Jessica Greene

Jessica Greene


Marxe School of Public and International Affairs

Department: Public Affairs

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Jessica Greene, PhD, is a Professor and the Luciano Chair of Health Care Policy at the Marxe School of Public and International Affairs, Baruch College, City University of New York. Her current research examines what builds patient and clinician trust in health care settings, and she is currently leading the Learning Team for RWJF’s Monitoring Medicaid Using Lived Experience Project.  

Prior to joining the faculty at Baruch College, she was a faculty member at George Washington University and the University of Oregon. At Baruch, Professor Greene teaches classes in research methods and health policy.


Ph.D., Public Administration, New York University, Wagner Graduate School of Public Service

MIA, International Affairs, Columbia University

MPH, Public Health, Columbia University

B.A., Anthropology, University of Michigan

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2024PAF9270Data Collection and Descriptio
Spring 2024PAF9270Data Collection and Descriptio
Fall 2022PAF9270Data Collection and Descriptio
Spring 2022PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Spring 2022PAF9799Sel Topics Health Policy
Fall 2021PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Fall 2021PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Spring 2021PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Spring 2021PAF9799Sel Topics Health Policy
Fall 2020PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Fall 2020PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Spring 2020PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Spring 2020PAF9799Sel Topics Health Policy
Fall 2019PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Fall 2019PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Spring 2019PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Spring 2019PAF9725Health Prog,Pol&Eval
Fall 2018PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Fall 2018PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Spring 2018PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Spring 2018PAF9799Sel Topics Health Policy
Fall 2017PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Fall 2017PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Spring 2017PAF9799Sel Topics Health Policy
Spring 2017PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Fall 2016PAF9170Research and Analysis I
Fall 2016PAF9170Research and Analysis I

Journal Articles

(2022). Medicaid at 57: Still Essential And Needs Improvements As COVID-19 Emergency Unwinding Looms. Health Affairs Forefront,

(2022). Nurse Leaders’ Attitudes towards and Experiences with Medical Marijuana. Journal of Nursing Regulation ,

(2022). “We Want What’s Best for Patients.” Nurse Leaders’ Attitudes About Medical Cannabis: A Qualitative Study. International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances,

(2022). Is Adversity in Childhood Linked to Marijuana Use in Adulthood?: Findings from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. 57(2). 273-286.

(2022). Are Patients Who Trust Their Providers More Likely to Use Medical Cannabis?. 10499091221097090.

Greene, J. (2021). Building Patient Trust in Hospitals: A Combination of Hospital-Related Factors and Health Care Provider Behaviors. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety,

(2021). Admissions of COVID-Positive Patients to U.S. Nursing Homes with PPE or Staffing Shortages. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 69(9). 2393-2403.

Gibson, D., & Greene, J. (2020). Risk for Severe COVID-19 Illness among Health Care Workers Who Work Directly with Patients. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 35. 2804-2806.

Gibson, D., & Greene, J. (2020). Factors Associated with Critical Shortages of Personal Protective Equipment and Staff in U.S. Nursing Homes. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society,

Greene, J., & Ramos, C. (2020). A Mixed Methods Examination of Health Care Provider Behaviors That Build Patients’ Trust. Patient Education and Counseling, In Press.

(2020). Risk for Severe COVID-19 Illness Among Health Care Workers Who Work Directly with Patients. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 35(9). 2804-2806.

Greene, J. (2020). Is Anemia in Low Income Pregnant Women Related to Their Infants’ Having Anemia? A Cohort Study of 21,246 US Pregnant Women-Infant Pairs. Maternal and Child Health Journal,

Chang, J. E., Weinstein, B. E., Chodosh, J., Greene, J., & Blustein, J. (2019). Hearing loss is associated with low levels of patient activation in older adults. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 67. 1423-1429.

Greene, J. (2019). Medicaid Work Requirements: Who Will the New State Policies Impact?. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 34(4). 532-534.

Greene, J., Greene, J., Bruen, B., Steinmetz, E., & Ku, L. (2019). Policies Affecting Smoking Cessation Behaviors by Medicaid Beneficiaries. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 21(2). 197-204.

Greene, J., Hibbard, J., & Sacks, R. (2019). Testing a Personal Narrative for Persuading People to Value and Use Comparative Physician Quality of Care Information: An Experimental Study. Medical Care Research and Review, 76(4). 497-511.

