Judith Entes

Assc Professor

Weissman School of Arts and Sciences

Department: English

Areas of expertise: Writing/Reading Responses and Stephen Sondheim

Email Address: judith.entes@baruch.cuny.edu

> View CV


Ph.D., Language, Literacy & Learning, Fordham University, New York

M.S.Ed., Reading, The City College of New York , CUNY

B.A., Education, State University of New York at Stony Brook Stony Brook New York

SemesterCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse Name
Fall 2023ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2023ENG2100Writing I
Spring 2023ENG3685Lyrics as Literature
Spring 2023ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2023ENG2150Writing II
Fall 2022ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2022ENG2100Writing I
Spring 2022ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2022ENG2150Writing II
Fall 2021ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2021ENG2100Writing I
Spring 2021ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2021ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2021ENG3685Lyrics as Literature
Fall 2020ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2020ENG2100Writing I
Spring 2020ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2020ENG2150Writing II
Fall 2019ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2019ENG2100Writing I
Spring 2019ENG3685Lyrics as Literature
Spring 2019ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2019ENG2150Writing II
Fall 2018ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2018ENG2100Writing I
Spring 2018ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2018ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2018ENG3685Lyrics as Literature
Fall 2017ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2017ENG2100Writing I
Spring 2017ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2017ENG3685Lyrics as Literature
Spring 2017ENG2150Writing II
Fall 2016ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2016ENG2100Writing I
Spring 2016ENG3685Lyrics as Literature
Spring 2016ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2016ENG2150Writing II
Fall 2015ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2015ENG2100Writing I
Spring 2015ENG2150Writing II
Fall 2014ENG3685Lyrics as Literature
Fall 2014ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2014ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2014ENG2100Writing I
Spring 2014ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2014ENG2150Writing II
Fall 2013ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2013ENG3685Lyrics as Literature
Fall 2013ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2013ENG2100Writing I
Spring 2013ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2013ENG2150Writing II
Fall 2012ENG3950Topics in Literature
Fall 2012ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2012ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2012ENG2100Writing I
Spring 2012ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2012ENG2150Writing II
Fall 2011ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2011ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2011ENG3950Topics in Literature
Fall 2011ENG2100Writing I
Spring 2011ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2011ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2011ENG2150Writing II
Fall 2010ENG2150Writing II
Fall 2010ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2010ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2010ENG2150Writing II
Fall 2009ENG2150Writing II
Fall 2009ENG2150Writing II
Fall 2009ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2009ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2009ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2009ENG2150Writing II
Fall 2008ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2008ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2008ENG2100Writing I
Spring 2008ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2008ENG2150Writing II
Fall 2007ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2007ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2007ENG2100Writing I
Spring 2007ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2007ENG2150Writing II
Fall 2006ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2006ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2006ENG2100Writing I
Spring 2006ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2006ENG2150Writing II
Fall 2005ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2005ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2005ENG2100Writing I
Spring 2005ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2005ENG2150Writing II
Fall 2004ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2004ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2004ENG2100Writing I
Spring 2004ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2004ENG2150Writing II
Fall 2003ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2003ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2003ENG2100Writing I
Spring 2003ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2003ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2003ENG2150Writing II
Fall 2002ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2002ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2002ENG2100Writing I
Spring 2002ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2002ENG2150Writing II
Spring 2002ENG2150Writing II
Fall 2001ENG2100Writing I
Fall 2001ENG2100Writing I


Entes, J., McCracken, H. T., & Larson, R. L. (1998). Teaching College English and English Education. Urbana, Illinois, National Council of Teachers of English.

Journal Articles

Entes, J. (2019). Informal mentoring to colleague going through the tenure prrocess. The Chronicle of Mentoring and Coaching. 3,, 709-712.

Entes, J. (1992). The presentation of time in short stories: Effects on the response of developmental readers. Research & Teaching in Developmental Education., 9. 19-28.

Entes, J. (1992). Toward a cultural enrichment program for college developmental readers. Journal of Learning Improvement., 1. 9-12.

Entes, J. (1992). Faculty seminar on publishing in the academy. Innovative Higher Education, 17. 137-144.

