John Wahlert


Weissman School of Arts and Sciences

Department: Natural Sciences

Areas of expertise:

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Ph.D., Vertebrate Paleontology, Harvard University Cambridge Massachusetts

M.A., Vertebrate Paleontology, Harvard University

B.A., Geology, Amherst College

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Spring 2024BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Spring 2024BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Spring 2024BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Fall 2023BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Fall 2023BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Spring 2023BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Spring 2023BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Fall 2022BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Fall 2022BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Spring 2022BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Spring 2022BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Fall 2021BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Fall 2021BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Fall 2021BIO1016Fundamentals of Biology
Spring 2021BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Spring 2021BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Fall 2020BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Fall 2020BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Spring 2020BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Spring 2020BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Fall 2019BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Fall 2019BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Spring 2019BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Spring 2019BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Fall 2018BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Fall 2018BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Spring 2018BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Spring 2018BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Fall 2017BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Fall 2017BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Spring 2017BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Spring 2017BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Fall 2016BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Fall 2016BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Spring 2016BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Spring 2016BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Fall 2015BIO3010Comparitive Vertebrate Anatomy
Fall 2015BIO3010Comparitive Vertebrate Anatomy
Spring 2015BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Spring 2015BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Fall 2014BIO5000Independent Study Biology I
Fall 2014BIO3010Comparitive Vertebrate Anatomy
Fall 2014BIO3010Comparitive Vertebrate Anatomy
Fall 2014BIO3002Reading Science
Spring 2014BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Spring 2014BIO3001LBIO 3001 Lecture
Fall 2013BIO3010Comparitive Vertebrate Anatomy
Fall 2013BIO3010LBIO 3010L Lecture
Summer 2013BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Summer 2013BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Spring 2013BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Spring 2013BIO3001LBIO 3001 Lecture
Fall 2012BIO3010Comparitive Vertebrate Anatomy
Fall 2012BIO3010LBIO 3010L Lecture
Summer 2012BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Summer 2012BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Spring 2012BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Spring 2012BIO3001LBIO 3001 Lecture
Fall 2011BIO3010LBIO 3010L Lecture
Fall 2011BIO3010Comparitive Vertebrate Anatomy
Summer 2011BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Summer 2011BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Spring 2011BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Spring 2011BIO3001LBIO 3001 Lecture
Fall 2010BIO3010Comparitive Vertebrate Anatomy
Fall 2010BIO3010LBIO 3010L Lecture
Summer 2010BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Summer 2010BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Summer 2010BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Spring 2010BIO3001LBIO 3001 Lecture
Spring 2010BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Fall 2009BIO3010LBIO 3010L Lecture
Fall 2009BIO3010Comparitive Vertebrate Anatomy
Summer 2009BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Summer 2009BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Spring 2009BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Spring 2009BIO3001LBIO 3001 Lecture
Fall 2008BIO3010Comparitive Vertebrate Anatomy
Fall 2008BIO3010Comparitive Vertebrate Anatomy
Summer 2008BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Summer 2008BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Spring 2008BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Spring 2008BIO3001LBIO 3001 Lecture
Fall 2007BIO3010Comparitive Vertebrate Anatomy
Fall 2007BIO3010Comparitive Vertebrate Anatomy
Summer 2007BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Summer 2007BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Spring 2007BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Spring 2007BIO3001LBIO 3001 Lecture
Fall 2006BIO3010Comparitive Vertebrate Anatomy
Fall 2006BIO6002Honors
Summer 2006BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Summer 2006BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Spring 2006BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Spring 2006BIO3001LBIO 3001 Lecture
Spring 2006BIO6001Honors
Fall 2005BIO3010Comparitive Vertebrate Anatomy
Fall 2005BIO3010HHonors Comp Vertebrate Anatomy
Fall 2005BIO5000Independent Study Biology I
Fall 2005BIO3010LBIO 3010L Lecture
Summer 2005BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Summer 2005BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Spring 2005BIO3001Principles of Biology II
Spring 2005BIO1003LSurvey of the Living World Lec
Spring 2005BIO3001LBIO 3001 Lecture
Spring 2005BIO5000Independent Study Biology I
Fall 2004BIO2013LComp Vert Anat Lect
Fall 2004BIO1003LSurvey of the Living World Lec
Fall 2004BIO2013Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
Summer 2004BIO2020Principles of Biology II
Summer 2004BIO2020Principles of Biology II
Summer 2004BIO2020Principles of Biology II
Spring 2004BIO1003LSurvey of the Living World Lec
Spring 2004BIO2020Principles of Biology II
Fall 2003BIO2013LComp Vert Anat Lect
Fall 2003BIO1003Survey of the Living World
Fall 2003BIO1003LSurvey of the Living World Lec
Summer 2003BIO2020Principles of Biology II
Summer 2003BIO2020Principles of Biology II
Spring 2003BIO1003LSurvey of the Living World Lec
Spring 2003BIO1003Survey of the Living World
Fall 2002BIO2013LComp Vert Anat Lect
Fall 2002BIO1003LSurvey of the Living World Lec
Fall 2002BIO1003Survey of the Living World
Summer 2002BIO2020Principles of Biology II
Spring 2002BIO1003LSurvey of the Living World Lec
Spring 2002BIO5001Independent Study Biology II