Hibbard, J., & Greene, J. (2019). . Commentary for “The Wellness Incentive and Navigation Intervention Improved Health-Related Quality of Life among Medicaid Enrollees: A Randomized Pragmatic Clinical Trial. Health Services Research, 54(6). 1153-1155.

Greene, J. (2018). An Examination of Socio-economic Equity in Health Experiences Across Six Latin America and Caribbean Countries. Pan American Journal of Public Health, 42.

Greene, J. (2018). Does the Race/Ethnicity or Gender of a Physician’s Name Impact Patient Selection of the Physician? . The Journal of the National Medical Association, 110(3). 206-211.

Park, J., Athey, E., Pericak, A., Pulcini, J., & Greene, J. (2018). To What Extent Are State Scope of Practice Laws Related to Nurse Practitioners’ Day-to-Day Practice Autonomy?. Medical Care Research and Review, 75(1). 66-87.

Leslie, M. S., & Greene, J. (2018). Umbilical Cord Clamping Practices of US Obstetricians. Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, 11(1). 51-60.

Greene, J. (2018). Medicaid Work Requirements: Who Will the New State Policies Impact? . Journal of General Internal medicine,

Greene, J., & Greene, J. (2018). Is the Gender Climate in Chemistry Still Chilly? Changes in the Last Decade and the Long-Term Impact of COACh Sponsored Workshops. Journal of Chemical Education, 95. 1492-1499.

Greene, J., Farley, D., Amy, C., & Hutcheson, K. (2018). How Patient Partners Serving on Health Care Quality Improvement Teams Influence Quality Improvement Efforts. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 44. 186-195.

Greene, J., & Greene, J. (2018). Hearing loss is associated with low levels of patient activation in older adults. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society,

Greene, J., & Greene, J. (2017). Choosing a Doctor: How Presentation Format Affects Consumers’ Understanding of Health Care Performance Information. The Patient: Patient-Centered Outcomes Research, 10(6). 739-751.

Falk, N., Rudner, N., Chapa, D., & Greene, J. (2017). Nurse Practitioners and Intent to Retire. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 29(3). 130-135.

Greene, J. (2017). International Perspectives on General Internal Medicine. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 32(5). 494.

Hibbard, J., Greene, J., Sacks, R., Parrotta, C., & Overton, V. (2017). Improving Population Health Management Strategies: Targeting Patients who are More Likely to Progress to Higher Levels of Risk and to be Users of Avoidable Costly Care. Health Services Research, 52(6). 1297-1309.

Greene, J. (2017). How Much do Clinicians Support Patient Self-Management? The Development of a Measure to Assess Clinician Self-Management Support. Healthcare: Journal of Delivery Science and Innovation, 5(1-2). 34-39.

Greene, J. (2017). Gender Differences in Nurse Practitioner Salaries. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. , 29(11). 667-672.

Greene, J., & Greene, J. (2017). Does Patient Activation Predict the Course of Type 2 Diabetes? A Longitudinal Study. Patient Education and Counseling, 100(7). 1268-1275.

Wong, C., Greene, J., Dolja-Gore, X., & Van Gool, K. (2017). The Rise and Fall in Out-of-Pocket Costs in Australia: An Analysis of the Strengthening Medicare Reforms. Health Economics,

Greene, J., Hibbard, J. H., Alvarez, C., & Overton, V. (2016). Supporting Patient Behavior Change: Approaches Used by Primary Care Clinicians Whose Patients’ Activation Levels Increased. Annals of Family Medicine, (14). 148-154.

Scanlon, D. P., Beich, J., Shaw, B., Alexander, J., Christianson, J. B., Farley, D., Greene, J., Jean-Jacques, M., McHugh, W., & Wolf, L. (2016). The Aligning Forces for Quality Initiative: Background and Evolution from 2005 to 2015. . American Journal of Managed Care, 22(12S).

Greene, J., & Greene, J. (2016). The Longitudinal Impact of Aligning Forces for Quality on Measures of Population Health, Quality and Experience of Care, and Cost of Care. American Journal of Managed Care, 22(12S). eS373-eS381.

Alvarez, C., Hibbard, J. H., Greene, J., & Overton, V. (2016). The Role of Primary Care Providers in Patient Activation and Engagement in Self-Management: A Cross-Sectional Analysis. BMC Health Services Research, (16). 85.

