Joseph Onochie

Assc Professor

Zicklin School of Business

Department: Bert Wasserman Dept Eco & Fin

Areas of expertise:

Email Address:

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Ph.D., Financial Economics, Univ. of New Orleans

M.A., Economics, Univ. of New Orleans

M.B.A., Finance, Tulane University

M.S., Engineering Managment, Univ. of Southwest LA.

BSc, Petroleum Engineer, Univ. of Ibadan Nigeria

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Summer 2023FIN9783Investment Analysis
Summer 2023FIN9783Investment Analysis
Fall 2022FIN9783Investment Analysis
Fall 2022FIN4710Advanced Investment Analysis
Summer 2022FIN9783Investment Analysis
Spring 2022FIN9790Seminar in Finance
Fall 2021FIN4710Advanced Investment Analysis
Fall 2021FIN9783Investment Analysis
Summer 2021FIN9783Investment Analysis
Spring 2021ECO4051Financial Econometrics
Fall 2020FIN4710Advanced Investment Analysis
Fall 2020DCT90302Dissertation Research - Propos
Fall 2020FIN9783Investment Analysis
Summer 2020FIN9783Investment Analysis
Spring 2020ECO4051Financial Econometrics
Spring 2020FIN9790Seminar in Finance
Fall 2019FIN9783Investment Analysis
Fall 2019FIN4710Advanced Investment Analysis
Summer 2019FIN9783Investment Analysis
Summer 2019FIN9783Investment Analysis
Spring 2019FIN3000Principles of Finance
Spring 2019ECO4051Financial Econometrics
Spring 2019FIN9790Seminar in Finance
Fall 2018FIN9783Investment Analysis
Fall 2018FIN4710Advanced Investment Analysis
Summer 2018FIN9783Investment Analysis
Summer 2018FIN9783Investment Analysis
Spring 2018FIN9783Investment Analysis
Spring 2018FIN9891Special Topics in Investments
Spring 2018FIN9895Special Topics in Corp Finance
Spring 2018FIN9790Seminar in Finance
Spring 2018FIN3710Investment Analysis
Fall 2017FIN9783Investment Analysis
Summer 2017FIN9783Investment Analysis
Summer 2017FIN3000Principles of Finance
Summer 2017FIN4710Advanced Investment Analysis
Spring 2017FIN9883Options
Spring 2017FIN9783Investment Analysis
Spring 2017FIN4710Advanced Investment Analysis
Spring 2017FIN9771Corporate Fin Theory
Fall 2016FIN9783Investment Analysis
Fall 2016FIN9895Special Topics in Corp Finance
Fall 2016FIN9985Risk Management in Financial
Fall 2016FIN9882Futures and Forwards
Summer 2016FIN4710Advanced Investment Analysis
Spring 2016FIN9891Special Topics in Investments
Spring 2016FIN9893Special Topics in Investments
Fall 2015FIN9882Futures and Forwards
Fall 2015FIN4710Advanced Investment Analysis
Fall 2015FIN4710Advanced Investment Analysis
Summer 2015FIN4710Advanced Investment Analysis
Spring 2015FIN4710Advanced Investment Analysis
Spring 2015FIN5000Independent Study FIN I
Fall 2014FIN3000Principles of Finance
Fall 2014FIN9770Corporate Finance
Spring 2014FIN3000Principles of Finance
Spring 2014FIN3000Principles of Finance
Fall 2013FIN3710Investment Analysis
