Ingrid-mona Zamfirescu

Assc Professor

Weissman School of Arts and Sciences

Department: Mathematics

Areas of expertise:

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Ph.D., Statistics, Columbia University

MPhil, Statistics, Columbia University

M.A., Applied Statistics and Optimization, University of Bucharest

B.A., Applied Mathematics, University of Bucharest

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2023MTH4130Mathematics of Data Analysis
Fall 2023MTH4430Mathematics of Inferential Sta
Spring 2023MTH4430Mathematics of Inferential Sta
Spring 2023MTH4130Mathematics of Data Analysis
Fall 2022MTH4130Mathematics of Data Analysis
Fall 2022MTH4430Mathematics of Inferential Sta
Spring 2022MTH4130Mathematics of Data Analysis
Spring 2022MTH4430Mathematics of Inferential Sta
Fall 2021MTH4430Mathematics of Inferential Sta
Fall 2021MTH4130Mathematics of Data Analysis
Fall 2021MTH4130Mathematics of Data Analysis
Spring 2021MTH4430Mathematics of Inferential Sta
Spring 2021MTH4130Mathematics of Data Analysis
Fall 2020MTH4430Mathematics of Inferential Sta
Fall 2020MTH4130Mathematics of Data Analysis
Spring 2020MTH4130Mathematics of Data Analysis
Spring 2020MTH4430Mathematics of Inferential Sta
Fall 2019MTH4130Mathematics of Data Analysis
Fall 2019MTH2003Precal & Elem of Cal 1A
Fall 2019MTH4430Mathematics of Inferential Sta
Spring 2019MTH4430Mathematics of Inferential Sta
Spring 2019MTH4130Mathematics of Data Analysis
Fall 2018MTH4430Mathematics of Inferential Sta
Fall 2018MTH4130Mathematics of Data Analysis
Fall 2018MTH4500Intro Financial Math
Spring 2018MTH4130Mathematics of Data Analysis
Spring 2018MTH3050Calculus III and Vector Calcul
Spring 2018MTH2205Precal and Elements of Cal 1B
Fall 2017MTH2207Elements of Calculus I and Ma
Fall 2017MTH4130Mathematics of Data Analysis
Fall 2017MTH2207Elements of Calculus I and Ma
Spring 2017MTH4500Intro Financial Math
Spring 2017MTH4100Linear Alg & Matrix Methods
Fall 2016MTH4130Mathematics of Data Analysis
Fall 2016MTH2205Precal and Elements of Cal 1B
Fall 2016MTH2207Elements of Calculus I and Ma
Spring 2016MTH4100Linear Alg & Matrix Methods
Spring 2016MTH3006Elements of Calculus II
Fall 2015MTH2003Precal & Elem of Cal 1A
Fall 2015MTH2207Elements of Calculus I and Ma
Fall 2015MTH4130Mathematics of Data Analysis
Spring 2015MTH2205Precal and Elements of Cal 1B
Spring 2015MTH2003Precal & Elem of Cal 1A
Spring 2015MTH2003Precal & Elem of Cal 1A
Fall 2014MTH2205Precal and Elements of Cal 1B
Fall 2014MTH4130Mathematics of Data Analysis
Fall 2014MTH2207Elements of Calculus I and Ma
Spring 2014MTH2205Precal and Elements of Cal 1B
Spring 2014MTH2205Precal and Elements of Cal 1B
Spring 2014MTH3120Elementary Probability
Fall 2013MTH4130Mathematics of Data Analysis
Fall 2013MTH2205Precal and Elements of Cal 1B
Fall 2013MTH2003Precal & Elem of Cal 1A
Fall 2012MTH2205Precal and Elements of Cal 1B
Fall 2012MTH4130Mathematics of Data Analysis
Fall 2012MTH4500Intro Financial Math
Spring 2012MTH9862Prob & Stoch Processes II
Spring 2012MTH2207Elements of Calculus I and Ma
Fall 2011MTH4130Mathematics of Data Analysis
Fall 2011MTH2003Precal & Elem of Cal 1A
Fall 2011MTH9831Probability & Stoch Processes
Spring 2011MTH2205Precal and Elements of Cal 1B
Spring 2011MTH3020Calculus III
Fall 2010MTH4130Mathematics of Data Analysis
Fall 2010MTH2610Calculus I
Fall 2010MTH2003Precal & Elem of Cal 1A
Spring 2010MTH3030Elements of Calculus III
Spring 2010MTH4500Intro Financial Math
Spring 2010MTH3020Calculus III
Fall 2009MTH2610Calculus I
Fall 2009MTH4130Mathematics of Data Analysis
Fall 2009MTH9903Capstone Project/Pre
Spring 2009MTH9903Capstone Project/Pre
Spring 2009MTH9900Special Topics in Mathematics
Spring 2009MTH9862Prob & Stoch Processes II
Spring 2009MTH4500Intro Financial Math
Fall 2008MTH9903Capstone Project/Pre
Fall 2008MTH9831Probability & Stoch Processes
Fall 2008MTH3030Elements of Calculus III
Fall 2008MTH4500Intro Financial Math
Fall 2008MTH9831Probability & Stoch Processes
Spring 2008MTH2003Precal & Elem of Cal 1A
Spring 2008MTH2207Elements of Calculus I and Ma
Spring 2008MTH2610Calculus I
Spring 2008MTH9903Capstone Project/Pre
Fall 2007MTH2207Elements of Calculus I and Ma
Fall 2007MTH4500Intro Financial Math
Fall 2007MTH9903Capstone Project/Pre
Spring 2007MTH9900Special Topics in Mathematics
Spring 2007MTH9862Prob & Stoch Processes II
Spring 2007MTH2610Calculus I
Spring 2007MTH2003Precal & Elem of Cal 1A
Spring 2007MTH9903Capstone Project/Pre
Fall 2006MTH9903Capstone Project/Pre
Fall 2006MTH9831Probability & Stoch Processes
Fall 2006MTH2610Calculus I
Fall 2006MTH2003Precal & Elem of Cal 1A
Spring 2006MTH9903Capstone Project/Pre
Spring 2006MTH9900Special Topics in Mathematics
Fall 2005MTH9903Capstone Project/Pre
Fall 2005MTH2003Precal & Elem of Cal 1A
Fall 2005MTH2003Precal & Elem of Cal 1A
Fall 2005MTH3010Calculus II
Spring 2005MTH9903Capstone Project/Pre
Spring 2005MTH9862Prob & Stoch Processes II
Fall 2004MTH9903Capstone Project/Pre
Fall 2004MTH9900Special Topics in Mathematics
Fall 2004MTH2207Elements of Calculus I and Ma
Fall 2004MTH2207Elements of Calculus I and Ma
Fall 2004MTH9831Probability & Stoch Processes
Spring 2004MTH2001Pre-Calculus
Spring 2004MTH2206Applied Calculus
Spring 2004MTH3040Actuarial Seminar : R for Actu
Fall 2003MTH4120Introduction to Probability
Fall 2003MTH2610Calculus I