Hibbard, J., Greene, J., Overton, V., & Parrotta, C. (2016). Adding a Measure of Patient Self-Management Capability To Risk Assessment Can Improve Prediction of High Cost. Health Affairs, 35(3). 489-494.

Greene, J., & Richmond, G. (2016). An Exploration of Women Academic Scientists’ Experiences with Gender in North Africa and the United States. International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, 8(2). 242-257.

Kurtzman, E., & Greene, J. (2016). Effective Presentation of Health Care Performance Information for Consumer Decision Making: A Systematic Review. Patient Education and Counseling, 99. 36-43.

Greene, J., & Greene, J. (2016). Evaluating a Complex, Multi-Site, Community-Based Program to Improve Healthcare Quality: The Summative Research Design for the Aligning Forces for Quality Initiative. American Journal of Managed Care, 22(12S). eS23-eS28.

Greene, J., Scanlon, D. P., Shi, Y., Farley, D., & Christianson, J. B. (2016). From Rhetoric to Reality: Consumer Engagement in 16 Multi-stakeholder Alliances. American Journal of Managed Care, 22(12S). S403-S412.

Athey, A., Leslie, M., Briggs, L., El-Banna, M., Park, J., Pericak, A., Falk, N. L., & Greene, J. (2016). How Important are Autonomy and Work Setting to Nurse Practitioners’ Job Satisfaction?. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 28(6). 320-326.

Christianson, J. B., Shaw, B., Scanlon, D. P., & Greene, J. (2016). Reporting Provider Performance: What Can Be Learned From the Experience of Multi-Stakeholder Community Coalitions. American Journal of Managed Care, 22(12S). S382-S392.

Greene, J., Hibbard, J. H., & Sacks, R. (2016). Summarized Costs, Quality Stars Placement, And Other Online Display Options Can Help Consumers Select High-Value Health Plans. Health Affairs, 35. 671-691.

Greene, J., & Greene, J. (2016). Summative Evaluation Results and Lessons Learned from the Aligning Forces for Quality Program. American Journal of Managed Care. , 22(12S). S360-S372.

Greene, J., Fuentes Caceres, V., Verevkina, N., & Shi, Y. (2015). Who’s Aware of and Using Public Reports of Provider Quality?. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 26(3). 873-888.

Greene, J., Kurtzman, E., Hibbard, J., & Overton, V. (2015). Working Under a Clinic-Level Quality Incentive: Primary Care Clinicians’ Perceptions. Annals of Family Medicine, 13(3). 235-241.

Greene, J., Hibbard, J., Sacks, R., Overton, V., & Parrotta, C. (2015). When Patient Activation Levels Change, Health Outcomes and Costs Change, Too. Health Affairs, 34(3). 431-437.

El-Banna, M., Briggs, L., Leslie, M., Athey, E., Pericak, A., Falk, N., & Greene, J. (2015). Does Prior RN Clinical Experience Predict Academic Success in Graduate Nurse Practitioner Programs?. Journal of Nursing Education, 54(5). 276-80.

Hibbard, J., Greene, J., Sacks, R., & Overton, V. (2015). Does Compensating Primary Care Providers to Produce Higher Quality Make them More or Less Patient Centric?. Medical Care Research and Review, 72(4). 481-495.

Hibbard, J., Greene, J., Shi, Y., Mittler, J., & Scanlon, D. (2015). Taking the Long View: How well do Patient Activation scores predict outcomes four years later?. Medical Care Research and Review, 72(3). 324-337.

Sacks, R., Greene, J., Burke, R., & Owen, E. (2015). Mental Health Care among Low-Income Pregnant Women with Depressive Symptoms: Facilitators and Barriers to Care Access and the Effectiveness of Financial Incentives for Increasing Care. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 42(4). 484-92.

Greene, J., Hibbard, J., & Overton, V. (2015). Large Performance Incentives Had the Greatest Impact on Providers Whose Quality Metrics Were Lowest at Baseline. Health Affairs, 34(4). 673-680.

Sacks, R., Greene, J., Hibbard, J., & Overton, V. (2014). How Well Do Patient Activation Scores Predict Depression Outcomes One Year Later?. Journal of Affective Disorders, 169. 1-6.

Hibbard, J., & Greene, J. (2014). The Impact of an Incentive on the Use of an Online Self-Directed Wellness and Self-Management Program. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 16(10). e217-e230.

