Helene Barbour

Assc Professor

Weissman School of Arts and Sciences

Department: Natural Sciences

Areas of expertise:

Email Address: helene.eisenman@baruch.cuny.edu

> View CV

I was born and raised in New York City but decided to travel away from home for my education. I received my B.A. in Biology from Grinnell College in Iowa. As a college student I was first exposed to laboratory research and found that I enjoyed the hands-on aspect of doing science. I decided to continue my science education and went to the University of Wisconsin-Madison for graduate school, where I earned a PhD in Cellular and Molecular Biology. There I did research on the molecular biology of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, or baker’s yeast. Upon returning from the Midwest, I spent several years as a Research Fellow at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx. At Einstein I began to study the biology of melanized fungi, the subject of my current research.

My research interests focus on fundamental questions in the biology of melanotic fungi. Melanins are a family of related compounds that have remarkable physical properties. They are found throughout the natural world and have diverse functions ranging from camouflage and display, to protection from ultraviolet radiation, and enhancement of virulence in microbes. Melanins are found in many fungi, including known pathogens, and play important roles in both pathogenesis and environmental survival. I study melanization in Cryptococcus neoformans, a fungal pathogen that is a relatively frequent cause of disease in immunocompromised individuals.


Ph.D., Cellular and Molecular Biology, University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison WI

B.A., Biology, Grinnell College Grinnell Iowa

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Spring 2024BIO1016Fundamentals of Biology
Spring 2024BIO1016Fundamentals of Biology
Spring 2024BIO5000Independent Study Biology I
Fall 2023BIO4004Microbiology
Fall 2023BIO4004Microbiology
Spring 2023BIO4004Microbiology
Spring 2023BIO4004Microbiology
Spring 2023BIO5000Independent Study Biology I
Spring 2023BIO1015LFund Of Bio - Gen, Evol, & Eco
Fall 2022BIO4004Microbiology
Fall 2022BIO4004Microbiology
Fall 2022IDC3002HHon Science Forward
Spring 2022BIO1015LFund Of Bio - Gen, Evol, & Eco
Spring 2022BIO1016Fundamentals of Biology
Spring 2022BIO1016Fundamentals of Biology
Spring 2022BIO1015LFund Of Bio - Gen, Evol, & Eco
Fall 2021BIO4004Microbiology
Fall 2021BIO4004Microbiology
Spring 2020BIO1015LFund Of Bio - Gen, Evol, & Eco
Spring 2020BIO1015LFund Of Bio - Gen, Evol, & Eco
Spring 2020BIO1016Fundamentals of Biology
Spring 2020BIO1015LFund Of Bio - Gen, Evol, & Eco
Fall 2019IDC3002HHon Sci & Tech NYC
Fall 2019BIO4004Microbiology
Fall 2019BIO4004Microbiology
Spring 2019BIO1015LFund Of Bio - Gen, Evol, & Eco
Spring 2019BIO1015LFund Of Bio - Gen, Evol, & Eco
Spring 2019BIO1016Fundamentals of Biology
Fall 2018BIO4004Microbiology
Fall 2018IDC3002HHon Sci & Tech NYC
Fall 2018BIO4004Microbiology
Spring 2018BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Fall 2017BIO1015LFund Of Bio - Gen, Evol, & Eco
Fall 2017BIO4004Microbiology
Spring 2017BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Fall 2016BIO1003Survey of the Living World
Fall 2016BIO4004Microbiology
Spring 2016BIO1015LFund Of Bio - Gen, Evol, & Eco
Spring 2016BIO1015LFund Of Bio - Gen, Evol, & Eco
Spring 2016BIO1016Fundamentals of Biology
Spring 2016BIO1016Fundamentals of Biology
Spring 2015BIO1003Survey of the Living World
Spring 2015BIO1003Survey of the Living World
Spring 2015BIO1016Fundamentals of Biology
Spring 2015BIO5000Independent Study Biology I
Spring 2015BIO1015LFund Of Bio - Gen, Evol, & Eco
Fall 2014BIO1015LFund Of Bio - Gen, Evol, & Eco
Fall 2014BIO1015LFund Of Bio - Gen, Evol, & Eco
Fall 2014BIO4004Microbiology
Fall 2014BIO1016Fundamentals of Biology
Spring 2014BIO1003LSurvey of the Living World Lec
Spring 2014BIO1016Fundamentals of Biology
Spring 2014BIO1016Fundamentals of Biology
Spring 2014BIO1015LFund Of Bio - Gen, Evol, & Eco
Fall 2013BIO1016Fundamentals of Biology
Fall 2013BIO1016Fundamentals of Biology
Fall 2013BIO4004Microbiology
Fall 2013BIO1015LFund Of Bio - Gen, Evol, & Eco
Spring 2013BIO1003LSurvey of the Living World Lec
Spring 2013BIO1003Survey of the Living World
Spring 2013BIO1003Survey of the Living World
Fall 2012BIO4004Microbiology
Fall 2012BIO1003LSurvey of the Living World Lec
Spring 2012BIO1003LSurvey of the Living World Lec
Spring 2012BIO1003Survey of the Living World
Spring 2012BIO5000Independent Study Biology I
Fall 2011BIO4004Microbiology
Fall 2011BIO1003Survey of the Living World
Spring 2011BIO1003LSurvey of the Living World Lec
Spring 2011BIO5000Independent Study Biology I
Spring 2011BIO1003Survey of the Living World
Fall 2010BIO1003Survey of the Living World
Fall 2010BIO4004Microbiology
Summer 2010BIO5000Independent Study Biology I
Spring 2010BIO1003Survey of the Living World
Spring 2010BIO1003LSurvey of the Living World Lec
Spring 2010BIO6002HHonors Biology II
Fall 2009BIO6001HBiology Honors I
Fall 2009BIO1003LSurvey of the Living World Lec
Fall 2009BIO4004Microbiology
Spring 2009BIO1003Survey of the Living World
Spring 2009BIO1003LSurvey of the Living World Lec
Spring 2009BIO1003Survey of the Living World
Fall 2008BIO4004Microbiology

