John Maciuika
Weissman School of Arts and Sciences
Department: Fine & Performing Arts
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Ph.D., Architecture/Architectural History, UC Berkeley
B.A., European History, Univ. of PA
Semester | Course Prefix | Course Number | Course Name |
Fall 2024 | FPA | 5070 | Arts Administration Internship |
Fall 2024 | ART | 1011 | Art History Survey I |
Fall 2024 | ART | 3254 | Architecture and the City |
Spring 2024 | ART | 1012 | Art History Survey II |
Spring 2024 | ART | 1011 | Art History Survey I |
Fall 2023 | FPA | 5070 | Arts Administration Internship |
Fall 2023 | ART | 1012 | Art History Survey II |
Fall 2023 | ART | 3205 | Greek and Roman Art |
Spring 2023 | ART | 1012 | Art History Survey II |
Spring 2023 | ART | 3256 | History of Modern Architecture |
Fall 2022 | ART | 1011 | Art History Survey I |
Fall 2022 | FPA | 5070 | Arts Administration Internship |
Fall 2022 | ART | 3254 | Architecture and the City |
Spring 2022 | ART | 1012 | Art History Survey II |
Spring 2022 | FPA | 5070 | Arts Administration Internship |
Spring 2022 | FPA | 5071 | Arts Administration Internship |
Fall 2021 | FPA | 5070 | Arts Administration Internship |
Fall 2021 | ART | 1011 | Art History Survey I |
Fall 2021 | ART | 3205 | Greek and Roman Art |
Fall 2021 | ART | 76010 | ST:18-19C Art/Architecture |
Spring 2021 | ART | 3256 | History of Modern Architecture |
Spring 2021 | ART | 1012 | Art History Survey II |
Fall 2020 | ART | 1011 | Art History Survey I |
Fall 2020 | ART | 3254 | Architecture and the City |
Spring 2020 | FPA | 5070 | Arts Administration Internship |
Spring 2020 | ART | 1012 | Art History Survey II |
Spring 2020 | ART | 5000 | Independent Study Art I |
Fall 2019 | ART | 3254 | Architecture and the City |
Fall 2019 | ART | 76030 | ST:Mod Arch/Urbnsm/Design |
Fall 2019 | FPA | 5070 | Arts Administration Internship |
Fall 2019 | FPA | 5071 | Arts Administration Internship |
Fall 2019 | ART | 1011 | Art History Survey I |
Spring 2018 | FPA | 5071 | Arts Administration Internship |
Spring 2018 | ART | 5000 | Independent Study Art I |
Spring 2018 | ART | 3256 | History of Modern Architecture |
Spring 2018 | ART | 1012 | Art History Survey II |
Spring 2018 | FPA | 5070 | Arts Administration Internship |
Fall 2017 | ART | 1011 | Art History Survey I |
Fall 2017 | ART | 3254 | Architecture and the City |
Fall 2017 | FPA | 5070 | Arts Administration Internship |
Spring 2017 | ART | 3256 | History of Modern Architecture |
Spring 2017 | ART | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Spring 2017 | ART | 5000 | Independent Study Art I |
Spring 2017 | IDC | 4001H | Hon NY In 21st Cent |
Spring 2017 | FPA | 5070 | Arts Administration Internship |
Fall 2016 | FPA | 5070 | Arts Administration Internship |
Fall 2016 | ART | 3254 | Architecture and the City |
Fall 2016 | ART | 76030 | Mod Arch Germany&Cent Europe |
Fall 2016 | ART | 1011 | Art History Survey I |
Spring 2016 | ART | 1012 | Art History Survey II |
Spring 2016 | ART | 1012 | Art History Survey II |
Spring 2016 | ART | 5000 | Independent Study Art I |
Spring 2016 | IDC | 4001H | Hon NY In 21st Cent |
Spring 2016 | FPA | 5070 | Arts Administration Internship |
Spring 2016 | ART | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Fall 2015 | ART | 5000 | Independent Study Art I |
Fall 2015 | IDC | 4050H | Hon Feit Hum Sem I |
Fall 2015 | FPA | 5000 | Independent Study FPA I |
Fall 2015 | FPA | 5070 | Arts Administration Internship |
Fall 2015 | FPA | 5071 | Arts Administration Internship |
Fall 2015 | ART | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Spring 2015 | ART | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Fall 2014 | ART | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Spring 2014 | IDC | 4001H | Hon NY In 21st Cent |
Spring 2014 | FPA | 5070 | Arts Administration Internship |
Spring 2014 | ART | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Fall 2013 | ART | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Fall 2013 | ART | 3256 | History of Modern Architecture |
Fall 2013 | ART | 3256 | History of Modern Architecture |
Fall 2013 | ART | 1011 | Art History Survey I |
