CBOs have been key institutions in the adaptation and incorporation of migrants into their new environments. Eastern European Jewish immigrants arriving to New York City in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, for instance, formed various types of organizations (e.g., landsmanshaftn, mutual aid societies, fraternal orders) that provided members with material and social benefits necessary to navigate their new environment. Newer immigrants have continued establishing various types of groups and associations in their efforts to secure materials resources, to provide services and improve their social and economic well-being, to gather political power at the local level, and to maintain cultural and social ties with their communities of origin (Cordero-Guzmán, 2005; Rodríguez-Fraticelli, et al., 1991; Levitt, 2001:181-183). The types of organizations that migrants form are varied and range from informal social clubs, mutual aid societies, hometown associations, artistic groups, to more formal organizations such as nonprofit groups, advocacy networks, and issue based coalitions. Community based organizations (CBOs) are essential to immigrant communities and play a central role in all aspects of the migration process. First, immigrant organizations assist individuals and families in petitioning for family members, entering the country, and they provide a range of supports related to the immigration process itself. Once immigrants arrive, CBOs provide a wide array of social services and community programs that meet the various needs of the community and contribute to the socioeconomic adaptation and incorporation of immigrants and their families. Third, these organizations act as mediators between immigrant communities and local and state level government department, agencies, and institutions. Through advocacy and community organizing, immigrant organizations articulate the needs and represent the interests of immigrant communities to local level government officials and policy makers and provide a terrain where members of the immigrant community get the skills, experience and networks they need to connect to mainstream networks. Lastly, CBOs provide dynamic bi-directional linkages of goods, information, services, resources and culture connecting immigrant communities to their countries and communities of origin (Cordero-Guzman, 2005). While there is growing interest in immigrant organizations, to date, there has not been a comprehensive, systematic, comparative study of immigrant organizations in the United States despite the fact that this is a time of intense demographic and socio economic change. This project seeks to provide new information about immigrant organizations, their activities, and challenges that will be useful to funders, academics and the immigrant organizations themselves. While there are some organizational case studies in the literature they are too small, and unrepresentative, to provide information about the broad characteristics and ecology of the population of organizations, the broad field of immigrant service providers, and the larger context within which non-profits and community groups operate. The Immigrant Organizations Project [IOP] emerged as a collaboration between Baruch College in New York City, The University of Notre Dame\University of Illinois in Chicago, and the University of California in Los Angeles. Each of these institutions were originally funded through separate proposals, but with the Rockefeller Foundations’ encouragement, we all used the same methodology and survey instrument to examine immigrant-serving community-based organizations in New York, Chicago and Los Angeles. This manuscript used data from the survey to explore the role of organizations in the social, political and economic adaptation and incorporation of immigrants.

Cordero-Guzman, H.(n.d.). Poverty and Human Service Research Partnerships in Puerto Rico . In Progress.

Examines trends in poverty in Puerto Rico and the social service infrastructure that supports the Federal TANF and Head Start Programs on the Island.

Cordero-Guzman, H.(n.d.). The Changing Demographics of Upper Manhattan. In Progress.

This project involves preparing a demographic analysis of the uptown population in New York City by Census PUMA (community district) and examine demographic and socio-economic data at the district level. There are four community district uptown (Central Harlem, East Harlem, Morningside Heights and Washington Heights). First, I will compare the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the four neighborhoods. I will look at age profile, gender composition, education level, work status, occupation and industry, sources and levels of income, family structure, and poverty levels. Second, I will prepare a demographic analysis of the East Harlem population by race and ethnicity. I will look at age profile, gender composition, education level, work status, occupation and industry, sources and levels of income, family structure, and poverty levels by race and ethnicity. The goal is to better understand the nature of demographic changes is low income neighborhoods in Manhattan. This project is being done in collaboration with the Hunter College School of Social Work and the CUNY School of Public Health.

Cordero-Guzman, H.(n.d.). The Demographic, Social and Political Dimensions of Evolving Social Movements. In Progress.

The purpose of this study is to understand the volume and levels of use of websites associated with these emerging social movements and to better understand the characteristics of users of the website, persons supporting the movement, and persons participating in the activities coordinated by the various groups and organizations involved.

Cordero-Guzman, H.(n.d.). The Distribution and Uses of NYC Council Discretionary Funds. In Progress.

My research project involves analyzing the recipients, givers, and the users of City Council discretionary (Schedule C) funds between 2010 and 2015. The purpose of the project is to better understand the sources of funding for discretionary projects, how the characteristics of different councilmembers influence their level of funding, the recipients and uses of these funds, and the characteristics of organizations and communities that receive particular types of discretionary NY City Council funding.

Cordero-Guzman, H.(n.d.). The Organizational and Strategic Development of Worker Centers and Worker Center Networks. In Progress.