Journal Articles

(2009). "Skull and dentition of Willeumys korthi, nov. gen. et sp., a cricetid rodent from the Oligocene (Orellan) of Wyoming.". In R.S. Voss and M.D. Carleton, eds., Systematic mammalogy: contributions in honor of Guy G. Musser. Bulletin American Museum of Natural History, no 331, Chapter 12. 434-450.

(2006). The skull of Rapamys (Ischyromyidae, Rodentia) and description of a new species from the Uintan (late middle Eocene) of Montana. Palaeontographica A. E. Schweizerbart, 277(1/6). 39-51.

(2004). The skull and dentition of Eumys elegans from the Oligocene of North Dakota. Bulletin to the Carnegie Museum of Natural History 36 (Honoring Malcolm C. McKenna, 36. 335-348.

Wahlert, J. H. (2000). Morphology of the auditory region in Paramys copei and other Eocene rodents in North America. Amer. Mus. Novitates, (3307). 1-16.

Carrasco, M. A., & Wahlert, J. H. (1999). The cranial anatomy of Cricetops dormitor, and Oligocene fossil rodent from Mongolia. Amer. Mus. Novitates, (3275). 1-14.

Wahlert, J. H., Sawitzke, S. L., & Holden, M. E. (1993). Cranial anatomy and relationships of dormice (Rodentia, Myoxidae). Amer. Mus. Novitates, (3061). 1-32.

Korth, W. W., Wahlert, J. H., & Emry, R. J. (1991). A new species of Heliscomys and recognition of the family Heliscomyidae (Geomyoidea: Rodentia). J. Vert. Paleontol., (11). 247-256.

Wahlert, J. H. (1991). The Harrymyinae, a new heteromyid subfamily (Rodentia, Geomorpha), based on cranial and dental morphology of Harrymys Munthe, 1988. Amer. Mus. Novitates, (3013). 1-23.

Wahlert, J. H. (1989). The three types of incisor enamel in rodents. Nat. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles Co. Sci. Ser., (33). 7-16.

Wahlert, J. H., & Souza, R. A. (1988). Skull morphology of Gregorymys and relationships of the Entoptychinae (Rodentia, Geomyidae). Amer. Mus. Novitates, (2922). 1-13.

Wahlert, J. H., & Newman, P. N. (1988). Miocene fossil vertebrates from Thai Shell Exploration and Production Company's Nong Hen-I(A) exploration well, Phitsanulok Basin, Thailand. J. Vert. Paleontol., (8). 278-2989.

Wahlert, J. H., & Sawitzke, S. (1987). Muscle insertions and basicranial morphology in rodents. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., (529). 128-130.

Wahlert, J. H. (1986). The Scuridae, a rodent family with research potential. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., (463). 238-240.

Wahlert, J. H., & Koenigswald, W. V. (1985). Specialized enamel in incisors of eomyid rodents. Amer. Mus. Novitates, (2832). 1-12.

Wahlert, J. H. (1985). Skull morphology and relationships of geomyoid rodents. Amer. Mus. Novitates, (2812). 1-20.