Fall 2013 | FPA | 5070 | Arts Administration Internship |
Fall 2013 | FPA | 5071 | Arts Administration Internship |
Spring 2013 | FPA | 5070 | Arts Administration Internship |
Spring 2013 | ART | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Spring 2013 | ART | 6002H | Honors Art II |
Fall 2012 | FPA | 5070 | Arts Administration Internship |
Fall 2012 | ART | 1012 | Art History Survey II |
Fall 2012 | ART | 1011 | Art History Survey I |
Fall 2012 | ART | 5000 | Independent Study Art I |
Fall 2012 | ART | 90000 | Dissertation Supervision |
Spring 2011 | ART | 3254 | Architecture and the City |
Spring 2011 | ART | 1012 | Art History Survey II |
Spring 2011 | ART | 1011 | Art History Survey I |
Spring 2011 | IDC | 4001H | Hon NY In 21st Cent |
Fall 2010 | ART | 1011 | Art History Survey I |
Fall 2010 | ART | 1011H | Honors - Art History Survey I |
Spring 2010 | IDC | 4001H | Hon NY In 21st Cent |
Fall 2009 | ART | 3254 | Architecture and the City |
Fall 2009 | ART | 1012 | Art History Survey II |
Spring 2009 | IDC | 4001H | Hon NY In 21st Cent |
Fall 2008 | ART | 1011 | Art History Survey I |
Fall 2008 | ART | 3254 | Architecture and the City |
Fall 2007 | ART | 1011 | Art History Survey I |
Fall 2007 | ART | 1011H | Honors - Art History Survey I |
Spring 2007 | ART | 1012 | Art History Survey II |
Spring 2007 | ART | 3254 | Architecture and the City |
Spring 2007 | ART | 5000 | Independent Study Art I |
Fall 2006 | ART | 5000 | Independent Study Art I |
Fall 2006 | ART | 1011H | Honors - Art History Survey I |
Fall 2006 | ART | 5000 | Independent Study Art I |
Fall 2006 | ART | 1011 | Art History Survey I |
Spring 2006 | ART | 3282 | Museums and Gallery Studies |
Spring 2006 | ART | 5001 | Independent Study Art II |
Spring 2006 | ART | 3040 | Spec Tops In Art His |
Fall 2005 | ART | 1012 | Art History Survey II |
Fall 2005 | ART | 3040 | Spec Tops In Art His |
Fall 2005 | ART | 5000 | Independent Study Art I |
Fall 2005 | ART | 5000 | Independent Study Art I |
Maciuika, J., & Dremaite, M. (2020). Book: Lithuanian Architects Assess the Soviet Era: The 1992 Oral History Tapes // Lietuvos Architektai Pasakoja Apie Sovietmeti: 1992 m Irasai. (p. 255). Vilnius, Lithuania, Lapas Press.
Maciuika, J., & Dremaite, M. (2020). Lithuanian Architects Assess the Soviet Era: The 1992 Oral History Tapes // Lietuvos architektai pasakoja apie sovietmeti: 1992 m. irasai. (p. 255). Vilnius, Lithuania, Lapas Press, Vilnius, in cooperation with Vilnius University.
Maciuika, J. (2015). ¿¿¿¿ ¿ ¿¿¿¿¿: ¿¿¿·V. ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ (Before the Bauhaus: Architecture, Politics, and the German State, 1890-1920). . (p. 576; 129 illustrations; 2 appendices.). Tokyo, Japan, Sangen-Sha Academic Press. Translated by Shinnosuke Tadokoro.
Maciuika, J. (2005). Before the Bauhaus: Architecture, Politics, and the German State, 1890-1920. (p. 386; 129 illustrations; 2 appendices. Paperback English edition issued by Cambridge University Press in June 2008). Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Journal Articles
Maciuika, J. V. (2018). The Bauhaus as a Crucible of Central European Internationalism. Herito: Journal of History and Culture, in press(in press). in press.
Maciuika, J. (2013). "Vor der Moderne: Gedanken ueber den Naehrboden der Moderne im ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert" ("Before 'Modernism:' Thoughts on the Ferment of Modernity in the Late Nineteenth Century"). Translated by Norma Kessler. Archithese: International Thematic Review for Architecture, 4(July/August 2013). 76-79.
Maciuika, J. (2011). "Zamek dla Berlin czy Berlin dla zamku?" (The Castle for Berlin, Or Berlin for the Castle?" Translated into Polish for this bilingual, Krakow-based journal by Marta Duda-Gryc. Herito: Heritage, Culture, and the Present, 3 (2011)(2011). 4-21.
(2010). Whose Schlossplatz? Architecture and the 'Materialization' of German Identities in Berlin's Historic Center, 1945-2009". Bulletin of the German Historical Institute, Supplement 7, Winter 2010/Spring 2011(Supplement 7). 15-28.
(2009). Z Berlina Do Bagdadu -- From Berlin To Baghdad. Autoportret, 3(28). 2-7.