This project involves analysis, research, and writing on the evolving characteristics of low wage workers and low wage labor markets and the role of community based organizations and worker centers in development of programs, strategies, and policies that improve access to training opportunities, human capital building, adult education and facilitate connections to good jobs and the development of high road strategies in the low wage labor market.

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
Proposal for a New York Latino Policy NetworkSurdna Foundation06/01/201712/31/201905/15/2017100000Completed
The Organizational and Strategic Development of Worker Centers and Worker Center NetworksFord Foundation07/01/201306/30/201707/15/2013250000Completed
Worker Centers and Worker Center NetworksInstitute of International Education01/01/201212/31/201210000Completed
The Organziational and Strategic Development of Worker Centers and Worker Center NetworksPublic Welfare Foundation01/03/201201/02/201303/31/201225000Completed
Worker Centers and Workers NetworksFord Foundation12/19/201112/20/201309/20/2011250000Completed
Worker Center NetworksUniversity of California Los Angeles07/01/201108/31/201201/04/201257779Completed
Immigrant Organizations ProjectPSC-CUNY 4207/01/201106/30/201204/15/20115996Completed
Transforming HE Institutions for Improved Access and Success (TRIUNFAS)United Stated Agency for International Development03/02/202009/02/202104/28/202090000Funded - In Progress
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Elected FellowNational Academy of Public Administration2018National Academy of Public Administration
Honored at Annual ConventionNational Day Labor Organizing Network2012
10th Anniversary Gala HonoreeRestaurant Opportunities Center2011
Honored for SupportRestaurant Opportunities Center2009
Latino TrendsetterDTM Magazine2006
In Appreciation for many years of dedicated service, devotion and commitmentUpper Manhattan Empowerment Zone Development Corporation2005
Special Recognition Award for unconditional Dedication and Support to his StudentsRobert J. Milano Graduate School of management and urban Policy, New School University2001
Dorothy Danforth Campton Dissertation Year FellowshipThe University of Chicago1992
Social Science Research Council (SSRC)Summer Dissertation Workshop on Urban Poverty, University of California1991
Urban Poverty FellowshipCenter for The Study of urban Inequality, The University of Chicago and Center for Urban Affairs and Policy Research, Northwestern University1991
Dr. Martin Luther King Memorial Award in human Relations for Excellence in Scholarship, Christian Leadership, and The Advancement of BrotherhoodThe University of Dayton1987
Margaret Mary Emmonds Huth Memorial Award of Excellence to the Outstanding Senior in AnthropologyDepartment of Sociology and Anthropology, The University of Dayton1987
Puerto Rican Distinguished YouthGovernors Commission on Youth. Office of the Governor, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico1987


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Ziclin School, Curriculum Committee, SPA RepresentativeCommittee MemberPresent
Baruch College-Joint Committee on ResearchCommittee ChairPresent
New Faculty OrientationPanelist8/19/2019
Baruch Strategic PlanningCommittee Member12/31/2018
Personnel and Budget Committee, School of Public AffairsCommittee Member12/31/2014
Education Administration, Search Committee, School of Public AffairsCommittee Chair12/31/2013
School of Public Affairs, Curriculum CommiteeCommittee Member9/30/2013
Served on all Black and Hispanic Studies Departmental CommitteesCommittee Member12/31/2007
Personnel and Budget Committee, Weissman School of Arts and SciencesCommittee Member12/31/2007
Travel and Research Committee, WSASCommittee Member12/31/2007
Fulfilled all duties and responsibilities as Chair of the Black and Hispanic Studies DepartmentDepartment Chair12/31/2007
Non-Profit Faculty Search Committee, School of Public AffairsCommittee Member12/31/2006
Migration Faculty Search Committee, School of Public AffairsCommittee Member12/31/2006
Whiting Teaching Award Committee, WSASCommittee Member12/31/2006


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Faculty in Ph.D. Program in Sociology Member1/1/2006Present
PSC-CUNY Grant AwardsCommittee Member1/1/2013Present
Faculty in Ph.D. Program in Urban EducationMember1/1/2005Present
Advisor on East Harlem Community Initiatives to Dean of Hunter College School of Social Work Committee Member1/1/2014Present
MA Program in Liberal StudiesFaculty Advisor1/1/2014Present
Advisor on Workforce Development to President at Hostos Community CollegeSpecial Institutional Assignment1/1/201012/31/2013
Member of the Board of the CUNY\Caribbean Exchange Program1/1/200412/31/2006
Member of the Board of the CUNY\BA in Dominican Studies1/1/200412/31/2006