Greene, J., Sacks, R., & McMenamin, S. (2014). The Impact of Tobacco-Dependence Treatment Coverage and Co-Payments in Medicaid. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 46(4). 331-336.

Greene, J., Hibbard, J., & Overton, V. (2014). A Case Study of a Team-Based, Quality-Focused Compensation Model for Primary Care Providers. Medical Care Research and Review, 71(3). 207-223.

Hibbard, J., Greene, J., & Overton, V. (2013). Patients With Lower Activation Associated with Higher Costs: Delivery Systems Should Know Their Patients’ ‘Scores’. Health Affairs, 32(2). 216-222.

Greene, J., Sacks, R., Piniewski, B., Kil, D., & Hahn, J. (2013). The Impact of an Online Social Network with Wireless Monitoring Devices on Physical Activity and Weight Loss. Journal of Primary Care and Community Health, 4(3). 198-94.

Hibbard, J., & Greene, J. (2013). What the Evidence Shows about Patient Activation: Better Health Outcomes and Care Experiences; Fewer Data on Costs. Health Affairs, 32(2). 207-214.

Greene, J., Hibbard, J., Sacks, R., & Overton, V. (2013). When Seeing the Same Physician, Highly Activated Patients Have Better Care Experiences Than Less Activated Patients. Health Affairs, 32(7). 1299-1305.

Greene, J. (2013). An Examination of Pay-for-Performance in General Practice in Australia. Health Services Research, 48(4). 1415-32.

Greene, J., & Hibbard, J. (2012). Why Does Patient Activation Matter? An Examination of the Relationships between Patient Activation and Health-Related Outcomes. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 27(5). 520-526.

Greene, J., & Hall, J. (2012). The Comparability of Emergency Department Waiting Time Performance Data. Medical Journal of Australia, 197(6). 345-348.

Hibbard, J., Greene, J., Sofaer, S., Firminger, K., & Hirsh, J. (2012). An Experiment Shows That A Well-Designed Report On Costs And Quality Can Help Consumers Choose High Value Health Care. Health Affairs, 32(3). 560-568.

Greene, J. (2011). Using Consumer Incentives to Increase Well-Child Visits among Low Income Children. Medical Care Research and Review, 68(5). 579-93.

Greene, J., Lewis, P., Richmond, G., & Stockard, J. (2011). Changing the Chairs: Impact of Workshop Activities in Assisting Chemistry Department Chairs in Achieving Racial and Ethnic Diversity. The Journal of Chemical Education, 88(6). 721-725.

Hibbard, J., & Greene, J. (2011). Who Are We Reaching Through the Patient Portal: Engaging the Already Engaged?. The International Journal of Person Centered Medicine, 1(4). 788-793.

Greene, J., Lewis, P., Richmond, G., & Stockard, J. (2011). Gender Equity In The Physical Sciences: Replications Of A Workshop Designed To Change The Views Of Department Chairs. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 17(2). 97-109.

Daniel, D., Greene, J., & Peters, E. (2010). Screening Question to Identify Patients with Limited Health Literacy Not Enough. Family Medicine, 42(1). 7-8.

Greene, J., Lewis, P., Richmond, G., & Stockard, J. (2010). Is the Academic Climate Chilly? The Views of Women Academic Chemists. Journal of Chemical Education, 87(4). 381-385.

Greene, J. (2010). Teaching About Racial & Ethnic Disparities at the Undergraduate Level. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 25(2). 96-97.

Greene, J., Stockard, J., Lewis, P., & Richmond, J. (2010). COACh Career Development Workshops for Science and Engineering Faculty: Views of the Career Impact on Women Chemists and Chemical Engineers. Journal of Chemical Education, 87(4). 386-391.

Hibbard, J., Greene, J., & Daniel, D. (2010). What is Quality Anyway? Performance Reports Which Clearly Communicate to Consumers the Meaning of Quality of Care. Medical Care Research and Review, 67(3). 275-293.

Greene, J., & Peters, E. (2009). Medicaid Consumers and Informed Decision Making. Health Care Financing Review, 20(3). 25-40.

Hibbard, J., Greene, J., & Tusler, M. (2009). Improving the Outcomes of Disease-Management by Tailoring Care to the Patient’s Level of Activation. The American Journal of Managed Care, 15(6). 353-360.