Maciuika, J. (2007). The Production and Display of the Domestic Interior in Wilhelmine Germany, 1900-1914. German History 25, Feature issue titled "Modernity Begins at Home: Consumption, Technology and Modernity" , 25(4). 490-516.
Maciuika, J. (2006). Sachlicher, wirtschaftlicher, zweckmassiger: 100 Jahre Lehrwerkstatten-Erlass' vom Preussischen Ministerium fur Handel und Gewerbe. ["More Objective, Economical, and Purposeful: 'The Centennial of the Prussian Ministry of Commerce and Industry's Instructional Workshops Decree"]. Scholion 4, 120-131.
(2005). Werkbundpolitik and Weltpolitik: The German State's Interest in Global Commerce and 'Good Design' 1912-1914.". German Politics and Society 23, 102-127.
(2001). Baltic Shores, Western Winds: Lithuanian Architects and the Subversion of the Soviet Norm. Centropa: A Journal of Central European Architecture and the Related Arts 1 Nr. 2, 108-116.
(2000). Adolf Loos and the Aphoristic Style: Rhetorical Practice in Early Twentieth-Century Design Criticism. Design Issues 16 Nr. 2, 75-86.
(1999). East Bloc, West View: Architecture and Lithuanian National Identity. Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review 11 Nr. 1, 23-35.
(1998). Art in the Age of Government Intervention: Hermann Muthesius, Sachlichkeit, and the State, 1897-1907. German Studies Review 21 Nr. 2, 285-308.
Book Chapters
(2022). The Synergies of Saxony: Hellerau Garden City and the Culture of Design Reform in the Kaiserreich // Synergien in Sachsen. Die Gartenstadt Hellerau und die Kultur der Kunst-Reform im Kaiserreich. Hellerau: Site of Modernity // Hellerau: Ort der Moderne (pp. 218-235). Dresden, Saxony, Federal Republic of Germany. Sandstein Verlag.
Maciuika, J. (2017). “Die Arbeit der Darmstädter Künstlerkolonie im Kontext der wilhelminischen staatlichen Kunstgewerbeschulreform” [The Work of the Darmstadt Artists’ Colony in the Context of Wilhelmine State Applied Arts Reforms]. In Asshoff, C., & Verhoeven, J. (Eds.), ‘Eine Stadt müssen wir erbauen – eine ganze Stadt!’: Die Künstlerkolonie Darmstadt auf der Mathildenhöhe [‘A City, we need to build an entire city!’: The Darmstadt Artists’ Colony on the Mathildenhöhe] (pp. 201 - 208). Wiesbaden, Germany,Germany. ICOMOS -- Hefte des Deutschen Nationalkomitees.
Maciuika, J. (2017). Das Handwerk in den Graeben: Der Streit der deutschen Kunsterzierher um die Einheitskunstschule im Ersten Weltkrieg (The Crafts in the Trenches: German Arts Educators' Battle Over the Unified Arts School During the First World War). In Bittner, R., & Padt, R. (Eds.), Handwerk wird modern: Vom Herstellen am Bauhaus (Craft Becomes Modern: The Bauhaus in the Making) (pp. 55-67). Bielefeld/Berlin,Germany. Kerber Verlag (German and English editions). Translated by Alexandra Titze-Grabec and Kurt Rehkopf.
Maciuika, J. (2016). “The Prussian Commerce Ministry, The Deutscher Werkbund, and Germany’s Global Commercial Ambitions.”. In Eley, G., Jenkins, J., & Matysik, T. (Eds.), German Modernities From Wilhelm to Weimar: A Contest of Futures (pp. 163-192). London,United Kingdom. Bloomsbury Academic Press.
Maciuika, J. (2014). “The Historic Preservation Fallacy? Transnational Culture, Urban Identity, and Monumental Architecture in Berlin and Dresden.”. In Diefendorf, J., & Ward, J. (Eds.), Transnationalism and the German City. (pp. 387-421). New York and London,USA. Palgrave Macmillan Press.
(2013). Chapter 15: The Politics of Art and Architecture at the Bauhaus, 1919-1933. Weimar Thought: A Contested Legacy (pp. 291-315). Princeton, NJ. Princeton University Press.
Maciuika, J. (2009). Deutscher Werkbund ve Osmani Imparatorlugu: Birinci Dunya Savasi Oncesinde Tasarim Reformku, Ekonomi Politkasi ve Dis Politika" (The Deutscher Werkbund and the Ottoman Empire: Design Reform, Economic Policy, and Foreign Policy before the First World War"). Translated into Turkish by Elçin Gen.. In Artun, A., & Alicavusgu, E. (Eds.), Bauhaus: Modernlesmenin Tasarimi: Turkiye'de Mimarlik, Sanat, Tasarim Egitimi ve Bauhaus (The Bauhaus: Designing Modernization: Architecture, Art, Design Education and the Bauhaus in Turkey) (pp. 35-66). Istanbul,Turkey. Iletisim Press.