Journal Articles

Eisenman, H. C., Greer, E. M., & McGrail, C. W. (2020). The role of melanins in melanotic fungi for pathogenesis and environmental survival. Applied Biotechnology and Microbiology,

Eisenman, H. C. (2015). Metamorphosis of Galleria mellonella research. 6. 1-2 (Invited Editorial).

Eisenman, H. C., Duong, R., Chan, H., Tsue, R., & McClelland, E. (2014). Reduced virulence of melanized Cryptococcus neoformans in Galleria mellonella. Virulence, 5. 611-618 (Featured on the journal cover).

Eisenman, H. C., & Casadevall, A. (2012). Synthesis and Assembly of Fungal Melanin. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 93. 931-40.

Eisenman, H. C., Chow, S., Tse, K., McClelland, E., & Casadevall, A. (2011). The effect of L-DOPA on Cryptococcus neoformans growth and gene expression. Virulence, 2. 329-36.

Eisenman, H. C., Frases-Carvajal, S., Rodrigues, M., Nicola, A., & Casadevall, A. (2009). Vesicle-associated melanization in Cryptococcus neoformans. Microbiology, 155. 3860-7.

Eisenman, H. C., Mues, M., Weber, S. E., Chaskes, S., Gerfen, G., & Casadevall, A. (2007). Cryptococcus neoformans laccase catalyzes melanin synthesis from both D- and L-DOPA. Microbiology , 153. 3954-3962.

Eisenman, H. C., Casadevall, A., & McClelland, E. E. (2007). New Insights on the Pathogenesis of Invasive Cryptococcus neoformans infection. Current Infectious Disease Reports , 9(457-464).

Garcia-Rivera, J., Eisenman, H. C., Nosanchuk, J. D., Aisen, P., Zaragoza, O., Moadel, T., Dadachova, E., & Casadevall, A. (2005). Comparative analysis of Cryptococcus neoformans acid resistant particles generated from pigmented cells grown in different laccase substrates. Fungal Genetics and Biology , 42. 989-998 (Featured on the journal cover).