Wahlert, J. H. (1984). Relationship of the extinct rodent Cricetops to Lophiomys and the Cricetinae (Rodentia, Cricetidae). Amer. Mus. Novitates, (2784). 1-15.

Wahlert, J. H. (1984). Kirkomys, a new florentiamyid (Rodentia, Geomyoidea) from the Whitneyan of Sioux county, Nebraska. Amer. Mus. Novitates, (2793). 1-8.

Wahlert, J. H. (1984). Hystricomorphs, the oldest branch of the Rodentia. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., (435). 356-357.

Wahlert, J. H. (1983). Relationships of the Florentiamyidae (Rodentia, Geomyoidea) based on cranial and dental morphology. Amer. Mus. Novitates, (2769). 1-23.

Wahlert, J. H. (1978). Cranial foramina and relationships of the Eomyoidea (Rodentia, Geomorpha). Skull and upper teeth of Kansasimys. Amer. Mus. Novitates, (2645). 1-16.

Flynn, L. J., & Wahlert, J. H. (1978). SEM study of rodent incisors: Preparation and viewing. Curator, (23). 303-310.

Wahlert, J. H. (1977). Cranial foramina and relationships of Eutypomys (Rodentia, Eutypomyidae). Amer. Mus. Novitates, (2626). 1-8.

Wahlert, J. H. (1977). Jimomys labaughi, a new geomyoid rodent from the early Barstovian of North American. Amer. Mus. Novitates, (2626). 1-8.

Wahlert, J. H. (1974). The cranial formation of protrogomorphous rodents. Bull. Mus. Compar. Zool., (146). 363-410.

Wahlert, J. H. (1973). Protoptychus, a hystricomorphous rodent from the Late Eocene of North America. Brevoria, (419). 1-14.

Wahlert, J. H. (1968). Variability of rodent incisor enamel as viewed in thin section, and the microstructure of the enamel in fossil and recent rodent groups. Brevoria, (309). 1-18.

Book Chapters

Wahlert, J. H. (1993). The fossil record. In Genoways, H. H. (Ed.), Biology of the Heteromyidae (pp. 1-37). American Society of Mammalogists, Special Publication.

Wahlert, J. H. (1985). Cranial foramina of rodents. In Luckett, W. P., & Hartenberger, J. L. (Eds.), Multidisciplinary analysis of evolutionary relationships among rodents (pp. 311-332). New York. Plenum Press.


Wahlert, J. H., & Oaks, E. C. (1996, October 19). Primitive Morphology of the middle ear in some rodents. 56th Annual Meeting. New York, NY: Society of Vertebrate Paleontology.

Wahlert, J. H., & Sawitzke, S. (1986, November 30). Relationships of muscle attachments to basicranial morphology in dormice (Rodentia, Myoxidae). Abstracts, Fourth Colloquium in Biological Sciences. : The NY Acad. Sci..

Wahlert, J. H. (1986, November 30). Fossil history of heteromyid rodents. Annual Meeting / Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. Philadephia, PA: Society of Vertebrate Paleontology.

Wahlert, J. H. (1985, June 30). Cranial morphology and relationships of gliroid rodents. Abstracts, 65th Annual Meeting / American Society of Mammalogists. Orono, ME: American Society of Mammalogists.

Wahlert, J. H. (1984, November 30). The Sciuridae, a rodent family neglected in research. Abstracts, Second Colloquium in Biological Sciences / NY Acad. Sci.. : The NY Acad. Sci..

Wahlert, J. H. (1984, July 31). Cranial foramina of rodents. NATO Symposium, Multidisciplinary Analysis of Evolutionary Relationships Among Rodents. Paris, France

Wahlert, J. H. (1983, November 30). Hystricomorphs, the oldest branch of the Rodentia. Abstracts, Colloquium in Biological Sciences / NY Acad. Sci.. : The NY Acad. Sci..

Other Scholarly Works

Wahlert, J. H. (1998). Darwin and Darwinism: Scientific Theory and Social Construct.

Wahlert, J. H., & Holland, M. J. (1995). Lab Notes for BIOL 1003.

Wahlert, J. H. (1995). classification, biological. 542-44.