Maciuika, J. (2006). Wilhelmine Precedents to the Bauhaus: Hermann Muthesius, the Prussian State, and the German Werkbund. In James-Chakraborty, K. (Ed.), Bauhaus Culture: From Weimar to the Cold War (pp. 1-25, Chapter One). Minneapolis. University of Minnesota Press.
"Peter Behrens' AEG Turbine Factory of 1909". Flashpoints in Modern Architecture New York, NY. Columbia University Press.
Media Contributions
Maciuika, J. (2021). Book Launch of the book, Lithuanian Architects Assess the Soviet Era: The 1992 Oral History Tapes.
Maciuika, J. (2025, April 26). Panel Organizer and Chair for the panel, "Lessons in Critical Reconstruction: Preservation versus the 'Cult of Imitations'". Annual Meeting of the Society of Architectural Historians. Santa Fe, New Mexico: Society of Architectural Historians.
Maciuika, J., & Dremaite, M. (2025, June 26). Lietuvos Architektai Pasakoja Apie Sovietmeti (Lithuanian Architects Assess the Soviet Era). Society of the Lithuanian Association Book Talk (in Lithuanian). Society of the Lithuanian Association, New York, New York: Society of the Lithuanian Association.
Maciuika, J., & Dremaite, M. (2025, June 26). Lithuanian Architects Assess the Soviet Era: From Patriotic Resistance to Subversive Opportunism. World Lithuanian Center Book Presentation. World Lithuanian Center, Lemont, Illinois: World Lithuanian Center.
Maciuika, J. (2025, June 26). Occupational Exile: Soviet Lithuanian Architects Between Patriotic Resistance and Communist Betrayal. 29th Biennial Conference of the American Association of Baltic Studies. Yale University, New Haven, CT: American Association of Baltic Studies.
Maciuika, J. V. (2020, September 24). "The Synergies of Saxony: Hellerau Garden City and the Design Revolution in Wilhelmine Germany". Guest Invited Lecture at Colloquium "Hellerau, A Place of Modernity: Continuities and Controversial Interactions". Dresden-Hellerau: Dresden Technical University and the Association for World Heritage, Dresden-Hellerau.
Maciuika, J. V. (2020, August 19). Commentator for panel. Annual Meeting of the German Studies Association -- Virtual Conference Panel "Urban Symbols and the German Nation After 1945". Zoom -- Virtual Panel: German Studies Association of North America.
Maciuika, J. (2017, January 30). The Arc of Sachlichkeit in Wilhelmine Architecture, Arts, and Crafts. Vagaries of Objectivity/Launen der Sachlichkeit. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Department of Art History and Univ. Michigan Dept. of German.
Maciuika, J. (2017, June 29). "Resonant Patterns: The Art of Kazys Varnelis in the Context of Bauhaus Modernism". Exhibition Opening Lecture for Optics and Structure: Works by Kazys Varnelis, 1967-1977. Vilnius, Lithuania: National Gallery of Art of Lithuania.
Maciuika, J. (2016, September 30). The Arc of Sachlichkeit in Wilhelmine Architecture, Arts, and Crafts. Fortieth Annual Meeting of the German Studies Association. San Diego, California: German Studies Association; paper presented on the panel, "Exhibiting Sachlichkeit: The Rationalization of Display, 1900-1930".
Maciuika, J. (2016, April 18). Die Arbeit der Darmstaedter Kuenstlerkolonie im Kontext der wilhelminischen staatlichen Kunstgewerbereform (The Work of the Darmstadt Artists' Colony in the Context of Wilhelmine State Reforms in the Applied Arts), lecture delivered in German. "Eine Ganze Stadt Muessen Wir Bauen, Eine Ganze Stadt!" - Die Kuenstlerkolonie Darmstadt auf der Mathildenhoehe ("A Whole City Is What We Must Build - A Whole City!" -- The Darmstadt Artists' Colony Atop the Mathildenhoehe). Darmstadt, Germany: City of Darmstadt in cooperation with the German Committee of ICOMOS and the Regional Office for Built Heritage Conservation in the State of Hessen.
Maciuika, J. (2015, January 5). The Wilhelmine Reform Milieu Reconsidered: The Deutscher Werkbund, the Prussian Commerce Ministry, and Germany's Global Commercial Ambitions. 129th Annual Meeing of the American Historical Association. New York Hilton, 7th Avenue Midtown: American Historical Association.
Maciuika, J. (2015, April 22). "Infrastructures of Memory: Historical Reconstruction and Cultural Heritage in Central and Eastern Europe". Invited special lecture. Rome, Italy: German Historical Institute in Rome.
Maciuika, J. (2015, June 30). "Infrastructures of Memory: Historical Reconstruction, Cultural Heritage, and Architectural Culture". Invited special lecture. Villa Massimo, Rome, Italy: German Academy in Rome.