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Aztlan Journal (UCLA)Peer Reviewer1/1/2014Present
Journal of Ethnic and Migration StudiesPeer Reviewer1/1/2014Present
El Museo del Barrio Board Member1/1/2012Present
Afro-Latin Jazz Alliance Board Member1/1/2013Present
Economic Policy InstituteBoard Member1/1/2014Present
National Science FoundationGrant Proposal Reviewer, External1/1/2014Present
WT Grant FoundationGrant Proposal Reviewer, External1/1/2014Present
Society for the Study of Social ProblemsMember1/1/2012Present
The Non-Profit and Voluntary Sector QuarterlyPeer Reviewer1/1/2005Present
Association for Research on Non-Profit and Voluntary Associations (ARNOVA)Member1/1/2000Present
Supervised a number of M.S. and Ph.D. students1/1/1996Present
Newspaper interviews (selection): New York Times, New York Daily News, Tampa Tribune, Spain's (EFE) Press on the November 1993 Plebiscite on Puerto Rico's Political Status; El Nuevo Dia (Puerto Rico) on the socio-economic status of the Puerto Rican population in New York (1994); El Paso Times on discrimination against Latinos (1994); Claridad (edited in Santurce, Puerto Rico) occasional columnist and contributor (1995); New York Daily News (1998) on economic data on the Caribbean; Empire State Agenda (1998) on immigration and welfare reform and their impact on New York State; New York Times (1999) on immigrant children and youth; Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism (2001) on aspects of undocumented migration in New York: Associated Press (2001) on the impacts of the Sept. 11 attacks for immigrants and immigration; on the Mayoral Election in New York City Diario/La Prensa (2002); New York Times (2004) on Black and Latino Relations; New York Newsday (2004) on Day Laborers and recent worker deaths; New York1 News (2006); El Diario/La Prensa-occasional columnist (2006); New York Times (2007) on births and naming conventions in Latino Community1/1/1992Present
Radio, Television, and Documentaries: WHPK (88.5 FM)—Producer and Host, SalsAmerica, 1987-1991. FOX-NY Morning News with Felipe Luciano, 1994. WNYC Radio on Puerto Rican Politics, 1994. Univision (various), 2003-2006. New York 1 News (various), 2004-present WBAI Radio on Immigration, 2003 “Whose Barrio” (2006) Documentary on Gentrification in East Harlem, NYC1/1/1992Present
US Department of Health and Human Services, Technical Working Group on Family Self-SufficiencyCommittee Member1/1/201112/31/2013
US Department of Health and Human Services, Grant Proposal Reviewer, External1/1/201112/31/2013
Social Science QuarterlyPeer Reviewer1/1/201212/31/2012
International SociologyPeer Reviewer1/1/201212/31/2012
International Migration ReviewPeer Reviewer1/1/201212/31/2012
Urban Affairs ReviewPeer Reviewer1/1/200712/31/2007
Accion of New YorkMember, Board of Directors1/1/200012/31/2007
Encyclopedia of American ImmigrationMember, Editorial Board1/1/200412/31/2005
Aspen Institute Non-Profit Sector Research FundPeer Reviewer for proposals1/1/200312/31/2004
PSC-CUNY Peer Reviewer for proposals1/1/200312/31/2004
Upper Manhattan Empowerment ZoneMember, Board of Directors1/1/200112/31/2004
Upper Manhattan Empowerment ZoneVice-Chair, Economic Development Committee1/1/200212/31/2004
St Anns CornerMember, Board of Directors1/1/200212/31/2004
University of Puerto RicoPeer Reviewer for proposals1/1/200312/31/2004
University of Minnesota PressPeer Reviewer of book manuscripts1/1/200312/31/2004
University of Florida PressPeer Reviewer of book manuscripts1/1/200312/31/2004
University of California PressPeer Reviewer of book manuscripts1/1/200312/31/2004
Temple University pressPeer Reviewer of book manuscripts (2 manuscripts)1/1/200312/31/2004
Sociological FocusPeer Reviewer1/1/200312/31/2003
Aspen Institute Non-Profit Sector Research FundSelected to serve on the advisory board (project on Non-Profits and Government)12/31/2002
Research Consultant to the Civil Rights Division of the New York State Attorney General's Office, the International Migration Program of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington D.C., the JOLI Program of the US Department of Health and Human Services (OCS), New York City Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD) and JM Kaplan center for New York City Affairs for the New American Youth Initiative, the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans, and The Ford Foundation Program on Education, Media, Arts, and CultureResearch Consultant1/1/199912/31/2002
Latino Studies JournalPeer Reviewer1/1/200112/31/2002
American Sociological AssociationAsked by President to organize and referee two panels for meeting in Washington D.C.12/31/2000
El Barrio Popular Education ProgramMember, Board of Directors1/1/199712/31/2000
DemographyPeer Reviewer1/1/200012/31/2000
IdentitiesPeer Reviewer1/1/199912/31/1999
American Journal of SociologyPeer Reviewer1/1/199412/31/1994
American Journal of SociologyAssociate Book Review Editor1/1/199112/31/1992