Wahlert, J. H. (1996,January 1). Review of Thomas Martin, "Schmelzmikrostruktur in Inzisiven altund neuweltlicher hystricognather Nagetiere," Montpellier, Palaeovertebrata, Memoire Extraordinare, 1992. American Society of Mammalogists: Journal of Mammalogy.

Wahlert, J. H. (1987,January 1). Review of Elizabeth Rogers, "Looking at vertebrates: A practical guide to vertebrate adaptations," New York, Longman, Inc., 1986. American Museum of Natural History: Recent Publications in Natural History.

Research Currently in Progess

Wahlert, J. H., & Dashzeveg, D. D.(n.d.). Cranial morphology of Tachyoryctoides, an Oligocene rodent from Mongolia. In Progress.

TitleFunding Agency SponsorStart DateEnd DateAwarded DateTotal FundingStatus
Department Chair Research Account Year 1 - John WahlertPSC CUNY02/01/202108/31/202202/01/20211750Completed
Department Chair Research Account Year 2 - John WahlertPSC CUNY09/01/202108/31/202309/01/20213000Completed
Department Chair Research Account Year 4 John WahlertPSC CUNY09/01/202308/31/202308/31/20233000Funded - In Progress
Department Chair Research Account Year 3 - John WahlertPSC CUNY09/01/202208/31/202409/01/20223000Funded - In Progress
Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Baruch College Released Time for ResearchSpring 1983, 1984, and 1985; Fall 1983


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Weissman School of Arts and Sciences Personnel and Budget CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Executive CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Faculty Advisor of Biology MajorsFaculty AdvisorPresent
Black and Latino StudiesInterim Chair6/30/2019
Author for Proposal for Biology MajorCoordinator and author12/31/2012
Acting Associate Dean12/31/2002
College Personnel and Budget Committee12/31/1997
Freshman Seminar Leader12/31/1997
Globus CommitteeCommittee Chair12/31/1997
Ad Hoc Department Review Committee for Sociology and AnthropologyCommittee Member12/31/1997
Course Coordinator for Biology 1003, 100512/31/1996
School of Arts and Sciences Personnel and Budget Committee12/31/1995
Baruch College Faculty Senate12/31/1994
"Right-to-Know" committee12/31/1992
Gallery Committee12/31/1992
Senate Committee on Finance and Planning 12/31/1992
Library Committee12/31/1992
Recommendation Committee for Premedical Students12/31/1990
College Committee on Pluralism and Diversity12/31/1990
Middle States Task Force, Committee on Research12/31/1989
Acting Chair12/31/1988
Bibiographer for Department of Natural Sciences12/31/1988
Compiler and author of "Unofficial Student Handbook" to Natural Sciences Department12/31/1987
Student AdvisementHead12/31/1986
Curriculum Committee12/31/1986
Social Activities Committee12/31/1985


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Ecology, Evolutionary Biology and Behavior (EEB) subprogram of Biology Ph.D. ProgramCommittee Chair1/1/200112/31/2002


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
American Society of MammalogistsMemberPresent
Mammalian EvolutionReviewer-ManuscriptsPresent
Society of Vertebrate PaleontologyPresent
Society of Sigma XiPresent
Society for the Study of Mammalian EvolutionPresent
Carnegie Museum of Natural HistoryReviewer-ManuscriptsPresentInternational
Rocky Mountain Biological LaboratoryPresent
Journal of Vertebrate PaleontologyReviewer-ManuscriptsPresent
Journal of PaleontologyReviewer-ManuscriptsPresent
Yellowstone-Bighorn Research AssociationPresent
Biology Review Panel, PSC-CUNY Research GrantsCommittee Member1/1/1986PresentLocal
American Museum of Natural HistoryReviewer of Grant Proposals on mammals submitted to Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Fund and Lerner-Gray Fund for Marine Research1/1/1985PresentNational
National Science FoundationReviewer of Grant Proposals in Systematic Biology1/1/1977PresentNational
Dissertation Committee of Marc Carrasco1/31/1999
Dissertation Committee of Thomas LaDuke8/31/1991
Recent Literature of MammalogyVolunteer Bibliographer1/1/198212/31/1985
Dissertation Committee of Nancy Olds2/28/1984
Dissertation Committee of David Parker8/31/1983