Book Chapters

Entes, J. (1998). Connecting the teaching of reading, writing, and speech in programs for developmental students. In McCracken, H. H., & Larson, R. L. (Eds.), Teaching college English and English education (pp. 280-287). Urbana, Illinois. National Council of Teachers of English.

Entes, J. (1998). Measurement of reading beyond standardized reading tests. In Hashway, R. M. (Ed.), Yearbook of research on the study of developmentalism: Theory and empirical foundation (pp. 109-138). San Francisco. Austin & Winfield.

Entes, J., & Larson, R. L. (1996). Assessing assessment. In Kelder, R. (Ed.), Theories of learning: Teaching for understanding and creativity (pp. 38-45). New Paltz. State University of New York.

Entes, J. (1996). Students becoming their own advocates. In Spacks, P. M. (Ed.), Advocacy in the classroom (pp. 357-364). New York. St. Martin's Press.

Entes, J. (1994). The right to write a co-authored manuscript. In Reagan, S., Fox, T., & Bleich, D. (Eds.), Writing with: New directions in collaborative teaching, learning, and research (pp. 47-59). Albany. State University of New York Press.

Entes, J. (1990). Protocol analysis. In Biggs, S., & Bullock, T. (Eds.), Innovative learning strategies (pp. 112-118). Pittsburgh. University of Pittsburgh.

(1990). Insider's guide to publishing in the academy. (p. 16). New York. Professional Staff Congress.


Entes, J. (2019, October 22). Informal mentoring to colleagues going through the tenure process:. Towards the science of mentoring. Albuquerque, New Mexico: The Mentoring Institute at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.

Entes, J. (2016, May 13). Freshman text program:. Walk the talk. Hostos Community College - CUNY: Coordinated Undergraduate Education (CUE).

Entes, J. Integrating the arts into the curriculum: Attending theatre.. International Conference on the Arts in Society.. Edinburgh, Scotland

Entes, J. (1999, March 31). The disappearance of remedial students. Annual Meeting of the Conference on College Composition and Communication.. Atlanta, GA

Entes, J. (1998, April 30). Cuentos de la mayoria silenciosa: Stories of the silent majority.. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Chicago, Illinois

Entes, J. (1997, December 31). Remediation evaluated.. The Modern Language Association. Toronto, Canada

Entes, J. (1997, March 31). First-year composition faculty are able to teach research writing.. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Phoenix, Arizona

Entes, J. (1996, November 30). Remembering remedial reading (3 R's).. International Reading Association. New Orleans, Louisiana

Entes, J., & and Larson, R. L. (1996, April 30). Assessing undergraduates' ability in writing at The City University of New York.. American Educational Research Association. New York, New York

Entes, J., & and Larson, R. L. (1996, April 30). Assessing undergraduates in reading at The City University of New York.. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. New York, New York

Entes, J. (1996, March 31). Reading, writing and speaking on topics of personal concern.. Annual Meeting of the Conference on College Composition and Communication. Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Entes, J. (1995, November 30). Connecting reading, writing, and speech.. Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English. San Diego, California

Entes, J., & Anselmo, A. (1995, June 30). Counselors, teachers, and administrators advocating on behalf of "remedial" and "developmental" students in colleges.. Modern Language Association. Conference on The Role of Advocacy in the Classroom. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Entes, J. (1995, March 31). Alice Walker's Possessing the Secret of Joy.. Annual Meeting of the Conference on College Composition and Communication. Washington D.C.

Entes, J. (1995, April 30). Part-time and full-time faculty in the teaching of developmental reading and writing to freshman.. American Educational Research Association. San Francisco, California

Entes, J., & and Larson, R. (1994, December 31). Minority students: How to increase the amount of research on college reading.. Annual Meeting of the National Reading Conference. San Diego, California

Entes, J. (1994, April 30). Placement practices and instruction in the curricula in college reading and writing programs.. Annual conference of the American Educational Research Association. New Orleans, Louisiana

Entes, J. (1994, May 31). College remedial reading students: Who are they?. Annual Conference of the International Reading Association. Toronto, Canada