Remler, D., & Greene, J. (2009). Cost Sharing: A Blunt Instrument. The Annual Review of Public Health, 30. 293-311.

Hibbard, J., Greene, J., Becker, E., Roblin, D., Painter, M., Perez, D., Burbank-Schmitt, E., & Tusler, M. (2008). What is the Potential for Reducing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health by Increasing Consumer Activation?. Health Affairs, 27(5). 1442-1453.

Greene, J., Hibbard, J., Murray, J., Teutsch, S., & Berger, M. (2008). The Impact of Consumer Directed Health Plans on Prescription Drug Utilization. Health Affairs, 27(4). 1111-1119.

Hibbard, J., Greene, J., & Tusler, M. (2008). Plan Design and Active Involvement of Consumers in Their Own Healthcare. The American Journal of Managed Care, 14(11). 729-736.

Stockard, J., Greene, J., Lewis, P., & Richmond, G. (2008). Promoting gender equity in academic departments: a study of department heads in top-ranked chemistry departments. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 14(1). 1-27.

Greene, J., Speizer, H., & Witala, W. (2008). Telephone and Web: The Mixed-Mode Challenge. Health Services Research, 43(1). 230-248.

Hibbard, J., Greene, J., & Tusler, M. (2008). Does Enrollment in a CDHP Stimulate Cost-Effective Utilization?. Medical Care Research and Review, 65(4). 437-449.

Dixon, A., Greene, J., & N/A, J. H. (2008). Do Consumer Directed Health Plans Drive Change in Enrollees’ Health Care Behaviors?. Health Affairs, 27(4). 1120-1131.

Greene, J., Peters, E., Mertz, C., & Hibbard, J. (2008). Comprehension and Choice of a Consumer-Directed Health Plan: An Experimental Study. The American Journal of Managed Care, 14(6). 369-376.

Greene, J., Rogers, V., & Yedidia, M. (2007). The Influence of Implementing the Chronic Care Model in Residency Training on Asthma Outcome. Academic Medicine, 82(2). 161-167.

Schlossberg, M., Greene, J., Paulson Phillips, P., Johnson, B., & Parker, R. (2006). School Trips: Effects of Urban Form and Distance on Travel Mode. Journal of the American Planning Association, 72(3). 337-346.

Greene, J., Blustein, J., & Weitzman, B. (2006). Race, Segregation and Physicians’ Participation in Medicaid. Milbank Quarterly, 84(2). 239-272.

Greene, J., Hibbard, J., Dixon, A., & Tusler, M. (2006). Which Consumers Are Ready For Consumer-Directed Health Plans?. Journal of Consumer Policy, 26(3). 247-262.

Greene, J., & Yedidia, M. (2005). Provider Behaviors Contributing to Patient Self-Management of Chronic Illness. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 16. 808-824.

Greene, J., Blustein, J., & Remler, D. (2005). The Impact of Medicaid Managed Care on Primary Care Physician Participation in Medicaid. Medical Care, 43(9). 911-920.

Greene, J., Blustein, J., & Burke, K. (2001). Use of preventive care services, beneficiary characteristics, and Medicare HMO performanc. Health Care Financing Review, 22(4). 141-153.

Is Adversity in Childhood Linked to Marijuana Use in Adulthood?  . Substance Use and Misuse ,


Greene, J. (2015, September 30). How Patient Activation is Related to Quality, Cost, and Patient Experience. World Congress 2nd Annual Patient Engagement and Experience Summit.

Greene, J. (2015, December 31). Designing Provider Incentives online challenge. : Global Health Delivery Project and the Commonwealth Fund.

Greene, J. (2015, June 30). A Delivery System’s Experience with a Very Large Pay for Performance Compensation Model. GW Health Policy Dialog Series. : GW Milken Institute School of Public Health.

Greene, J. (2015, May 31). Why Patient Activation Matters. Brookings Institution ACO Learning Network.

Greene, J. (2015, May 31). When Patient Activation Levels Change, Health Outcomes and Costs Change, Too. : GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Greene, J. (2015, February 28). Why Patient Activation Matters. HIMSS Medica Patient Engagement Summit.

Greene, J. (2015, April 30). How Motivational Interviewing Interfaces with Self-efficacy, Patient Activation & Shared Decision Making. the Art and Science of Health Promotion Conference.

