Jacqueline Disalvo

Adj Asst Professor

Weissman School of Arts and Sciences

Department: English

Areas of expertise:

Email Address: jacqueline.disalvo@baruch.cuny.edu


Ph.D., English, University of Wisconsin, Madison

M.A., English, University of Wisconsin Madison

B.A., English, Antioch College Ohio

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2022POL3201Topics In Pol & Lit
Fall 2022ENG3201Topics In Pol & Lit
Spring 2022POL3201Topics In Pol & Lit
Spring 2022ENG3201Topics In Pol & Lit
Fall 2021POL3201Topics In Pol & Lit
Fall 2021ENG3201Topics In Pol & Lit
Spring 2021POL3201Topics In Pol & Lit
Spring 2021ENG3201Topics In Pol & Lit
Fall 2020ENG3201Topics In Pol & Lit
Fall 2020POL3201Topics In Pol & Lit
Fall 2019ENG3201Topics In Pol & Lit
Fall 2019POL3201Topics In Pol & Lit
Spring 2019ENG3201Topics In Pol & Lit
Spring 2019POL3201Topics In Pol & Lit
Fall 2018ENG3025Surv American Lit II
Spring 2018POL3201Topics In Pol & Lit
Spring 2018ENG3201Topics In Pol & Lit
Spring 2017ENG3201Topics In Pol & Lit
Spring 2017POL3201Topics In Pol & Lit
Fall 2016ENG3201Topics In Pol & Lit
Fall 2016POL3201Topics In Pol & Lit
Spring 2016ENG4300Romanticism
Fall 2015POL3201Topics In Pol & Lit
Fall 2015ENG3201Topics In Pol & Lit
Spring 2015ENG3025Surv American Lit II
Fall 2014ENG2850Great Works of Literature II
Spring 2014ENG3201Topics In Pol & Lit
Spring 2014POL3201Topics In Pol & Lit
Fall 2013ENG2850Great Works of Literature II
Spring 2013ENG4300Romanticism
Fall 2012ENG3950Topics in Literature
Spring 2012ENG4300Romanticism
Fall 2011ENG3015Surv English Lit II
Spring 2011ENG2850Great Works of Literature II
Fall 2010ENG2850Great Works of Literature II
Fall 2010ENG4300Romanticism
Fall 2010ENG2850Great Works of Literature II
Spring 2010ENG2850Great Works of Literature II
Spring 2010ENG4300Romanticism
Spring 2010ENG5000Independent Study English I
Spring 2010ENG2850Great Works of Literature II
Fall 2009ENG3015Surv English Lit II
Fall 2009ENG2850Great Works of Literature II
Fall 2009ENG2850Great Works of Literature II
Spring 2009ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2009ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2009ENG4300Romanticism
Fall 2008ENG2150Writing II
Fall 2008ENG3950Topics in Literature
Fall 2008ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2008ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2008ENG2850Great Works of Literature II
Fall 2007ENG3950Topics in Literature
Fall 2007ENG2850Great Works of Literature II
Spring 2007ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2007ENG3015Surv English Lit II
Fall 2006ENG2150Writing II
Fall 2006ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2006ENG3950Topics in Literature
Spring 2006ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2005ENG2150Writing II
Fall 2005ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2005ENG3950Topics in Literature
Fall 2004ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2004ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2004ENG2850Great Works of Literature II
Fall 2003ENG3950Topics in Literature
Fall 2003ENG2850Great Works of Literature II
Spring 2003ENG3720Women in Literature
Fall 2002ENG2850Great Works of Literature II
Fall 2002ENG2850Great Works of Literature II
Spring 2002ENG4300Romanticism
Fall 2001ENG2850Great Works of Literature II
Fall 2001ENG2850Great Works of Literature II
Fall 2001ENG2150Writing II


Disalvo, J. (1998). Blake, Politics, History. New York, Garland.

Disalvo, J. (1984). War of Titans: Blake's Critique of Milton and the Politics of Religion. Pittsburg, Pittsburg U P.

Journal Articles

(1994). On E.P. Thompson and William Blake. New Politics,

(1989). Make War Not Love: Milton's Samson Agnoistes and Brecht's Caucasion Chalk Circle. Milton Studies, 203-231.

(1989). Milton and Shaw Once More: Samson Agnoistes and St. Joan. Milton Quarterly ,

(1988). Fear of Flying: Milton on the Boudaries between Witchcraft and Inspiration. English Literary Renaissance,

(1988). The Intertextuality of Doris Lessing's Good Terrorist and Milton's Samson Agnonistes. Doris Lessing Newsletter,

(1988). 'Harmonious Thunderings': A Musical Illumination of The Songs of Innocence and Experience. Blake Quarterly,

(1987). The Future of an Illusion and the Imagining of the Future: The Analysis of Religion in Volney, Blake, and Freud. Explorations Sepcial Series: The Age of Enlightenment, 1(29-44).

(1972). 'The Lord's Battells' -- Samson Agonistes and the Puritan Revolution. Milton Studies, 4(36-62).

(1972). William Blake on the Unholy Alliance: Satanic Freedom and Godly Repression in Liberal Society. Wordsworth Circle, 3(4). 212-222.