Maciuika, J. (2015, June 1). "Infrastructures of Memory: Historical Reconstruction, Cultural Heritage, and the Curation of the Past. Invited special lecture. Valletta, Malta: University of Malta Department of the History of Art, and the Church of Santa Caterina d'Italia, Valletta, Malta.
Maciuika, J. (2014, November 17). "Infrastructures of Memory: Historical Reconstruction and Cultural Heritage in Central and Eastern Europe". Invited special lecture. Rome, Italy: American Academy in Rome.
Maciuika, J. (2009, September 21). Vor dem Bauhaus: Design Reform im Kaiserreich” [„Before the Bauhaus: Design Reform in Imperial Germany“]. Bauhaus Global/Global Bauhaus. Berlin, Germany: Bauhaus Archive.
Maciuika, J. (2009, October 3). Whose Schlossplatz? Architecture and the 'Materialization' of German Identities in Berlin’s Historic Center, 1945-2009. Germans' Things: Material Culture and Daily Life in the East and West, 1949-2009. Los Angeles, CA: UCLA and Wende Museum of Los Angeles.
Maciuika, J. (2009, February 14). Alternative Takes on the Wilhelmine Institutional Landscape: What German Historians and Art Historians of Germany Can Learn from Each Other in Rethinking German Modernities. Rethinking German Modernities. Austin TX: Univ. of Texas, Austin.
Maciuika, J. (2008, May 10). "Hypercities: A New Web 2.0 Geotemporal Platform for the Humanities". Mapping Disaster: Critical Geography, Risk, and Recovery. Bard College, NY: Bard College.
Maciuika, J. (2008, May 15). Before the Bauhaus: Architecture, Politics, and the German State, 1890-1920". The Bauhaus in Turkey. Istanbul, Turkey: Marmara University of the Arts.
Maciuika, J. (2008, December 5). "The Deutscher Werkbund Grows a Global Network: Design Reform, Industrial Policy, and German Foreign Policy, 1907-1918". Towards a History of Design in the Global Economy. Chicago/Evanston, IL: Northwestern University.
Maciuika, J. (2008, October 3). "From Berlin Stadtschloss to Humboldt Forum: Radical Surgery Toward a Conservative Vision?". German Studies Assocation Annual Meeting. St. Paul, Minnesota: German Studies Association.
Maciuika, J. (2007, April 27). Hypermedia Berlin: A New Model for 21st-Century Scholarly Content Delivery. Paper presented at the "Documenting Cities: Hypermedia Conference". University of Massachusetts-Boston: Research Center for Urban Cultural History.
Maciuika, J. (2007, June 2). "Modernity in Architecture: The History of an Idea, 1890-Present". German Historians' Workshop "Rethinking German Modernities". Ohio: University of Cincinnati.
Maciuika, J. (2007, June 9). Hypermedia Berlin: ein neues Modell fur multi-institutionelle, internationale wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit ["Hypermedia Berlin: A New Model for Multi-Institutional, International Scholarly Collaboration"]. Paper presented in German at the DAAD alumni conference "Wissenschaftlerbiographien, Wissenschaftlermobilitat, Wissenschaftlermigration," Fachgruppe 6, Humanwissenschaften und Wissenschaftlernetzwerke [Scholarly biographies, Scholarly Mobility, and Scholarly Migration; Breakout Session 6, Human Sciences and Scientific Learning Networks]. Sao Paolo, Brazil
Maciuika, J. (2006, April 26). New Tools for Architectural Historians: Cities in Time on the Web. Discussant in the panel/workshop at the 59th Annual Meeting of the Society of Architectural Historians, April 19, 2006. Savannah, Georgia
Maciuika, J. (2006, April 18). Modernism before the Bauhaus: Cultural Politics and Architecture in Wilhelmine Germany. Lecture on my 2005 book, Before the Bauhaus: Architecture, Politics, and the German State, 1890-1920. : University of California-Los Angeles Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures.
Maciuika, J. (2006, April 17). Hypermedia Berlin (a research website for which I am principal investigator of architecture and urbanism. The website can be viewed at Presented architectural content at the symposium "Hypermedia Berlin: Development and Future Directions". UCLA
Maciuika, J. (2006, February 14). Modernism before the Bauhaus: Cultural Politics and Architecture in Wilhelmine Germany. Lecture on my 2005 book, Before the Bauhaus: Architecture, Politics, and the German State, 1890-1920. New York City: New York University Deutsches Haus/Department of German.
Maciuika, J. (2006, April 29). Local Modernities: Reevaluating 'Tradition,' 'Modernity,' and 'Authenticity' in European and American Architecture, 1880-1920. Panel Organizer and Chair for the panel at the 59th Annual Meeting of the Society of Architectural Historians. Savannah, Georgia
Maciuika, J. (2006, September 29). Improvising Empire: German Ministerial Efforts to Establish Global Commercial Dominance, 1900-1914. Paper presented at the 30th Annual Conference of the German Studies Association of North America. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Maciuika, J. (2006, June 8). Modernism before the Bauhaus: Cultural Politics and Architecture in Wilhelmine Germany. Lecture and Book-signing Event on my 2005 book, Before the Bauhaus: Architecture, Politics, and the German State, 1890-1920. New York City: Bard Graduate Center for Studies in the Decorative Arts and Design.