Fall 2013FIN9770Corporate Finance
Fall 2012FIN9770Corporate Finance
Fall 2012FIN3710Investment Analysis
Spring 2012FIN9790Seminar in Finance
Spring 2012FIN9770Corporate Finance
Spring 2012FIN9793Advanced Investment Analysis
Fall 2011FIN9783Investment Analysis
Fall 2011MBA9105Executive MBA Mod B
Fall 2011MBA9100Executive MBA Mod A
Fall 2011MBA9120Executive MBA Mod E
Spring 2011FIN9790Seminar in Finance
Spring 2011MBA9110Executive MBA Mod C
Spring 2011MBA9115Executive MBA Mod D
Spring 2011FIN9770Corporate Finance
Spring 2011FIN9793Advanced Investment Analysis
Fall 2010MBA9105Executive MBA Mod B
Fall 2010MBA9100Executive MBA Mod A
Fall 2010FIN9783Investment Analysis
Fall 2010MBA9120Executive MBA Mod E
Spring 2010FIN9790Seminar in Finance
Spring 2010FIN9793Advanced Investment Analysis
Spring 2010MBA9110Executive MBA Mod C
Fall 2009MBA9120Executive MBA Mod E
Fall 2009MBA9105Executive MBA Mod B
Fall 2009MBA9100Executive MBA Mod A
Fall 2009FIN9783Investment Analysis
Spring 2009FIN9790Seminar in Finance
Spring 2009FIN9793Advanced Investment Analysis
Fall 2008MBA9100Executive MBA Mod A
Fall 2008MBA9105Executive MBA Mod B
Fall 2008MBA9120Executive MBA Mod E
Fall 2008FIN3710Investment Analysis
Summer 2008FIN3710Investment Analysis
Summer 2008FIN9783Investment Analysis
Spring 2008FIN9793Advanced Investment Analysis
Spring 2008FIN9790Seminar in Finance
Fall 2007FIN9770Corporate Finance
Fall 2007FIN9770Corporate Finance
Summer 2007FIN3710Investment Analysis
Spring 2007MBA9115Executive MBA Mod D
Spring 2007FIN9790Seminar in Finance
Spring 2007FIN9793Advanced Investment Analysis
Fall 2006FIN9770Corporate Finance
Fall 2006FIN9770Corporate Finance
Summer 2006FIN4710Advanced Investment Analysis
Spring 2006FIN9790Seminar in Finance
Spring 2006FIN9793Advanced Investment Analysis
Fall 2005FIN9770Corporate Finance
Fall 2005FIN3710Investment Analysis
Summer 2005FIN3610Corporate Finance
Summer 2005FIN9783Investment Analysis
Spring 2005FIN9790Seminar in Finance
Spring 2005FIN9793Advanced Investment Analysis
Fall 2004FIN9770Corporate Finance
Fall 2004FIN4710Advanced Investment Analysis
Fall 2004MBA9105Executive MBA Mod B
Summer 2004FIN3710Investment Analysis
Summer 2004FIN3610Corporate Finance
Spring 2004FIN9790Seminar in Finance
Spring 2004FIN9793Advanced Investment Analysis
Spring 2004MBA9115Executive MBA Mod D
Fall 2003FIN9770Corporate Finance
Spring 2003FIN9793Advanced Investment Analysis
Spring 2003FIN9790Seminar in Finance
Fall 2002FIN9770Corporate Finance
Spring 2002FIN9790Seminar in Finance
Spring 2002FIN9770Corporate Finance
Spring 2002FIN9793Advanced Investment Analysis
Fall 2001FIN4710Advanced Investment Analysis
Fall 2001MBA9125Executive MBA Mod F
Fall 2001FIN9783Investment Analysis
Summer 2001FIN9783Investment Analysis
Summer 2001FIN9790Seminar in Finance