Journal Articles

(2007). Martingale Approach to Stochastic Differential Games of Control and Stopping. Annals of Probability,

(2006). "Strong Approximation for Mixing Sequences with Infinite Variance". Electronic Communications in Probability, 11. 11-23.

(2006). "Martingale Approach to Stochastic Control with discretionary stopping" . Applied Mathematics and Optimization , 53(2). 163-184.

(2005). "Game Approach to Optimal Stopping". Stochastics and Stochastics Reports, 77(5). 401-435.

(2002). "Decoupling and Domination Inequalities with Application to Wald's Identity for Martingales". Statistics and Probabilty Letters, 57(2). 157-170.


Gregory, P., Patterson, S., Zamfirescu, I., & Ghosh, A. (2011, March 25). Screen Casting, Presenting, and Archiving Dynamic Worked Examples using Tablet Technology. Baruch College Teaching and Technology Conference. Baruch College, New York, NY: Baruch College.

Zamfirescu, I. (2005, June 30). Martingale Approach to Stochastic Control with Discretionary Stopping. Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications. Santa Barbara: UCSB.

Zamfirescu, I. (2005, September 30). Martingale Approach to Stochastic Control with Discretionary Stopping. Conference on Stochastic Control and Numerics. Milwaukee: University of Wisconsin.

Zamfirescu, I. (2005, March 31). Strong Approximation for Mixing Sequences with Infinite Variance. Seminar on Stochastic Processes (informal presentation). : Cornell University.

Zamfirescu, I. (2005, January 28). Strong Approximation for Mixing Sequences with Infinite Variance. Probability Seminar. Columbia University

Zamfirescu, I. (2004, October 31). Game Approach to the Optimal Stopping Problem. Probability Seminar. Carleton University

Zamfirescu, I. (2004, March 31). Game Approach to the Optimal Stopping Problem. Probability Seminar. Graduate Center at CUNY

Other Scholarly Works

Karatzas, I., & Zamfirescu, I. Martingale Approach to Stochastic Games.

Research Currently in Progess

Zamfirescu, I., & Balan, R.(n.d.). Strong Invariance Principle for Self-Normalized Sums. In Progress.

Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Faculty Fellowship in the Department of StatisticsColumbia University2002
Faculty Fellowship in the Department of StatisticsColumbia University2001
Howard Levine TeachingAwardColumbia University2001
Faculty Fellowship in the Department of StatisticsColumbia University2000
Faculty Fellowship in the Department of StatisticsColumbia University1999
Faculty Fellowship in the Department of StatisticsColumbia University1998
Faculty Fellowship in the Department of StatisticsColumbia University1997
ScholarshipUniversity of Bucharest, Romania1996
ScholarshipUniversity of Bucharest, Romania1995
ScholarshipUniversity of Bucharest, Romania1994
ScholarshipUniversity of Bucharest, Romania1993
ScholarshipUniversity of Bucharest, Romania1992
ScholarshipUniversity of Bucharest, Romania1991


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Final Exam CommitteePresent
Website CommitteePresent
Graduate CommitteePresent
Executive CommitteeMember12/31/2009
Department Secretary12/31/2006
Committee on Educational Technology12/31/2006
Research Committee12/31/2006