James Sundstrom

Lecturer Doc Sch

Weissman School of Arts and Sciences

Department: Mathematics

Areas of expertise:

Email Address: james.sundstrom@baruch.cuny.edu

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James Sundstrom is a lecturer at Baruch College. He graduated from Princeton University with an AB in Mathematics in 2011. He earned his Ph.D. at the University of Pennsylvania in 2016. His thesis "Lower Bounds for Generalized Regulators" won the Carlitz-Zippin prize, awarded annually for an especially meritorious thesis. He has since continued that research in the paper "On Bertrand’s and Rodriguez Villegas' Higher-Dimensional Lehmer Conjecture," published in the Pacific Journal of Mathematics in 2023. His research is in number theory, specifically focusing on units of number fields.

After graduating, he taught at Temple University from 2016 until 2022, where he received the Temple math department's 2020 award for Excellence in Teaching by an NTT faculty member. He joined the faculty at Baruch in 2022. In addition to his teaching at Baruch, he has volunteered with the Putnam Exam Seminar.


Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia United States

A.B., Mathematics, Princeton University Princeton United States

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2023MTH2207Elements of Calculus I and Ma
Fall 2023MTH2003Precal & Elem of Cal 1A
Fall 2023MTH3300Algorithms/Comp Prog
Spring 2023MTH2003Precal & Elem of Cal 1A
Spring 2023MTH2003Precal & Elem of Cal 1A
Spring 2023MTH2003Precal & Elem of Cal 1A
Fall 2022MTH2003Precal & Elem of Cal 1A
Fall 2022MTH1030College Algebra
Fall 2022MTH2003Precal & Elem of Cal 1A

Journal Articles

Sundstrom, J. (2018). Lower bounds for generalized unit regulators. Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, 30(1). 131-173.

Chinburg, T., Friedman, E., Sundstrom, J., & Rodriguez Villegas, F. On Bertrand's and Rodriguez Villegas' higher-dimensional Lehmer conjecture. Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 321(1). 119-165.

Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Temple Math departmental award: Excellence in Teaching by NTT facultyTemple University2020-05-06
Carlitz-Zippin PrizeUniversity of Pennsylvania2015-12-09Awarded for an especially meritorious Ph.D. thesis.


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