Journal Articles

(2023). Investigating the Relationship Between Canada’s Environmental Quality and GDP-Alternative Measures: An Error Correction Approach. Advances in Management & Applied Economics, 13(2). 1-25.

(2022). Time Series Characteristics of Canada’s Beyond GDP Indicators. Advances in Management & Applied Economics, 12(5). 79-94.

Onochie, J. I., Dubreuille, S., Cherif, M., & N/A, S. F. (2018). Venture Capital Performance under Funds of Funds Monitoring. Journal of Portfolio Management, In Progress.

Onochie, J. I., & Alshehri, A. F. (2018). Corporate Governance and Financial Performance of Islamic Banks: Some New International Evidence. In Progress.

Onochie, J., Kerstein, J., & Kim, S. (2018). Testing Flexibility Hypothesis before and after Dodd-Frank: Savings versus Commercial Banks. In Progress.

Mohanty, S. K., Onochie, J., & Alshehri, A. F. (2017). Asymmetric Effects of Oil Shocks on Stock Market Returns in Saudi Arabia: Evidence from Industry Level Analysis. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 51(November 2017). 595-619.

Onochie, J. I., & Karyotis, C. (2016). La recherche en finance : A la croisée des chemins . Analyse Financiere,

Onochie, J. I., & Karyotis, C. (2015). Strest tests - Less stress : Un pas supplémentaire vers la résilience du système financier? . Analyse Financier,

Onochie, J. I., Frydenberg, S., Westgaard, S., Midtsund, N., & Ueland, H. (2014). Long-term relationships between electricity and oil, gas and coal futures prices - evidence from Nordic countries, Continental Europe and the United Kingdom. Opec Energy Review, 38(1). 216-242.

Williams, D., & Onochie, J. (2013). The Rube Goldberg Machine of Budget Implementation, or Is There a Structural Deficit in the New York City Budget?" . Public Budgeting & Finance, 33(4). 1-22.

Abdul, A. I., Allen, E., Brush, C., Bygrave, W. D., Castro, J. D., Lange, J., Neck, H., Onochie, J., Phinesse, I., Rogoff, E., & Suhu, A. (2009). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) United States Report 2009.

Onochie, J. I., Lee, M., Puryear, A. N., Rogoff, E., Haynes, G. W., & Heck, R. K. (2009). Exploring the Impact of Education on Korean-American Entrepreneurs. New England Journal of Entrepreneurship, (2009). 37 pgs.

Haynes, G. W., Onochie, J., Lee, M., Puryear, A. N., Rogoff , E. G., & Heck, R. (2009). Financial Intermingling in Korean-American and Mexican-American Small Businesses. The Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 14(3). 297-310.

Onochie, J. I., Haynes, G. W., & Lee, Y. S. (2008). Influence of Family's Social Relationships on the Debt Structure of Mexican- and Korean- American Small Businesses. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 13(3). 1 - 19.

Puryear, A. N., Rogoff, E., Lee, M., Zachary, R., Grossman, E., Haynes, G. W., & Onochie, J. (2008). Sampling Minority Business Owners and Their Families: The Understudied Entrepreneurial Experience. Journal of Small Business Management, 46(3). 422-455.

Onochie, J. I., Liu, L., & Holowczak, R. (2007). Using Professional Data Services in an Introductory Macroeconomics Course: A Critical Thinking Approach. The Journal of the Academy of Business Education, 8. 57-75.

(2007). Is What’s Good for the Business, Good for the Family: A Financial Assessment. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, (28). 395-409.

Onochie, J. l., Guirguis, H., & Rosen, H. M. (2001). The Post-Offering Performance of IPOs in the Health Care Industry. Journal of Economics and Finance, 25(2). 39-47.

Onochie, J. I., Lin, B. G., & Wolf, A. S. (1999). Weekday Variations in Short-Term Contrarian Profits in Futures Markets. Review of Financial Economics, 8. 139-148.

Onochie, J. I., Barkoulas , J., & Labys, W. C. (1999). Long Memory in Futures Prices. The Financial Review, 34(1). 91-100.

Onochie, J. I., & Jacobs, Jr., M. (1998). A Bivariate G.A.R.C.H.-in-Mean Study of the Relationship between Return Variability and Trading Volume in International Futures Markets. The Journal of Futures Markets, 18(4). 379-397.

Onochie, J. I., Barkoulas, J., & Labys, W. C. (1997). A Non-parametric Investigation of the 90-Day T-Bill Rate. Review of Financial Economics, 6(2). 187-198.

Onochie, J. I., Barkoulas , J., & Labys, W. C. (1997). Fractional Dynamics in International Commodity Prices. Journal of Futures Markets, 17(2). 161-189.

Onochie, J. I., & Ristroph, J. (1986). Simulations of Oil and Gas Forecasts Using Smoothing Methods. International Journal of Energy Systems, 7(1). 5-9.

Book Chapters

Karyotis, C., & Onochie, J. (2017). Ten Challenges To Have A Sustainable Financial System. In Alijami, S., & Karyotis, C. (Eds.), Finance and Economy for Society: Integrating Sustainability (pp. 179-198). Bingley,UK. Emerald Books.


Onochie, J. I., & Karyotis, C. (2018, June 20). An Advocacy for a Safe and Ethical Finance. Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management. Reykjavik, Iceland: European Academy of Management (EURAM).

Onochie, J. I., & Karyotis, C. (2017, June 22). An Ethical Approach for a Sustainable Financial System. Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management. Glasgow, Scotland: European Academy of Management (EURAM).