Entes, J., & and Larson, R. (1994, November 30). Assessing entering students: The need for creativity in changing present policies.. Fourth Annual Conference of the Institute for the Study of Postsecondary Pedagogy of the State University of New York College at New Paltz. Lake Mohonk, NY

Entes, J. (1993, April 30). Reading through the arts.. Annual Convention of the International Reading Association. San Antonio, Texas

Entes, J. (1993, March 31). Writing in the disciplines: Current research, conceptual foundations, and their applications in work with students.. Annual Meeting of the Conference on College Composition. San Diego, California

Entes, J., & and Lobert, B. J. (1993, October 31). Is there a link between students' background and their performance in college? An exploratory study of remedial and non-remedial students.. Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Educational Research. Ellenville, NY

Entes, J. (1993, December 31). Is there a link between students' background and their performance in college? An exploratory study of remedial and non-remedial students.. Northeastern Educational Research Association (NERA) Proceedings. New York, N.Y.

Entes, J. (1993, March 31). Co-authored articles published in journals representing business, education, the arts, and the sciences.. Annual Meeting of the Conference on College Composition and Communication. San Diego, California

Entes, J. (1993, December 31). The Teaching of reading and writing to at-risk and developmental students in college. Annual Convention of the National Reading Conference. Charleston, South Carolina

Entes, J. (1992, December 31). Evaluating college curricula in writing: Four perspectives.. Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association. New York

Entes, J., & and Larson, R. L. (1992, December 31). Writing and learning in the academic disciplines at colleges and universities.. Instructions Across the Disciplines / 2nd Annual Conference of the Institute for Postsecondary Pedagogy.

Entes, J. (1992, March 31). Writing for publication: A workshop for developmental education.. New York College Learning Skills Association Pre-Symposium Workshop. Ellenville, New York

Entes, J. (1992, March 31). Constraints on a community of writers publishing co-authored manuscripts.. Annual Meeting of the Conference on College Composition and Communication. Cincinnati, Ohio

Entes, J., & and Larson, R. L. (1992, November 30). Writing as learning in the academic disciplines at colleges and universities.. Annual Meeting of the Institute for the Study of Postsecondary Pedagogy. Albany, New York

Entes, J. (1992, December 31). A cultural enrichment program for students in college reading classes.. Northeastern Educational Research Association (NERA) Proceedings.. New York

Entes, J. (1991, December 31). Cultural enrichment program.. ASCD Arts in Education Video Magazine Project. New York: Baruch College.

Entes, J. (1991, December 31). College students reading short stories: Engaged and disengaged reading.. International Reading Association (IRA) Conference Proceedings. Newark, Delaware

Entes, J. (1991, December 31). Whole language: Whole student.. New York Metropolitan Association for Development Education (NYMADE) Conference Proceedings. New York

Entes, J. (1991, December 31). Multiple authorships for publication are multiplying.. Northeastern Educational Research Association (NERA) Proceedings. New York

Entes, J. (1991, November 30). Video to connect literature to life.. Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English. Seattle, Washington

Entes, J. (1991, April 30). On publshing in the academy.. Spring Conference of Kappa Delta Pi, Lambda Xi Chapter. New York, New York

Entes, J. (1991, October 31). Multiple authorships for publication are multiplying.. Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Educational Research Association. Ellenville, New York

Entes, J. (1991, May 31). College students reading short stories: Engaged and disengaged reader.. Annual Meeting of the International Reading Association. Las Vegas, Nevada

Entes, J. (1991, April 30). Looking again: RE-search in developmental education.. Annual Meeting of the New York College Learning Skills Association Conference. Ithaca, New York

Entes, J. (1991, April 30). Whole language: Whole student.. Annual Meeting of the New York Metropolitan Association for Development Education Conference. New York, N.Y.