Book Chapters

Disalvo, J. (2003). "Father James Groppi: Portrait of A 1960s Activist." The Lost World of Italian American Radicalism. In Canistraro, P., & Meyer, G. (Eds.), (pp. 229-243). Westport, Conneticut. Praeger.

Disalvo, J. (2002). "'Spritual Contagion': Male Psychology and the Culture of Idolatry in Samson Agonistes." Altering Eyes: New Perspectives on Samson Agonistes. In Kelley, M., & Wittreich, J. (Eds.), (pp. 253-280). Newark, Delaware. U of Delaware P.

Disalvo, J. (1998). "Introduction." Blake, Politics, History. In DiSalvo, J., Hobson, C., & Rosso, G. (Eds.), (pp. xxiii-xxxii). New York. Garland.

Disalvo, J. (1994). "The World Turned Upside Down: The Visionary Tradition and the Alternative Press in the US in the Sixties." One Step Forward: Culture, Media, and Politics in the US from the Cold War and the Sixties to the Age of Reagan and Bush. In Klein, M. (Ed.), London. Pluto Press.

Disalvo, J. (1990). "Fear of Flying: Milton on the Boundaries between Witchcraft and Inspiration." Women in the Renaissance. In Kinney, A. (Ed.), (pp. 114-137). Amherst, Massachusetts. U of Massachusetts P.

Disalvo, J. (1988). " 'Intestine Thorn': Samson's Struggle with the Woman within." Milton and the Idea of Woman. In Walker, J. (Ed.), (pp. 211-229). New York. Pilgrim.

Disalvo, J. (1984). "Gender, Class and Religion." Women's Spirit Bonding. In Kalven, J., & Buckley, M. (Eds.), (pp. 11-34). New York. Pilgrim.

Disalvo, J. (1975). "Blake Encountering Milton: Politics of the Family in Paradise Lost and the Four Zoas." Milton and the Line of Vision. In Wittreich, J. A. (Ed.), (pp. 143-184). Madison, Wisconsin. U of Wisconsin P.


Disalvo, J. (2004, May 31). Fr. James Groppi. : Brecht Forum.

Disalvo, J. (2004, February 28). Fr. James Groppi. Casa Italia, NYU

Disalvo, J. (2002, June 30). Milton's Paradise Lost and Toni Morrison's Paradise. International Milton Symposium. : South California State College at Beaufort.

Disalvo, J. (2001, October 31). . Covener, Milton Seminar. CUNY Graduate Center

Disalvo, J. (1997, May 31). Mary Shelley's Maternal Politics and Milton's Policies of Sonship. Mary Shelley in Her Times. : CUNY Graduate Center.

Disalvo, J. (1997, May 31). Father James Groppi: Portrait of a 1960's Activist. The Lost World of Italian American Radicalism. : CUNY Graduate Center.

Disalvo, J. (1995, December 1). The Myth of Bourgeois Masculinity in Milton's Paradise Regained. Pittsburg: Duquense University.

Disalvo, J. (1995, July 31). 'His Father's Business': Milton, the Public Sphere and Making of Masculinity. International Milton Symposium. : University of Wales.

Disalvo, J. (1994, December 31). Blake and Women. Chair, Modern Language Association (MLA). San Diego, California

Disalvo, J. (1993, December 31). Sexual Transgression in Romantic Women Writers. Respondent, MLA Convention. Toronoto

Disalvo, J. (1992, December 31). Blake and Women. Chair, MLA Convention. New York

Disalvo, J. (1991, December 31). 'Fair Idolatresses': Idolatry and Gender in Milton's Republican Discourse. Modern Language Association Convention. Chicago

Disalvo, J. (1990, October 31). The Masculinity of the Reformation and the Reformation of Masculinity. Milton Symposium. : CUNY Graduate Center.

Disalvo, J. (1990, April 30). Women and Idolatry in Paradise Lost. Milton Seminar. : Georgetown University.

Disalvo, J. (1989, December 31). Feminist Criticism: Where Have We Been? Where Are We Going?. Chair, MLA. Washington D.C.

Disalvo, J. (1988, June 30). Gender and Liberal Political Theory in Paradise Lost. International Milton Symposium. Florence, Italy

Disalvo, J. (1988, May 31). Milton's Samson Agonistes and Brecht's Caucasion Chalk Circle. : Northeast Modern Language Association.

Disalvo, J. (1985, December 31). Samson's Struggle With the Woman Within. Chicago: MLA.

Disalvo, J. (1985, October 31). Milton, Woman, and Eve. Milton Seminar. : Syracuse University.

Disalvo, J. (1984, February 28). Alienation and Conformity in 1984. 1984: The Challange to Identity. New York

Disalvo, J. (1983, February 28). The Ruins of Empire: Volney's Influence on Blake's Four Zoas. Stony Brook: SUNY.

Disalvo, J. (1982, December 31). 'In Narrow Circuit Strait'n'd by a Foe': Puritans and Indians in Paradise Lost. Ed. Ronald G Shafer.. Ringing the Bell Backwards: The Proceedings of the First International Milton Symposium. Indiana, PA: Indiana U of Pennsylvania P.

