Ina Plotsky Kupferberg

Adj Asst Professor

Zicklin School of Business

Department: Law

Areas of expertise:

Email Address:

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Spring 2022LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Spring 2022LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Fall 2021LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Fall 2021LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Fall 2021LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Spring 2021LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Spring 2021LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Fall 2020LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Fall 2020LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Fall 2019LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Spring 2019LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Spring 2019LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Fall 2018LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Fall 2018LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Fall 2018LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Spring 2018LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Spring 2018LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Fall 2017LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Spring 2017LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Spring 2017LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Spring 2017LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Fall 2016LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Fall 2016LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Spring 2016LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Spring 2016LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Spring 2016LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Fall 2015LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law
Spring 2015LAW1101Fundamentals of Business Law