Entes, J. (1991, November 30). A common search: Teacher inquiry projects.. Literacy Assistance Center. New York, New York

Entes, J. (1990, December 31). Four college students reading short stories.. Northeastern Educational Research Association (NERA) proceedings. New York

Entes, J. (1990, April 30). Protocol analysis: An effective instrument.. Annual Meeting of the New York College Learning Skills Association. Ellenville, New York

Entes, J. (1990, November 30). Four college students reading three short stories.. Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Educational Research Association. Ellenville, New York

Entes, J. (1990, November 30). Reaching the hard-to-reach: Diverse setting for adult literacy programs.. Annual Meeting of New York State Reading Association Conference. Kiamesha Lake, New York

Entes, J. (1990, December 31). Reaching the hard to reach: Diverse settings for adult literacy programs.. Passport to literacy: Many stories. New York: New York State Reading Association (NYSRA).

Entes, J. (1989, December 31). College students in remedial reading classes interacting with stories written in chronological time order and time-shift.. The National Reading Conference. Austin, Texas

Entes, J. (1988, March 31). A reading specialist's perspective.. The Spring Conference of the National Council of Teachers of English Conference. Boston, Massachussetts

Entes, J. (1987, March 31). Remedial students: Appropriate instruction.. The National Seminar on Successful College Teaching. Orlando, Florida

Entes, J. (1984, October 31). College students who attended college reading clasess and have graduated.. The Conference on Adult Reading Problems. Chicago, Illinois

Entes, J. (1984, October 31). Utilizing the library.. The Urban Reading Consortium. New York, New York

Entes, J. (1983, November 30). A study on the use of library in college reading classes.. The Conference on Adult Reading Problems. Chicago, Illinois

Entes, J. (1980, November 30). Study laboratories in the social sciences and humanities.. The New York State Reading Association. Kiamesha Lake, New York

Other Scholarly Works

Entes, J. (2013). Montauk: Miracles, Magical and Motivating.. Dan's Papers.

Entes, J. (1992). Joining developmental education organizations.. Resource. 17-18.

Entes, J. (1991). Diamond foundation fellowship promotes reflection.. Resource. 16-17.

Entes, J., & Ispahany, R. (1991). Insider's view on publishing in the academy.. Resource. 15-16.

Entes, J. (1991). NYS NRC Newsletter.. 1-3.

Entes, J. (1991). Professional organizations.. NYMADE Newsletter. 610.

Entes, J. (1990). Teachers as counselors.. Noozletter. 1, 3-4.

Research Currently in Progess

Entes, J.(n.d.). Online Teaching Essentials. In Progress.

Entes, J.(n.d.). Stephen Sondheim's Influences. In Progress.

Honor / AwardOrganization SponsorDate ReceivedDescription
Paula Berggren Enrichment Fund (PBEF)PBEF2019
Aaron Diamond Foundation Fellowship1991
Certificate of Appreciation from the New York College Learning Skills Association1991
Finalist for the NRC Student Outstanding Research Award1989


Committee NamePosition RoleStart DateEnd Date
Committee on Academic StandingCommittee MemberPresent
English, Awards and Honors CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Academic SkillsProfessional Growth CommitteePresent
Academic SkillsStudy Skills CommitteePresent
Academic SkillsSEEK Scholarship CommitteePresent
Academic SkillsObservation of FacultyPresent
Academic SkillsImplementation of Portfolios?Present
EnglishCommittee on CompositionPresent
EnglishSocial Affairs CommitteePresent
Academic SkillsReport on the Reading/Writing WorkshopPresent
Committee on Social AffairsCommittee MemberPresent
Joint Committee on ResearchCommittee MemberPresent
Representative to the School of Business & Public AdministrationCommittee MemberPresent
Baruch PhonathonCommittee MemberPresent
Joint Committee on Student Evaluation of Course and TeachingCommittee MemberPresent
Committee on College Athletic ActivitiesCommittee MemberPresent
Faculty-Student Disciplinary CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Faculty Senate for CUNY, Alternate Committee on CommitteesCommittee MemberPresent
Financial Aid CommitteeCommittee MemberPresent
Academic SkillsCurriculum Committee on CED 0017Present
Academic SkillsSocial CommitteePresent
Weissman Representative to the School of Public AffairsAttendee, Meeting4/30/2007
The College's Representative Freshman Text Selection CommitteeCommittee Member4/30/2004
Undergraduate RecruitmentStudent recruitment12/30/1996
Representative to the School of Business & Public Administration4/30/1993