Disalvo, J. (1982, July 31). Myth, Religion, and the Status of Women. Conference on Women and Spirituality. Grailville, Loveland, Ohio

Disalvo, J. (1982, May 31). 'Historical Facts Written by Inspiration...' The Epic Vision of Blake's Four Zoas. Blake and Criticism. : University of Santa Cruz.

Disalvo, J. (1981, July 31). 'In Narrow Circuit Strait'n'd by a Foe': Early America in Paradise Lost. First International Milton Symposium. Jerusalem Room, Westminister Abbey, London

Disalvo, J. (1979, December 31). Feminist Uses of the Great Mother Myth. San Francisco: MLA.

Disalvo, J. (1979, December 31). Highways and Hitch-hikers: Meaning of Mobility in Counter-Culture Literature. New York: MLA.

Disalvo, J. (1978, February 28). Counter Culture in Retrospective: Renovation or Accomodation. Popular Culture Series. New York: Free University.

Other Scholarly Works

Disalvo, J. (1991). The Apocalyptic Feminism of the Grail Myth.

Disalvo, J. Milton's Paradise Lost and Toni Morrison's Paradise.


Disalvo, J., & Rev. Hobson, C. Z. (2000,January 1). the Chained Boy: Orc and Blake's Idea of Revolution, Studies in Romanticism.

Disalvo, J., & Rev. Walker, J. M. (2000,October 1). Medusa's Mirrors: Spenser, Shakespeare, Milton and the Metamorphosis of the Female Self. Journal of English and German Philology.

Disalvo, J. (1993,January 1). Rev. of Thomas Hayes, The Birth of Popular Culture, Surfaces.

Disalvo, J. (1990,February 1). Rev. of Marshall Grossman, Authors to Themselves: Milton and the Revelation of History. Modern Philology.

Disalvo, J. (1987,January 1). Rev. of Stevie davies, The Feminine Reclaimed: The Idea of Woman in Spenser, Shakespeare and Milton. JEGP..

Disalvo, J. (1986,January 1). rev. of Robert Fallon, "Captain or Colonel": The Soldier in Milton's Life and Art. American Notes and Queries.

Disalvo, J. (1985,January 1). Rev. of Stevie Davies, Images of Kingship in Paradise Lost. milton Quarterly.

Research Currently in Progess

Disalvo, J.(n.d.). Miltonic Ideology and the Miltonic Body. In Progress.

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
Study of an International Women's Movement, the Grail, which integrates Feminism, Progressive PolitiPSC-CUNY 3807/01/200706/30/20081100Completed
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Albert Blumberg Award for Outstanding TeachingLivingston College1978
Danforth Fellowship1970
Danforth Fellowship1969
Danforth Fellowship1968
University of Wisconisn Vilas Fellowship1968
Danforth Fellowship1967
Danforth Fellowship1966
Danforth Fellowship1965
Woodrow Wilson Fellowship1965


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Curriculum Committee1/1/1999Present
Social Committee1/1/199512/31/1996
Compostition Committee1/1/198412/31/1992
Recording Secretary1/1/198412/31/1985


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Curriculum CommitteePresent
Social Committee12/31/1996
Compostition Committee12/31/1992
Globus Committee12/31/1990
Library Committee12/31/1989
Committee on Social Activities12/31/1987
NEH Great Works Seminar12/31/1987
Recording Secretary12/31/1985


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Faculty Membership Committee (English)1/1/1999Present
Curriculum Committee (English)1/1/1996Present
Dissertation Prizes (Women's Studies)1/1/200212/31/2003
Graduate Council1/1/199512/31/1998
Covener, Romantic Area (English)1/1/199412/31/1997
Admissions Committee (English)1/1/199412/31/1995
Dissertation Prizes Committee (English)1/1/199412/31/1995
Recording Secretary (English)1/1/199212/31/1993
Dissertation in Fellowships Committee1/1/199212/31/1993


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Baruch PSC Executive Committee1/1/2001Present
Social Action Committee, Park Slope Methodist Church1/1/1988Present
Delegate AFT Convention1/1/1998Present
Organizer, Workshops, Retreats for Activist Women, Grail, Cornwall-on Hudson, New York1/1/199112/31/2004
Women's Politics and Spirtuality Group1/1/199212/31/2004
PSC Delegate Assembly1/1/200312/31/2004
Delegate AFT Convention1/1/200412/31/2004
Coordinating Committee, NYC Women's Politics and Spirituality Group: Organize Discussion Groups and Lecture1/1/198812/31/2004
Delegate New York State United Teachers Assembly 1/1/20041/31/2004
Delegate AFT Convention1/1/200112/31/2001
PSC-CUNY Contract Demands Committee6/1/20006/30/2000
Organizer: Three Programs- Beijing + 5, Women and Globalization, Baruch4/1/20006/30/2000
Testimony on CUNY Master Plan NYS Regent1/1/20003/31/2000
PSC Legislative Committee1/1/199912/31/1999
Testimony on Remediation, CUNY Board of Trustees4/1/19995/31/1999