Maciuika, J. (2006, June 3). From Berlin to Chicago: The Transfer of Art and Architecture from Germany to the United States. Chancellor's Fellows keynote address for the Annual Meeting of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Alumni Association. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University.
Maciuika, J. (2005, May 20). Werkbundpolitik and Weltpolitik: The German State's Interest in Global Commerce and Good Design, 1912-1914. Presented at the symposium "Modernity and Empire: Reconceptualizing Twentieth-Century German History. : University of Toronto, Munk Center for International Studies.
Maciuika, J. (2005, October 2). The Architectural History of Berlin and the Implications of New Media. Paper presented in the panel "New Media and the Futures of German Cultural Studies," at the 29th Annual Conference of the German Studies Association of North America. Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Maciuika, J. (2005, October 29). The Architecture of the Prusso-German Bureaucracy in Wilhelmine Germany. Paper presented at the Mid-Atlantic Germany History Seminar. Georgetown University
Maciuika, J. (2005, May 6). Modernism before the Bauhaus: Cultural Politics and Architecture in Wilhelmine Germany. Lecture on my 2005 book, Before the Bauhaus: Architecture, Politics, and the German State, 1890-1920. University of California-Berkeley, Bonwit-Heine Lecture Series, Department of German: UC-Berkeley Architecture & Urbanism Research Colloquium.
Maciuika, J., & Bergdoll, B. (2004, October 2). Modernism Unplugged: Modern Architecture Before the International Style. Sole organizer of the University of Virginia School of Architecture Architectural History Symposium. : featuring a panel of distinguished national and international architectural historians.
Maciuika, J. (2003, October 17). An Architectural and Urban History of Berlin. Slide lecture presented to visiting Members of the American Society of Decorative Arts and the Foundation for Palladian Studies. Berlin, Germany: Westin-Grand Hotel Unter den Linden.
Maciuika, J. (2003, October 18). Tracing Architectural History on Berlin's Unter den Linden and the Museum Island Complex. Walking tour for 25 members of the American Society of Decorative Arts and the Foundation for Palladian Studies.
Maciuika, J. (2003, October 21). Walter Gropius, Bauhaus Architecture, and the Twentieth-Century Modern Movement. Lecture delivered to 25 members of the American Society of Decorative Arts and the Foundation for Palladian Studies. Bauhaus building, Dessau, Germany
Maciuika, J. (2003, November 18). Form and Function in Architectural History: A Sliding Scale. Paper presented on the panel "Form and Function in Architecture" as part of the symposium, "The Integration of Form and Function". Budapest, Hungary: Institute for Advanced Study.
Maciuika, J. (2002, August 17). Fin-de-Siecle Viennese Architectural Culture. Presented on the panel, "Mahler's Vienna," at the Bard College Music Festival, "Gustav Mahler and His World," Annandale-on-Hudson. New York
Maciuika, J. (2002, October 26). Architecture and the Image of Modernity in Fin-de-Siecle Vienna. Presented at the Fall 2002 Pre-Concert Symposium of the Bard Music Festival 200, "Mahler and His World,". Lincoln Center, New York
Maciuika, J. (2002, May 15). Hermann Muthesius und der preussische Staat (Hermann Muthesius and the Prussian State). Guest Lecture (delivered in German). : Berlin Universitat der Kunste Forschungs colloquium (Berlin University of Fine Arts Research Colloquium) Summer Semester 2002, hosted by Johann Friedrich Geist and Gert Groning of the University of the Arts.
Maciuika, J. (2001, April 28). The Berlin Palimpsest. Invited plenary session lecture of the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Federal Chancellor Scholars. Washington, DC: German Embassy.
Maciuika, J. (2001, April 10). Hermann Muthesius, Adolf Loos, and the Battle for a Modern Tradition, 1900-1914. Invited guest lecture. Miami, Florida: University of Miami School of Architecture.
Maciuika, J. (2000, June 16). Soviet Lithuanian Architecture Weighed in the Historical Balance: Western in Form And Socialist in Content?. Presented in the panel, "Aesthetics, Culture, and Communication," at the Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies (AABS) Seventh Conference, "Baltic Countries and Their Baltic Neighbors: Redefining Relationships". : Georgetown University.
Maciuika, J. (2000, October 13). Filling in the Soviet Spaces of Riga and Vilnius: Future Visions of a National and European Past. Gave follow-up commentary and moderated discussion of Symposium Keynote Address by Professor John Czaplicka,. : Harvard Center for European Studies.