Greene, J. (2015, March 31). A Delivery System’s Experience with a Very Large Pay for Performance Compensation Model. 2015 P4P Summit.

Greene, J. (2014, June 30). What Happens When Patients Change: Do Activated Patients, And Those Who Gain In Activation, Have Better Outcomes and Lower Costs Over Time?. ACO Summit.

Greene, J. (2014, April 30). Learning from the Variation in Aligning Forces for Quality Public Reports. : University of Technology, Sydney.

Greene, J. (2013, November 30). Elements of Effective Network Building. Developing Sustainable Networks of Women Scientists for Addressing Issues of Hydrologic Events and Hazards.

Greene, J. (2013, December 31). Learning from the Variation in Aligning Forces for Quality Public Reports. National Summit on Health Care Price, Cost and Quality Transparency.

Greene, J. (2013, October 31). Understanding the Relationship between Patient Activation and Patient Experiences of Care. : Medica Foundation.

Greene, J. (2013, January 31). The Early Impact of a Primary Care Provider Compensation Model Designed to Improve the Triple Aims. George Washington University Department of Health Policy Seminar.

Greene, J. (2013, February 28). The Early Impact of a Primary Care Provider Compensation Model Designed to Improve the Triplme Aims. : Virginia Commonwealth University.

Greene, J. (2013, February 28). Patient Activation and Health Care Costs: Do More Activated Patients Have Lower Costs?. Health Affairs Briefing.

Greene, J. (2013, March 31). Social Networks in Academia. Research Partnership Workshop on Water, Energy and the Environment for Women Scientists from the U.S., Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia.

Greene, J. (2013, May 31). Quality Rating System for Consumers. The National Health Insurance Exchange Summit.

Greene, J. (2013, June 30). Supporting Consumer Decision-Making: Lessons from the Literature on Presenting Comparative Health Care Information. America’s Health Insurance Plans Institute 2013.

Greene, J. (2012, June 30). Can Patients Be Activated to Improve Self-Management Behaviors?. American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions.

Greene, J. (2012, June 30). The Impact of Tobacco-Dependence Treatment Coverage and Co-Payments in Medicaid. AcademyHealth’s 2012 Annual Research Conference.

Greene, J. (2012, June 30). Communicating with Consumers about Value in Health Care: A Mixed Method Study. AcademyHealth’s 2012 Annual Research Conference.

Greene, J. (2012, November 30). A Framework for Patient Engagement & Nurses Role in Supporting Patient Engagement. Nurses’ Contribution to Fostering Successful Patient Engagement Conference. : Nursing Alliance for Quality Care.

Greene, J. (2012, June 30). Presentation Matters: Consumer Comprehension of Comparative Health Care Information. Invitational Meeting Conducted by AcademyHealth.

Greene, J. (2012, April 30). Patient Activation and Measurement Challenges. National Quality Forum Annual Meeting.

Greene, J. (2010, June 30). Using Consumer Incentives To Increase Well-Child Visits Among Low Income Children. AcademyHealth’s 2010 Annual Research Conference.

Greene, J. (2010, May 31). Measuring Clinician Support for Patient Activation. University of Oregon’s Symposium to Celebrate the Research of Judy Hibbard.

Greene, J. (2008, October 31). Teaching Data Analysis with Applied Analysis Projects. NASPAA’s Annual Conference.

Greene, J. (2008, November 30). Transparency and Validating Public Reporting: The Consumer Perspective. American Health Insurance Plan’s 2008 Medical Leadership Forum.

Greene, J. (2008, June 30). Consumer Directed Health Plans & Disparities in Prescription Drug Use. AcademyHealth’s 2008 Annual Research Conference.

Greene, J. (2008, June 30). The Impact of Neighborhood Safety and Walkability on Low Income Children's Physical Activity and Overweight Status. Making Cities Livable Conference.

Greene, J. (2008, March 31). Medicaid Consumer Engagement in Health and Health Care. California Department of Health Care Services’ Fourth Annual Quality Improvement Conference.

Greene, J. (2007, October 31). The Influence of CDHPs on Enrollees’ Prescription Drug Utilization. New York University’s Wagner School Doctoral Colloquium.

Greene, J. (2007, July 31). Voting with Your Feet- Medicaid Recipient Health Care Choices. the Center for Health Care Strategies’ Regional Quality Improvement Initiative Conference for Medicaid agency staf.