Onochie, J. I., & Karyotis, C. (2015, June 19). The Use of Stress Testing by Regulators in EU and USA to Manage Uncertainty in the Financial System. Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management. Warsaw, Poland: European Academy of Management (EURAM).

Onochie, J. I., Karyotis, C., & Dubreuille, S. (2015, June 18). The Role of the Financial System in Managing Weather Uncertainties. Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management. Warsaw, Poland: European Academy of Management (EURAM).

Onochie, J. I., & Karyotis, C. (2015, June 2). Getting Finance back on track: Is regulation enough?. Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management. Paris, France: European Academy of Management (EURAM).

Onochie, J. I. (2014, September 1). Ten Challenges To Have A Sustainable Financial System. IFSAM (2014) World Congress in Tokyo. Tokyo, Japan: International federation of Scholarly Associations of Management.

Williams, D., & Onochie, J. (2014, October 4). Revenue Forecasting Accuracy. ABFM Annual Conference. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Association for Budgeting & Financial Management.

Williams, D., & Onochie, J. (2014, July 1). State Revenue Forecasting Accuracy. International Symposium on Forecasting. Rotterdam, Netherlands: International Institute of Forecasters.

Onochie, J. I., & Karyotis, C. (2014, June 5). For A Secure, Resilient and Tenable Financial System. Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management. Valencia, Spain: European Academy of Management (EURAM).

Williams, D., & Onochie, J. (2013, October 4). Revenue Forecasting Accuracy (Bias in State Revenue Forecasts). ABFM Annual Conference. Washington DC: Association for Budgeting and Financial Management.

Williams, D., & Onochie, J. (2012, October 11). Is There A Structural Deficit in the New York City Budget?. Annual Conference. New York: Association for Budgeting and Financial Management.

Onochie, J. (2006, June 30). Gender Differences in Family Business Management: An Empirical Investigation of Mexican-American and Korean-American Businesses in the United States. Conference. : International Consortium of Small Business.

Onochie, J. (1993, December 31). Persistence of Stock Market Calendar Anomalies. : California State University.

Onochie, J., & Ristroph, J. (1984, December 31). Forecast of Oil and Natural Gas Production. Ninth IASTED International Symposium on Energy, Power and Environment Systems. San Francisco, CA

Onochie, J. (1984, June 30). Forecast of Oil and Natural Gas Production. San Francisco, CA: Ninth IASTED International Symposium on Energy, Power and Environment Systems.

Other Scholarly Works

Onochie, J., Kim, S., & Kerstein, J. (2017). Dividend Paying Firm and Flexibility Hypothesis.


Onochie, J. I. (1998,January 1). United States:

Research Currently in Progess

Onochie, J., & Xie, J.(n.d.). A Comparison of Basel II Market Risk Models During the 2008 Financial Crisis. In Progress.

We compare performance of Basel II market risk models using data from the period of the 2008 financial crisis.

Kerstein, J., Kim, S., & Onochie, J.(n.d.). A Reexamination of Payout Policy by Banks through the Financial Crisis. In Progress.

Adigun, B., & Onochie, J.(n.d.). Corporate Strategy and Capital Structure - An analysis of the linkages between them . In Progress.

Existing corporate finance literature has identified a close relationship between corporate strategy and capital structure. A firm’s corporate strategy and capital structure are critical components which play a major role in determining such firm’s profitability, viability, competitiveness, liquidity, long-term survival and success. We examine the specific nature this relationship for listed non-financial companies in Nigeria.

Omale, S., & Onochie, J.(n.d.). Determinants of Banking Crisis - An Analysis of Banking Crisis in Nigeria . In Progress.

Nkansah-Fordjour, K., & Onochie, J.(n.d.). Determinants of Capital structure of Listed High-Tech Firms in the United states: A test of Pecking Order Theory. In Progress.

Lushinga, J., & Onochie, J.(n.d.). Effect of Public Debt on Economic Growth in Africa . In Progress.

Iwuoha, S., & Onochie, J.(n.d.). Growth and the Environment in Canada: Does an Environmental Kuznets Curve exist for Gross National Disposable Income?. In Progress.

Nkansah, F. K., & Onochie, J.(n.d.). Impact of Company Characteristics on Return on Asset of Listed Manufacturing Firms of US Stock Exchange. In Progress.

