Jakob Reich

Assc Professor

Weissman School of Arts and Sciences

Department: Mathematics

Areas of expertise:

Email Address: jakob.reich@baruch.cuny.edu

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Ph.D., Mathematics, University of New Mexico

M.A., Mathematics, University of New Mexico Mexico

B.S., Mathematics, University of New Mexico Mexico

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2023MTH2610Calculus I
Spring 2023MTH2003Precal & Elem of Cal 1A
Spring 2023MTH2003Precal & Elem of Cal 1A
Fall 2022MTH3010Calculus II
Fall 2022MTH2610Calculus I
Spring 2022MTH2003Precal & Elem of Cal 1A
Fall 2021MTH2610Calculus I
Fall 2021MTH3020Calculus III
Fall 2021MTH3010Calculus II
Fall 2021MTH3030Elements of Calculus III
Spring 2021MTH2207Elements of Calculus I and Ma
Fall 2020MTH2610Calculus I
Fall 2020MTH2205Precal and Elements of Cal 1B
Fall 2020MTH3030Elements of Calculus III
Spring 2020MTH3020Calculus III
Spring 2020MTH3020Calculus III
Spring 2020MTH3030Elements of Calculus III
Fall 2019MTH2003Precal & Elem of Cal 1A
Fall 2019MTH2003Precal & Elem of Cal 1A
Fall 2019MTH2205Precal and Elements of Cal 1B
Spring 2019MTH2205Precal and Elements of Cal 1B
Spring 2019MTH3020Calculus III
Fall 2018MTH2205Precal and Elements of Cal 1B
Fall 2018MTH2207Elements of Calculus I and Ma
Fall 2018MTH3030Elements of Calculus III
Spring 2018MTH2207Elements of Calculus I and Ma
Spring 2018MTH3020Calculus III
Fall 2017MTH3020Calculus III
Fall 2017MTH2610Calculus I
Fall 2017MTH2205Precal and Elements of Cal 1B
Spring 2017MTH3030Elements of Calculus III
Spring 2017MTH3020Calculus III
Fall 2016MTH3020Calculus III
Fall 2016MTH2205Precal and Elements of Cal 1B
Fall 2016MTH2207Elements of Calculus I and Ma
Spring 2016MTH3030Elements of Calculus III
Spring 2016MTH3020Calculus III
Fall 2015MTH2205Precal and Elements of Cal 1B
Fall 2015MTH3020Calculus III
Fall 2015MTH2205Precal and Elements of Cal 1B
Spring 2015MTH2207Elements of Calculus I and Ma
Spring 2015MTH3020Calculus III
Spring 2015MTH2207Elements of Calculus I and Ma
Fall 2014MTH2610Calculus I
Fall 2014MTH3010Calculus II
Fall 2014MTH3020Calculus III
Spring 2014MTH2205Precal and Elements of Cal 1B
Spring 2014MTH3020Calculus III
Fall 2013MTH2003Precal & Elem of Cal 1A
Fall 2013MTH2610Calculus I
Fall 2013MTH3020Calculus III
Spring 2013MTH2207Elements of Calculus I and Ma
Spring 2013MTH3020Calculus III
Fall 2012MTH3006Elements of Calculus II
Fall 2012MTH2003Precal & Elem of Cal 1A
Fall 2012MTH2610Calculus I
Spring 2012MTH3020Calculus III
Spring 2012MTH2207Elements of Calculus I and Ma
Fall 2011MTH2610Calculus I
Fall 2011MTH3006Elements of Calculus II
Fall 2011MTH2610Calculus I
Spring 2011MTH3020Calculus III
Spring 2011MTH2207Elements of Calculus I and Ma
Fall 2010MTH2003Precal & Elem of Cal 1A
Fall 2010MTH2205Precal and Elements of Cal 1B
Fall 2010MTH3006Elements of Calculus II
Spring 2010MTH2207Elements of Calculus I and Ma
Spring 2010MTH3020Calculus III
Fall 2009MTH2205Precal and Elements of Cal 1B
Fall 2009MTH2003Precal & Elem of Cal 1A
Fall 2009MTH2207Elements of Calculus I and Ma
Spring 2009MTH2207Elements of Calculus I and Ma
Spring 2009MTH3020Calculus III
Fall 2008MTH2205Precal and Elements of Cal 1B
Fall 2008MTH2003Precal & Elem of Cal 1A
Fall 2008MTH2205Precal and Elements of Cal 1B
Spring 2008MTH2205Precal and Elements of Cal 1B
Fall 2007MTH2205Precal and Elements of Cal 1B
Fall 2007MTH2003Precal & Elem of Cal 1A
Fall 2007MTH2205Precal and Elements of Cal 1B
Spring 2007MTH2207Elements of Calculus I and Ma
Spring 2007MTH2003Precal & Elem of Cal 1A
Spring 2007MTH2205Precal and Elements of Cal 1B
Fall 2006MTH2003Precal & Elem of Cal 1A
Fall 2006MTH2205Precal and Elements of Cal 1B
Fall 2006MTH2205Precal and Elements of Cal 1B
Spring 2006MTH2205Precal and Elements of Cal 1B
Spring 2006MTH2207Elements of Calculus I and Ma
Spring 2006MTH2003Precal & Elem of Cal 1A
Fall 2005MTH2207Elements of Calculus I and Ma
Fall 2005MTH2201Appl Calculs Alg Ref
Fall 2005MTH1030College Algebra
Spring 2005MTH2206Applied Calculus
Spring 2005MTH2001Pre-Calculus
Spring 2005MTH2001Pre-Calculus
Fall 2004MTH2001Pre-Calculus
Fall 2004MTH2001Pre-Calculus
Fall 2004MTH2001Pre-Calculus
Spring 2004MTH2206Applied Calculus
Spring 2004MTH2001Pre-Calculus
Spring 2004MTH2206Applied Calculus
Fall 2003MTH2610Calculus I
Fall 2003MTH2206Applied Calculus
Fall 2003MTH2001Pre-Calculus
Spring 2003MTH2206Applied Calculus
Spring 2003MTH2206Applied Calculus
Spring 2003MTH2001Pre-Calculus
Fall 2002MTH2610Calculus I
Fall 2002MTH2001Pre-Calculus
Fall 2002MTH2206Applied Calculus
Spring 2002MTH2006Introductory Calculus
Spring 2002MTH2007Intro Calc&Matrix Al
Fall 2001MTH2001Pre-Calculus
Fall 2001MTH2001Pre-Calculus
Fall 2001MTH2001Pre-Calculus