Greene, J. (2007, June 30). Consumers Use of Preventive Care in CDHPs. AcademyHealth’s 2007 Annual Research Conference.

Greene, J. (2007, May 31). The Influence of Safety and Walkability on Physical Activity and Obesity among Low Income Children. GIS and Public Health Conference.

Greene, J. (2007, April 30). School Trips: Effects of Urban Form and Distance on Travel Mode. The Community Bicycle Congress, Boise State University.

Greene, J. (2006, October 31). Consumer Direction in Health Care. Oregon Public Health Association Meeting. Corvallis, OR

Greene, J. (2006, November 30). Healthy Behaviors and Medicaid Policy Innovation. APPAM’s Annual Research Conference.

Greene, J. (2006, September 30). Evidence of CDHP's Influence on Pharmacy Utilization. The Consumer Driven Healthcare Summit.

Greene, J. (2006, January 31). Telephone And Web: The Mixed-Mode Challenge. Second International Conference on Telephone Survey Methodology.

Greene, J. (2006, June 30). The Influence of CDHPs on Enrollees’ Prescription Drug Utilization. AcademyHealth’s 2006 Annual Research Conference.

Greene, J. (2005, August 31). Consumers’ Use of Health Care Decision Making Tools and Cost Conscious Decision Making. National Academy for State Health Policy Pre meeting on Consumer-Directed Health Care: Research Findings and State Policy Implications.

Greene, J. (2005, June 30). How Vulnerable Populations Fare in Consumer Driven Health Plans?. AcademyHealth’s 2005 Annual Research Conference.

Greene, J. (2005, April 30). Will Consumers Become More Informed and Cost-Effective Users of Care Under Consumer Driven Health Plans? Preliminary Findings. Cornell University’s Consumers, Information and the Evolving Healthcare Market Place Conference.

Greene, J. (2004, December 31). Racial Composition of the Poor Population & Physician Participation in Medicaid. New York University’s Wagner School Works in Progress.

Greene, J. (2004, November 30). Literacy and Patient Activation: How They Contribute to Older Adults Ability to Manage Their Health. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Symposium on Normative Standards and Limits on Beneficiary Knowledge of the Medicare Program. Baltimore, MD

Greene, J. (2004, May 31). Outlook on Collaborative Interdisciplinary Teamwork Among Trainees in Four Profession. All Together Better Health II Conference.

Greene, J. (2004, October 31). The Impact of Medicaid Managed Care on Beneficiary Access to Care. APPAM’s Annual Research Conference. Atlanta, GA

Greene, J. (2004, June 30). The Role of Race in Physician Participation in Medicaid: What Happens When Poverty and Race Are Conflated?. AcademyHealth’s 2004 Annual Research Conference.

Greene, J. (2003, November 30). The Impact of Medicaid Managed Care on Physician Participation in Medicaid. APPAM’s Annual Research Conference. Washington DC

Greene, J. (2003, October 31). The Impact of Medicaid Managed Care on Physician Participation in Medicaid. American Society for Public Administration Conference.

Other Scholarly Works

Greene, J. (2019). Medicaid Recipient Awareness of Work Requirements: Importance and Challenges.

Greene, J. (2019). Early Lessons from Arkansas and Indiana’s Very Different Medicaid Work Requirement Policies and Implementations.

Greene, J., & Sacks, R. (2018). Presenting Cost and Efficiency Measures That Support Consumers to Make High-Value Health Care Choices. 53(S1), 2662-2681.

Greene, J. (2018). Medicaid Recipients’ Early Experience with the Arkansas Work Requirement.

Greene, J. (2017). What Medicaid Recipients and Other Low-Income Adults Think About Medicaid Work Requirements.

Greene, J. (2017). Educating Good Decisions: Not a Small Task.

Greene, J., Larco, N., Yang, Y., Schlosberg, M., Rodriguez, D., McDonald, N., & Combs, T. (2010). Travel Behavior, Residential Preference, and Urban Design: A Multi-Disciplinary National Analysis.

Greene, J., & Daniel, D. (2009). The Built Environment, Neighborhood Safety, and Physical Activity among Low-Income Children.

Greene, J. (2007). Medicaid Efforts to Incentivize Healthy Behaviors.