Lushinga, J. L., & Onochie, J.(n.d.). Impact of Public Debt on Economic Growth, A Review of Different Schools of Thought. In Progress.

Onochie, J., & Karyotis, C.(n.d.). On the Theory of Embeddedness - Schools of Thought and Implications for Finance. In Progress.

We discuss and analyze the competing schools of thought related to Polanyi's Theory of Embeddedness. We draw implications for the realm of Finance and Financial Systems and propose some changes in behaviors and practices.

Onochie, J., & Karyotis, C.(n.d.). Sustainability of Financial Systems - Impact of Covid 19. In Progress.

Financial systems should be sustainable in order to serve the Economy, Society and the Biosphere. We explore potential distortions due to COVID 19, and the necessary prescriptions to return financial systems to sustainability in order to help rebuild Economy, Society and Biosphere.

Liu, Y., & Onochie, J.(n.d.). The Effect of the Stock Market on GDP in the United States from 1984 to 2018. In Progress.

Onochie, J.(n.d.). The Impact of Crude Oil Price Volatility on the Finance-Growth Nexus. In Progress.

Onochie, J.(n.d.). The Relationship between Stock Market Development and Economic Growth: Causality Evidence from Developing and Developed Economies. In Progress.

Onochie, J.(n.d.). The Role of Financial Systems in Managing Weather Uncertainties. In Progress.

Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Outstanding Instructor AwardDivision of Continuing and Professional Studies (CAPS), Baruch College, C.U.N.Y.2017"In honor of his exemplary performance in the instruction of Finance in our Domestic and International Programs"
The Burkhead Award for The Best Article Published in 2013 in Public Budgeting & FinanceAssociation for Budgeting & Financial Management2014


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Executive Education Task ForcePresent
Graduate Center Graduate CouncilFaculty RepresentativePresent
Advising: Undergraduates & GraduatesFaculty AdvisorPresent
Graduate Center Graduate CouncilActing Faculty Representative5/31/2020
Graduate Curriculum CommitteeAlternate Committee Member12/31/2019
Dean’s Task Force for Modular Degree Executive ProgramsCommittee Chair12/31/2016
Graduate Committee on Academic StandingChair and Member12/31/2014
Adjunct FacultyCoordinator12/31/2006
Finance 3710, 4710, 9783Course Coordinator12/31/2006
Undergraduate Students’ Advisor12/31/2006
Graduate Students’ Advisor12/31/2005
Graduate Program Open HouseDepartmental Representative12/31/2004
Executive Committee of Faculty SenateVice Chair of Finance and Budget12/31/2004
Search Committee for Human Resources DirectorCommittee Member12/31/2004
Search Committee for President WaldronMember of Faculty Panel12/31/2004
Search Committee for ControllerCommittee Member12/31/2003
Faculty SenateMember12/31/2003
Mission Review CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/2002
Evaluation of transcripts for transfer credits: Graduates (MBA)12/31/2000
Evaluation of transcripts for transfer credits: Undergraduates:12/31/2000
Advising:Graduates (MBA)12/31/2000
Executive Committee of Faculty SenateCommittee Member12/31/2000
College Honors CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/1999
President's Committee for Middle-States AccreditationCommittee Member12/31/1999
Finance 9770 (Core)Course Coordinator12/31/1998
Jack Nash Honors MBA Program Planning CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/1997
Prospective Students PhonathonDepartmental Representative12/31/1997
Coordination of Assignment of Graduate Research Assistants (GRAs)12/31/1997
Graduate Curriculum CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/1997
Dean’s Council on the development of an American-Style Business School Program for the University of the North (UNIN) South AfricaCommittee Member12/31/1996
President's Council on the Recruitment of African American and Hispanic StudentsCommittee Member12/31/1996
Recruiting of Finance Faculty12/31/1996
Graduate Program Open HouseDepartmental Representative12/31/1996
College Research CommitteeCommittee Member12/31/1995


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
CUNY Special Appeals Committee on Tenure and PromotionCommittee Member1/1/200412/31/2006
CUNY – BA students on course selections at Baruch CollegeAdvising1/1/199412/31/2000


OrganizationPosition RoleOrganization StateOrganization CountryStart DateEnd DateAudience
International Association of Financial Engineers (IAFE)MemberPresent
FMA, SFA, EFA, ASSARegularly Attend Annual MeetingsPresent