Maciuika, J. (2000, October 15). Architektur, Orte, und Topographie: Die Formung politischer Raume [Architecture, Site, And Topography: The Formation of Political Spaces]. Invited Respondent for keynote address at the Hamburg University Symposium. Hamburg, Germany: Warburg House.
Maciuika, J. (2000, January 13). Neue Absichten, Neue Institutionen: Wege zur Grundung des Deutschen Werkbundes [New Intentions, New Institutions: Paths to the Formation of the Deutscher Werkbund]. Invited Guest Lecture (delivered in German). ETH-Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute for Technology), Switzerland: Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture, Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule.
Maciuika, J. (1996, May 20). Adolf Loos: Raumbeziehungen von Innenraumen bis zur Stadtplanung ["Adolf Loos: Spatial Relations from Interior Design to City Planning"]. Invited Guest Lecture (delivered in German). Dresden, Germany: Dresden Technical University, Architecture Department Graduate Seminar: "Theory and Praxis of Spatial Design".
Maciuika, J. (1994, May 19). The Cultural Politics of Historic Preservation in Twentieth-Century Lithuania. Presented at the Kennan Institute of Advanced Russian Studies and United Nations ICOMOS plenary conference, "Historic Preservation: Issues Facing Eastern Europe and Russia. Warsaw, Poland
Maciuika, J. (1992, October 8). Moving Forward, Looking Back: Folk Houses and Identity in Lithuanian Modern State Formation. Presented at the Third Conference of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments (IASTE). Paris, France
Other Scholarly Works
Maciuika, J. V. (2015). Japanese Edition: Before the Bauhaus: Architecture, Politics, and the German State, 1890-1920. 587 pages.
Maciuika, J., Buchanan, R., Doordan, D., & Margolin, V. (2010). Adolf Loos and the Aphoristic Style: Rhetorical Practice in Early Twentieth-Century Design Criticism". The Designed World: Images, Object, Environments. 201072-82.
Maciuika, J. (2006). Ludwig Mies van der Rohe.
Maciuika, J. (2006). Neue Sachlichkeit.
Maciuika, J. (2006). Laszlo Moholy-Nagy.
Maciuika, J. (2006). Albert Speer.
Maciuika, J. (2006). The Bauhaus.
Maciuika, J. (2006). Walter Gropius.
Maciuika, J., & Sennott, R. S. (2004). Muthesius, Hermann 1861-1927. Encyclopedia of 20th Century Architecture. 3 Vols. 2898-899.
Maciuika, J. (1998). The Lithuanian Presidential Election: Continental Drift of Tectonic Shift?. 1-2.
Maciuika, J. (1995). Planuojamas Bernardiniu Vienuolyno Atnaujinimas. 5.
Maciuika, J. (1995). Planuojamas Bernardiniu Vienuolyno Atnaujinimas ("Plans for the Restauration of the Bernardine Monastery, Vilnius, Lithuania). 2.
Maciuika, J., & Wayne, K. M. (1994). The Sea Ranch: An Annotated Bibliography.
Maciuika, J. (2014,September 1). Peter Behrens: Vom Jugendstil zum Industriedesign. New York, NY,USA: West 86th: A Journal of Decorative Arts, Design History, and Material Culture.
Maciuika, J. (2010,December 1). Review Essay of three German-language books on the architect Hermann Muthesius (1861-1927). Chicago, Illinois,USA: Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians.
Maciuika, J. (2008,December 1). The Taylorized Beauty of the Mechanical: Scientific Management and the Rise of Modernist Architecture. Chicago, Illinois,USA: Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians.
Maciuika, J. (2007,January 1). Edition Axel Menges, 2005). New York, NY,USA: Studies in the Decorative Arts 14 (Fall-Winter 2006-2007).
Maciuika, J. (2006,September 1). Harry Francis Mallgrave, Modern Architectural Theory: A Historical Survey, 1673-1968 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 65 Nr. 3.
Maciuika, J. (1996,May 1). Massimo Cacciari, Architecture and Nihilism: On the Philosophy of Modern Architecture (New Haven: Yale, 1993). Modernism/Modernity 3 Nr.2.