Greene, J. (2007). State Approaches to Consumer Direction in Medicaid.

Barth, J., & Greene, J. (2007). Encouraging Healthy Behaviors in Medicaid: Early Lessons from Florida and Idaho.

Hibbard, J., Greene, J., & Tusler, M. (2006). An Assessment of Beneficiary Knowledge Medicare Plan Options and of the Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Benefit.

Greene, J., Hibbard, J., & Tusler, M. (2005). How Much Do Health Literacy and Patient Activation Contribute to Older Adults’ Ability to Manage their Health?.

Hibbard, J., Greene, J., & Tusler, M. (2005). Identifying Medicare Beneficiaries with Low Literacy: Testing the Feasibility of a short screening test.

Greene, J., Billings, J., & Mijanovich, T. (2001). Update of analysis of primary care practitioner capacity for Medicaid managed care in New York City.

Kaplan, S., Greene, J., Molnar, C., Bernstein, A., & Ghanbourpour, S. (2000). Educating Medicaid beneficiaries about managed care: An overview of approaches taken in thirteen cities.

Billings, J., Greene, J., & Mijanovich, T. (1998). Analysis of primary care practitioner capacity for Medicaid managed care in New York City.


Greene, J. (2004,September 1). Health Expectations.

Research Currently in Progess

Waisanen, D. J., & Greene, J.(n.d.). Using Social Marketing to Motivate Gas Leak Reporting in New York City. In Progress.

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
Learning from RWJF Grants to Improve Monitoring of Medicaid by Engaging People on the Ground about their Experiences with the ProgramRobert Wood Johnson Foundation 07/01/202309/30/202407/11/2023203540Funded - In Progress
Furthering RWJF efforts to better inform Medicaid advocacy by having grantees focus on experiences of people the program aims to serve 2022-2023Robert Wood Johnson Foundation 02/15/202205/14/202304/12/2022194079Funded - In Progress
Building Trust in the Workplace – Identifying Best Practices and Bright IdeasAmerican Board of Internal Medicine Foundation09/21/202206/30/202301/13/202330000Funded - In Progress
Learning from RWJF Grants to Improve Monitoring of Medicaid by Engaging People on the Ground about their Experiences with the ProgramRobert Wood Johnson Foundation 01/04/202101/31/202204/01/2021125000Funded - In Progress
Medical Cannabis: Are Nurse Leaders PreparedNational Council for the State Boards of Nursing12/01/202005/31/202211/18/202015838Funded - In Progress
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Affiliate ScholarMedica Research Institute2014
Distinguished ReviewerThe Journal of General Internal Medicine2013
Invited FellowUniversity of Technology2013
Australian-American Health Policy FellowThe Commonwealth Fund2010
Outstanding Abstract AwardAcademyHealth2008
Outstanding Teacher of the YearDepartment of Planning Public Policy & Management2004
Commonwealth Fund/HSIF Dissertation Award2002
Phi Beta Kappa1989


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
Journal of General Internal MedicineDeputy EditorIllinoisUnited States1/1/2015PresentInternational


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
JGIM International Special IssueCo-Editor1/1/201512/31/2017
Health Affairs special issue on Patients’ and consumers’ use of evidencePlanning Meeting Participant1/1/201612/31/2016
Journal Reviewer12/31/2016
American Association for the Advancement of Science Forum on Implicit Bias in Peer ReviewOrganizing Committee Member1/1/201512/31/2016
AcademyHealth/RWJ Foundation Proposal Reviewer1/1/201312/31/2015
Medical Care Research and ReviewEditorial Board Member1/1/200812/31/2015
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Reviewer1/1/201412/31/2014
Dutch Cancer SocietyProposal Reviewer1/1/201412/31/2014
Veterans AdministrationProposal Reviewer1/1/201312/31/2014
National Quality Forum Measuring Affordable Care, Expert PanelMember1/1/201412/31/2014
AcademyHealth Research Conference Abstract Reviewer1/1/200612/31/2013
Nursing Alliance for Quality Care, Patient Engagement Expert PanelMember1/1/201212/31/2012
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research InstituteReviewer1/1/201212/31/2012
CMS Medicaid Incentive ProgramTechnical Expert Panelist 1/1/201012/31/2010
Center for Health Care StrategiesProject Advisor1/1/200612/31/2008
Machionne Foundation Reviewer1/1/200612/31/2006