Eisenman, H. C., Nosanchuk, J., Webber, J., Emerson, R., Camesano, T., & Casadevall, A. (2005). The microstructure of cell wall-associated melanin in the pathogenic fungus Cryptococcus neoformans. Biochemistry, 44. 3683-93.

Eisenman, H. C., & Craig, E. A. (2004). Activation of pleiotropic drug resistance by the J-protein and Hsp70-related proteins, Zuol and Sszl. Molecular Microbiology , 53. 335-344.

(2003). Ribosome-tethered molecular chaperones: the first line of defense against protein misfolding?. Current Opinion in Microbiology , 6. 1-6.

Hundley, H., Eisenman, H. C., Walter, W., Evans, T., Hotokezaka, Y., Wiedmann, M., & Craig, E. (2002). The in vivo function of the ribosome-associated Hsp70, Sszl, does not require its putative peptide-binding domain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 99(4203-4208).

(1997). Activation at a distance: involvement of nucleoprotein complexes that remodel chromatin. Gene Therapy and Molecular Biology, 1. 483-494.

Book Chapters

Eisenman, H. C. (2024). "A Galleria Model of Cryptococcus neoformans Infection". In McClelland, E. (Ed.), Cryptococcus neoformans: Methods and Protocols New York, NY. Humana.

McClelland, E., Casadevall, A., & Eisenman, H. C. (2007). Pathogenesis of Cryptococcus neoformans. In Kavanagh, K. (Ed.), (pp. 131-158). Springer, Dordrecht,The Netherlands. New Insights in Medical Mycology.


Barbour, H. Come to the dark side...we have melanin. Beyond the Fold, Celebrating the career of Betty Craig. University of Wisconsin-Madison

Barbour, H. From yeast to mushrooms, a biology journey. Brooklyn Technical High School Microbiology Club. Brooklyn: Brooklyn Technical High School Microbiology Club.

Tabassum, T., Dong, F., Wauchope, O. R., & Eisenman-Barbour, H. C. (2019, October 26). Chemical Analysis of Melanin Inhibition of Cryptococcus neoformans. MACUB 52nd Annual Fall Conference. Monmouth University, New Jersey: Metropolitan Association of College and University Biologists.

Eisenman, H. C., Dong, F., & Tabassum, T. (2019, June 29). Investigating Cryptococcus neoformans melanin production in the presence of redox reagents. NorthEastern Microbiologists: Physiology, Ecology and Taxonomy Meeting 2019. Minnowbrook Lodge, Blue Mountain Lake, NY: NorthEastern Microbiologists: Physiology, Ecology and Taxonomy.

Eisenman, H. C. (2015, April 9). Walking on the dark side - synthesis and function of fungal melanin. Middle Tennessee State University. Murfreesboro, TN: Molecular Biosciences and Biology Program.

Eisenman, H. C., Duong, R., & Tsue, R. E. (2013, May 20). Melanized Cryptococcus neoformans elicits nodule formation in Galleria mellonella. 113th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Denver, CO

Eisenman, H. C., & Chan, H. (2010, May 31). Virulence of Melanized Cryptococcus neoformans in the Waxmoth Caterpillar, Galleria Mellonella. 110th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. San Diego, CA

Eisenman, H. C. (2008, May 31). Mechanisms of the Protective Role of Melanin. 108th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Boston, MA: American Society for Microbiology.

Eisenman, H. C., & Casadevall, A. (2007, May 31). Cryptococcus neoformans Genes Induced in the Presence of Melanization Substrate. 107th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Eisenman, H. C. (2006, December 31). Cell Wall Melanin in Cryptococcus neoformans. The 16th Congress of the International Society of Human Animal and Mycology. Paris, France

Eisenman, H. C., & Casadevall, A. (2005, May 31). Mutants in Cryptococcus neorformans with increased susceptibility to melanization substrate. 105th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Atlanta, Georgia

Eisenman, H. C., Nosanchuk, J. D., Webber, J. B., Emerson, R. J., Camesano, T. A., & Casadevall, A. (2004, December 31). The microstructure of melanin in Cryptococcus neoformans. 5th Louis Pasteur Conference on Infectious Diseases. Paris, France