Title | Funding Agency Sponsor | Start Date | End Date | Awarded Date | Total Funding | Status |
2014 - 2015 Rome Academy Prize | American Academy of Rome | 09/01/2014 | 08/01/2015 | 04/10/2014 | 28000 | Completed |
Whose Schlossplatz? Architecture and the Conflict of Idenities in Berlin's Historic Center, 1800 - Present | PSC-CUNY 41 | 07/01/2010 | 06/30/2011 | 4490 | Completed | |
Hypercities New York - A Web-Based Teaching and Research Platform | PSC-CUNY 40 | 07/01/2009 | 06/30/2010 | 1330 | Completed | |
Expanding the Frame of German History: Reevaluating the Career of Commerce Minister Theodor Moller | PSC-CUNY 38 | 07/01/2007 | 06/30/2008 | 3674 | Completed |
Honor / Award | Organization Sponsor | Date Received | Description |
Short-List for Best Non-Fiction Book Published in Lithuania in 2020 | Research Council of Lithuania | 2020 | My recent co-edited, bilingual English and Lithuanian book, <i>Lithuanian Architects Assess the Soviet Era: The 1992 Oral History Tapes </i>(Vilnius: LAPAS Press, 2020; co-edited with Marija Dremaite of Vilnius University) has been short-listed for best non-fiction book to be published in Lithuania in the year 2020. The book sold out in six weeks after initial release in October 2020, and is currently in its second printing, and is in process of being issued as an e-book as well. |
National Endowment for the Humanities' Rome Prize in Historic Preservation | American Academy in Rome | 2014 | First prize awarded in the 2014-2015 national competition for a Rome Prize in Historic Preservation and Conservation; prize consists of a stipend and 11-month residency at the American Academy in Rome during the 2014-15 academic year. |
DAAD Alumni Association Pan-American Conference Support for travel to conference presentation in Sao Paolo, Brazil | 2007 | ||
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Conference Support for travel to invited lecture at Ohio State University for the Conference of the AvH Alumni Foundation | 2006 | ||
University of California-Los Angeles Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures support for travel to invited book lecture and separate, additional conference presentation on Hypermedia Berlin | 2006 | ||
University of Miami School of Architecture travel support for lecture delivered in architectural history | 2001 | ||
German Studies Association of North America/DAAD Year 2000 Outstanding Research Article Prize for the article, "Art in the Age of Government Intervention: Hermann Muthesius, Sachlichkeit, and the State, 1897-1907 | 1998 | German Studies Review 21 Nr. 2: 285-308 | |
College Art Association Conference Travel Grant | 1997 | ||
Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies Travel Grant | 1994 |
Committee Name | Position Role | Start Date | End Date |
Promotions and Tenure Committee for Baruch College Library | Committee Member | Present | |
Baruch College Facilities Advisory Committee | Co-Chair (with Jim Lloyd, Assistant Vice President of Facilities Planning) | Present | |
Fine and Performing Arts | Deputy Chair for Art | 5/24/2024 | |
Serving on FPA Executive Committee | 12/31/2008 | ||
Represented department on the WSAS curriculum committee | 12/31/2007 | ||
Advised FPA Student Art Club | 12/31/2007 | ||
Served as FPA department representative to WSAS curriculum committee | 12/31/2007 | ||
Represented Baruch College at the "General Education and Assessment" Conference, American Association of Colleges and Universities, in Miami, Florida | 3/3/2007 | ||
Baruch College search committee for new director of the Newman Real Estate Institute, Fall | 12/31/2006 | ||
Served on WSAS website steering committee, Spring | 12/31/2006 | ||
Baruch College Facilities Planning search committee for a new project manager in the department (committee organized by AVP of Facilities Jim Lloyd, Fall | Committee Member | 12/31/2006 |
Committee Name | Position Role | Start Date | End Date |
Led workshop for grant writing for Ph.D. students in Art History | 10/31/2005 |
Organization | Position Role | Organization State | Organization Country | Start Date | End Date | Audience |
Cambridge University Press submission by Leslie Topp, Architecture and Truth in Vienna, 1894-1912: An Historical Account with Four Case Studies. A three-day process on January 18-20, 2002, of reading, evaluating, and writing specific commentary on the prospects for turning a submitted manuscript into a viable book publication | Manuscript Reviewer | Present | International | |||
First Lady of Lithuania | Architectural Walking Tour | New York | United States | 9/23/2024 | 9/23/2024 | International |
Lithuanian Ambassador to the United Nations | Architectural Walking Tour | New York | United States | 3/20/2024 | 3/20/2024 | International |
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians submission, "Berlin versus the Bauhaus: The Vereingte Staatsschulen fur freie und angewandte Kunst and the Mainstream of German Modernism | Peer Reviewer | 4/30/2007 | ||||
Routledge Press submission by Florian Urban, The Invention of the Historic City - Building the Past in East Berlin. Assessed viability of author's converting a Ph.D. dissertation into a book with Routledge | Manuscript Reviewer | 6/30/2006 | ||||
National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Writing Grant Program. Reviewed and ranked national faculty applications for summer research grant support, 2001-2002 and 2002-2003. Reports conducted via new NEH online grant review process | Grant Reviewer | 1/1/2001 | 12/31/2003 | |||
Architectural history panel, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Annual Meeting | Conference Paper Reviewer | 12/31/2003 | ||||
University of Virginia Press submission, National Building Museum, Freedom Without Fortresses: Reflections on September 11, 2001. A two-day process of reading, evaluating, and writing specific commentary on the prospects for turning a submitted manuscript into a viable book publication | Manuscript Reviewer | 11/18/2002 | 11/19/2002 |