Journal Articles

(1986). C-infinity densities for weighted sums of independent random variables. Annals of Probability,

(1982). Strongly ergodic sequences of integers and the individual ergodic theorem. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 86.

(1982). When do weighted sums of independent random variables have a density some results and examples. Annals of Probability, 10(3). 780-786.

(1982). Pointwise ergodic theorems in l.c.a. groups . Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 103(2).

(1982). Some results on distributution arising from coin tossing. Annals of Probability, 10(3). 787-798.

(1981). Random ergodic sequences on LCA-groups. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society , 265(1). 59-68.

(1979). p-Occupancy Sets for Random Walks. Zeitschrift fur Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie, 4B. 193-200.

(1977). Individual ergodic theorems of p-sequences . Israel Journal of Mathematics , 27. 180-184.

(1977). On the individual ergodic theroem for subsequences. Annals of Probability, 5. 1038-1046.

(1977). The individual ergodic theorem for K-automorphisms . Annals of Probability, 5. 309-314.

(1976). A mean ergodic theorem for families of contractions in Hilbert space. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc, 61. 183-185.


Reich, J. (1985, February 28). . Invited Lecture. Department of Mathematics at SUNY Albany

Reich, J. (1985, January 31). C densities for weighted sums of independent random variables. AMS Winter. Annaheim, CA

Reich, J. (1984, January 31). On a conjecture. AMS winter meeting. Louiville Kentucky

Reich, J. (1983, January 31). . AMS winter meeting. Denver Colorado

Reich, J. (1982, December 31). Strongly ergodic sequences of intergers and the individual ergodic theorem. : The American Mathematical Society.

Reich, J., & Blum, J. (1976, December 31). A mean ergodic theorem for families of contractions in Hilbert space. : The American Mathematical Society.

Reich, J. (1976, November 30). The individual ergodic theorem for subsequences. AMS regional meeting. Univ. of Mexico

Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Phi Beta Kappa member
American Mathematical Society Member


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Departments of Mathematics and CompensatoryLiasonPresent
Final Examination CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Actuarial CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Programs on matter of mathematical remediation Present