Eisenman, H. C., Hundley, H., & Craig, E. (2002, May 31). Distinct roles of the ribosome-associated Hsp70 Sszl in protein synthesis and pleiotropic drug resistance. American Society of Cell Biology 42nd Annual Meeting. San Francisco, California

Bresnick, E. H., Tze, L., Eisenman, H. C., Forsberg, E. C., Lam, L. T., & Versaw, W. K. (1997, December 31). Distance-dependent and-independent mechanisms of transcriptional activation by the human beta-globin locus control region. Red Cell Gordon Conference. Tilton, New Hampshire

Other Scholarly Works

Friedman, J. M., Friedman, A. J., Han, G., Navati, M. S., Davies, K. P., Tar, M. T., Alfieri, A. A., Casadevall, A., Dadachova, E., Eisenman, H. C., N/A, J., & Spray, D. (2011). Versatile Nanoparticulate Biomaterial for Controlled Delivery and/or Containment of Therapeutic and Diagnostic Material.

Research Currently in Progess

Eisenman, H. C., & Wauchope, O.(n.d.). Effect of Oxidizing Agents on Melanization of Cryptococcus neoformans. In Progress.

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
Microbiological and biochemical analysis of fungal melanin inhibitionPSC-CUNY 5107/01/202012/31/202204/17/20203500Completed
Lipid Metabolism and Fungal MelanizationPSC-CUNY 4907/01/201806/30/201904/15/20183500Completed
Oxidative Stress and Melanization of Cryptococcus neoformansPSC-CUNY 4507/01/201406/30/201504/15/20143500Completed
Cellular Immune Response of Galleria mellonella to Melanized FungiPSC-CUNY 4407/01/201306/30/201404/15/20133500Completed
Fungal pathogenesis in an invertebrate hostPSC-CUNY 4207/01/201106/30/201204/15/20113500Completed
Establishing a model for Cryptococcus neoformans melanization studiesPSC-CUNY 4107/01/201006/30/20116000Completed
Characterizing novel genesPSC-CUNY 4007/01/200906/30/20100Completed
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Certificate of AppreciationCenter for Teaching and Learning, Baruch College2020-10-16Organization and resource sharing with biology instructors during the sudden shift to distance learning in the spring of 2020.
Fellowship Leave AwardBaruch College, CUNY2020-08-27
2nd Annual Faculty Assignment Design Challenge Weissman Faculty AwardMakerHub, Baruch College Lawrence N. Field Center for Entrepreneurship2017
NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (F32)2005
NIH Immunology and Immunooncology Training Program Fellowship, Albert Einstein College of Medicine2004
Vilas Travel FellowshipUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison 2002
NIH Biotechnology Training Program FellowshipUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison 1997
Honors in Biology MajorGrinnell College1994
Phi Beta Kappa Grinnell College1994


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Baruch College Faculty SenateSenatorPresent
WSAS Pod Mentorship ProgramFaculty MentorPresent
Tenure and Promotions Guidelines CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Natural Sciences Department Honors CommitteeCommittee ChairPresent
Deputy Chair of BiologyDeputy Chair of Biology8/25/2022
Natural Sciences Department Executive CommitteeCommittee Member7/31/2022
Search Committee, Assistant Professor of BiologyCommittee Chair7/28/2022
Academic Freedom and Responsibility CommitteeCommittee Member4/22/2022
Authored Department of Natural Sciences Biology Self Study for External ReviewAuthor12/31/2018
Search Committee, Assistant Professor of Environmental StudiesEquity Advocate12/31/2017
Biomedical Recommendations CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2017
Baruch College Majors and Minors FairAttendee, Meeting12/31/2017
Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty RecognitionCommittee Member12/31/2016
Course Coordinator for BIO 100312/31/2016
Course Coordinator for BIO 1015L and BIO 101612/31/2016
Search Committee, Asst. Prof. of Molecular/Cellular BiologyCommittee Member12/31/2015
Representative to School of Public Affairs12/31/2013
Committee on Undergraduate HonorsCommittee Member12/31/2013
Laboratory Design CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2010
Alliance for Minority Progress Steering CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2009
Biology Major CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2009
Natural Sciences Design SubcommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2008


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Common Core Course Review CommitteeCommittee Member1/1/2015Present
Creativity in STEM Steering CommitteeCommittee Member1/1/201812/31/2019
Common Core Course Review CommitteeCommittee Chair12/31/2018
Research CommitteeAlternate1/1/201212/31/2014


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
New York Mycological SocietyMember1/1/2017Present
VirulenceReviewer, Journal ArticleNew YorkUnited StatesPresentInternational
Microbial PathogenesisReviewer, Journal ArticleNew YorkUnited StatesPresentInternational
Microbial PathogenesisReviewer, Journal ArticleNew YorkUnited StatesPresentInternational
PLoS Neglected Tropical DiseasesReviewer, Journal ArticleCaliforniaUnited StatesPresentInternational
New York Mycological SocietyMemberNew YorkUnited StatesPresentState
Environmental Microbiology ReportdReviewer, Journal ArticleNew YorkUnited StatesPresentInternational
Microbial PathogenesisReviewer, Journal ArticleNew YorkUnited StatesPresentInternational
Frontiers in MicrobiologyReviewer, Journal ArticleNew YorkUnited StatesPresentInternational
BiologiaReviewer, Journal ArticleNew YorkUnited StatesPresentInternational
Fungal Biology ReviewsReviewer, Journal ArticleNew YorkUnited StatesPresentInternational
Frontiers in MicrobiologyReviewer, Journal ArticleNew YorkUnited StatesPresentInternational
New York Mycological SocietyVolunteerNew YorkUnited States5/2/2022PresentLocal
African Journal of Microbiology ResearchReviewer, Journal ArticleNew YorkUnited StatesPresentInternational
Defense Threat Reduction AgencyGrant Proposal ReviewerDCUnited StatesPresentNational
MicrobiologyReviewer, Journal ArticleNew YorkUnited StatesPresentInternational
VirulenceReviewer, Journal ArticleNew YorkUnited StatesPresentInternational
Biochemistry and Cell BiologyReviewer, Journal ArticleNew YorkUnited StatesPresentInternational
MycopathologiaReviewer, Journal ArticleNew YorkUnited StatesPresentInternational
PLoS OneReviewer, Journal ArticleNew YorkUnited StatesPresentInternational
American Society for MicrobiologyMemberDCUnited StatesPresentInternational
New York Academy of SciencesMemberNew YorkUnited StatesPresentState
Frontiers in Fungi and Their InteractionsReview Editor1/1/2011Present
American Society for MicrobiologyMember1/1/2004Present
Medical Mycological Society of the AmericasMember1/1/2008Present
New York Academy of SciencesMember1/1/2010Present
Microbial PathogenesisReviewer, Journal Article12/31/2020
Microbial PathogenesisReviewer, Journal Article12/31/2019
Environmental Microbiology ReportsReviewer, Journal Article12/31/2018
Microbial PathogenesisReviewer, Journal Article12/31/2018
Frontiers in MicrobiologyReviewer, Journal Article12/31/2017
BiologiaReviewer, Journal Article1/1/201612/31/2016
Fungal Biology ReviewsReviewer, Journal Article1/1/201612/31/2016
VirulenceReviewer, Journal Article12/31/2015
Frontiers in MicrobiologyReviewer, Journal Article12/31/2015
Defense Threat Reduction AgencyReviewer, Grant Proposal12/31/2014
MicrobiologyReviewer, Journal Article12/31/2014
VirulenceReviewer, Journal Article12/31/2014
African Journal of Microbiology ResearchReviewer, Journal Article12/31/2014
Biochemistry and Cell BiologyReviewer, Journal Article12/31/2012
MycopathologiaReviewer, Journal Article12/31/2012
PLoSONEReviewer, Journal Article12/31/2009


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
New York Botanical GardenHerbarium VolunteerNew YorkVirgin Islands7/5/2023PresentLocal
44th Annual Fall Metropolitan Association of College and University Biologists ConferenceVolunteer JudgeNew Jersey12/31/2011
43rd Annual Fall Metropolitan Association of College and University Biologists ConferenceVolunteer JudgeNew York12/31/2010
New York City Science and Engineering Fair Preliminary EventVolunteer JudgeNew York12/31/2009